The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 186: The Ice Queen Returneth

Chapter 186: The Ice Queen Returneth

Parc awoke at first light, when the sun blared in through the billowing curtains and stroked his eyes into squints. To his side, Kurome, nestled snuggly atop his blanket with her own cocooned around her. Just a bit further, Summer, sleeping with lips parted and a slight oil taking her skin to a sheen. Remnants of their night.

He scratched away the dust from his eyes and slid out from the bed. His toes rolling as he laid his feet atop the cold wooden boarding. 'I could add some in floor heating,' he thought.

Swift, ghostly movements brought him to his wardrobe where he took his days dress. Underwear, pants, a black shirt. Nothing complex as he had plans to go into the emerald forest for a bit and test a few things. Mostly hoping to unleash his semblance. Whatever that was. Something fun he hoped.

Entering the kitchen area of his hobbit hole, he made way to the fridge, pulled it open and took from it a bowl of left over pizza they'd ordered last night and set it in the microwave for a minute or two. Feeling parched, he also filled a glass with a nondescript sugary brown fluid and went to add some ice from the freezer but paused as he looked down at the drawer filled with the clear miniature blocks.

"Oh yeah Esdeath. I should let her out," humming, he kicked the drawer shut along with the freezer door and summoned out the system screen which held all of his tokenized girls. 'Really need to let them all out at some point. I've got the time, no reason to keep them like this constantly.'

taking from the list Esdeath's heart shaped crystalline gem, he tossed it to the side. As it spun through the air it shimmered and grew, gaining legs a largely bulging belly, arms and a head of cold blue hair.

Esdeath stumbled, a hand going to clasp her stomach while the other gripped the table and steadied herself. Nearly green in the face. "Why did I ever think this would be good idea?" she growled, her scowling eyes locking to Parc with an unfettered hatred, "this is your fault." followed by a groan and a churning thump as a leg kicked her innards.

"Yeah, I'm sure it is," Parc rolled his eyes and replied.

Esdeath settled herself down, taking one of the chairs and looked around the kitchen, dining room and lounge mix with analytical, sharp eyes. "I take it we are in a new world then?" she asked.

"That we are," Parc approached and handed her a glass of water which she downed in two fell gulps. "A world called Remnant where the moon's been blown up, monsters reign free, and the most dangerous thing happening is two people having relationship issues." he sat besides Esdeath and chuckled.

"In essence, it is no different from my world." she huffed.

"Basically, except this time, the monsters are literal amalgams of darkness. Oh, and did I mention gods are a thing?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her left eye rose wide, "and? Am I supposed to be scared? The only gods that exist are egomaniacal wretches with their heads shoved up their asses. I can kill them just as easily as I can armies" not a moment later did she pale and moan as a wave of nausea took her.

"I'm sure you can," Parc patted and gently stroked her back in small circular motions.

He was glad to see she hadn't changed much since he'd last seen her. He just hoped she wouldn't kill everyone who wronged her. That would be something to figure out for the future.

With a few short breathing exercises, Esdeath calmed the acidic bile raising from her stomach and turned a hateful eyes this way to tell him 'it's your fault I'm stuck with this parasite.'

"Why did you summon me?" she questioned through whining breaths.

"Cause I thought I'd better bring my pregnant girlfriend out and let her stretch her legs for a bit. And, maybe finally let the baby come out."

"You shouldn't have. Being a stone felt so much better. None of this horrible pregnant sickness. Simply existing in comfort, never feeling bored, never having to deal with this parasite's kicking." she grumbled.

"Welp, give it another month or two and you'll be free of it permanently." apart from the many years of raising the child that followed. During which Parc was sure he was going to end up acting as something of a warden to reign in Esdeath from turning their child into some ubermensch.

"I'd rather be rid of it now. I want. to kill."

'That's not fucking ominous at all.' he thought, a bead of sweat dripping down his cheek.

"I'm sure you do. But, unlike in your world, here you can't go around murdering people willy nilly."

"This sounds like a dull world then."

"Not really, apart from the manifestations of evil that inhabit every square inch of this place, there's an immortal and a crazy lady who wants to end the world."

Esdeath arched her brows and narrowed her eyes at the latter portion. "I presume you intend on bedding this 'crazy lady' like you did me?"

Surprise filled him at Esdeath's self-awareness. "Yeah, sort of a requirement before I can leave Remnant."

She huffed discontentedly, "you have a wife such as I and you still see fit to stick your dick in other women? I worry you'll kill yourself in your penile endeavors darling."

