The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 187: A Discovery of Semblances

Chapter 187: A Discovery of Semblances

Staring out over the emerald forest from his clifftop gazebosomething he'd decided to build just earlier that morning. Parc sipped noisily from a glass filled to the brim with roy rogers, an unholy blend of cola and grenadine syrup. "Winter is coming," he mumbled as a cold gust of wind swept up from below and clashed against his hair sending it billowing.

"I wonder if I should make the students live in the woods naked for a few days" he downed the rest of his roy rogers, letting out a belch as the carbonation decided to release itself from his body and returned the glass to his satchel of everything. "That sounds like fun, maybe I should hunt them down as well. Make it a survival game. Glynda won't be very happy about that," he pinched his chin and stroked it like a wise old man.

"Fuck her," he snorted, "Why do I need permission to torture some kids?

Without wasting another breath, Parc hummed, lifted one leg and brought it over the edge, his full body soon joining it with a light "Hop," and began his rapid decent down the cliff face. The stone jotting out of the wall skirted past furiously, threatening a painful occurrence should he reach out to grab it.

The hard-packed ground was swift approaching and within but a handful of seconds he was upon it. He sucked a breath and urged his wing to appear. It sprung forth like a bat out of hell, caught the wing with its thick conglomeration of splayed out black and white tipped feathers and slowed his descent in but a second flat. His feet gently landed atop the soil and just like that the wing faded into the wind, returning from whence it had come.

Parc rolled his shoulders and let out a sigh and lifted his PDA up to check his mana totals, that few seconds having drained him of ten points of his four hundred. "God that thing is so inefficient. Then again, humanoids having wings isn't exactly a normal thing," he pondered the implications of having a permanent wing a flight would cause for real angels and the like, "they must go through calories like mad," was all he could conclude.

Cracking his spine by leaning back, Parc sighed contentedly and began to stretch out his arms as his stride brought him humming into the confines of the emerald forest. He'd come for one purpose and one purpose alone. To figure out what his semblance was.

The best way he thought to do that? Meet a grimm and give it a handshake with the tip of his blade entering its skull.

Simple no? He thought so at the least. Lili was able to figure her semblance out relatively swiftly without the added grimm, though he was sure that had more to do with her relatively ineptitude at dealing with human combatants and being set to challenge Kurome day in and day out.

Was Parc sorry for the beating the girl underwent? Not a bit. It was quite amusing all things considered.

Parc's stride halted as he muttered, "I'm an asshole. Aren't I?" He was just coming to figure out. "Eh," he shrugged continuing his nonchalant galivanting into the forest, "rather be an asshole than complacent."

As he did so, he suddenly paused upon hearing a grumbling growl from the thick shrubbery surrounding him. "Ohhh, so quick. I wasn't expecting to find someone so fast," he chuckled and dug his hand into his satchel, pulling free his dagger, its darkened hilt and bright silver blade comforting and perfectly moulded to the shape of his hand. He didn't take a posture, instead pressing his free hand onto his hip and let the dagger hang by his side.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

From the shrubbery stepped three large, lumbering forms of black smoke releasing bears. Their upper heads covered in a thick bony mask with brigt red eyes and markings covering the mask. Across their burly forms various areas of patchy plates and spikes of bone.

"Ursai, is it?" he mused, foot tapping as the bears stood on their hind legs and the first let out an earth rumbling roar that sent its compatriots lunging towards Parc.

The left hand one threw its paw up and went to swing it down while it compatriot lingered a step behind.

"Really? You just get here and its already time for murder?" huffed Parc, his head shaking as the Ursa brought its paw down, sending it hurtling through the air with its jagged claws prepped to tear through anything in its path.

With a roll of his eyes, he sighed, and his form flickered into a squall of feathers, the claw shimmering past his silhouetted form sending the feathers dancing about the air before fading into the nothingness of the world. Parc reappearing not a few steps away with a disappointed sigh.

"Honestly, bears will be bears. No intelligence at all," the other ursa growled and charged, diverting its track to skid across the dirt and faced him, its jaws opening wide alongside its arms being splayed out ready to pull Parc into a life-threatening hug.

But just like earlier, his form only turned to feathers and reappeared behind the ursa. "Welp, no point teasing you, I only really need one of you so. I'd say this is goodbye my fluffy big friend." With a kick of his foot, Parc sent himself into the air, leaping onto the Ursa's back and quickly clambered to its head to lock his legs around its neck and slam his dagger into its skull, shattering the bone mask and twisted it for added pain.

The ursa collapsed, falling heavily to the earth and its body began to fade into speckles of black particulates. Parc hopped off of its body, spun his dagger in his palm and looked to the second Ursa. They met eyes, he smirked, it growled. The next second its head was falling to the earth while Parc stood behind it, dagger dancing in the air as he threw it up and caught it. "To think Jaune will have so much trouble with you thingies. It's embarrassing really."

Jaune was as far as Parc was concerned, a hopeless wannabe. Sure, he became half as decent in the later seasons but compared to everyone else he was a guy with a sword and a shield he had no clue how to use. Pyrrha may be giving him lessons in how to use them but that didn't change the fact when push comes to shove, Jaune was forever the weakest link.

Glancing to the last standing Ursa, the largest and the most heavily armoured one, Parc had a sudden realization. "Ohhh, you're an ursa major. Cool, still likely going to die after I figure out what my semblance is."

