The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 179: Q&A

Chapter 179: Q&A

After telling Lili and Ferry, as well as the vexed CRDL to head back to their seats. When they seated themselves, he cracked his neck and spoke to the class. "I'm sure you've all got plenty of questions," he checked his scroll for the time seeing there was a decent twenty-five minutes left before they were set to leave, "and we've got a good bit of time. So why don't I do a bit of QA. Feel free to toss out anything you're curious about."

As he said that Kurome had returned to her bed, sitting on her knees, legs splayed out enough as she happily began to snack on some cookie shaped treat that caught the red petaled pest that was Ruby, to salivate. When the two locked eyes a spark ignited and Kurome held her bag of treats closer, forever forbidding Ruby from touching them. On the other side, Ruby trembled, saddened she wouldn't be getting any cookies.

"So, who wants to go first?" A few hands rocketed up, one so happening to be that of Weiss. "Weiss, go ahead."

"Right," she said raising to her feet, "frankly. Who are you? I've done a bit of digging and you're nowhere to be found. You're not in any hunter database and there's no evidence you even exist. So who are you?"

"Good question. Short answer. I'm Parc Evans." He snickered.

"And the long answer?" she prodded with a narrowed look.

"The long answer is, is that I don't exist. Nor have I ever existed until I decided to come and bug Ozpunk. Whom I'm sure has already got a profile on me circulating around searching for some info on me because, well, guess what. He's having the same problem. For I, do not exist."

Weiss' expression soured to doubt, "I'm sorry, how can that be? It's one thing to be born outside of the kingdoms jurisdiction, but even then, a database was formed of all indepent communities and is updates every four years. A man of your age not being logged is improbable. Unless of course you are using an alias. At which point I would be cautious about who you are and what your reasons are for doing so."

Parc went still, eyeing the girl with an arched brow and amused expression, "oh that's precious. Honestly? I could have used an alias but I am terrible at coming up with names." He flicked his hand and began to pace back and forth, "I am Parc Evans. And I haven't existed here until a while ago. That's all you need to know."

"And I'm saying that's impos-"

"Next question!" before she could finish, he called out to the next person in line to question, "Nora Valkyrie, you seemed particularly amped to ask me something." Of to the sugar highed dames' side, Ren had his hand in his palm and was groaning heavily.

"Yeah, yeah! Do you have any pancakes? I'm really hungry and Ren doesn't want to make me any."

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He gaped, "I should have expected this," he mumbled, "no. Nora. I don't have any pancakes."

The red headed bundle of energy deflated, whining as a storm cloud formed over her head bathing her with the saddening noises of crackling lightning and falling rain.

"Anyone else?" he waited for a moment seeing three hands four hands lift. Ruby, Yang. He pointed to Yang, "go ahead Yang Xiao-long."

Yang lifted herself up, crossing her arms beneath her chest, propping them upas if to accentuate their plump, D-cup size "you single?" she questioned eyeing Kurome who she couldn't really reason was in that type of relationship with Parc.

Glynda in the back halfway disgusted and exasperated with the girls questions. Sure, Parc was a handsome young boy, but he was still her teacher, could she not act with a bit of discipline. In a split second, Glynd jolted and shivered, 'I did not just call him handsome.'

"Oh, good god no." Parc huffed a chuckle, hands on hips and head shaking, "I'm just about taken in every factor. Not, that I actually care." He rolled his head, "I'm pretty open with my love life."

"So, you're a cheater then?" Weiss suddenly blurted out of line.

"I can neither refute, nor acknowledge such claims except that every girl I've been with has known fully what type of man I am and still decided to be with me. That good enough Yang?" he eyed her, getting a smirk and nod from her.

"Yeah, that's good," a slight, mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she licked her lips taking in his form, finding it just to mama's liking. She could put some of her feminine charms to work and maybe earn a few of those succulent, succulent platinums.

"Righty then, Pyrrha, you had a question?"

"Yes," she said raising as Yang lowered, "what are you?"

"You're going to need to be more specific. What do you mean by 'what' I am?"

"What, are you? Since we first saw you, I haven't felt as if you were a huntsman. You don't hold yourself like the ones I've met in the past and neither do you have the same posture as them. They held themselves calmly, full of openings when in villages but in combat sealed themselves off. While you, all I can see is someone fully poised for any form of assault even when we are in such a safe area. Which leads me to believe you are not a huntsman, but something else."

