The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 317: Destructive DeathFlame Body

Chapter 317: Destructive DeathFlame Body

The awkward silence between the two Djinns was broken by a raucous laughter.

“Hahaha! I succeeded!” A keeling sound followed that laughter, after which the whole poison dragon started to tremble violently.

The poison dragon then let out a wail as its stomach exploded with a bang.

“What the!” Stolas’ complaints were cut short when a body came flying out of the poison dragon’s stomach.

That body was purely black on color, with symbols flashing across its body. With one look, one can see only three types of symbols flashing on the body.

Θ for death, ☉ for fire, and ? for destruction.

These 3 symbols numbered in thousands as they covered the figure’s whole body.

Shax and Stolas grimaced as they both knew who’s the owner of this body.

“How could you resist that poison! Nobody resists my poison!” Stolas hysterically shouted as he pointed at Fang Yu with trembling fingers. “This is not possible!”

“I survived your poisons twice already. Get a grip!” Fang Yu muttered as she checked out her new form.

Fang Yu currently had a cold sweat as she realized that what she did was way more difficult than what she could have imagined.

The Dual Marks were there to be used individually or with its Dual Pair.

That means Fang Yu can use the ☉(Fire) symbol alone or use it with its pair ?(Ice).

That’s the original use of these symbols.

But Fang Yu had the nagging suspicion before that she can combine symbols that were not in a dual pair. So while she had her essence core creation training with Old Man, she did some experiments with some different symbols and she was able to gather some results.

At the expense of using all of her Origin Energy, Fang Yu can combine two symbols that were not dual pair with each other.

From this conjecture, Fang Yu discovered that the effects of the mixtures were all varying and just as strong as her Dual Mark spells. Its effects depend on the properties of the symbols mixed.

Fang Yu remembered some of the combinations she made.

♂(Male) + ☉(Fire) produces a gas that has an aphrodisiac effect on males only. It has no effects on females, only on males.

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♀(Female) + Θ(Death) creates a curse that will affect a female’s ability to bear children. In short, a female sterilizing curse.

?(Ice) + ?(Time) creates a domain that ‘freezes’ time for a short amount of time.

If the ●(Space) was the one combined with the ?(Ice), it will be the space that will be frozen for a short amount of time.

If Θ(Death) and ☉(Fire) were combined together, it produces a flame composed of death energy that will not just burn anything it touches, but also inject death energy on their bodies, effectively killing the victim.

With 4 pairs of Dual Marks on her at that time, Fang Yu was able to create more and more fascinating combinations.

But that’s where she found the problem.

No matter what combination she uses, the resulting combinations that she gets are either as strong as a Dual Mark Spell or just weaker.

None of her combinations exceeded the power of a Dual Mark spell.

Coupled with the fact that each one of this unpaired combinations drains all of her Origin Energy in one go made Fang Yu realize the difficulty of their use.

Using any of these in combat might be a little wasteful, since the authentic Dual Mark Spells uses only a third of her Origin Energy.

“If I want the unpaired spell to be worth it, then I have to make a combination that will result in a spell more powerful than a Dual Mark!” That was what Fang Yu thought at that time.

“Maybe 2 is not enough? Why not make it 3?”

So Fang Yu tried combining 3 symbols, but she failed as she almost died everytime she attempted to!

After countless failures at that time, Fang Yu decided to put the matter about 3 symbols aside as she continued her essence core creation.

But now that idea lit up again after using the ‘Call of the Starlight’.

After using that cosmic ability, Fang Yu felt all the attributes of her body increasing exponentially, including her Dual Marks.

Before the poison dragon hit her, Fang Yu thought that maybe this time, her current state might allow her to fuse 3 different symbols!

After all, she had been reborn with 3 Celestial Nirvanas and she was currently engulfed under the Starlight that she called.

One can say that this was Fang Yu’s strongest peak state!

She decided to risk it all as she combined Θ, ☉, and ? because of their similarities and a possible offensive spell they might produce.

But even with her current form, she still found it almost impossible to fuse the three.

With the aid of starlight, she was able to slowly combine the 3 symbols together, But that speed was not enough to for this fight.

The poison dragon was already beside her, ready to swallow her.

With this situation, Fang Yu decided to go for broke.