"Esdeath, may I remind you that you spent a month torturing me. Then dragged me into a bath where you forced yourself into baring my child, only to lock me up in a cell for another two months. I don't think you have any right to be worrying about me killing myself." adding in silence how were Kurome here she'd be retorting to the whole 'wife' thing.

"As your wife, I have plenty right to be worrying about anything I may wish. Needless of your permission." as she huffed, her bosom bounced and Parc noticed something strange, there, at the precipice of her bosom where her nipple pressed through her bra and generals attire, the fabric was darkening and became wet. "Just like I have the right to berate you and even torture you for your infidelity."

Her words entered one ear and left through the other. Parc too caught up in watching the stain grown larger. 'I wonder when she'll notice.'

"To that degree, I believe I should be punishing you two fold. For one, cheating on my with those curs, and two, due to your hand in this abomination why are my tits wet." her eyes turned down, intending to look to her stomach but paused upon her mounds tipped in a darkening white that turned transparent revealing her light blue bra. She shot her eyes up and locked with Parc, "what did you do to me? I know you have a hand in this."

"Esdeath. You're pregnant. Please tell me you know you're lactating."

Eyes fell to half lidded moons, "I thought that was only after the parasite was expelled."

"Apparently not," Parc rose from the table and moved to the kitchen, grabbed a roll of kitchen towel and brought it to Esdeath, "use this," handing the roll over, he said.

She took it, eyed it, felt its plushness then huffed and moved to pulling open her blouse to let the first of her breasts bounce free. It's buxom orb lightly sheened and trickling from the bright pink nipple was a stream of thin white milk.

Esdeath grumbled at the irritating fluid dripping from her body and brought a hand up to hold her bosom only to squeeze down with just enough force to send a small spurt over the table. "This is sickening, I feel like a cow now." she ripped a sheet of paper from the roll and patted her breast dry, only for the moment she pulled away a new drop to fall. "Oh perfect, my own body won't even hold in this fluid."

Her deathly glare inevitably fell onto Parc, "and how do you intend to fix this?" holding the bottom of her breast, Esdeath lifted it and presented the dripping orb.

"I don't think I can fix that. It's sort of a natural part of your body." he leaned onto his knees and smirked. Bringing one hand out he reached for Esdeath's chest and lifted her breast with a light squeeze, finding a twinge of amusement at watching her frown at the small stream be expelled. "You're just going to have to get used to it. Maybe Summer can help you out, I know she's got some experience in the whole pregnancy matter."

"Summer?" her head tilted.

"Concubine. She's sleeping in the bedroom with Kurome."

At the utterance of Kurome's name, Esdeath scowled hatefully. "Of course the bitch is out of its den. You summon that before your wife? I truly do need to fix you don't I?"

"I'd like to see you try," with a quick flick, he struck Esdeath's nipple sending a shiver of pleasure through her body. Parc rose to his feet, cracked his back and made strides to the long beeping microwave to take his plate of day old pizza out, still sizzling. "Anyways," he took a bite and spoke with his mouth full, "I'm heading out for a bit. Try not to kill the girls while I'm away or I'll I don't know, get you pregnant again after this one's out."

Esdeath flinched, though lightly. It was noticeable enough to see that had an effect on her. "Don't you dare."

"Hun, I tied you up and stuck it in your ass. I dare plenty. Now, have fun with Summer and Kurome. I'll hopefully be back by lunch, try not to kill them and if you decide to go exploring or something try not to kill anything that looks like a human. Even if they have dog ears and tails. If they're black with a white mask, go right ahead, I don't mind you killing those." he told her as he came to the halfway mark of his first slice, ignoring the hungering look Esdeath was giving his food.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Out. Got something I want to play with for a bit."

"Your penis I presume? I take it you've got another whore ready to be claimed?"

he staggered, 'Not the best choice of words, hey Parc?'

"Uh, no. Actually, I've got a weapon I want to play with."

"You're penis."

"No, a literal weapon." Though it was more energy than weapon really.

"Considering what you did to me, I consider your penis a weapon."

No words could explain his incomprehensible staring at Esdeath as she continued to pat her breasts dry only to grumble when more milk forced its way out.

"You know what. Yeah, I'm going to play with my penis." he spun around, cast his hand upwards and threw a lazy departing wave, "I'll see you later. Try not to kill anyone."

"I cannot make such nonsensicle promises darling. If I kill, I will do it whenever I want to."

The door creaked shut behind him, not bothering to leave Esdeath with another parting word.

With him gone, Esdeath looked down to her breasts and analysed their shape, "they're bigger." she frowned, "how annoying."

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