The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 200 - 2nd Class

'This…' Amber had no idea what this Spirit sensation was. But she didn't fight it, allowing herself to assimilate with this invading Spirit energy, causing her control to gradually improve. 

Simultaneously on the outside, the Spirit crystal orb experienced rapid changes.

Bellax watched on with increasing intrigue as the Spirit Crystal orb quickly shifted through colors. At the same time, it released a potent Spiritual Might. 

In this brief instance, Bellax compared the Spiritual Might with the sibling duo.

Some surprise flashed within her eyes, remarking that Amber's Spiritual Might indeed surpasses even the most special of World Spirit Masters! 

It wasn't on the level of either Cain or Kali, but her Spirit talent is evident.

But the shock didn't just end there for Bellax. 

Within moments, the Spirit Crystal orb shifted from a dark green hue to the shades of 2nd Class blue Spirit Energy, to the shades of 3rd Class purple Spirit energy, and then…4th Class red Spirit energy!


Blinding red light emitted from the Spirit Crystal orb, quickly engulfing the whole room. Mixed in the red light was a potent Spiritual Might.

As the Spiritual Might washed over Cain, he quickly closed his eyes, attempting to feel out every part of this sensation. His Spirit Sense was quick to perceive just a tiny portion of this Spiritual Might.

From just this, his control wouldn't significantly improve. But, Cain was able to identify that this Spiritual Might is Spirit Essence untainted by the Mortal Air. 

It was directly comparable to the Spirit energy flowing through the Spiritual Dimension before Cain absorbed small portions of it.

The brief insights Cain could perceive did lead him to develop new ideas about practicing Spirit energy. 

Next time his Soul links to the Spiritual Dimension, he had a plan to simply perceive the essence within rather than quickly absorbing it.

At the same time, Bellax's eyes slightly widen under this Spiritual might. She couldn't suppress these increasing shock waves swirling within his mind. 

'Three…three 4th Class talent? Is something like this even possible? Not even the central Divine Region can spawn continuous talents like this. Moreover…their Martial Talent…they're truly are strange…'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Questions upon questions whirled Bellax's minds. At this point, she tends to become numb with the outrageous things that both Cain and Kali perform. 

As the saying goes, true geniuses are beyond ordinary comprehension.

But even so, three insane Spirit talent is far too auspicious, almost like this is some sort of divine intervention! 

When thinking upon Cain and Kali's origins, it honestly seemed like it.

These two have unnaturally graceful looks, have Martial talent that can make the Central Divine Region sweat, and Spirit talent that can make her superiors clench their teeth.

Yet, before they rose to fame, they were practically unknown… 

A thought suddenly streaked Bellax's mind. 'Could this…could this be the rise of new Peerless Overloads?'

A lofty World Spirit Master like herself, someone who can completely disdain the Nine Provinces, felt a fierce tremble within her Spirit Heart. 

The term Peerless Overloads wasn't just a luxurious title.

This was a term used to describe extreme geniuses who have immense Martial Potential, an immense destiny gathering within them, and strong ties to fate. 

All aspects she couldn't correctly understand. But knows that each aspect is terrifying enough to the point it can dictate an entire person's life. 

Truthfully, Bellax did believe it was too early to tell if either Cain or Kalir is Peerless Overloads. But she couldn't deny the faint premonition in her heart telling her otherwise. 

Before Bellax could continue her train of thought, the Spiritual Might engulfing the room started to rapidly clear away.

At this time, Amber felt the previous Spirit sensation vanish from her mental psyche, causing slight disappointment to submerge. 

Out of all mystical sensations she experienced, Spirit energy fills a hole in her Soul she didn't even realize she needed.

It morphs a passion within her, creating emotions that push her to become more fervent with practicing the Spirit Way. 

'This…is this how these World Spirit Masters feel? I may find them weird, but…I can kind of see where they're coming from.' Amber felt her heart change as she slowly opened her eyes. 

As she came to, she wasn't even able to talk as the Spirit Crystal orb started to gain large cracks. Spirit energy quickly flowed through the cracks as green lights spewed like rainbow torrents.

In just a second, the Spirit Crystal orb completely cracked open, turning into thousands of tiny Crystal pieces! 

Without giving Amber a moment to react, the tiny Crystal pieces soared straight into her Spirit Space, absorbing into her Spirit Core.

"Don't resist." Bellax's calming voice smoothly flowed into Amber's ears at the same time. 

Following her words, Amber allowed herself to harmonize with this sudden flow of Spirit energy.

A tingling sensation jolted her body. Moments later, Amber felt Spirit energy quickly run through her arm, converging into a single point within her palm. 

Amber instantly spread her palm open, causing beautiful lights of Spirit energy to crazily spew.

The Spirit energy converged, quickly forming into Amber's very own Spirit badge! 

"Well, would you look at this? Now, you're officially a World Spirit Master." 

As Amber gazed down at the Spirit badge, Cain suddenly spoke up while patting Amber's shoulder. 

