The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 181: Proof of arousal

Chapter 181: Proof of arousal

The last of the girlsand womanleft not moments after Ruby chased after a once again fleeing Blake. Parc keeping quick on their heels to say his goodbyes to them before locking the door behind them Though before that he stepped outside and watched the three ascend his staircase. Inwardly praising himself for the steepness as it allowed him the perfect view of Weiss's royal, pastel blue panties that hugged the fine curves of her rump beneath her skirt and the heavily adult, near sheer purple and patterned lingerie Glynda was wearing. Her own rump hugged tightly by her pencil skirt. The faint crease of her crack more than brought to visibility by her repetitive movements. Lastly, Parc's eyes wandered onto the rump of Yang, seeing the pleasant, form hugging botty shorts right beneath the short hip cape reaching to her knee on the right side. Even from this distance and hidden behind her clothes, Parc could tell she had particularly toned and muscled assets

Deciding to finally get what he'd been intending to do, done with, Parc called out. "Ah, one moment Yang." He called pausing the three getting them to turn back, Yang's lilac orbs widening suspiciously as Glynda kept still to hear what he had to say and ensure it wasn't some other insane spectacle, Weiss also still staring at him with narrowed eyes. "I'd like for you and Ruby to meet me here, say, around eight?" A ding on his scroll lead him to reading a note from a panicking Summer, still trying to figure out when she wanted to see her daughters, "You know what, make it eight thirty."

Yang blinked a few times to process then turned to Weiss getting a short shake of her head, giving her the answer, she already had planned. "I'd love to, but we've got a, uh, teambuilding exercise planned for tonight. Maybe another time," in reality, she'd never accept letting Ruby be stuck in a room with him for longer than their lessons.

"Oh," Parc exclaimed and shrugged helplessly and re-entered his classroom to hold the door with his left hand, ready to shut it, "well, I guess I'll keep Summer Rose's location to myself then." he waited for Yang's mind to crackle to a stop and stare down at him in shock. Lifting a hand, he wriggled his fingers and said, "toodles." Quickly shutting the door and latching it tight.

Behind it he could hear rapid boot falls descending the stairs and not a moment latter did his door rattle with a loud, earth crumbling thud. "What did you say!? Where is she! Where is Summer!" he heard her shout but spoke no response. "Open the door!" it jerked but was unable to open no matter how much force she put in. "I will rip this building off of the cliff if you don't open up NOW!"

"Eight-thirty Yang. Eight-thirty." He echoed his voice, ensuring Yang could hear it from behind the wood grain and internal metal plating. With his words done, Parc turned and began his own descent down his steps and to the stage where Kurome was kneeling on her bed, fiddling with her ears to realign them to their proper place after Parc had removed them. Both fully ignoring the rumbling noises of Yang's bellows and bangs. Soon they fell away, and she left, returning heavily and chewing on her lip to spend the rest of the day stuck in thought and tapping her foot heavily. Not once speaking a word to Ruby about what Parc had told her, and Weiss unable to for fear of getting sucker punched in her delicate face, possibly ruining her makeup.

"She won't tell her sister." Kurome lifted herself from her bed and scurried towards him, rushing deep into his chest. Accurately predicting what had indeed happened later that day.

"I know." Parc gave her a wink, his hands coming to press into her back as spread his scent all over herself. Yang was for all intents and purposes, Ruby's pseudo mom. She had a certain protective quirk to her than would keep her from giving Ruby any hope without ensuring there was reason to. There were ways of side-lining Yang, and that was going straight to the source with a nice little message directly to the source. Though he'd only do that later in the day, closer to when their lessons finished.

As Kurome pushed herself deeper into his chest, Parc grew a soft smile and his hold on her gentled into a caress that massaged her thin form earning soft whines that lead her to turning her head up to look at him with pleading, watery eyes. "Master~" she whimpered as a faint trickling of her nectar soaked her crotch and trailed down her inner thighs. Having missed Parc's holy touch upon her body since the first time he'd summoned her into this new world

A snorted chuckle escaped Parc and he met her obsidian eyes with a buckle of his knees and a locking of his arms around her bottom before lifting her up off the floor and bringing her high enough that he needn't have to look down to meet her. Kurome's own hands came to hold his shoulders and her legs locked securely around his hips.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Wasting not a breath, Parc push in his lips, bringing them against hers to invade her mouth as she shivered and twisted her tongue around his as if she were giving it fellatio. She didn't attempt to push her tongue into his for that was not her place, only her master was allowed to be in control. Never her, that wasn't her place.

Soon Kurome felt her back press into the cold stone wall and Parc parted their lips with a lascivious drooping tail of spittle connecting them. Her face had long since gone a hue that Parc found satisfying and her eyes were glassy and pleading as she panted sweet breaths against his lips. "It's been a while since we've done this," Parc said bouncing Kurome into a more comfortable position that let his hands dig into her small bottom. Letting his digits press a little more to find her moistening panties and stroke against her covered slit sending light twinkles of pleasure through her, nothing powerful, but enough to make her giddy and excited for her master's penetration.

"I've missed master," she whispered, not bothering to control the spritely smile taking her lips. "Not being with master makes me scared."

His expression fell for a second as he shot a look to his side, to the chair where plush, padded chair where he'd set Glynda up for the lesson and quickly brought himself to it. Descending into it with Kurome straddling him and laying into his chest, "why's that?' he asked.

"I don't want master to go away. I'm scared master will never return," she shivered at the thought so horrible it would give her nightmares whenever Parc wasn't in bed with her or whenever she was in that unusual. tokenized state.

