The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 178: Fightclub part 2

Chapter 178: Fightclub part 2

Watching in silence as the two sides rattled off attack after attack against each other. Lili often making reckless, all in assaults while Ferry, she kept her distance, providing swift snaps of her whip while Momoher fox shaped ghostly constructwould keep anyone trying to get too close away and in Ferry's assault distance. Though her assault was more in the form of leading them, separating CRDL into two groups, one solo playermore often than not Russelwhile leaving the other three to Lili, tossing out a few snaps here and there just to disrupt them from getting too cocky about ganging up on her.

But it was clear to Parc that Ferry was struggling, with every volley she threw, Russel would get closer. It wouldn't be much longer till he was right before her, with Momo keeping her safe or not. There was a limit to how long she could keep the fox out, that much Parc could see from casting rudimentary glances to his scroll where all six's aura levels were logged and hers was steadily going down, slowly, but steadily.

Lili on the other hang was already showing a faint perspiration across her skin. Her attire of a striped red and white crop top already becoming soaked and clung to her ample bosom. Even with the help of her Aura providing her additional support in the form of abrupt movements or some additional range, she wasn't looking well.

Like with Ferry, she was out of tune. She'd been out of the combat loop for two years and only got her semblance weeks earlier. Though unlike Ferry, she was more brutal and accustomed to human combat. Ferry lacked that part, the part of her combat instincts that dealt with opponents that could adapt to the situation and in turn, she was unable to adapt fast enough.

He liked to blame that issue more on the lacking types of grimm on the island more than anything. Sure, there were those strange tyrants, spitters and the likes, but for a vast majority there were only those slow shamblers. So, she was by far used to slow, horde like movements and not these fast-paced assaults.

As he watched the fight draw on, he was steadily growing less and less impressed with CRDL. Though they looked to be winning, their efforts were utterly pathetic. Even after Parc proclaiming combat ended when aura shattered and first blood was drawn, they were just haphazardly swinging their weapons like monkeys with a stick. Compared to Kurome, Akame, Sheele, Mine and everyone else from Akame ga Kill, they were hopeless. Lili and Ferry were at least going for vital shots. Lili primarily aiming for heart and neck shots while Ferry's attacks landed around Russel's neck and legs, attempting to sweep the out from him.

They showed technique and a brutality that Parc was looking for. Hopefully he saw it in the others.

His gaze wandered to the studentshis head not tilting from its position pointing at the fightand quickly took in their expressions.

Team RWBY was about what he expected, Weiss couldn't care who won or lostthough would often throw a guilty look Lili's way before stealing herselfRuby and Yang were Ruby and Yang, Ruby was cheering for the two while Yang was screaming profanities about how they should 'aim for their dicks to make sure they didn't breed.' Parc shivered and hissed, such cruelty befitting the daughter of a bandit leader. She was bound to do decent. 'I should have Leone fight her,' he mused, 'that'd be interesting. Wonder if they'd be best friends or bicker about whose tits are bigger.' Not that he cared, he like them all.

Furthering his analysis of the students, he trekked onto Blake, seeing her glaring between him and worriedly looking to Kurome who was just about waking from her slumber with a few dog like stretches. Were she on a couch, Parc had no doubts she'd be sliding off of it only to fall flat and back into sleep for a few more minutes.

As Kurome batted the remnants of sleep from her eyes, yawned and stretched to the degree her shirt hiked up to her pale toned bellybutton. She felt an urge in her gut. She needed to pee. Lifting herself from he bed with a few whimpering whines, she inched closer to Parc and asked, "master can I go pee" in slow, yawning words.

"Go ahead," he said casting her only a soft smile and a nod.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kurome's lips curled happily and soon she was gently striding herself around the field and up the steps to an alcove on the side of the room where the universal signs of 'boys' and 'girls' were typed up.