She gathered all the starlight on her body and combined it all with the 3 symbols that she was fusing.

It was only at this time that she successfully fused the 3 symbols.

The fusion that they created this time was so quiet that Shax and Stolas only saw Fang Yu being devoured by the poison dragon, not the successful fusion.

But all the risks she took were worth it as she gained something that she was so sure will be an unstoppable power for her.

“This is power is stronger than a Dual Mark spell!” Fang Yu cackled as she checked out her new form. “This body is not bad.”

The spell that she created out of the fusion of Θ, ☉, and ? was called the Destructive DeathFlame Body.

This spell allows Fang Yu to have a body that was made up of flames with the attributes of death and destruction.

At this state, Fang Yu can turn into roaring flames that can burn her enemies into oblivion.

Or she can just touch her enemies and watch as their life fades away because of the death attribute of her body!

Or she can casually destroy attacks, physical or mental, with the destruction aspect of her body!

This combination of scorching flames, life-sucking death energy and destruction attacks makes Fang Yu’s current body way more dangerous than before!

Of course, this powerful spell has limits.

Just like other unpaired symbols, this spell sucks all of Fang Yu’s Origin Energy.

Not only that, but she cannot recover the lost Origin Energy through any means during the one hour that passes after she used this spell. Only when this time passed by that she can recover her Origin Energy.

This spell also has a time limit, with it being a minute for Fang Yu’s current state.

With all the rebirths, power-ups and transformations that she had, only 1 minute was the longest time that Fang Yu’s body can endure that form.

If she wants to lengthen that, she had to improve her power more.

But that one minute was enough for Fang Yu to defeat the two Djinns.

“Destruction!” Fang Yu pointed to the poison dragon as she created a black orb in front of her. She sent it flying towards the poison dragon, who let out a wail as it desperately tried to avoid the orb.

But with its stomach injury slowing it down, the poison dragon was not able to avoid the orb.

There was no sound as the black orb collided with the scared dragon.

“Rawr!” The poison dragon let out a wail as its body disintegrated into nothingness.


Shax and Stolas stared at what happened in front of them, unable to believe what happened.

Fang Yu then glared at Stolas as she conjured a spear on her hands.

“DeathFlame Spear!” She threw it towards Stolas, who was still stunned by his failures.

“Boom!” Stolas’ whole body was impaled by the DeathFlame Spear on the wall of the Mist Room.

He started shivering as the spear burned his body and also started killing the cells on his body with the death energy that it injected on him!

Shax, who saw that the situation was not turning for the better decided to use his trump card.

“World of Lies!” Both of Shax’s yes bled as Fang Yu felt that she was taken into a new place.

Shax laughed as he saw Fang Yu’s whole body turning slack.

“Hahaha! That was my current strongest spell, the World of Lies!” Shax said as he picked up the knife that Stolas dropped earlier.

His eyes were closed and bleeding, as if what he did took something out of him.

“By sacrificing my sight for a month, I will be able to drag my enemy’s mind into an illusory world that I created! In that world, my enemy will be trapped unless I said so! Even if that enemy of mine knows that the world is fake, there will be no way for him to escape!”

Shax slowly strode towards Fang Yu as he raised the knife high.

“And while my enemy’s mind was preoccupied, I will be free to kill my enemy! Just like this!”

Even without his sight, Shax knew the approximate location of Fang Yu. He sent the knife hurtling towards her, intent on killing her once and for all.

“No!!!!” Stolas said as if he saw something that Shax didn’t.

What Stolas saw was Fang Yu’s head suddenly being covered with black flames.


These Black Flames which sprouted out of Fang Yu proceeded to destroy the illusory world that Shax created.

“Ahh!!!” Shax gripped his head in pain as he felt his created world disintegrating under the assault of those black flames.

“My current form can destroy anything, real or illusory. Of course that thing must be at least as strong as me.” Fang Yu said blankly as she stared at the two sorry figures in front of her.

“If the person I faced was a God or an Immortal, my flames will not be able to do anything against them.”

“But for you two, whose power was around the early to middle Fourth Stage, my flames are enough to deal with you.”

Fang Yu then pointed her left index finger to Stolas while her right index finger to Shax.

She gave both of them on what seemed to be a farewell smile as she said,


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