Realization showed on his face. He lifted a hand, pressed it against her cheek and guided her to meet his eyes, "I'm not going anywhere Kurome. Even if I was, I could bring you with even if you were half way across the world." An aspect of tokenizing his concubines, no matter how far away from him they were, if he opted to have them return to him, they just would.

"Mmm," Kurome mummed, nesting herself tight against his chest, "I don't like being a token. I can't hug master. I can't smell master." As if to accentuate the point she drove her face deep into his chest and sucked in a thick scent reminiscent of Akame's but now had morphed into a whole new, indescribable smell that she could only ever associate with her master.

As the smell caressed her olfactory nerves, she trembled, her crotch squeezing as it yearned for him nearly as much as her mind did itself. Laying her hands atop his chest, Kurome pushed herself slightly away from him and moved to pinch the front of her skirt, hiking it up enough that he could see her black sheer undergarments had already fallen into her slit and were parting around the tent building in his pants.

With a look of yearning, she licked her lips and whined, "master~" that single word was all Parc needed to unbuckle his belt and pull free his manhood. Her eyes immediately spark with fireworks and her hands raced to hold the member, gently squeezing and stroking it to bring it up to its fullest size. She bit her lips, the hunger of her pussy enough to drive her mad had lead her hips to raising and pressing her masters engorged tip against her prepped and moistened pussypanties pulled to the side by her other handand descended.

"Ahh!~" She cried, her back arching as she began to slowly undulate her hips, crafting vile, debauched slooshes of her nectar and the slapping of shaft piercing her crevice. She squeezed perfectly tight like her entire body had been crafted just for Parc to relish in. "Haah~ Master~ master~" her voice whimpered out through shivering breaths.

Parc laid back in his chair, his hands laid upon the arm rests as he simply enjoyed Kurome's lascivious pumping. Letting her tight undulations carress his cock keeping it at the perfect hardness to knock against the deepest portions of her body. Even stretching the barrier to the point of bursting, threatening to plough into her womb where his seed would linger, seeking out the perfect moments to fulfil their soul purpose in life.

"Fuaah~ master~ haahn~ I love master~" her voice echoed through the hollow building, nearly overtaking the scratching groan of the hidden door behind the furthest, eye of Cthulhu relic against the northern wall allowing Summer to push in after a hefty hike though a torch lit tunnel.

Her expression portrayed a nervousness blended with excitement, "are they really coming tonight?" she urgently said the moment she'd entered the building but was swift to suck in her lips and part her eyes like they were forced open as she saw the very obvious sight of Kurome bouncing atop Parc's lap. Her cries blending with the wet squelches and slaps of their genitals connecting only further proving the point.

"Hnaah~ cuming~ hnga~master I'm coming~" Kurome cried, her entire swiftly falling to violent jitters.

Parc bit down, feeling his own urge to release building up and seconds later after moving his hands to gripping her hips, rammed his cock up and her down. Piercing fully into her final destination and forced his seed to jet into her womb, sloshing about the cavity, her tightness refusing to let even a drip of the liquid go.

As his seed surged within her, Kurome's back arched and her mind blurred. The sensation of her beloved masters seed knocking against her ovaries was proving to be mind boggling and addictive. Still, it lead her to slumping into his chest. His cock slid out of her and like a dam broken, a tide of thick white fluids gushed out of her, spurting in a tide across the purple floor.

Parc's hand gently stroked her back and upon seeing Summer with a hazed expression, lifted her up into a princess carry and laid her down on her bed, summoning out one of his old blankets filled with his comforting scent and laid it over her, letting her immediately grab it and curl herself into a blue Kurome cocoon.

Parc lifted himself up, straightening his back with a slight crack before turning to face Summer. Her eyes water, legs hobbled together and hand pushing her skirt into her crotch while her white cloak hung around her, framing her with its red inner lining.

"So, voyeurism your thing?" he questioned, only getting a gulp and an inconclusive nod from the Rose. "Good, then you're going to be having a lot of fun with me." He slid to her and looked down at her love starved appearance. His hand pressed into her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. He leaned in, bringing his lips just millimeters from her own, close enough that they could both feel the others sweet breaths.

She inched closer but as if to lead her on, Parc pulled back, always there but never in reach. Teasing her he was. "You should get ready for Ruby and Yang, they'll be here in a few hours," with that, Parc pulled away completely, spun around and skated back to his work bench and the door he'd been working on. Bringing both out to continue his carpentry and metal working on the thing.

Summer's expression fell to hastened flutters of her eyelids. Confusion becoming the predominant emotion in her. "Are you really going to tease me like this?" she grumbled holding her itching belly, rubbing the red gemstone that had appeared on her after their first time together.

"Would you be able to look them in the eyes knowing just hours earlier you were crying their teachers name while he was ploughing you like a field?" he arched her an all-knowing eye and she flinched, she knew all too well how awkward it was already going to be having to explain she was already sleeping with their teach who was around their age. Having the added guilt of having had his penis inside her not long earlier was just too much for the day.

Her face paled then turned scarlet and she stuttered, "p-p-point taken. Can can you just not say it like that?"

"Why? Does it get you off as well? Hearing me say I fucked you hard enough to knock you out?"

Her belly churned excitedly at the prospect. "Stop that!" she cried, false tears escaping her, "I don't want more fetishes! Being into seeing my boyfriend husband? I-don't-even-know-what-you-are-to-me having sex with other women is bad enough as it is!"

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