The pure joy radiating from Amber's body deeply affected him. He couldn't suppress one of his most honest smiles from curling his lips. This kind of feeling was quite enlightening to him.

Making the people he cares about happy never felt this rewarding or good. It truly felt it transcends feelings that stem from the brain! 

Even though Cain knew that Soul feelings are actually real in this world, he never took it that seriously. 

But with what's he experiencing now, Cain honestly wanted to bask more of these glorious Soul feelings. 

"Haah~. It honestly feels a bit surreal. But, when I remember it's your doing, I can only say it's to be expected." Amber ruefully smiles. 

Perhaps if this was during the first duration she was in a relationship with Cain, her reaction would be far intenser. However, after experiencing so much in just a short amount of time, her Mental Psyche was gradually changing.

Things that seemed impossible or unreachable now just look it was only a matter of time. 

Amber was told many times throughout her life, even by her own parents, that there are things in life that are just impossible.

Unless one has a massive lucky chance, it would be incomparably difficult to entirely shift their lives for the better. Miracles like geniuses aren't a dime dozen. In fact, they're immensely rare. 

To birth, raise, and foster an extraordinary existence like that is a tremendous task even for the Central Divine Region. 

Yet, despite all of those limitations, Cain genuinely seemed like a miracle genius. It seemed like there wasn't any type of task he couldn't overcome, turning any situation into his own great luck. 

And that type of person is one of her closes people.  Someone that can stir her heart into a violent frenzy. 

As she understood this, Amber felt a tremble within her Soul's Core. She slowly turned over to Cain, gazing upon his calming, charming smile, and she nearly became entranced within them.

Thoughts and emotions swirled together, mixing up Amber's mind. But, she still managed to grace a beautiful, blooming smile, saying, "All of this all because of you. I…I…don't really-"

"As long as you're happy, nothing else matters. Don't sweat the small stuff." Cain spoke in a warm tone, his eye filled with affection. 

Under his gaze, Amber's smile bloomed even more, and she felt a pulling force towards Cain's lips.

But before anything intimate occurred, Bellax cleared her throat, awakening the young couple out of their stupor. 

Amber nearly jumped like a cat that had her tail stepped on while Cain simply gave a wry smile.

'Such young love…' Bellax internally sighed. Blossoming martial love truly is a rarity. 

When everyone steps on the path to reach the peak of either the Martial or Spiritual road, everything else, especially romance, seemed ephemeral. 

The pursuit of surpassing the Heaven Will, Martial Cultivators, and even World Spirit Masters would take the Heavenly Dao Laws as their eternal companion. 

But even so, when either Martial cultivators or World Spirit Masters experience the deep sentiments of love, it will be an emotion deeply imprinted within the Soul, unable to vanish for eons. 

Pushing these thoughts down, Bellax warmly smiled at Amber. 

"I don't mean to interrupt your little moment but, I do need to ask again, are you sure you don't want your results broadcasted? Your overall status can highly elevate from this. Though, you will still be under my guidance either way."

"Mmm… that's not necessary." Amber slowly shook her head. "If I'm just known as a decent Spirit talent, then it's all fine. As long as I get all manners of books to read and excellent guidance, it will be enough to satisfy me."

As Amber spoke, Bellax was just about to turn around and pick out a suitable book. She didn't believe there would be any more outrageous shock from the young couple.

But right as she moved, Cain suddenly opened his palm, saying, "One more thing Bellax. I've managed to achieve something quite good during my outing to the Crypt Grave."

"Hoh? What is it?" 

An overflow of interest instantly spewed from Bellax's eyes. Her anticipation shot through the roof, expecting something incredible. 

However, no matter how much she was prepared, Bellax wasn't ready at all for what was to come.

In that moment, Cain finally released the Chaos Aura covering his Spirit space, gushing out waves of his Spirit Aura! 

A faint blue light shimmered deep within Cain's pupil as Spirit energy rushed through his arm.

Even before summoning Spirit energy, his Spirit Aura washed over the whole room. 

"Mn?! Wait….this…??" And how could Bellax not recognize this Spirit Aura? Her eyes nearly split open wide, staring unblinkingly at Cain's open palm.

Within just a second, blue strands of Spirit energy flashed from Cain's palm, quickly converging until it morphed into a Spirit energy ball! 

Right before Bellax's very eyes was 2nd Class blue Spirit Energy!

"You…just what on earth did you encounter? To reach 2nd Class requires a massive amount of accumulation of Spirit energy. Your Spirit perception has to reach absolute perfection of 1st Class. Within our continent, the Spirit environment is terrible, and we can only accumulate Spirit energy very slowly. Just what is in that quasi-mystic realm?"

Bellax's critical mind was at complete works. She may be a World Spirit Master, but she took it upon herself to keep up with all Martial events. 

The more powerful Martial cultivators become, the larger of a threat each of them becomes. 

And for so many years, never did she anything Spirit energy-related submerging from the Crypt Grave. 

While Cain's own talent is evidently in play, the lucky chance he encountered may contain a massive secret that can evolve their way of Spirit energy!

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