The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 332: Thanks for inviting me to the party. As a thanks, I brought my friends with me here!

Chapter 332: Thanks for inviting me to the party. As a thanks, I brought my friends with me here!

“Koo koo, you may be immune to the attacks of the current me. But can you even have a powerful attack?” The space pigeon asked as it tilted its head.

“Koo koo, you may have a powerful defense, but that does not entail that you also have a powerful offense. In fact I can even say that for you to have this powerful defense, then maybe your offense had to be limited!”

The space pigeon nodded its large head, seemingly confident with its analysis. “Don’t think that just because I am a bird that my thinking is also like a bird! Koo koo, I am every intelligent!”

“Well, what that bird said seems to be logical to me.” Illusion Fang Lin murmured as he remembered about Wang Hao’s situation.

“Wang Hao can absorb and manipulate all types of energy. But in exchange for that, he’s unable to cultivate at all. Using that as a reference, then there should be something that Asnyan gave up to have that powerful defense!”

“So you think she had a weak offense?” Old Man interjected as Illusion Fang Lin mumbled to himself.

“That’s what I think too.” Illusion Fang Lin replied confidently.

“Well, I think you should stop thinking about those things, seeing that you are about to hit the ground now.” Old Man said while pointing to the ground. “Hurry or you will disperse!”

“Oh, I forgot about that.” Illusion Fang Lin said as he tried to twist his body. But because of the paralysis placed by the hooked-nosed man, Illusion Fang Lin was still unable to move at all.

The other divine beasts were at the same situation as him, with them unable to do anything as they headed straight down.

Illusion Fang Lin seemed to be not worried about this as he just closed his eyes, as if he was waiting for something.

And it seems like his wait paid off, as he felt his body being wrapped around by something warm and fluffy. The other divine beasts felt it too, as they let out grunts of surprise.

Whatever wrapped Illusion Fang Lin and the other divine beasts managed to stop their fall, suspending them in the air.

Seconds passed by, and Illusion Fang Lin and the other divine beasts were brought back to the top of the Palace.


Illusion Fang Lin was not worried about falling down, since he was sure someone nearby will save them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Hmph!” Illusion Fang Lin heard an irritated snort as he looked up to their savior.

It was Asnyan, with her tails currently multiplied. Each multiple of her tail served as anchors that saved Illusion Fang Lin and the other divine beasts.

“You were lucky that you were divine beasts.” They heard Asnyan said as she received more and more light beam attacks from the pigeon.

“As a Beast God Envoy, it is my responsibility to take care of the welfare of divine beasts like you. So be thankful to me!”

“Welfare? What a hypocrite!” Illusion Fang Lin thought as he sneered inwardly.

Illusion Fang Lin’s opinion on Asnyan plummeted after hearing what she said. She really had the gall to claim that she cares for the divine beasts on this planet when the same divine beasts she ‘saved’ was almost sacrificed earlier just to summon her literally and metaphorically thick skin!

“We divine beasts were about to be killed earlier just to summon you. That clearly shows that your Beast God Planet does not care about the affairs of the divine beasts here! After all, you are fine with killing us just for you to come!”

Asnyan seemed to be not perturbed by what the pigeon’s deduction about her offense as she sneered at it.

“You are actually right. In exchange for my heavenly-defying defense, I have 0 attack power at all. That means that whatever attack I did will not affect anyone even when I attack a mortal with my Fifth Stage Cultivation!”

Illusion Fang Lin seemed to be satisfied with the explanation that Asnyan gave. But even with that, he still could not help but feel as if she was still hiding something under her sleeves.

And his guess was right, as Asnyan started doing some hand symbols which was followed by a strange suction of energy around her.

“My attacks might be nothing compared to everyone here, but that does not mean I have no way to bring pain to all of you!”

Ola Man, who saw what Asnyan was doing, trembled as if he saw something that greatly shocked him.

“What is it now, Old Man?” Illusion Fang Lin sighed as he waited for the twist that Old Man will say.

“That Asnyan, she is an effing SUMMONER!” Old Man said that three-syllabled word as if it were an extremely bad omen for Illusion Fang Lin and the Planet Thrae.

“A summoner? Like someone who summons something?” That was the conclusion that Illusion Fang Lin arrived based on the context of the name itself.

“That’s the exact definition of a summoner.” Old Man replied in affirmation. “But it’s just not as simple as that.” Old Man then planted another memory seed to Illusion Fang Lin to finish this conversation.

