The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 169: Bunking

Chapter 169: Bunking

Now ignoring the four boys as they growled, rose from their craters and marched off into the bowels of the acadey, all focus returned unto the three girls. Their trance like state seeming to have lessened to a well enough extent that the animalistic looks they'd had, had dissipated enough that they could speak properly. Ferry still looking the most trapped though.

Making her way to them, she sighed and spoke, "I do not want to see you two in such a scrap again."

"yeah, well, we weren't the ones looking for a fight," Lili spat.

The way she'd said it with such vitriol sent a pang of curiosity through both Summer and Parc. She normally wasn't so spitefull, what had happened to put her in such a bad mood? Parc glanced to Blake, locked eyes with the hidden kittens molten gold of eyes and came to a conclusion.

"Let me guess, Weiss said some crap and now your pissed off?" he smirked, lowering his gaze to mee Lili's chestnuts.

"How do you-" Lili was about to ask when Parc interrupted, answering her in the process.

"Blake's here but no Ruby, Yang or Weiss," Blake herself perked up, he knew who they were? "So either she's your friend or something happened and she's trying to check up on you and make sure your okay."

Lili's flickered her eyes a few time, "that is really unnerving, you do know that right?"

He shrugged a response, "eh, honestly I was waiting for her to come to you accusing you of being a chi-"

"Muuu" Lili's orbs narrowed to dangerous slits.

"Ahem, of being a younger-than-her girl." He corrected. "Anyways, I won't really force you into anything but try to forgive and forget. As much of a nag Weiss is, she's also a decent person. No matter her name. Try to get along with her, after a bit I'm sure she'll actually grow on you."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Off to the side, Ferry quirked her head, 'grow on Lili?' she questioned in silence, 'why would she grow on Lili? She's not hair.'

"He mean's come to like her," Summer recognizing the confusion her her pseudo daughter, whispered. "It's just a different way of saying you'll come to like her after a while."


Lili pursed her lips, visibly not thrilled by the thought of become Weiss's 'friend.' "I'll try," she grumbled.

Parc nodded and tilted his gaze Blake's way, meeting her eyes once again, the faunus in question took a faint flush to her cheeks. "Blake, thanks for giving these two some reassurance, I hope you can give them some more in the future. As well as a bit of guidance, they're not up to date on much of the knowledge of the modern world, so they could really use as much help as they could get."

In reality the one struggling the most was Ferry whose knowledge dated back a decade leaving her very behind in basically everything.

"Uh, y-yeah, sure," it was a swift answer followed by a squirm and gulp of drool she was actively preventing from leaking out.

"Good, thanks."

Parc's smile sent another furious twisting feeling in her gut, feeling like an army of butterflies were assailing her. Her mouth parted for a single moment and out came a yowling like noise.

When it was done, all eyes had landed on the girl whose eyes were practically glued open, staring between each and every set, getting redder with every single one. "I, I don't think I had enough lunch-" feeling another rumble of a yowl, Blake snapped her lips shut and spun around making quick steps to escape before she no longer could stop the instinctual call for a mate.

Her entire body trembling as she sensed Parc's eyes latch on her body, and is if to respond, she twisted her hips, her skirt billowing enough that it lifted to give the barest glimpse of her purple panties before disappearing around the corner.

He smirked, he didn't have to do much to get Blake, that much was obvious. Perhaps just be persistent and do a bit of research into all those smut's she was reading to get a handle on what got her off and use that to his advantage. He already guessed she had an inclination to the more bondage like scenarios but that was just an inkling, a thought he had. Whether it was true or not he didn't know, nor did the RWBY wiki.

"Ahem," Glynda cleared her throat and stole Parc's attention.

"Yes Glynda?" he asked.

"As much as I'm sure you'd love to keep leering at my students, they have lessons to attend to," she glared with pinprick accuracy having fully noticed the lascivious tilt to his lips at seeing Blake's undergarments. Clearly, he was going to be someone she needed to keep an eye on to stop him from doing anything untoward with her studentry. "Isn't that right girls?" she tilted to Ferry and Lili.

