The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 201 - Spirit Formation

Seeing the glint shining within Bellax's eyes, Cain nearly felt a pang of regret. No matter how much he liked Bellax, some things needed to stay a secret to all others.

Cain could definitely see a path where not even Bellax can protect him from greedy World Spirit Masters. Especially considering Bellax isn't the strongest here. 

So, with a slightly apologetic smile, Cain said, "Ah…sorry to say Bellax, but this was just an entirely lucky encounter for me. When we were exploring the graves, I managed to get transported into some kind of pool that had amazing resources mixed in it. By diving into that pool, all of my foundations improved, and I made a breakthrough in Spirit energy. Afterward, I was teleported out. And as you know, since these graves randomly teleport with each opening, I'm afraid I will have no chance in seeking the same grave again."

Silently taking in this news, Bellax ponders for a few moments. There wasn't anything in Cain's words that had reasonable holes. Moreover, it is true that the rewards of the Crypt Grave are entirely random.

But, Bellax was a bit unwilling to believe that such a great treasure was just right out of her grasps. Still, nothing could be done as of now. 

Ruefully smiling, Bellax said, "Ah well, do not worry about it. Even barring the randomness of the graves, it's impossible for even us to break through the barrier sealing the graves. Moreover, our younglings may have great attainment with Spirit energy, but they're a bit lacking in terms of prowess compared to these extreme Martial geniuses."

"Mn? I thought that World Spirit Masters have a clear advantage over Martial cultivators?" Cain curiously asked. 

Bellax slowly shook her head. "That's…a bit wrong. Indeed, if we are at the peak of our Class Spirit Energy, we have advantages over Martial cultivators. But, nothing is ever set in stone. There are freaks in the Martial way that can actually suppress us. Furthermore, our rate of growth is far slower. We don't have the means to take shortcuts, so our younger generation can sometimes fall behind the extreme Martial geniuses. It's one of the reasons why events like this aren't suitable for us."

"I see…" Cain initially felt confused, but he quickly understood the pains of Spiritual growth. 

Without that Qi Haven Pool, he would still be just a 1st Class World Spirit Master. Since his own Spiritual growth is this slow, the speed of other World Spirit Masters can only be imagined. 

And yet, each and every World Spirit Master are insanely respected. 

Hurdles and hurdles are thrown at them, but these World Spirit Masters are insanely fervent, carving their way into society, reaching an unbreakable position. 

Even with the domineering attitude most Martial cultivators would naturally develop, they genuinely couldn't do much to World Spirit Masters.

This was undoubtedly worthy of considerable respect. Cain and even Amber's impression of World Spirit Master considerably shot up. 

"In any case, I will warn you to not showcase your energy until the Spirit Exchange Event. By then, I can get everything into order so you won't have to worry."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Bellax was already making future plans within her mind. Because she's a bit used to Cain, her reaction was a bit more subdued. 

However, to all other World Spirit Masters, they naturally wouldn't be able to contain their calm.

Even now, Bellax has to constantly deal with the other Great Spirit Masters breathing down her neck, wanting to desperately meet with the sibling duo. And when Cain reveals this Spirit energy, her workload will undoubtedly double.

But, no matter how tiring it would get, Bellax wasn't regretting a single part of it. 

Now with the first part out of the way, Cain decided it was time to move on to the main event.

"There's just one more thing, Bellax. During our trip, we've managed to obtain a Lightning Elemental Spirit. And from what I heard, an experienced World Spirit Master is needed for the fusion process. Can you help me with this?"

As Cain spoke, he traced his spatial ring, pulling out the purple Lightning Spirit. His palm opened as purple flashes of tiny Lightning strikes spewed from the beautiful yet small purple Lightning Spirit. 

Holding the Lightning Spirit with just his Soul energy wasn't dangerous now. His Chaos energy already vaporized that berserk power within, making it completely safe. 

"A Lightning Spirit too?" 

Bellax promptly traced her eyes up and down the Lightning Spirit. Her Spirit Sense penetrated deep into the Lightning Spirit, probing every inch of its latent power.

Gradually, a glint shimmered within Bellax's pupils. She slowly waved her hand, causing an invisible suction force to wrap over the Lightning Spirit. 

Without resistance, the Lightning Spirit flew above Bellax's palm, her gaze still profoundly intent.

"From my knowledge, this is a medium Earthen-Grade Lightning Spirit. This…this isn't easy at all to get among the entire Nine Provinces? And, you say you just so happened to stumble upon this?"

Bellax quirked a questioning brow at Cain. Her face told she knew something far more dramatic happened than that simple story. 

Instead of Cain replying, Amber suddenly giggled, saying, "Fufu~. This guy will just downplay the achievement. But in reality, we went into one of the major powers in the Tribal Domain, killed their Supreme Elders and Leaders, and stole this little treasure from them. What would be difficult for others, the crazy siblings did it with absolute ease. You probably heard of this group; they're called the Liang Tribe."

"Liang Tribe?" Bellax's attention instantly snapped up, her face revolving in increasing shock. 

As one of the leading forces here, she practically knew all of the important business deals done. And the Liang Tribe did manage to enter her sights a couple of times in the past. 

Her intrigue shimmered as she said, "Thinking further about it, that would be the only place where you can get an Elemental Spirit. These last dozens of years, they continually came to trade with these Spirits or request help to absorb them. However, out of all Spirits they traded, none of that matches up to this one?"

"Huh…hey, that's basically what the Liang Tribe leader told us. These Spirits are treasures left down from their ancestors, and that one is one of their most prized possessions." Cain explained.

