The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 190 - Anomaly

Confident and willing he may be, Cain fathoms there was a far higher chance of dying if they move forward to this spot. 

Truthfully, taking the risk here could be considered a lucky chance.

To head into the den of fire without any hesitation, even with the crushing threat of death, was a proper lucky chance. 

Perhaps if Cain took the chance, he would experience immense growth. And not only him but also Kali and Amber can tremendously grow. 

However, would such a risk truly be worth it for them at their current stage? 

Cain ponders over their situation.

He and Kali have around two months and change before needing to go back home. And while he would like to be as strong as he can before leaving, Cain knows neither he nor Kali will encounter any danger while at home.

When it gets revealed they can cultivate and have heaven-defying Martial Talent, their status will transform. 

Their grandmother will be able to protect them far easier, and they can get genuinely fostered by their families.

Furthermore, the danger posed by their eldest dragon siblings would be swiftly eliminated. 

Truthfully, neither Cain nor Kali needs to return back home with prowess that can flip their entire Family. It would be impossible to gain that kind of ability in this Lower Realm in the first place. 

As for Amber, she was even more simplistic. 

Even before meeting her, Amber had the utmost protection from the Hiyashi estate and the Crimson Sea Academy. Nobody dared to make a move on her during that time. 

The only exception would be that strange black robe man. However, Cain didn't consider someone like that a massive threat.

In a way, part of the reason why that man could so successfully ambush Amber was because she strayed far away from her Auras of protection. 

If Amber were to stay in the High-Class Family district or the Crimson Sea district, that black robe man would find it impossible to do anything.

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The Lower-Class district is filled with the weakest cultivators of the City. It was understandable that they would ensnare into an illusion that let the black robe man kidnapped them.

As for the High-Class district, it was an area full of experts. Just a single Sky Ruler wanting to put other Sky Rulers or half-step Sky Rulers under illusion is simply impossible. 

Amber's status was always well protected. And with Cain, it's practically untouchable. 

With all this in mind, Cain knows none of them are in desperate need to quickly raise their strength.

They will put the best effort into cultivation or, in Amber's case, practicing Spirit Energy. 

But thrusting head-first into life-or-death truly wasn't needed at this stage of their lives.

Coming to a decision, Cain slowly said, "There is indeed something beyond this pool. But, we will not go. I perceive danger that can instantly kill us in there. Yes, I can use Chaos Energy. But, who knows what kind of immediate threats are in there? If I can't gather my energy in time, we will be good as dead. Let's just be satisfied with what we have."

Silently listening, Kali and Amber didn't move for a few moments. Both girls had their own reason for wanting to strive forward. 

Kali simply wanted a boost to her overall cultivation, while Amber wished to discover more Spirit Energy secrets.

But in the end, the rational side of their brains won out. 

The girls relented, Kali silently nodding while Amber said, "Ok. Never was much of a risk-taker in the first place. So let's not wait anymore. Let's go."

Cain faintly smiled. Within moments, his body gushed out brilliant Chaos Lights and engulfed them all in a Chaos Aura. 

Taking an invisible step, Cain teleported them all out of the Qi Haven room.

In the Crypt Graves, just a few dozens of meters from the only single gravestone, a green light ripped through the air. 

Space distorted, and Cain, Kali, and Amber came out from the Chaos lights.

"Ahhh~!" Back on the outside, Kali and Amber immediately sighed with joy. 

They were already eager to leave this place to hone their great new harvest. Neither had any particular interest in the other rewards since they had already received the very best. The other rewards would most likely amount to insufficient resources since those Quasi-mystic realms are adjusted for far weaker cultivators. 

As for Cain, he was in the middle of calmly stretching when he abruptly froze. His brows tightly knit together, his expressions rapidly falling. 

Instantly, his Soul Sense pinpoints one specific location he previously ignored. And in that instance, his eyes slowly open in increasing surprise.

"This…how come I didn't sense it before? It was so obvious…" Cain quietly muttered, his tone becoming increasingly filled with worry. 

Such a tone would be rare to hear from him.

This is why Kali and Amber immediately morphed their expressions to the utmost seriousness, snapping their gazes onto Cain to study his face. His current look didn't inspire them with any hope at all.

Whether or not Kali likes to admit it, she knows that Cain is the stronger one between them. And if there's something that can make him concerned, it's undoubtedly dangerous.

Spreading her Spirit Sense, Kali attempted to find what was concerning Cain. But as she expected, nothing dangerous feeling fell into the range of her Spirit Senses.

Not knowing the danger caused some discontentment to arise within her. Though, Kali quickly suppressed it and asked Cain, 

"Just, what is it? How could there be danger on the outside? No historical texts mention anything about this."

Cain didn't immediately reply. His Soul Sense stayed locked on this vague anomaly. And when perceiving that this anomaly won't make a move, Cain slightly calmed down.

