The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 318: Ownership

Chapter 318: Ownership

Flame tendrils appeared from Fang Yu’s hands, which proceeded to crawl on the floor.

“Guh!” Both Djinns grunted as they felt threatened by those flame tendrils.

Fang Yu closed her eyes in concentration as she guided to flame tendrils to cover the Items where the power of the Djinns resides.

If Genie has that copper disk, then Stolas and Shax has their own too.

With her divine sense, she was able to sense what Items it is.

For Stolas, it was actually the knife that he was holding on to earlier.

As for Shax, Fang Yu sensed that it was the earrings that he was wearing right now.

When Genie gave her the information about the enemy Djinns in the past, she told Fang Yu one thing.

“As much as possible, avoid seeing them. But if you were discovered and you have to fight, the only way for you to win is to first injure them heavily.”

“And then?” Fang Yu asked at that time while she was feeding Tang Li.

“Then you must find the Item where their power resides, and you can either destroy or contain it.” Genie replied.

“But you cannot just go straight for the Item at the start! Only when your enemy Djinn was injured that you can deal with their Item.”

Remembering this advice, Fang Yu decided to use her Destructive DeathFlame Body to heavily injure both Shax and Stolas.

Now that they were both heavily injured, Fang Yu had the freedom to attack their Items that store their Nature Power.

“Ah!!!!!” Both the poor Djinns shouted as the flame tendrils wrapped around Stolas’ Knife and Shax’ earrings. Some parts of the flame tendrils also went inside the Items.

They tried to use their Nature Power, but they found out that they could not do so!

Their current injuries allowed Fang Yu’s flame tendrils to restrict the Items.

If Shax and Stolas were not injured, Fang Yu will not be able to use her flame tendrils to restrict their Items.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But since they have been ‘owned’ by Fang Yu, they can only watch as their Items turned dim and unresponsive.

“Hehehehe, the destruction and death aspect of my flames will not allow your damaged Items to work. So essentially, you are all my hostage now.” Fang Yu said as she swept out her arms.

She also remembered one more thing from Genie.

“If you injure a Djinn, you will be able to destroy or get their item. If you choose to keep their item, that unlucky Djinn will be your unwilling follower. With you holding their source of power, they will be forced to follow you and your orders.”

“Seriously?” Fang Yu exclaimed at that time.

“I am serious, but nobody has ever done it!” Genie said. “You must remember that before our power was restricted, we are almost an unrivalled force, which defeated any of our enemies. But even though we got weaker now, we are still the strongest on this wasted planet.”

“So that means nobody on this planet managed to injure a Djinn and get their Item? Well maybe none of them will be able to, since they worship the Djinns here. But me? I am sure I will get them!” Fang Yu swore to herself at that time.

Genie could only shake her head wryly at that time, not believing that Fang Yu has the power to heavily injure a Djinn then get his Item.

But the Genie right now could only watch as Fang Yu made quick work of Shax and Stolas, and she even managed to make them hers!

“Now that I remember it Genie,” Fang Yu said as she played with Stolas’ Knife.

“There was an ancient story I heard before about a guy who found an old disk. He rubbed the disk and a Djinn appeared out of it. That Djinn then granted three wishes to that lucky guy. That sounds oddly..... familiar.”

Genie sweated inwardly, as she decided to not answer Fang Yu’s query.

“Oh no.... my Mist Room is dissipating now, I have to go!” Fang Yu and the two other Djinns re-appeared on the mansion while Genie hid on Fang Yu’s storage once more.

“That brat!” Fang Yu muttered, deciding to drop her questions for now.

“Now then....” Fang Yu stared at Shax and Stolas who both looked at her blankly. “Heal yourself fast, then give me some of the good foods that you have here.”

“Sigh.” Both Shax and Stolas were not able to complain as their bodies started to move on their own.

They were unwilling to serve Fang Yu, but with their Items with her, they are forced to follow her.

“Hahahaha, this is great!” Fang Yu exclaimed as she saw the two Djinns unable to disobey her.

She pointed towards Shax as she said,

“Now, tell your subordinates to free Andromeda.”

“Shax does as you wish.” Shax replied as he sent his lackeys his message.

“As for you Stolas, go to sleep first, I will wake you up later.” Fang Yu said while shooing her hands.

“.....” Stolas glared at Fang Yu angrily before his eyes closed as he fell asleep.

“Sis......” Tang Li, who was asleep the whole time that Fang Yu fought, managed to wake up at this moment. “Who ish thish ugwy owd man?” She asked while pointing to Shax.

