The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 331: Monarch

Chapter 331: Monarch

“What does a damn pigeon want to do with me huh? Don’t tell me you want to eat ME? How hilarious!” The envoy laughed as she threw her robe away.

After removing her robes, Illusion Fang Lin saw the envoy’s actual appearance.

The shape of her body was quite similar to Xue’er, but the envoy’s body gives of a feline.... feeling. It was as if every movement of this woman was cat-like, with her body slightly crouched forward with her limbs slightly raised as she looked at the pigeon rushing towards her.

It did not help that the woman had cat ears and cat tail, with the former twitching excitedly and the latter swishing up and down rapidly.

“This envoy is obviously excited, just like a cat.” Illusion Fang Lin thought as he remembered what her name was.

“Asnyan? That’s like Asl*n, but the cute version...”

Ramsay saw that a clash was about to happen but instead of leaving, he watched as he wanted to see how a match between two Godly Divine Beasts would turn out.

As for the pigeon, it saw Asnyan’s tail which made it exclaim,

“Koo koo, you are a cat girl! If I do not have to eat you, I should have made you my pet. Koo koo, too bad I am hungry now!”

“You dare call me a cat girl? I am a Nemean Lion Monarch!” Asnyan wailed as she pointed at her ears. “The ears that you see right here lion ears! My tail is also a lion’s tail! They are not from cats!

“Koo koo, but lions are just big cats right?” The pigeon said as it approached Asnyan from striking distance. “That means I can still call you cat girl!”

“You damned space rat!” Asnyan’s shrieks went unheard by Illusion Fang Lin as what he could only hear were surprised shouts of Old Man.

“Holy hell, she is a Nemean Lion Monarch? Tsk tsk, this planet is screwed!”

“Why are you like that master?” Illusion Fang Lin said as he looked at Ramsay discreetly.

“She’s just like a Nemean Lion right?”

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“No, a Nemean Lion Monarch is way different compared to a mere Nemean Lion.” Old Man then took a deep breath as he planted a memory seed inside Illusion Fang Lin’s mind.

With that memory seed, Illusion Fang Lin was able to know in just one second the difference between a Nemean Lion and a Nemean Lion Monarch.


First of all, a Nemean Lion was a Divine Beast, while a Nemean Lion Monarch was a Godly Divine Beast.

The Divine Beast Nemean Lion’s ability was its skin becomes impervious to any kinds of attacks.

Of course this has some limitations.

First of all, the strongest attack that the Nemean Lion could nullify was around the same stage that it was.

This means a Third Stage Nemean Lion fighting a Third Stage Enemy can just stand there and let the enemy attack its skin. Its skin will be impervious to those attacks. But if it faces a Fourth Stage opponent, that Nemean Lion better run for its skin would not be able to help it.

Second, only the skin was impervious from attacks.

Attack it from inside, or use a soul attack, and the Nemean Lion will die. Just like what the current Ninth Stage Hercules did when he faced a Nemean Lion when he was a child.

He ripped the lion’s jaw apart, since its skin could not nullify an attack like that.

There were also stories of Nemean Lions being mind controlled or being poisoned to death.

Compared to the Nemean Lion, the Nemean Lion Monarch was on a completely different level!

First, all parts of its body will be impervious to attacks.

Its organs, skin, bones even its dantian, mind and its spiritual sea will be unaffected by any attacks.

These attacks could either be mental, physical, spiritual, even those with poisonous properties. These attacks will not be able to affect the Nemean Lion Monarch.

Basically speaking, the Nemean Lion Monarch was a walking tank.

As for the limits, a Nemean Lion Monarch will be impervious to any attacks by at most an opponent who was a stage higher.

This means a Fifth Stage Nemean Lion Monarch could just sleep even though millions of Sixth StageGods or Immortals shower its body with their dao and law attacks!

Even if they try to control its mind, bombard it with spiritual attacks, or use poison, the Nemean Lion Monarch will be unaffected by this all!

This was the frightening talent of the Nemean Lion Monarch!

This just means that a Nemean Lion Monarch was unkillable among its peers and even by one stage higher opponents!

