The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 171: B.B

Chapter 171: B.B

A blankly staring Lili stared with total displeasure between Summer and Parc. Off to her right Ferry had her head tilted having not followed a single thing from Summer's request. In doing to Summer had formulated a terse, minutes long silence within the room that was only broken when Ferry leaned to Lili's ear, her ears flickering as she asked.

"What's sex?"

And with that, Lili also finally spoke up.

"Please tell me you didn't just say what you just said."

Summer trembled until she was red and hung her head guiltily.

"Because, if you did, you will have thoroughly ruined my opinion on the both of you." She arched her eyes Parc's way with a new coldness to her chestnut orbs. Ferry blinking as she waited for someone to answer her own question.

"Sorry," Summer said burying her face into her hands as if to hide her shame. "I knew it would be stupid thing to ask."

"Oh really? Asking two girls' decades younger than yourself to have sex with him while you watch is a stupid thing to ask? Who would have thought?" condescension and a slight sense of 'I am above you in decency' in her tone.

Summer flushed so hard that even her hands were turning red. Meanwhile Parc was sat beside her shrugging. He was honestly up for anything if they were.

"I mean seriously!" suddenly Lili burst, "what are you thinking!? We're teenagers and you want us to just bounce on his cock for your amusement!?"

Parc bobbed his head to the side with a 'yeah,' expression while Summer seemed to shrink smaller and smaller with every jab the minute raccoon threw.

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"Uhh," Ferry whined her eyes turning extra confused, "what's cock?" she tried to ask but was ignored as Lili continued her rant.

"Of all the things-OF ALL THE THINGS, you can think to ask us, is to fuck him!? I thought Ferry was like a daughter to you!?"

"She is-" Summer tried to say but was silenced by Lili's continued verbal assault.

"But you want to watch her lose her virginity!? She doesn't even know about sex let alone penises and vagina's!"

Ferry perked up, "I have one of those," she blurted without a sense of shame due to her lack of proper modern norms and general knowledge.

Lili cast Ferry a twitchy cheeked and blank stare. If anyone knew that Ferry knew what a vagina was, it was her. She'd spent enough time listening to the girl's squelches and spent enough days struggling to go to sleep due to her own lusting itch to know that Ferry knew exactly what her crotch was and how to play with it.

"Ferry," Lili's voice turned soft, "please be quite while I verbally abuse these sick, sick people."

Ferry turned to Parc and Summer, noting that Parc looked absolutely fine, but that Summer was looking a little red and faint. Was she catching a cold? She thought reaching out to her adoptive mother to lay the back of her hand against her forehead like Summer had done so many times for her and felt like she'd put her hand into the dancing flames of their campfire. Panic quickly coursed through her, "Awa-wa-wa, Summer you're hot we, uh, we need to get you to bed!"

"Yes, Summer is very hot," Parc chuckled getting a brighter redness from Summer and an almost frigid frosty glare from Lili.

Gently taking Lili's hand from her head, Summer lowered it down and in a quiet voice told her, "Ferry, I'm fine. I'm not sick, just a little embarrassed is all."

Ferry's lips tilted and pursed, Summer was too hot not to be sick, but she was telling her and Summer knew best. Inching back to her seat with a still worried frown, Ferry kept her eyes on Summer so that if she fainted, she could catch her before she got hurt. Not that a simple fall would break her aura.

"A little embarrassed." Lili repeated doubtful at her utterance. "I would say you're more than a little embarrassed. Seriously, what were you thinking asking us to do him?"

Summer continuing to shrink in on herself hung her head. "It's"


Parc waited for a bit, watching as Summer struggled with the words until finally he opted to just get it out in the open. "Long story short, Summer might have a voyeurism fetish and I offered to let her watch as I did someone else to figure out if she truly has one. And as it just so happens I have two prime candidates to take on that role right in front of me."

"And you can't do that with Kurome why," at that moment a new realization filled her where was Kurome? She just disappeared days ago and she wasn't here now when she certainly would never be away from Parc for longer than a few minutes from how dependant on him she was.

Parc blinked a few times, Kurome and his other girls were certainly an option, but he felt as if he needed to work on the girls in the RWBY universe just to get things going along with his stay here. Kurome he'd desummoned a while ago but just forgot to resummon as he'd been more busy with Summer and building the hovel and now that he'd gotten a reminder, he'd likely be bringing her back out soon enough, though likely in private when Lili and Ferry were gone. Maybe a few of the other girls as he had idea's he wanted them to help him with, with bullying all the students.

"Kurome's a bit preoccupied at the moment. She's out checking on her sister she'll probably be back some time tonight or tomorrow before I start my tortu- I mean lessons."

The near fumble lifted up one of Lili's brows, concern evident that this tortu-he means lessons, was actually just going to be unabashed torture. And considering he'd mercilessly killed over two dozen men back on the island, she had no doubts whatever he was brewing would be tantamount to torture or some form of agony. It was not a happy thought.

"Right, and you can't wait until she's back, why?"

"You're here now, so thought. Why not. It's going to happen eventually either way."

Lili recoiled a bit, "I'm just going to ignore that last part no, actually, I'm not. What do you mean eventually? You've been planning to fuck us?"

Summer was learning Lili wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"God yes." Parc too was overly honest and unabashed.

"You are messed in the head, you do know, that right?"

"You figuring that out only now?" he continued to chuckle.

"No, I figured it out when you screwed Carmine into subservience and murdered a bunch of people." Sighing into her palm, Lili sunk into the sofa, her legs dangling off the edge while Ferry sat upright with hands on her knees still confused and letting her voice that was Lili speak.

"Well, I'm going to tell you right now. No." it was blunt and to the point, "I am not going to let you stick your dick inside me or Ferry yet. Because apparently that is something, I need to make clear. And neither will I let Summer watch anything I do in bed with anyone."

"Yet?" Parc smirked giving the raccoon a curled lip nigh amused look.

Realizing what she'd said, Lili went red and quickly corrected herself, "ever. I meant to say ever."

Parc's brows bounced for a second and shrugged. "Alright then, how about I give you a bit of time to think about the offer then? Say, a week or two?"

"You make it sound like I'm going to just accept it."

He knew she was going o accept it, if not now, then soon.

"You will, soon enough."

"You realize that sounds really creepy right?"

He knew, and it was amusing to him.

Meanwhile, Ferry still wholly confused decided that in the silence after to finally ask the things that had been pressing in her mind, "can someone please tell me what's going on. I'm really confused. What's sex and what's dick and why does Parc have one?"

Somedays, Ferry was the cutest, most nave donkey girl around



Well now, ain't that a blue ball segment? I know right. I am such an asshole.

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