The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 168: Barbaric

Chapter 168: Barbaric

The moment the gust of wind that was Parc swept past Blake, her nose flared and her eyes dilated. It was like his arrival brought with it an animalistic tendency within her, one she had the barest knowledge of having within her. She gulped, swallowing a thick lump while her belly churned staring with heated eyes at Parc standing before Ferry and Lili, both of whom had taken a slight reddish tinge to their cheeks as they too felt a similar animalistic urge welling within their bellies.

Smirking, Parc kept his back to the four groaning CRDL'S, keeping his attention focused solely on the two girls before him. His gaze turned to meet with Lili's, "Lili, you still need to figure out your semblance, the kangaroo legs were good for the sheer power but adding atop the spider leg was rash, I could see it was barely stable enough to be physical. Had Cardin not dodged it I doubt it would have actually done any real damage." he quickly analyzed Lili's actions, "otherwise, I like the brutality, going straight for headshot. Had it properly gone through you would have probably bounced off his aura but good attempt anyways. Though next time I'd say try to whittle down his reserves first with a few guerrilla strikes and then once his aura on the brink of snapping go in for the kill."

Not far away a twitch coursed through Glynda's cheeks, "absolutely do not do that." She spoke while Summer just shrugged, awkwardly chuckling at her side. "And Parc, I would prefer you not give the students tips on how to kill someone, we're not teaching murderors but hunters of the Creatures Grimm."

Parc rolled his eyes, rolling them unto Ferry who already had a slight trickle of saliva running down her lip, her eyes faint and wet. Her hands descending to her belly while she clenched her thighs together at the itchiness of her rising arousal. The time spent far from Parc having only strengthened his scents effect on her.

"Ferry, I like how you were quick to take out the three idiots back to back, especially that collateral when you threw greeny into blue balls. Good crowd handling." Said greeny and blueballs grew tick marks of rage and brought themselves onto their behinds still aching from the truck like Parc that had hit them. "Problem is, you were too merciful. I don't mind you saying sorry to them, I know another girl who tended to do that," Parc snorted recalling Sheele and her tendency to apoligize to those she brutally murdered.

'Maybe I should have Sheele give her a few tips?' though the thought was sweet it caused a twitch to perforate his cheek, forcing his mind to the many times Sheele had utterly ruined some simple task due to her airheadedness, 'no, that's a stupid idea Parc though,' he began to muse, 'she could probably teach the girls a few techniques.' Sheele had always been particularly experimentative in the bedly manners, something which had elevated her right to the top of his list of best lays. Apart from killing her bedside manners were her second skill.

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"Anyways, feel free to be more brutal. You don't really need to worry about keeping them safe, a few bones broken or a perforated lung shouldn't be your concern." Whether she heard him was up to debate considering by the second she was growing redder and redder and the grinding of her thighs together only strengthened.

"Excuse me," Glynda having had enough of Parc frankly negligent speech, stomped forth, fuming. "It is of their concern!" she began, "as I have mentioned mr. Evans, we are an institution specializing in combat against the creatures grimm. We are not training militaristic fools." Her eyes sent an aura of crashing waves surging and made Parc chuckle and lift his hands in surrender.

"Yeah, yeah, I got you, I got you," not that he was going to actually stop, there was a reason he called those kids his victims earlier in the day. He meant that literally.

Glynda turned her focus onto Ferry and Lili, "and you two, having weapons outside of combat studies is strictly prohibited-" her words slowed as she caught a full on frontal perspective of the two girls. They barely looked conscious let alone in the mood to process any words. Both their gazes were glued onto Parc looking about ready to pounce and push the man down and have their way with him. Lifting her eyes for about a second and moving it onto Blake not far away she saw a similar sight though much weaker as Blake seemed to be more twitchy and uncomfortable.

'Is he doing something?' she guessed arching a suspicious narrow his way. "Considering this is your first offence I won't mind it too much, but the next time I won't be so lenient. That goes for the fighting as well. We are a proper institute, not a barbaric military camp. Am I understood?" they barely had the mind in them to nod at a snails pace. Something was incredibly wrong with them and she needed to figure out what it was.

And her first lead, Parc, the boy himself seemed to be the origin of it. She recalled not long ago she herself was in a semi similar state when she'd entered the elevator with him and Summer she had fallen into a trance like state, only broken when Parc had so rudely pinched her behind like a common lech.

With that, she breathed in and smelt the same scent lingering about around Parc, though much weaker than when it had been in the closed room of the elevator. 'Is it his smell?' she pondered.

Quickly shaking her head she decided it was better to focus on the current issue of this brawl, if she wanted to figure out what was going on with the girls she had more than enough time and the perfect mind to pick clean of answers. That of Summer who was oddly smiling with sympathetic eyes at Lili and Ferry.

Glynda spun around, marching past Parc, tossing to him a suspicious glance as she made her way to the rising team of CRDL. "Team CRDL. I do hope you have an explanation for your actions."

"Tsk," Cardin hissed, "we didn't do nothing! Those animal's attacked us out of nowhere!" he shouted an octave loud enough to break the faunuses from their lust addled trance, bringing them to the cusp of sanity.

"Oh screw off Winchester," Lili growled, finally swallowing a lump of lust and reigning in her desires, her reserves of Parc's smell now refilled.

"I see, ms. Arde, can you tell me what happened?" Glynda looked to Lili who nodded and began to speak.

"We were going to our room for a bit when Cardunce and his buttbuddies surrounded us, pushed Ferry off to the side and began threatening us to say if we wanted a peaceful stay at Beacon we were to become his target dummies. Bastard called me a brat! Which I am not," she puffed her chest, crossing her arms beneath her ample bosom and nodded, "I am mini."

Parc and Summer rolled their eyes, how many times had they heard her reiterate that point by now.

Glynda nodded, "well, I am inclined to believe the two girls who were ganged up on by a full team of four. All four of you are to attend detention for the next month. I'm sure professor Port will be more than happy to give you a lecture on proper battle etiquette and general honour."

Russel, Dove and Sky's faces went pale, horror filling them. Port, the burly professor was a pure nightmare they had no want of dealing with. His lessons were so dull and ego stroking with how he spoke solely of his own 'experiences' as a hunter with the odd actual grimm biology lesson tossed in. Spending an extra months of time with the man was like asking them to start learning the noose song to prep themselves for the end of their sanity.

Cardin though was displeased with the sentencing and burst, "They have weapons! They could have killed us!" he argued.

"Oh, I'm sure they could. If they were halfway skilled as proper huntresses. Add onto that the fact that had they not had their weapons with them they would likely be heading to the infirmary to have their wounds treated from being, your, test dummies." Glynda's head shook with a scowl, "you should be grateful I'm not giving you anything worse than Port and his sermons Mr. Winchester. Were we any later into the year I would be tempted to petition for your expulsion for having the improper mentality." With a final glare, she turned her back on them, casting one last sentence their way, "I hope I don't see anything like this again Cardin. I haven't expelled anyone yet, and I'd hate to have you and your team be the first."

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