He breathed a sigh of relief, some tension gradually leaving his body. "Well, it was worrying for a moment, but I confirmed it's no threat to us now. You see, what I sense was the same powerful anomaly that was in the Qi Haven Pool! Previously, I, for some reason, missed this. But now that I'm familiar with this sensation, it's unmistakenly the same. Thankfully, whatever this is, it seems like it's in a dormant state." Cain slowly explained.

As of now, any confidence about exploring more of the Crypt Grave was slowly crumbling. 

Of course, Cain realizes these dangers can be potential great lucky chances. But the risks don't outweigh the benefits. 

Cain puts too much importance on their lives than advancing their cultivation. 

"Oooh….huuu~." Amber promptly breathed a great sigh of relief. Her smile slowly turned wry as she continued to say, "You nearly gave me a heart attack for a second crazy guy. Just what is this anomaly anyways?"

As she spoke, Kali similar felt a great deal of tension leave her body. Though she also felt the swirls of curiosity to see just what is this great danger. 

Cain took a moment to collect his thoughts and then said, 

"If I had to describe it, it's similar to some sort of gross presence. A presence that holds so much power that we can currently only dream of having. Reminds me of a Spirit of some sort."

As the girls quietly listened, only Amber's expression scrunched up. She concentrated, remembering all texts she read until her eyes brightly lit up. 

She brightly said, "Ah, hey…this may be a similar situation to those so-called dangerous existence birthed by the Will of the World. We all know that the ancestors paved the way for these quasi-mystic realms to be explored. But none of those ancestors were invincible. As long as the World Wills it, powerfully dangerous existence will be born in these areas. Thankfully for us, these creatures are still sealed away."

"Oh? That's a bit ominous-sounding in another way, right? So you're telling me that those creature's seals have never been broken in thousands of years?" Kali asked, her lips curling in excitement rather than worry.

"You…" Amber wanted to rebuttal that dangerous look but opted to simply shake her head. "Just…you really shouldn't underestimate our ancestors. They were at the time where people say it was the so-called Golden Martial Era. Those guys were practically all self-taught geniuses that grew to be monstrously powerful. I'm not surprised they can create something like this."

If it was during her first meetings with her, Kali would've been inclined to causally disdain this. But, this mere Lower Realm plant genuinely surprised her with so many peerless experts being born and eventually ascending to the Divine Plane. She could at least admit respect when it's well deserved. 

Shaking her thoughts of this, she turned over to Cain, asking him, "So, what's the plan? Clearly can't go there. But do you want to continue exploring other gravesites?"

"No, it's not necessary. Perhaps there could be other decent rewards, but I doubt it. The requirements for the final gravestone are for the Divinely talented. While the other gravestones are of far lower quality for this lower level of Martial talents. We really won't get anything good."

Cain had already contemplated this matter before even leaving. And as he was finished explaining, a broad, battle-hungry smile couldn't stop itself from curling his lips.

He continues to say, "And now that our combat prowess experiences significant leaps, it's for us to stretch a little bit. You don't mind, do you, Amber?" 

"Eh. Not much" Amber casually shrugged. "Entertainment is still entertainment in the end. And maybe I'll lend a hand if necessary. Though, I truly doubt you or her needs it." 

Kali confidently smirked, her whole body beginning to radiate a thirst for battle. "So? Where are we heading to? The Liang Tribe? I'm sure no one will mind us putting those arrogant dogs in their place." 

"Indeed it is. I suppose we can throw one last bone to the Kong Clan. They did help us out one time, and it seems like they need it again."

Cain had no hesitation within his tone. The act of performing unprovoked actions weighed little in his mind.

Of course, Cain could say that he's doing this for a righteous cause, to help save the Kong Clan from a tragic fate. And to help save Tribal Domain from a ruthless force. 

Such noble action would reward him with extremely high praise despite the fact he's going out to murder a bunch of people.

However, Cain precisely knows this would be a grand delusion. Realistically, he's no better than any other greedy or vicious Martial cultivator. 

If not him, some other powerful force would most likely cripple the Liang Tribe for selfish reasons. 

That's just how their universe, how that ever-elusive Heavenly Dao works. They're all equal mortals, in the end, fighting to attain their Will that transcends the Heavens. 

And Cain was firm in his own belief to keep pushing forward, never looking back on any decision he performed. 

As Cain thought about these ideas, he felt a subtle change occur within his mental psyche.

Unknowingly, he felt far calmer about a behemoth organization. When considering all of his options, he knew they were absolutely protected. 

When using his Chaos Energy to teleport in, he'll simply kill all those who witnessed it.

And concerning revenge, this mere Liang Tribe won't have the slightest chance of over contending with either Crimson Sea Academy or the World Spirit Master Branch. 

Any that can potentially go wrong, he'll easily deal with.

"Let's go." 

At Cain's calm order, the trio began walking out of the Crypt Grave.

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