The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 188: Milky discussions

Chapter 188: Milky discussions

Not long after Parc's abandonment of Esdeath, the general in question was hunched over holding her head nursing the agonizing repercussions of her poorly thought out plan to tame Parc. Had she the mind then to even think clearly of what such an action would bring upon herself, she likely would have instead opted to have one of her subordinates get pregnant instead. Chances are she would still be in control of Parc as well as having the perfect tool for controlling him.

But, as things were, that was in the past and now in the present she was actively clutching her throat and massaging the bile back down before it could be released. "I truly should have thought this through better," she grumbled with a hiss and rose from the dining room table. Her hand softly clutching her bulging belly while her head turned around to analyse the building she had been brought into.

It lacked windows which reminded her of her dungeons, only difference being that instead of blood, screaming toys and sharpened tools, were the usual amenities she expected of a well-established house. Though all in a style she was unfamiliar with, much more futuristic and sleek. Perhaps the empire may have developed such a style in a few hundred years, she thought arriving before a clear glass tank where a strangely detailed diamond squirrel was sat with an acorn in its mouth.

She leaned down to its level with narrowed eyes that widened a slot when the thing turned its head, blinked and quickly returned to devouring its acorn, fattening its already well-fed belly.

"What a strange beast. Is this one of this worlds creatures I wonder?"

Finding no more interest in the squirrel, Esdeath straightened herself out and continued her trek around the room, passing by a simply yet ornate sofa dyed with light blue fabrics and a kitchen where she found a few forms of knife. Reaching for the cleaver that hung against the wall by magnets, she brought it out and analyzed every fine detail about it. The handle, oak and well fitted around the through tang. Heavy, making it perfect for cutting through flesh and decimating bone, and the tip, it cut through her finger with such ease she felt it could sever through steel with ease.

Freezing the newly formed wound on her finger, Esdeath rolled the cleaver a few times in her hand, smirked, then rose it high. A second later her arm shot down and slammed the edge of the blade into the countertop, burying it well halfway into the stone.

Tugging it free, she checked the edge for any rolls or chips but was impressed to find it was as perfect as when she'd first inspected it. "What a well forged blade, this would have been perfect for my dissections." she mused and returned it to its place on the magnetized strip on the wall.

Deciding she'd had enough with this room, Esdeath made her way to the walls where several doors could be found. She reached out for one, the same Parc had left through, and threw it open only to be greeted by a torchlit tunnel leading far into the distance. "Perhaps another time," she said shutting the door. She was tempted to leave and to inspect their surroundings, but she had much more interest in inspecting this cove her darling had found himself in for any weaknesses that a potential assassin or unwanted pest may find themselves eager to abuse.

She was sure there wouldn't be many, not for Parc as he himself was an assassin so he should know full well all the weaknesses of his own home. For one, she had no doubts he had at least two or three hidden exits and entrances that he could use should they be raided for whatever reason. Were she the one to have designed this building though, she would have likely hidden a few forms of explosive around to mulch anyone who dared entered and disturbed them.

'Though maybe some form of long acting poison would also be good? Something painful, yes, that sounds nice.' She mused, about to throw open the next door but paused when she heard what sounded like muffled footsteps from behind it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She had an inkling as to who it was, or at least, one of the potentials it could be, the bitch, or this Summer, Parc had told her might be capable of assisting her with this insesant wetness her breasts were expelling.

Stepping back and laying one hand on her hip, Esdeath arched her head up and waited. Having to do so only a few seconds as the handle jostled and slowly opened, revealing a black haired woman with the tips red, wrapped tightly in a clean white cloak that now acted as a form of warming robe. Her silver eyes half lidded and with darkened bags beneath each of them.

Esdeath said nothing as the womanSummer she was presuminghalted, blinked wearily and scanned Esdeath up and down while licking her parched lips. Summer's hand skirted out of her cloak to rub her eyes and allow a more clearer frame of mind to take her, hoping to clear away the illusory woman before her.

Only, when she brought her hand down and gazed out, she was still there. And much fatter, "uhh, who are you?" Summer said gulping heavily as she pulled her cloak tighter, feeling a light chill from her nudity beneath it.

Esdeath kept still for a moment, narrowly scanning the small form of the woman before her, inwardly please that she was more voluptuous than Parc's new doll. "General Esdeath. Darlings wife."