Illusion Fang Lin then scanned the memory seed, and he discovered everything that Old Man knew about summoners.

First of all, being a summoner was a path that will cut that person off from the conventional cultivation.

After all, there were some extremely strict requirements to be a summoner which includes the aptitude for it.

Aside from that, a summoner will also have its attacks and defense weakened dramatically because his/her power will rely on their summoned being.

This basically means that a summoner was one of the most vulnerable type of practitioners in the Universe. They had to basically rely on their summoned creature for their offense and defense.

These are the reasons why being a summoner was almost an extinct practice in the current times.

But for Asnyan, being a summoner was a blessing for her!

After all, with her Godly Divine Beast Ability, she had no way to worry about her defense anymore. As for her offense, she can just use the creatures she summoned to fight for her!

Of course she could not just summon an extremely strong being on the get go.

It was true that the summoners have the ability to summon creatures from any part of the Universe.

These creatures may come from the Underworld, Dreamworld or any planet around.

The catch is that each time a creature is summoned, these summons will be completely random.

And the summoned creature’s cultivation base will be similar or one stage higher compared to the summoner’s.

That means that if a God or an Immortal summoned a creature, that summoned creature will be also a God and an Immortal, or a Seventh Stage Creature.

This is the power of the summoner that could make up for their deficient attack and defense. But still, many of them die before they reach their full potential.

That full potential pertains to when a summoner reaches the fabled Tenth Stage! At that point, it was possible that a summoner could summon an Eleventh Stage Being, if such a creature even exists!

After all, the strongest known being in the Universe were those at the Tenth Stage!

But due to the imposed penalties and the high death rate, the highest stage that a summoner ever reached was that of the Eight Stage.

But aside from random summoning, there was still another way of summoning that summoners prefer to do over random summoning.

If a summoner saw a being or creature to its liking, he/she can leave her summoning token to that creature.

A summoning token was basically a token created from the essence of the summoner. The number of summoning tokens a summoner can have is equivalent to his/her current stage.

That means that the Fifth Stage Asnyan had 5 summoning tokens now.

And what is the use of summoning tokens?

A creature that holds a summoning token can be summoned by the summoner even though they were extremely apart!

That meant that if a summoner leaves his/her summoning token to a dragon, and that dragon goes to a planet million light-years away from the summoner, the summoner can still summon that far-away dragon because it held the summoning token of the summoner.

This process ensures that the summoner will not rely on random draws and that it will also make the summoner sure about the creature that it can summon.

Of course the limitation about the cultivation still applies on the summoning token.

Only a Fourth or a Fifth Stage creature can be summoned with a summoning token by a Fourth Stage Summoner.

This means that with her current status, Asnyan can summon 5 Fifth Stage or 5 Sixth Stage creatures.

It was at this point that Illusion Fang Lin paled, realizing the reason why it was Asnyan that came to this planet instead of other stronger fighters.

“So Asnyan is the real gateway to this planet....”

Asnyan finished her continuous hand symbols, and an ancient but also majestic magic circle appeared above her.

That circle expanded in size, rivalling even the size of the space pigeon.

Illusion Fang Lin gulped, as he felt five powerful presences coming out of the magical circle!

Old Man let out a disappointed sigh as he said,

“So before coming here, that Asnyan must have given her summoning tokens to five creatures on the Beast God Planet. In that way, when Asnyan comes on this planet, she can use her summoning abilities to summon those creatures here!”

But before the creatures could be summoned, the summoning process stopped, as if there was something on the planet Thrae preventing the summoned creatures to arrive.

“Oh my god? How could you forget that?” Asnyan wailed as she shouted at the magic circle. “This is a Fifth Stage Planet, so Gods like you five will not be allowed in here! Be quick and temporarily lower your cultivation for now!”

Some dissatisfied voices could be heard coming out from the magic circle, but these all disappeared as the summoned creatures began personally sealing their cultivation down to the Fifth Stage.

Only when they were done that the summoning process resumed.

The space around the magic circle then trembled as power oozed out of it.

Five bodies materialized out of the magic circle, with each of the bodies harboring immense power.

Illusion Fang Lin was petrified, as he knew who Asnyan summoned this time.

These 5 newcomers exuded the same presence as Asnyan, and that was not a good indicator of what was to come.

Illusion Fang Lin let out a shaky laugh as he thought to himself,

“This damned catgirl summoned more Godly Divine Beasts this time! How cruel!”

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