Lili as usual was the mouth of the pair and shrugged, "can't be bothered anymore. I was going back to my room to take a break and just bunk Port's lecture."

If there was one way to throw Glynda through a loop. it was to be so blas about saying she was skipping class in front of her, one of her professors.

"It's not like he actually teaches anything useful. I've heard more talk about smelly lettuce than actual grimm biology. Frankly it's a dull lesson and I more than likely would be falling asleep in ten minutes." Not to mention being stuck in the same room as Weiss wasn't something she was interested in at the moment. She'd 'try' to be 'friends' with her another time.

"Absolutely not!" Glynda stomped, "you are neither sick nor injured, you will attend Professor Ports lesson as with all other students of your year." Summer nodded along, as much as she disliked Ports rambling during her time attending Beacon, he still held valid points every now and then

Lili cast her a simple, disinterested roll of her eyes while Ferry shrunk in on herself. Mumbling inwardly how she actually found Port's stories fun. Making her one of the very, very few who actually did.

"If you're going to skip class why don't you two come with me and Summer, we're heading out now so you two can hang out with us until curfew." Parc suggested erning him two sets of double takes. One of which he met with as if to suggest something to its owner.

Summer, the recipient took a few moments to get a proper mental hook around what he was suggesting. 'He's not-about my-oh oh no' she flushed.

"I'm sorry," Glynda grumbled, "did you just suggest that they actively skip class to be with you?"

"Yes. I thought I said that?"

Glynda held herself still, barely blinking behind her glasses with unamusement lacing her expression. "No."

"Yes." Parc snorted, mirroring her response with his own.

"Absolutely not."

"Absolutely yes."

Her eyes narrowed, as too did his. "Are you trying to get on my nerves?"

"Absolutely yes." He winked.

The side of her lip trembled, unsure whether it should arch down in irritation or up in mild amusement.

"Uh, Glynda. If I may," Summer finding the opportunity to hop inbetween the two, began to speak. "As much as I agree that Ferry and Lili should attend Port's lesson, they're also really behind on basically everything and I doubt Port has the time to really set up some easier lessons for them. So how about instead of Port's more open lessons they come with us and we can give them some more personalized lessons to help catch them up."

For as much of a sick and deranged thought of letting Parc do that, to the girls, she herself was also curious about if it was actually an interest to her. And its not like she wouldn't be teaching them a thing or two. About actual lessons and not how to screw a mans brains out.

Glynda went silent, she wasn't chuffed about the idea but it was true, the two were very behind. Especially Ferry. Lili on the other hand was nearby the others in terms of her knowledge and was more to Ruby's level but worse.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," Summer laughed, "besides, I haven't seen these two in a while and I want to hearhow they've been doing."

She still didn't like the idea. Pursing her lips and slitting her eyes, Glynda eventually sighed. "Much to my distaste, I will inform Peter to their absence. I will allow this tutoring to go on until they have caught up with the others."

Summer sighed, having not expected Glynda to relent one bit.

"But!" she followed up, "as good as I expect your lessons to be, I doubt they will be perfect considering your own out of date knowledge. Had I the time, I may even opt to do the tutoring myself, but I do not. I do though, have an idea as to someone who can. Currently they are in another lesson, so I will have to ask them later today or in the morning whether they are willing to take it or not. If they do I will schedule in a time frame for their sessions and will personally oversee a few assessment tests to gauge whether they are ready to join the others or not."

'Well that was unexpected,' Parc mused, frowning slightly as he tried to figure out who this potential tutor may be but coming up naught. They were a student, he was guessing from her use of words, but otherwise he wasn't sure.

About to say something, Glynda prompted him with a heated, controlling glare.


Thoroughly shutting him down before he could even accept the idea.

Glynda let out a 'hmph' and continued, "I'll allow them to have a leave of absence for familial reasons today, and only today. Now," the bell rang, echoing through the halls as the noise of students bustling out of the cantina churned through the academy, "I have third years to oversee." She pushed her glasses up and left behind the four.

"Well that was surprisingly easy."

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