"Prized possessions?" Puzzlement plastered Bellax's face. "We haven't heard this side of the story from them. You may not know, but these Elemental Spirits can last an extremely long time. Far longer than the lifespans of the demigods inhabiting the continents. If these Spirits came from their ancestors…they may have quite the interesting history to explore."

At that moment, both Cain and Amber were suddenly reminded of the ancient tale of the Liang Heaven Family. 

If their past really does connect, then that Tribe perhaps has even more treasures!

During the time of their invasion, Cain simply thought he had already got the best treasure since he killed their leader. But it may seem like the Tribe could have other fantastical relics from the past.

Before Cain could speak his thoughts, Bellax suddenly shook her head, saying, "Well, no matter their history, it doesn't matter now. By now, that Tribe probably completely collapsed since they had garnered a massive amount of hatred through the years."

Towards Cain's cold action, Bellax didn't care in the slightest. Having experienced the same amount of slaughter, she indeed grew numb to it. 

Moreover, slaughter is one of the ways World Spirit Masters have to experience in order to blossom their true potential.

Bellax continued to say, "Alright, just sit down wherever Cain. I will prepare the Spirit Formation right under you and begin the fusion process. I advise you to pay close attention to this, Amber. With your perception, you can perhaps peek trace upon the origin of energy."

As Bellax spoke, she took out a dark blue color Spirit Staff. The Spirit Staff was at least eight inches long, was coated in a luxurious blue luster, and at the end of the staff was a beautiful Spirit Crystal Orb.

The instance Beallx took the Spirit Staff out, Amber backed away while Cain sat cross-legged on the floor. His gaze paid close attention to the Spirit Staff as he probed his Spirit Sense into it.

Immediately, he was hit with a wave of Spirit Aura that was nearly unidentifiable to him! 

Just barely could Cain perceive this was far stronger 2nd class Spirit energy.

And with just a tiny portion of Aura, Cain felt that his Spirit Essence sea was faintly suppressed. This was similar to the suppression of facing off against a marginally more powerful Marital cultivator!

Though they may be 2nd Class World Spirit Master, Cain fully realized he and Bellax are worlds apart. 

Since Cain couldn't gain anything from the Spirit Staff, he suddenly decided to ask, "The Origin of Energy? Is this relating to the Origin of Lightning and Spirit Energy?" 

Bellax didn't promptly reply, thinking it over for a moment. She was considering the duo's cultivation level and how much they could reasonably understand at their realm. 

A few moments later, she said, "The Origin of Energies will relate to the Minor Laws you will need to comprehend upon reaching the Innate Lord Realm. These complex Profound traits aren't something your current Mental Psyche can withstand. Furthermore, just explaining is naturally far inferior to experiencing it with your body. But, if your perception is high enough, you may be able to trace upon the vague threshold of the mysteries of the World."

"I see…" Cain and Amber simultaneously nodded. Each had their own reasoning of wanting to test themselves, to peer into the Origin of Energies. 

Cain with both his Martial and Spiritual Road. And Amber with a pure focus on the Spiritual Road. 

In a way, this would be the first time the young couple competed against each other. Not that either of them realized it yet.

At that moment, Bellax slowly raised her Spirit Staff. Spirit energy swiftly poured through it like an unending ocean, causing a majestic Spirit Aura to billowed out from Bellax's body.

The Spirit Aura of a 2nd Class Master washed all over Cain and Amber, shocking them to their very core. 

They simultaneously revolve their Spirit Sense, allowing their Mental Psyche to bask in this overwhelming Spirit Aura.

At the same time, Bellax's Spirit Staff shimmered in a radiant dark blue glow. Pointing her Spirit Staff to the floor, Bellax spewed a wave of Spirit energy. It quickly soared through the air, drilling right under Cain's position. 

Near instantaneously, a magically large Spirit energy circle formed beneath Cain. 

This large Spirit energy circle contained numerous complex patterns that looked honestly ailen in Cain's eyes.

Each pattern looked insanely intricate, as if they were forged by a Divine Being themselves. 

Attempting to stare further was only causing an increasingly painful headache to warp Cain's mind.

He had no other option but to slam his eyes shut.

On the sideline, Amber attempted to peer into the Spirit energy circle, her eyes overflowing with curiosity. However, with just one look, the headache she experienced was even worse than Cain's!

"Tsk!" Amber forcefully shut her eyes, inhaling a sharp cold breath. 

Without opening them, she demandingly asked, "Hey, just the hell is this? Just a look, and I felt like I bash my head into the wall!"

Not often would Amber raise her voice. But this sudden pain severely dropped her tolerance. 

Seeing their reaction, Bellax had a wry smile. "Mn…I suppose even for you two, it's a bit challenging. That Circle is a Spirit Formation Circle or Array, depending on who you ask. Basically, this is used for our greater Spirit Arts such as fusion, teleportation, weapon refinement, among all other things. Wanting to perceive a Spirit Formation Circle requires at least Spirit perception at my degree."

Cain and Kali quietly listened on, still feeling a minor bit of shock. 

Just one Formation Circle is this potent? And Bellax isn't even the strongest World Spirit Master here! 

The future possibilities they can achieve with Spirit energy will be truly terrifying. 

"Now then, don't resist any energy running through you. It will only make the process painful." Bellax calmly explained. 

Then, not waiting a second longer, Bellax coated the Lightning Spirit in a single strand of Spirit energy. 

With a thought, Bellax slowly guided the Lightning Spirit into Cain's dantian.

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