Blake watched as Kurome disappeared around a bend and found this the perfect opportunity to extradite herself from the benches and make her way to the bathrooms as well. "I'm going to the bathroom," she said to Yang, who like a hyper soccer mom was spouting horrible profanities about Cardin and his lackeys. Just before entering the room, Blake felt eyes on her back, when she turned to see who it was, she saw it was Parc, his expression neutral, no. Amused. And that just proved to anger her more

Pyrrha, as Parc was noting seemed particularly enthralled with the fight. She was silent, her body still and poised to a unnervingly trained degree. Ready to rip Mil and Akoo from her back and launch into combat at the drop of a pin. It wasn't any nervousness or tenseness that had gotten her, she just seemed to always be prepped to fight and when Parc's gaze fell on her, she shivered, clenched her fingers and curled her eyes away to meet his red orbs. Clearly sensing something from him with her instincts.

'I wonder how I'll get you, Pyrrha?' he thought returning to the battle that looked about ready to end.

Ferry and Lili now were pushed to their limits, their aura just a tad above red and both panting furiously. Momo having long since disappeared granting Russel all the room to rush in and send a few harsh slashes across her chest bringing her down to just a sliver, and with one final haphazard attack from Sky's lengthy halberd, her aura was gone and she was sent skating back and to her knees, clasping at her chest feeling a stinging pain and emptiness.

"ENOUGH!" Parc roared halting most of the combat, most.

Carding was more then ready to knock Lili out as when she was hobbled on the ground with a fainting spell taking her head, he brought his mace down. Smashing it down towards Lili's head as a slight fearful, slight cold anger billowed in her orbs before shutting to accept the hit.

Though, it never came. Instead, Cardin's mace halted half way. His body shaking as he felt a tight constriction around his body. His head though struggling, tilted down to see a thin metal chain wrapped around his right leg, exuding a strange golden energy.

"Drop it!"

Cardin grip on his mace faltered, letting the heaping hunk of metal crash to the floor not even denting it. Parc marched up to the boy, "face me." He growled and Cardin turned, teeth grinding as he saw in Parc's hand a bright blue bottle of something, from the spout of which the chain was extruding from.

This was a part of Parc's teigu, the golden orbs which he'd been able to save. They were useless without the larger gauntlet due to their seeming inability to siphon his mana on their own, or at least very ineffectually, but when tossed into a mana potion, it could be supplied and maintained steadily for a decent bit of time.

'Maybe they'll work better now that my aura's unlocked,' he thought, adding a mental note to test that out at somepoint in the future. For now, he had a Winchester todeal with.

"What part of enough don't you understand? I ordered you to stop, and you ignored me." His tone oozing with a cold fury.

Cardin's jaw trembled, opened and tried to billow words he was unable to stop.

"No. Silence. I don't care what you have to say. When I tell you to stop. You stop. You don't just decide to maul someone. Ferry's aura broke. The fight was over." Wth every spoken word, the ambient temperature of the room decreased and the students began to have cold sweats coat their backs, even those less than interested like Weiss.

The chains wrapping Cardin faded and he dropped, falling onto his knees feeling like he'd just been strangled for ten whole minutes. The bottle in Parc's hand fully depleted as he'd used a lesser potion, one which could barely hold on for a full minute unlike the regular mana potion which could do so for five to ten minutes.

Parc snarled at the boy but turned away to head to Lili, crouching at her side and asked, "you okay?" while holding out another blue potion out to her.

"Annoyed I didn't stick my knife up his ass, but yeah. I'm good." She took the potion and downed it in one, feeling the immediate refreshing effect of her aura skyrocketing.

"Good. Ferry, what about you? You good?" he asked handing her both a health and mana potion. Though she might not have really been damaged due to her aura, it still shattered and let through some damage.

"I'm haa I'm fine I I didn't hurt any of them did I?"

Parc rolled his eyes, 'ever the kind hearted angel.' He mused, it was one of her perks. She cared about anyone, even her enemies. Even when she was deathly afraid of speaking with them.

"They're fine." He mumbled, "for now." He stood now focusing on the huddled CRDL looking awfully victorious about themselves.

"Alright, we won! Give us those tokens then!" Cardin grouchily spoke, thinking that somehow the tokens would get back at Parc or something.

Arching a confused look at the boy Parc snorted, "for what? That shitshow of a fight? Yeah, fat chance."

"The hell!? We won!?" Cardin argued as even the other teams began to mutter confused noises.

"No Cardin. You didn't. In my eyes. Lili and Ferry won." He replied.

"Bullshit!" he screeched gaining a distasting look from Glynda for his repeated cussing. "The faunus rats' aura broke! We won! That was the rules! Your rules!"