He turned to face the Ursa as it stood across the clearing from him. He met its rage addled eyes with his own, lifted a hand and gave it a 'come hither' curl of his fingers.

It wasted no breath, its heavy paws dug into the soil and dragged it a step forwards, then two, then into a full-on sprint. Parc licked his lips, lowered his form, and grew excited as he could feel a strange bubbling sensation course across his body with every step the Ursa grew nearer.

Until finally, halfway there, the bubbling turned to a full boil and pain rocketed to his eyes sending them to a shade of pure crimson. Scars tore from the outer tips of his eyes that trailed down his cheek bone and across his neck before cracking open to reveal a pulsating red mist.

He locked eyes with the Ursa once again, its yellow pupils dilated, it stumbled, crashed and fell into a roll before coming grind into the earth before Parc. Its entire body shaking like a newborn calf.

Confusion coursed through Parc's body as he stared down at the Ursa, "the hell?" he questioned catching in the glint of his blade a shimmer of red. He turned the flat of his blade to himself and gazed into his reflection, realizing the cracks that had formed across his cheeks and the familiar pitch of red taken to his eyes. "Don't these make women horny?" he mumbled raising his free hand to pry open his eyelid and observe the full extent of the all-encompassing red that had taken his eyes hostage.

A sudden shiver coursed down his spine as he glanced down to the Ursa. It was trembling, it was drooling, and weren't dilated eyes a sign of love?

"Please tell me I'm not making grimm horny." he gulped and stared down at the hunching ursa, a twitch in his lip leading him to mutter. "Uh, sit?" and watched as it rapidly sat on its haunches. his brow rose at this, "wait," he held his hand out, palm up and said, "paw." not a moment later the grimm lifted its gargantuan, claw ridden paw and laid it atop Parc's hand.

"So not horny, but I can now control grimm?" a cruel smile stole his expression, "oh, I wonder if this works on humans as well." a trembling took him as he felt an urge to pull something from his satchel, the container he had the three golden orbs that had once crafted his beloved Teigu. He plucked from the bottle one of the orbs and gulped, his lips wettened after licking them.

"Why do I want to eat this?" was his question that went wholly unanswered as he slammed the orb into his mouth and swallowed. At first, he felt nothing, but then out of nowhere his stomach churned and agony coursed through his body sending him collapsing onto his knees, clutching at his stomach as the orbs rapidly disintegrated within the bile of his stomach.

"Stupid Idea" he groaned, his mind wandering away into darkness as the ursa major stared down at him with worried eyes and a tilted head.


Elsewhere, on another continent in fact, stood a woman of many millennia. Her skin a pale of death with darkened veins coating her cheeks giving contrast to her pitch-black eyes accentuated only by the devilish red of her irises. Her hair, a shade of white and made into a large half-bun with six offshoots, three coming from each side of her head wrapped in dark cloth and from the tips hung six obsidian ornaments.

She dressed herself lightly, in a dark, devilish, and revealing night gown as she had awoken from her own slumber. Something she had no need for but enjoyed doing as it allowed her peace of mind. One of the few things she retained from her days as humanity all those millenia ago.

Yet now, something strange had happened to her. It happened in an instant, she felt a ripping sensation from her darkness. She'd lost control of something, something far off near that despicable Ozpin. At first, she narrowed her eyes and growled.

"Ozma," she hissed, "did he figure out a way to weaken me after so long?" she mumbled, her eyes shutting as she went to focus on the last image that grimm, an ursa major as she recalled had seen before its darkness had been ripped from her.

In her vision appeared a boy, tall, dressed in cheap exercise clothing with jet black hair. In his hand a simple silver dagger that left little to the intimidation. Her brows furrowed, "a boy?" she murmured and scanned his body, eventually falling onto his demonic red eyes and found herself gasping and clutching at the railing of her towertop bed chambers. Her eyelids shot open and she hunched over, legs grinding together as she felt a tide of desire drip and wettening her undergarments and inner thighs.

"What, what is this?" she growled digging a hand between her legs to feel and ensure it truly was her nectar dripping free. She stroked her fingers across the velvety fabric of her panties, felt the crease of her vagina and felt a tremble of pleasure assail her, something she hadn't felt in many, many years. When her hand pulled up and revealed between her digit's thick strands of glossy fluids, she knew it was. "I am aroused? Hmm, this is a first."

She sucked in a breath, held it and let it out in a single prolonged sigh and straightened her back, "well, a boy who can steal my grimm and who arouses me." once again her eyes clamped shut and she reimagined the boy, avoiding his eyes this time as she put his facial features to memory and muttered, "well now, haven't you gotten my attention. Let's see what Cinder can do with you. Hopefully before Ozma can turn you against me."

She flicked her wrist sending a swirling mass of darkness out of her gown that formed into a darkened portal, she leaned into it and began to whisper words into it. "Cinder, something interesting has occurred. I want you to bring me the boy with the purely red eyes, he is near Beacon, I will have a seer transmit you an image of him. Do so quickly, I would rather Ozma not get his vile fingers around this one's neck like he has a tendency to."

Another flick of her wrist sent the portal dissipating into the nothingness of the wasteland eternally painted in a gloomy red with purple crystalline protrusions and oceans of murk black tar.

Leaning onto her balcony, Salem bit her lower lips with anticipation. "I wonder if this one will survive."

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