Parc smirked, she did hit the nail on the head, "you've got good instincts on you Pyrrha. You're right, I'm not a huntsman. I don't have a license, and as Weiss has learned. I don't exist," pacing to a halt at the centre of the arena, he face the students with arms crossed behind his back. "I work more on the darker side of the world. Or, used to. I. am a hitman, an assassin. A cold-blooded murderer specializing in ripping from people their lives."

Shock filled the room, followed by bouts of fear and even Glynda seemed to tense, this was the first she was hearing about this.

"You, you kill people?" Pyrrha gulped, all those besides her paling while Yang seemed distraught at the notion of getting anywhere near a murderer to 'earn' those tokens.

"I'm basically retired, so no need to worry about that. Mostly."

"What do you mean mostly!?" was the unanimous call of the studentry.

"What? So long as none of you piss someone off enough that they want you gone, you'll be fine. Plus. It's not like I'm even accepting hits anymore," he shrugged. "Whether you like or dislike," they all disliked, "my choice of occupation. I don't care. I did it, I killed people and I feel no remorse for any of them."

"How can you say that?" Pyrrha's hands clenched to fists, "how can you feel no remorse for murdering someone? For taking their lives when we have real monsters right outside our walls." Her voice didn't raise but the passion was there.

His head bobbed, then halted suddenly to meet Pyrrha's emeralds, "because. Monsters come in the shape of humans as well." Unbuttoning his vest, he threw it to the side and Kurome lunged, grabbing it and rushed back to her bed to cuddle and bury her face into the vest absorbing every molecule of Parc's sent, whining with happy shivers as she had a master high. A disgusting sight to Blake, the girl was clearly suffering with some mental issue brought about by a lengthy enslavement to the man forming in her some form of barrier to protect her from his abuse. She needed to save her and soon.

Undoing his undershirt, the girls of the room grew a shade redder as his muscles came into view, as well as his scars that caused them to hiss in shock. "All of these are human caused by the way, the smaller ones from torture, the bigger ones from a psychopath who liked taking heads as trophies from those he killed." Leaving his shirt unbuttoned, he pointed a thumb to Kurome. "Kurome here also had her fair share of run ins with monsters as well-"

"Like you?" Blake hissed but her voice echoing through the room, drawing him to a pause.

"Yes," he bobbed his head to the side, "can't deny that. But before me. Her previous Owners, I guess you'd call them. See Kurome here," the girl in question had her watery eyes widen and lifted her head from Parc's vest just enough that she could blearily look around the room. "They used her as a test subject for a drug. A drug that gave her strength but made her dependent on it. Going without it for even just an hour would leave her sweating, two hours, she'd start hallucinating, by three, she was convulsing. I've got a few more I can chatter on about, but we've got limited time. About five minutes. Ruby, what did you want to know."

Ruby shook, glanced to her team unsure about what to do after that revelation. Getting a short, but cautious nod from Yang. "Uhh," she stood, "I, uh, I was, was, wondering what those chains were. They came from that bottle and disappeared. Were, they, youryour uh, semblance or something?" she gulped, meekly curling in on herself.

"Your question doesn't surprise me," he chuckled, "no, that wasn't my semblance," he plucked from his satchel the same empy glass bottle he'd used to control Cardin. Tilting it over, a golden ball rolled into his palm. Pinching it he held it up to the light, "that, was my weapon. I guess you could say. Though the real thing broke a while back, that was just a small aspect of it." Tossing the bottle into his satchel, he pulled out a new, filled blue mana potion, uncorked it, and dropped the orb into it. Seconds later a spear connected to a chain rose from the spout and began to coil like a snake around Parc's body. "Originally, I didn't need anything to put them into use. Could just summon them whenever I wanted. After the gauntlet broke though, they're a lot harder to use. And the mind control has turned temporary, sadly enough."

A spark ignited in Blake's mind, 'mind control?' she thought piecing together two and two.

"Anyways," Parc spoke and the chains retracted into the bottle, the potion gone. "That's it for today's lesson. If you decide you don't want to come to it anymore after learning about my past occupation. Tough luck. I'm making this mandatory. If you don't arrive without a good reason as to why, I will have you dragged here. Class dismissed."


Merry Christmas you sickening individuals.

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