"Yeah!" billowed from the crowd.

"And when did I say the winner was decided? Because, all I remember saying is 'combat ends when aura shatters, blood is drawn or when the opponent surrenders,' nothing about you being declared the victor."

The boy was clearly taken aback.

"I'm not 'grading' you on if you beat someone in a fight," his words echoing to the students who he turned to speak to, "I'm grading you on how well you do at killing your opponent," Silence.

"You're joking right? We're training to be huntsmen, not murderers." Weiss was the one to say, earning a few joining 'Yeahs' from the same person who said it previously.

Parc snorted, soon falling into a chuckle, "Weiss, it's not murder if you don't see your opponent as human," He continued to laugh, "or faunus," he shrugged, "because, for all I care, humans and faunus are no better then grimm. Given enough power, a man turns to monster, and a monsters only place is to be thoroughly snuffed out before it can propagate. I'm here to get you all ready to snuff out the human shaped monsters. Because guess what, when push comes to shove, its not the grimm who's going to kill you." he locked onto Pyrrha, his next words feeling like they were meant for her, "It's going to be another human."

"Ferry, Lili, you two fought admirably and though you may have lost the battle. You won four lead tokens," he hurled one their way and Lili swept it out of the air, curiously inspecting the piece of metal. "You twothough not very wellshowed a basic form of teamwork. Ferry, you kept Russel away from joining the fight against Lili, even helping Lili out in a few key points during the battle. Proving you have a watchful eye and know how to lead your enemy along. Get a bit more confidence in yourself and a bit more experience fighting non-grimm combatants and you two will be getting silvers and platinums in no time. Well done." Ferry's ears perked, taking in every bit of commentary he had for her, feeling ecstatic to the point of blushing and kicking at dirt her head down and slightly misty at the eyes.

"Lili," he directed to the smallest of the year, "you were about as reckless as they came. You rushed headfirst into a loosing fight against Cardin and the birdbrains. With a bit more tactical awareness, selfconciousness, understanding of your teams strength, and general foreplanning, you would have gotten to silver. The only reason your getting as many leads as I'm giving you, is because of your brutality. Every attack you made was leading to a vital area. Throat, and heart. But you failed to truly pass through and get a single decent hit in. You were too headstrong in getting one off hits in with all of your power when you could have focused more on guerrilla warfare. Whittle away Cardin's aura and when its low enough then you go for the kill. Otherwise. Good work."

"Thank you." She dutifully replied, only lightly clenching her fists. She found catharsis in stabbing people, not playing with them but she'd take his words to heart and try to improve herself for the next time.

Next, Parc centred on CRDL with half lidded eyes, "CRDL. Poor. If Lili and Ferry were any more experienced, one or all of you would be rotting piles on the floor."

"We broke their aura." Cardin growled.

"Right, right. You broke their aura," Parc sarcastically clapped, "by bashing your dicks around like monkeys that just discovered masturbation." A few spittakes were heard and a raucous laughter escaped Yang to the point she was whimpering about a pain in her sides. "You showed no cooperation. Russel just decided to run off on his own. Dove and Sky connected their own weapons half a dozen times. You dodged about as many friendly hits as Lili dodged yours. When you were attacking Lili, you didn't even process the possibility she may dodge, hence, you didn't get a single hit on her."

"I nearly beat her into the dirt!" Cardin stomped, face red.

"After the fight ended," Parc reiterated, "had you actually hit her. Yes, you would have gotten 'a' hit on her. Once again, the fight ended, and you couldn't hold yourself back. You're more of an animal than any faunus Cardin. At least the faunus can control themselves." Baring of course those who couldn't.

Before Cardin could get another word in, Parc moved on. Seeing out the corner of his vision a cold-eyed Blake walked out of the girl's bathroom with a beaming Kurome skipping behind her and making her way to Parc's side.

"I successfully peed, master." She said. Parc twitched.

"I would be worried if you failed," he said, patting her on the head between her false ears with a blank, yard stare as the girl squirmed happily from being treated to her masters petting.

Off to the side, Blake was glaring, disgusted by the action. 'Petting her like an animal. Despicable monster.' He focus lingered on Kurome, softening, 'I'll save you. No matter what I'll save you.'

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