The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 172: Dorm speak

Chapter 172: Dorm speak

Meanwhile within the RWBY dorm rooms built to a standard square measurements with stacks of white Schnee luggage cases filled with a few months worth of Dust and four desks lining the wallsmost going unused by the girls withinwere four beds stacked atop one another into the form of two bunk beds.

On the left, strung up to the ceiling by ropes and the like, also covered by a large white sheet like it was a princess bed was the bed that Ruby Rose had chosen for herself. The girl who owned it sat on the bottom bed diagonal to hers staring out across at the bed set precariously under her own where Weiss Schnee slept in constant fear of being crushed should the ropes come loose, worried for her partner as she was lain down on her side, back to them beneath her blankets.

Since the incident in the cafeteria earlier in the day Weiss had been silent, even during professor Port's lesson she was still and blank in the eyes. Her hands mechanically moving to write down her notes for the lesson but always looking lost in what she was doing.

Ruby had attempted repeatedly to strike up a conversation with her but Weiss never seemed to react and Yang was certainly not letting Ruby even have the chance of uttering a word to the girl. Always blockading her with a 'Ruby, no.' like she was their corgi, Zwei.

Yang took the bed she was currently sat beneath and was settled on in an even more precarious manner than with her rope hung bed as it stood on various books stacked on the four postsall of which belonged to Blake, the currently brushing-her-teeth member of team RWBY and who's bed she was sitting on.

Leaning out over the bed and tilting her head up to see it Yang was looking, Ruby found her sister too had her back to Weiss and was facing the wall. An opportunity had presented itself and Ruby was going to take it.

Slowly lifting herself from Blake's bed, RWBY crept sneakily across the centre of the room and to the side of Weiss', her lips about to open and call for the girl and get her attention when she was stopped.

"Ruby. No. Leave her alone." In saying so Weiss clutched her blanket tighter and her jaw trembled. Did she have to hate her so much that even Ruby wasn't allowed to speak with her? Being treated like an outcast by everyone was bad enough, but her own leader and partner?

Ruby bolted upright and turned to face the cold lilac orbs of her sister, "we can't do this Yang! Weiss just made a mistake, we shouldn't blame her for it. I'm sure Lili will forgive her."

Yang's eyes narrowed and she pushed herself up to sitting crosslegged, "it's not about forgiveness Ruby. There's things that you don't push for, and what Weiss got? That was bad, really bad."

Ruby flinched, she'd heard it all, how couldn't she. She felt sorry for Ferry and Lili and all and wanted to go hug her and make her feel better but she couldn't help but feel a bit of apprehension with how Lili was acting being so hostile and all even when Weiss was clearly shocked by the revelation. Ruby knew that if Weiss knew she wouldn't have been so her.

"I-I know Yang but we can't do this. We're a team," Ruby held her hands to her chest and said in a soft, pleading like voice, "and a team forgives each other no matter what happens. We won't last like this, if-if we can't just just work together we're going to fail no matter what we do."

Narrowing her eyes even further into slits, Yang glared to Weiss and back to Ruby with a softer more loving tone. Meeting with Ruby's puppy-like silvers and feeling her heart shiver like it did whenever Zwei was trying to 'subtly' beg for her baloney.

Personally, Yang didn't hold much spite for their arrogant snowshoe princess. Even Yang wasn't so unreasonable to not see how cold and angry Lili was throughout their entire encounter, though Weiss was far from helpful in softening it. She in fact just made it worse until things went too far.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sighing out Yang lifted a hand to the back of her head, pushing through her thick locks of golden hair to scratch her neck. "Look, Ruby, I agree. We won't last long if things stay the same. But its Weiss that needs to change, we've all been dancing around her, keeping her happy and she never once wants to give in."

"That's not true, she made me coffee once."

Yang quickly held her hand up to silence Ruby, "I'm not done. She needs to learn that in the modern day, outside of her ball parties and political breakfasts that we normal people don't deal well with cocky aristocratic brats. It is not my job to change to fit her miniature world, it is her job to fit in with the rest of us. Once she figures that out, sure, I'll forgive her."

Part of Ruby felt those weren't for her but for Weiss. Giving her a hint at how she could start to fix things. "I" Ruby was halted by Yang's shaking head, telling her 'no more. I'm going to sleep', and spun to put her back to her sister and her partner.

Not minutes later after fumbling about pacing and bouncing on the balls of her feet feeling a pressuring urge to pee, did Ruby finally break from her worry of Weiss and into worrying about peeing herself.

