The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 189 - 2nd Class Spirit Energy

Cain and Kali's current position was locked in a dead stalemate. Their fists struggle against each other, neither willing to give even an inch. 

The sibling certainly heard Amber's complaints, but Kali didn't register it. Her battle-hungry smile threatened to split her face as she felt slight numbness within her fist. 

She clearly sensed it. Cain utilized the same amount of energy as her, yet she was the one that was clearly experiencing a slight loss.

Her arm just slightly quivered under this violent collision. Yet Cain remained tall and firm, almost like an unmovable wall. 

'Hmph. So what if you keep on improving? I won't lag behind at all!' With each rate of improvement, Kali felt her own self-confidence wildly surged. 

Of course, she's fully aware that Cain genuinely has her beat in terms of Martial Talent.

But with hard work and powerful improvements, the distance will be eventually crossed! 

Kali didn't care how long it took; she was determined to continue down this road.

All this is for her pride and her Martial Heart. 

Out of all her drives for the peak of Martial cultivation, this had to be the top that fuels her very being! 

At the same time, Cain couldn't lie and say he didn't feel a significant surge for battle.

Perhaps if they were alone and in their training room, Cain would be up for a hearty battle. But with Amber here, he took into consideration for her. 

Their prowess is simply far too destructive. Just a quarter of their prowess and Amber may suffer a critical injury. 

Suppressing himself, Cain slowly drew back his fist, telling Kali, "She's right, you know. It's rude to greet your dear brother with a fist to the face as well. We'll have plenty of time for action when we get out of here."

"Yea, yea. Whatever." Kali didn't try to fight it, relenting as she pulled back her fist. 

The temptations to stretch her bones were simply too great to resist. But, if they're going to fight later, Kali had no problem with waiting.

At the same time, the sibling duo began walking over to a slightly huffed-up Amber. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As they walked, Cain asked, "Just from that clash, I have a vague idea of what to expect. Still, just how much did you girls improve?"

Kali had instantly reacted, her face lighting up in pure pride and joy. She eagerly said, "Like you felt just now, I have formed the Astral Core! Along with this, my Spirit Core had reached the Perfection Layer in just one fell swoop. Furthermore, my Qi Foundation drastically improve. Amazing harvests, if you ask me. Can't wait to go out and test it out."

"Tsk, tsk. Look at how excited you are. Honestly, it was good, but…." Amber's expression tightened. Her body instinctively shivered upon recalling the grueling sensation that Haven Pool forced upon her.

"You two aren't even the least affected by that Astral Core formation? I was forced to go through with it. And only managed to persist by Soul transforming. That pain is genuinely too terrifying! This troublesome beyond troublesome cultivation method."

She spoke while slowly shaking her head. For someone who loves to laze around and use long-range attacks for fighting, this Astral Core was a troublesome waste in Amber's eyes.

The farthest thing she wanted to do was engage in some brutal melee. She doubts she would even have the endurance to last even a few rounds. 

Seeing this kind of disapproving look, Kali nearly let out a sneer.

"Hey, even if you don't fight upfront, you should be grateful for this kind of ability. No matter, it won't do you any good to have a squashy body. Plus, to even have better Spirit Energy, you need a durable body for it."

Despite her demeaning tone, Kali's words were reasonable enough. 

Still, Amber found a bit tough pill to swallow. She said, "In no way I'm not grateful but…I think I'll just stick with mainly Qi cultivation unless the situation calls for it. In any case, my harvest was about the same. I reached the Late Layer of Spirit Energy while my Qi foundation had also improved."

As the girls spoke, Cain probes his Spirit Sense deep inside them. The results he detected left him more than satisfied. 

With a clearer picture, he estimated Kali could definitely fight beyond Peak Stage Profound Soul. Perhaps even leaning towards Half-Step Innate Core. Her prowess may be lesser than his, but it wasn't by a massive amount. 

At full strength, she would be able to erupt with combat prowess eclipsing all those on this continent.

As for Amber, Cain reckons she may be able to fight at least one small boundary above her stage! 

Her Qi foundation was now at least five times as deep as an ordinary Martial genius. 

This was the accumulation of her gains from the Haven Pool and her continually sucking Cain's Dragon God blood. 

Neither Cain nor Kali was 100% sure of the clear benefits.

When Kali attempted to make sense of the situation, she explained that their Dragon God bloodline essence is usually absorbed through the harmony of primordial vital Yin and Yang.

As for recordings detailing a person with the ability to suck blood, there simply wasn't any she read about. Or more accurately, she hasn't gotten the chance to read a tale about it.

But through her own base knowledge and context clues, Kali guessed that Cain's Yang bloodline essence is smoothly mixing in with Amber's Yin bloodline essence.

Obviously, this was an inferior method to actual Vital Yin-Yang fusion. 

But it would be enough to gradually affect her bloodline and entire cultivation foundation. 

If this was some thinner monster bloodline or weaker God-beast bloodline, the benefits wouldn't be too exaggerated. 

However, Cain's complete Dragon God bloodline hasn't been diluted for thousands of years!