“You!” Shax, who could hear Tang Li, was greatly incensed by what she said. “You are just a talking baby! I could not tolerate the words a brat like you said!”

“Shut up!” Fang Yu said coldly at Shax. Fang Yu proceeded to pet Tang Li as she said,

“This baby in front of you shall also be your master too. Whatever she wants, give it to her. Do you understand?”

“I understand.....” Shax had no choice but to follow Fang Yu’s commandment.

Tang Li, who was giggling from Fang Yu’s petting, heard everything that Fang Yu just said. She pointed at Shax as she asked her Sis,

“Sis, ish thish guy wich?”

“Yes, he is super duper rich!” Fang Yu replied warmly.

“Then!” Tang Li stood up as she pointed at Shax imperiously with her fingers. “Give me moar milk! Moar, the better! Get all milk in thish layew!”

The contrast between her cute appearance and her domineering speech made Fang Yu smile wryly

As for Shax, his head turned red from the accumulated anger that he could not lash out. In the end he sighed as he sent his lackeys the command to gather all the milk that they can in the Median Layer.

“Yay!” Tang Li clapped happily as she imagined her stock of those delicious milk coming in later. She drooled as she climbed back on Fang Yu’s head and took her sleep there once more.


Silence reigned between Fang Yu and Shax as they waited for Andromeda’s arrival.

“Lin Fang....” Shax looked at Fang Yu pleadingly, even though he also looked like he wanted to murder Fang Yu right now.

“Where is my daughter? Is she fine?”

Fang Yu stared at Shax, wondering if she should do it. In the end, she shrugged her shoulders as she waved her hands.

There, Shamaila appeared, looking quite confused at the change of her scenery.

She had long regained her consciousness inside Fang Yu’s storage. But because she does not know what to do, she stayed curled up in that storage as she waited for a miracle to happen.

Now, she saw her environment changing. She looked around her, realizing that she was back in her mansion. She looked in front of her, and she saw her father.

Even though his eyes were closed and were bleeding profusely, Shamaila was sure that she was not mistaken.

“Daddy!” Shamaila ignored Fang Yu’s presence as she leapt straight into Shax’s hug. There, she proceeded to cry as she let out all the accumulated fears and anger that she had.

Fang Yu stood up as she left the mansion. She felt that she had to leave those two alone first, so that they could sort out their anger on Fang Yu.

After an hour of waiting, Fang Yu heard some footsteps behind her.

“So here you are. I know you want me to thank you, but I will not thank you.” Fang Yu sighed as she knew the owner of this voice.

She looked beside her, and she saw Andromeda glaring at Fang Yu angrily.

“So those lackeys which kidnapped you brought you here?” Fang Yu scratched her nose as she tried to divert the topic.

“They dumped me back in the hotel room that we came in.” Andromeda snorted as she stomped her way towards Fang Yu.

“I know that the antidote for whatever you put in me was under the bed of that room. By that time, I was partially paralyzed and I can only barley move my limbs. So I crawled desperately until I reached the antidote! It took me almost an hour to do that! Then after I recovered, I went here, because my suit said that you are staying here!”

Andromeda then raised her fist, as if she wanted to punch Fang Yu. But she hesitated, as if there was something holding her back.

“What? Aren’t you angry?” Fang Yu said as she stared at Andromeda’s fist. “Come on, punch me. I deserve it.”

“Haaa!!!!!” Andromeda shouted as she sent her fist crackling towards Fang Yu.

“Thud.” With Fang Yu’s upgraded body, she was unhurt by Andromeda’s punch.

Andromeda also felt it, but she did not stop form punching her.

“You.” “Stupid.” “B**ch!” Andromeda growled for every punch that she threw at Fang Yu.

“I.” “Almost.” “Died.” “There.” “Thanks.” “To.” “You!”

Fang Yu sighed as she saw Andromeda’s eyes starting to tear up.

“Andromeda, its ok to cry you know.” Fang Yu said as he opened her arms wide. “Come, you should let it out.”


“Wahhh!!!!” Andromeda let out something similar to a wail as she swooped in to hug Fang Yu. She sobbed uncontrollably as her body started to relax.

“There, there. It’s all ok now...” Fang Yu said as she patted Andromeda’s trembling back.

Tang Li heard Andromeda’s sobbing, forcing her to wake up. Tang Li trembled for a second, before she started crying too.


“Wait Tang Li, why are you even crying?!”

“Hik. It sheemsh fun Sis.”


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