This ability might not mean something at the early stages, since at that point, enemies two stages higher than the Nemean Lion Monarch were plentiful.

But once the Nemean Lion Monarch steps on the Fifth Stage, that’s when it becomes extremely dangerous!

After all, the amount of Seventh up to Ninth Stage Practitioners in the Universe were not that many. It will be hard to get someone to kill a Nemean Lion Monarch that was almost unkillable in the first place.

And once a Nemean Lion Monarch reaches the Eight Stage, there was nothing in the Universe that could kill it, except for those at the mythical Tenth Stage!

But why would they try to kill it, unless the lion itself offends them.

And now, a Fifth Stage Nemean Lion Monarch named Asnyan just appeared on the Planet Thrae.

The strongest practitioners in planet Thrae are the Sixth Stage Gods and Immortals.

But they will not be able to do anything to Asnyan since she was impervious to attacks even by those at the Sixth Stage!

That just means nobody in this planet could even harm a hair of Asnyan’s body!

That was the reason why Old Man said that this planet is already f**ked.

“Koo koo, a Nemean Lion Monarch? I hate it!” A displeased expression appeared on the pigeon’s face as it seemed to remember some extremely bad memories.

“I swallowed one Nemean Lion Monarch before, but because of its ability, I was not able to digest him in my stomach! Koo koo, he stayed there for a year, attacking my insides! Huhuhuhu... I have no choice that time but to poop him out....”

Illusion Fang Lin grimaced as he imagined this huge space pigeon letting out its ‘droppings’ at the outer space. And inside one of those droppings was that unlucky Nemean Lion Monarch.

“Well, with how strong this space pigeon was before it entered this planet, for it to try to eat a Godly Divine Beast must be its favorite thing to do.”

Illusion Fang Lin noticed that from the way the pigeon talked, it seemed to only want to target Godly Divine Beasts as its food.

It must have been aiming to eat Illusion Fang Lin earlier, but with Asnyan’s arrival, the pigeon obviously chose the juicier meat.

If Illusion Fang Lin was displeased by what the pigeon said, Asnyan obviously was incensed.

After all, this pigeon just said that she ate and pooped out a Nemean Lion Monarch before!

This conversation with the pigeon was the greatest humiliating experience that Asnyan had from her long illustrious life.

Illusion Fang Lin saw her face red from rage just right before the pigeon’s beak enclosed Asnyan.

“Woosh!” Asnyan then disappeared before the beak could close, only to appear behind the pigeon.

Old Man narrowed his eyes as he tried to imagine what kind of Law Asnyan was practicing on.

While he was doing that, the pigeon rotated its head backwards, until it was facing the grumpy Asnyan

“Koo koo, you don’t want to be eaten? Then I will beat you up first to tenderize your meat!”

The pigeon’s mouth then glowed as multiple beams of light came from its mouth, all heading towards Asnyan.

As for Asnyan, she does not seem perturbed by the incoming attacks, as she just stood there, not moving even by an inch.

“Boom!” The impact of the light beams on Asnyan produced massive explosions that rocked the top of the Palace.

“Guh!” Even Illusion Fang Lin was affected, as the shockwaves of that attack injured his insides. Good thing he was just an illusion.

But the problem was that the shockwaves also pushed him and the other divine beasts off the top of the Palace.

Only Ramsay remained as he remained transfixed on the clash. But even Ramsay was also injured by the explosion as blood started flowing freely from his mouth.

But he seemed to ignore everything as he continued watching the two.

“Noo!!!” The other divine beasts wailed as they plummeted towards the ground.

Illusion Fang LIn was at the same situation as them. But instead of panicking at his incoming drop, he was busy staring at the fighting beasts.

Even though he was whistling through the air, rapidly approaching the ground, his eyesight allowed Illusion Fang Lin to get a glimpse on Asnyan’s condition.


Those light beam attacks, which injured Illusion Fang Lin and even Ramsay did not do sh*t against Asnyan at all!

Ansyan just stood there, as she gave the pigeon a disappointed look.

“Is this all that you got? I thought you liked eating Godly Divine Beasts? Come on, where is that power you were bragging about?”

“Koo koo!”

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