His Yang bloodline essence was as pure and potent as one can get. Plus, it also received passive benefits of the might Chaos Energy. And there was no need to mention how heaven-defying that ability is. 

So naturally, the advantages Amber can receive will only stack on top of each other. 

And now, the results were evidently showing. The Qi Haven pool for Amber was like a flood dragon venturing into a vast sea, transforming herself to a whole new level!

It wouldn't be an exaggeration at all to say Amber truly entered a new realm of genius hood without her even truly knowing about it. 

Cain could say these Mortals could genuinely consider her as heaven-defying.

If this were to be known, her status would far elevate for sure. But Cain knows this won't make Amber happy in the slightest. In fact, it will simply tire her out more than anything.

So Cain went with the best option, pushing down his theories until he got a chance to speak with Amber alone. 

Suddenly, Cain was broken off from his musings when Kali and Amber snapped their attentions on him.

"Hey. Just what did you get, by the way? I know you weren't in the pool for longer, just for some relaxation." Kali asked, curiosity filling her very bones. 

She just needed to hear how much the disparity had gone less her heart became restless forever.

Even Amber felt a bit amped to hear whatever shocking benefits Cain had gained. 

Cain actually didn't shift his expressions much. He shrugged, opened his palm up, and said,

"Basically for Qi and Astral, the same as you girls. But for Spirit Energy…." 

As Cain trailed off, a brilliant blue glow flashed upon his palm. Streams of power Spirit Energy, the likes of which neither Kali nor Amber experienced before, formulated upon Cain's palm.

Within a moment, Cain formed a blue Spirit Energy ball! 

"Ahh?! Is that what I think it is?!" Amber's causal expression dispersed, morphing into one that was pure shock and glee.

"Tch. So you really did shoot for the sun. 2nd Class Spirit Energy, huh?" Kali stubbornly crossed her as she had a bit of trouble accepting this result. Though, she couldn't suppress the awe over this result.

2nd Class Spirit Energy…a realm that all World Spirit Masters relentlessly drive themselves to reach. 

Reaching this level wasn't easy and perhaps can be said to be more difficult than breaking through cultivation great realms.

Some World Spirit Masters in the Branch are forever unable to ever achieve this boundary in their entire lives. Out of the thousands in the Branch, only several dozens reached 2nd Class Spirit Energy.

And the ones who do are considered talents that are massively higher than extreme Martial Talents! 

This is why World Spirit Masters, similar to Bellax, are practically treated as untouchable existence.

Not only is their Spirit Talent immense, but they also have the chance to breakthrough even higher, reaching levels of prowess that can directly contend with the Central Divine Region!

And Cain had taken a significant step into this Spirit Road filled with immeasurable glory. 

Naturally, Kali felt the pangs of envy and a drive to surpass Cain's insane pace.

While Amber simply had sparkles brightly glimmering within the depths of her pupil. She excitedly said, "I don't care if Great Spirit Master Bellax doesn't guide me at all. Cain! You must teach all that you know."

"Naturally, I would without you even needing to ask." Cain smilingly spoke. He nearly felt his amusement increase as he spotted Kali's lips twitching over his declaration.

Evidently, she would refuse any help without hesitation. 

It would be regrettable that he wouldn't be able to spend any sibling bonding time over guiding her. But Cain was also excited to see Kali push herself so he could have a great rival in this field. 

Shaking his head of these thoughts, Cain then said, "Well, you girls ready to go? There's nothing else left in here."

In this moment, Kali and Amber calmed down. As they regain serenity, the girls suddenly realize something a bit strange. 

Amber tossed her eyes around the whole room, only to see nothing but the vast Qi Haven pool. Even when straining her vision to see far down the line the Qi Haven pool, the scenery didn't change at all. 

Curling her brows, Amber asked, "Wait…is the rewards just this? I mean, this was incredible. But…this Master Pristine is someone from the far ancient era. One of the first on this planet. Shouldn't he has a bit more of something else?"

"Hey, she has a point, you know. I mean, even in the Sword Sage legacy cave, that guy had a cultivation manual, Martial Skill, Qi resources, weapons, and pills for the ultimate reward; we should have something else at least."

Kali backed up Amber's claim. Both girls' thoughts were reasonable. They already experienced the greatness of the Sword Sage Divine Energy. Inhertineces like his would be the standard norm.

While Master Pristine only gave a reward that can truly show its potential in the far future. The girls were a bit unwilling to go back with just this. 

Cain as well had the same incredulous thoughts rummaging his mind. However, he had a clear reason for not attempting to go reason. 

As they were talking, Cain had his Soul Sense continually spread out for even the slightest of mishaps. 

And while he had had it spread out, a troubling anomaly was perceived by him. 

Taking a brief moment, Cain gushed his Soul Sense again. With complete focus this time, he pinpointed that troubling anomaly again.

As he sensed it, a freezing chill crept through his spine. 

Cain wasn't a fool; he could clearly perceive that going further beyond would encounter him with danger far greater than those Divine ghost spirits!

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