Bolting to the door to the bathroom, Ruby knocked. "Blaaaake, are you nearly done. I really need to peee," she whined finding no response coming from the opposite end. Furrowing her brows she went in for a second round of rapping, "Blakeee, you didn't fall and hit your head did you?"


A licentious sounding noise blared from within causing Ruby to bounce away in surprise. That was not the noise of pain or falling. It sounded more like Yang whenever she was watching those weird videos about naked people hugging and thought Ruby was asleep but was actually secretly reading the newest publicly released blueprints of a famous hunter's weapon.

Ruby blinked a few times, unsure of what she should do. She still really needed to pee, so she did the only thing she could.

Balling her hands into a fist, Ruby beat against the door, screeching out, "Blaaake, please hurry up! I really need to peeeee!"

The moment she did hearing a panicked, cat like yelp and loud fumbling noises of Blake sprinting around the room before the door clicked and was opened to reveal a dishevelled, red faced Blake with the bow atop her head hanging limply at the tips like she hadn't had the time to puff them up.

"S-sorry Ruby, I was, uh, shaving?" Blake tried to make an excuse but was shoved out of the way with a 'don't care, need to pee', coming from Ruby before the door shut tightly. Leaving the hidden faunus behind to blink embarrassedly at the door.

Since her close encounter with Parc she'd felt an urge in her pussy, a yearning to be filled up. Pressing her hands against her cheeks, she flinched feeling the slight soppy aftermath on her fingers stick to her cheek and her pants.

"What am I doing?" she mumbled making soft sliding motions to her bed to sit herself down. Hearing from above her in an amused, teasing tone.


Which only made her flare even redder and bury herself beneath her blankets to hide her embarrassment at being caught.


After relieving herself, Ruby left the bathroom with minty teeth and clean hands to find most her team was already asleep with the lights dimmed leaving her to as usual be the one to turn it off and launch for her bed before the monsters could grab her and drag her beneath the beds to feast on her liver.

She shrugged and frowned, making her way to the light switch and whilst lowering herself into the motion to bolt and spring to her bed. Flicked the switch down and turned into a dancing ball of red petals racing through their room, about to jump into her bed when she was brought to a grinding halt.

"Sniff," she heard a sniffling noise followed by soft, sad cries coming from her partner. And though the monsters were getting closer, Ruby knew she couldn't leave her be like that.

"Weiss?" lowering herself to a squat besides the bed, she whispered.

"Go to bed Ruby. Its the middle of the night." Weiss said with a second sniffle.

"But you're crying."

"No I'm not. You're hearing things. Go to bed, I'm trying to sleep."

Ruby frowned, sadness evident in her expression. She could not- She would not, allow her partner to cry on her own.

Raising herself up, Ruby quickly skirted around the bed and reached for the corner of Weiss' blanket to pull it open and force herself in under the surprised, bloodshot eyes of Weiss.

"What are you doing!?" Weiss whisper screeched as Ruby leaned towards her, forcing her arms around Weiss and tugging her head into her chest, even as Weiss tried her best to pull away.

"Yang used to do this whenever I was sad, and it always calmed me down and helped me fall asleep."

"Ruby that's a thing for children." Weiss argued still trying to escape, "I'm not a child anymore. So let me go and get into your own bed. We have classes tomorrow."

"No." Ruby said with no room for resistance, "I am going to be here, I am going to hug you, you are going to stop crying and then you will fall asleep like a good partner."

Weiss' eyes rolled and fell to softness. It was actually quite a comfortable feeling, calming even. Maybe it would help her get some proper rest for tomorrow. "Ruby I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry about being me I know I'm not the easiest, I know I'm brash and arrogant, I don't want to be. It's just I can't help it sometimes. Everything is so different here compared to Atlas that I'm out of my depth. My father's had this hold over me for so long that I'm struggling to see the commoners view on everything" Weiss mumbled but seemed to notice something by the soft 'fuuing' noises coming not fat from her head, "Ruby?" Weiss tilted her head up to see Ruby had fallen deep into sleep. "She's asleep of course she is" she groaned finding Ruby's hold on her head had loosened a tad, enough that she could extricate herself if she wanted to.

"I suppose it not that childish if it helps get me to sleep." She reasoned letting her eyes flutter shut.

A bed over two glowing amber orbs were peeking out to stare at Weiss's back with an equal amount of pity and distaste, but were quickly covered by a blanket that slowly began to undulate throughout the night.

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