"Darling?" Summer's creaking mind cracked and began to process, quickly finding the connection between Parc subterranean hovel and a suddenly appearing woman before her, "wait, I thought Kurome was Parc's wife."

"The bitch is nothing but a liar speaking with words she hasn't the faintest idea of," Esdeath huffed, spun on heel and marched towards the table. Staggering as she drew near when a quick flicker of darkness stole her vision.

She reached out, gripped the table and halted herself, eye twitching in frustration, "you make me lust for lemons and now you wish to take even my vision? you keep this nonsense up and I will cut you out of me you burdensome parasite." her nails digging into her stomach as she swore a promise to her child. Finding that it actually listened, and her body seemed to grow lighter and less nauseating.

Falling into the same chair she had been sitting in not long ago, she leaned back and glared Summer's way. "Darling said you can assist me with this parasites effects on my body. Specifically, around this unending torrent of milk my breasts are producing," the way she sat accentuating her breasts and revealing the darkened splotches where her blouse had been stained.

Summer blinked profusely, confusion still evident at her freshly awoken mind. She glanced across Esdeath's fattened baby belly, her breasts darkened by milk and her pallor, a shade of sickly. All things she was more than familiar with when she had Ruby.

But there was an issue, one she hadn't been expecting, "you're pregnant?" he voice cracked, eyes shivering, and lips sucked in. "Parc's having a child? Oh god what the fuck. Why didn't he tell me this."

"Woman, shut up and sit yourself down. I do not want to hear you breaking down because of something so innane. Just tell me what I am to do to fix this," she hissed indicating to her chest, "or do I have to torture you for that information?"

"What? O-oh, no. No, I'm coming," something about Esdeath sent shivers down Summer's spine, the intimidation factor of the woman was quite amazing. Summer could just sense that she really wasn't against torturing for information if she really wanted to. Though something else said that that was mor bark than bite due to her current state.

Coming to the table, Summer dragged out a chair and quickly seated herself, her cloak kept locked tight around her body while her face went a shade of red. "S-so, what do you want to know?" said Summer, squirming uncomfortably from her barely hidden nudity.

"I was expecting this milk, to only start coming out after the parasite is out. And yet now, I am being tormented by my breasts leaking. How do I halt this?"

Summer glanced to Esdeath's breasts, feeling a slight shade of sympathy and nodded, "well, there's a few options. You can get pads which will absorb the milk, you just stick those in your bra or get a nursing bra. The other options is really just getting it all out using a breast pump or your hands."

"And then I won't have to worry about it?"

"Oh good god no. You're going to be leaking for months after they come out. After they do though, you can just breastfeed them more often and that will also help with the pressure."

"That wasn't what I wished to know, how do I stop this permanently?"

Summer was thrown aback, "you can't. I mean, it'll stop after a while but you can't just stop it. Well, not unless you have your breasts cut off."

Narrowed eyes glared at Summer, sending her hackles on end but swiftly softened when Esdeath sighed helplessly. yet another shade of nausea stealing her skin tone. Yet again, Summer was swift to realize what was wrong, "do you need some help with the nausea? I've got a home remedy you can try if you want?"

"If it is poison I will kill you. I hope you know that." Esdeath growled, hand laying over her eyes as she slumped into her seat.

Summer chuckled awkwardly and slowly rose to her feet, "why don't you go lie down on the couch and I'll bring it to you in a bit. Have you had any breakfast?" she asked making her way to the kitchen, hearing behind her soft heel clacks as Esdeath made her way to the couch.

"No. I have not."

"Alright, then I'll make you some breakfast as well." Summer entered the kitchen, opening drawers and cupboards inspecting everything they had in stock and thankfully found a batch of strawberries in the fridge. An essential ingredient into the Rose family morning sickness routine. that and an absurd amount of sugar.

Meanwhile, Esdeath seated herself down heavily, sinking into the comfort of the chair with a sigh only to tilt her head to the side upon hearing a creak. Black eyes met her blues, both narrowed and two rumbling growls filled the room. "Bitch," Esdeath growled.

"Secondhand concubine." Kurome retorted, their gazes still locked. Summer in the distance found herself sweating a cold sweat as she saw sparks fly.

'Apparently, they aren't friends.' she thought.

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