The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 180: Kurome, the miniature cult leader.

Chapter 180: Kurome, the miniature cult leader.

Clattering to the floor, Blake got to her feet and hastened back to the ring, "I'm trying to help you!" she said arching her eyes onto Parc, "you've even brainwashed her into wanting to be your slave!?" she screeched.

"No." Kurome was the one to answer, "I wanted to become masters bitch and master accepted me as his bitch."

A few spittakes could be heard coming from all the girls except for Ruby who didn't quite get why everyone was acting so weird. A bitch was just a female dog, wasn't it? And judging by her ears, Kurome was actually a female dog faunus so it was quite fitting. 'It's not some offensive word for faunus is it?' she thought.

"Don't say that! It's not right! You aren't a-a bitch. You're a person. With two hands and thumbs and a mind of your own."

"My mind belongs to master. I don't need to have it to myself."

"This is sick. Do you hear this professor! She's not right in the head and this, this, monster did this to her!"

"Yes, I can see that Blake. And I am trying to think of ways I can fix this right now." Glynda said with a pure and icy chill.

"I don't need fixing. Master already did that." She harrumphed.

"And how did he do that, by turning you into his slave?" Blake growled as she glared Parc's way.

"No. By saving me from death." Things went still and confusion echoed noisily through the room as Parc continued for her.

"You know how I said she was being used as a test for drugs?" he asked them.

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"You weren't lying?" Weiss muttered from the backlines.

"Course not. Those drugs were as right as rain. They were highly addictive and acted as a supped up steroid. Kurome here was downing dozens of the things every single day just to keep herself high and keep the pain of withdrawal away. But they came with another side effect apart from addiction. They shortened her lifespan." Breaths were sucked in with hisses, "with a bit of help from my hypnosis I helped her get off of her dependency on them and now she doesn't have to touch the things anymore. And Blake, I won't lie. I did some things to Kurome while I had her hypnotized that not many people would be proud of," he wasn't one of those, he actually quite enjoyed it. "One such thing was implanting this whole, 'act like a dog' thing that-"

"Wan!" Kurome suddenly barked and nuzzled into his side, burrowing her face into his side with happy feelings from his hand stroking her back. Earning a small patter from Weiss and Yang at her cuteness, reminding Yang a bit of a Ruby on a molasses high making her very, very, lovey dovey.

"she's now really into. I gave up mind controlling her long ago. Long before I lost the ability to keep the brainwashing on someone permanent because well. Kurome wasn't going to say no to anything I wanted. Plus, in the end it does not like it matters all that much. I don't abuse her, I don't treat her like a slave."

"You make her sleep on a doggy bed," Blake ground her teeth, hands burrowing into her arms trying not to boil over from everything he had just told her. Finding not a small portion of her hate for him moving onto whoever had formulated that drug he was talking about.

"I didn't make her do that." Parc chuckled, head shaking, "the furthest I went with my 'act like a dog' orders, was to rarely make her walk on all fours and bark. Everything else apart from that," excluding the orders to make her 'present' herself to him, "were things she came up with herself. The bed? Kurome, the bondage suit, Kurome." Double takes were taken but Parc kept going, "the miniature cult leader personality, Kurome. Hell, I can't remember the last order I really gave her."

"You ordered me to come to you a few minutes ago," she answered for him, still nuzzling her cheek into his side."

"Right. Thank you Kurome," he smiled softly continuing his soft stroking feeling Kurome nuzzle and press herself closer, pushing her nipples to push through her bra and vest to let Parc know she was getting a little raunchy from having absorbed so much of his scent from up close.

"Plus, its not like Kurome's actually a faunus."

All eyes paused, confused as they looked to the dog ears pushing from her scalp. Reaching down to her head, Parc pinched one of the ears and tugged. Blake about ready to shout and stop him from hurting her but jolted when she saw the ears come off and reveal they were connected to a black hairband that blended with her hair.

A second later, Kurome unfurled her hands from Parc, eyed him tearfully and pulled her ears back on as she didn't feel like master would be happy with her without them.

Blake was left mouth agape, conflicted, and confused. Her whole argument was Parc was abusing a faunus girl but now that had been so thoroughly thrown out the window with that revelation, she was sure how to respond.

Kurome tilted her eyes onto Blake and seeing her opportunity to bolster her master and prep the girl for conversion to the church of Evans, she released Parc and lightly brought herself before Blake. "Master is very kind. Master isn't mean to me. Master is perfect and lovely, and I love him, and you should love him too." Kurome took Blake's hands into her own and staring directly into Blake's amber like orbs continued. "Master will treat you well. He does not discriminate, and he will forever make you happy. He will give you everything you could ever want. All you need to do is open your heart and accept him as your master. As our beloved master."

Eyes widened, lips pursed, and unintelligible expressions took to most the girls faces, most looked to Parc to see him blankly staring past the walls and into the distance. Noting how he seemed completely helpless to the situation. "And she's trying to convert Blake..." he mumbled.

"I'm sorry what?" Blake tried to pull her hands away but Kurome gripped them tighter, refusing to release her.

"Master is perfect. Master will forgive you if you sin and please you whenever you want. Master smells like heaven and his hands give the finest pets you will ever feel. Master is heaven. Master is life." With every proverb she uttered, her eyes sparkled more and Blake was soon lead to gulping, swallowing a thick, nervous globule lingering in her throat, completely lost with the cultish babbling of the girl.

"I'm sorry, please let go," Blake tried harder to pull away, but Kurome only gripped tighter.

"Don't run away. Do you smell it?" Kurome sucked in a deep breath and let it out with a tremble. Blake following suit whether by her own will or as if infected by Kurome. As she did, her eyes dilated and her stomach shivered sending a rapid tremble across her spine. "That is masters musk. It is perfection and the perfect perfume."

In the background, the other girls, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and even Glynda, too sucked in through their noses and felt a strange fluttery feeling in their bellies. Though not as powerful as Blake whose mind was rapidly growing addled by the increasingly deep breaths of Parc's scent she was absorbing.

"If you accept master, he will bless you with his musk. You just need to accept him. Become one with him and he will forever love you and grace you with his touch."

'This is going a little far,' Parc was realizing. Taking from his pocket his scroll he saw the message from Summer again and flinched. 'Yeah, let's stop this for now.'

"Kurome, I think that's enough," Kurome stopped mid-sentence and lightly squeezed Blake's hands, uttering a final saying before releasing her and returning to Parc.

"Master will forgive any sin of your past, no matter what."

Blake's heart pattered nervously, and a bout of clarity cleared away the addling sensations assailing her belly. Enough that she could gulp and stare up at Parc. Did they know her past or was it just a fluke? She didn't know but it made her spine tingle and her stomach bubble with an increasingly warm, a hot feeling.

Her mouth opened as if to say something but found only a squeak escape her. Unable to take it anymore, Blake spun around and began a hastened retreat up the steps.

"Not again," whimpered Ruby, "Blaaaaake, slow down!" she rushed to catch up with Blake.

Stood within the hanging building. Parc could feel six eyes boring into him judgementally, "I did say she was a miniature cult leader. I wasn't joking."

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