The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

However, reality wouldn’t change no matter how much the politicians lamented it.

On one side, there was a madman who said things like “Disband all clans! Confiscate their property and put bomb necklaces on the hunters! Of course, the clans working under me are an exception!” and was highly popular.

On the other side, there was a newly elected senator with no connections or sponsorships. His only support came from a single hunter.

That was the reality.

“...Everyone, calm down. It won’t end like this.”

“That’s right. In the first place, the presidential race has a lot of variables along the way. Those novices will quickly be shaken up.”

It wasn’t just the official presidential election; the primary election to select the final candidate within the party also had a lot of variables.

The parties traveled to each state in America and competed against each other.

Whether it was a problem in the camp, a candidate’s slip of the tongue, an accident or a poor performance in a debate... Support could vanish just as quickly as it had appeared.

“I guess so?”




However, even as they tried to reassure each other, the frustration didn’t disappear from the politicians’ faces. First of all, the weight of Choi Yeonseung’s name was too great.

‘I have to contact Mike Hwang and let him know that I’m going to support him.’

‘Just in case, I need to join that side...’

The members of the party, as well as several entrepreneurs, started working their brains in case things went south.


“Knoxville! Knoxville!”

“America needs Knoxville!”

Gavin Knoxville—one of the major senators of the Republican Democratic Party. He had been a member of the Senate for decades and had served as a minister of various types, so he had strong connections within and outside the party.

Given his background and qualifications, Knoxville didn’t give up just because he was a bit behind in the approval ratings.

“There’s nothing to worry about. Mike Hwang is like a child.”

“His approval rating is slightly up now, but it will go down as time passes.”

Knoxville nodded. He wasn’t very happy with Mike Hwang. Of course, he was a much better person than that Huntsman lunatic from the other party. However, he was too young, and he would certainly struggle in a position that didn’t suit him.

“Here comes Hunter Choi Yeonseung!”

“Nice to meet you, Hunter Choi Yeonseung.”

Knoxville stood up and shook Choi Yeonseung’s hand.

Normally, bigshot senators didn’t have much to do with hunters. In terms of power, the higher-ranked hunters could behead any politician in a second, but politicians could socially bury the hunter with their authority.

However, Choi Yeonseung wasn’t like other hunters. Besides being powerful enough to instantly kill someone, he also had a lot of political power. After all, his declaration had completely shaken the presidential race!

Besides his influence, Choi Yeonseung’s dedication was worthy of respect. Knoxville had been active since the first generation of hunters, and he hadn’t seen many hunters as broad-minded as Choi Yeonseung.

“Good to see you,” Choi Yeonseung replied. “I didn’t expect you to call me. What’s going on?”

“We’re going to have a debate between candidates soon, and I wanted to talk to you, Hunter Choi Yeonseung. Why are you supporting Senator Mike Hwang? What do you see in him?” Knoxville asked in a serious tone.

In Knoxville’s eyes, Choi Yeonseung wasn’t the kind of person who would support anyone mindlessly. He had to have seen something in Mike Hwang, something that he didn’t see in him!


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Although Choi Yeonseung’s expression didn’t change, he was embarrassed. It wasn’t that he had seen anything special in Mike...

‘I’m pushing him because he’ll cooperate with me...’

Having been hindered and sabotaged by countless politicians, Choi Yeonseung only wanted one thing from the future president. He wanted him to help without making excuses and not interfere in his plans!

If an S-grade monster appeared, they needed to evacuate the surrounding area and call the hunters together. A president who didn’t act immediately in order to pay attention to the opposing party could be considered brilliant from a political standpoint, but they would incur the wrath of a constellation by doing that.

‘But he’ll be very disappointed if I say this.’

Choi Yeonseung read Knoxville’s expression. Even though he was a competitor, he was from the same party as Mike Hwang, so Choi Yeonseung couldn’t reveal his true reason for supporting Mike Hwang.

Even though winning was the most important thing, Choi Yeonseung had to convince his opponent!

“When I look at Mike Hwang, I see young enthusiasm and innovation. He’s someone who can make a difference!”


Knoxville was surprised by Choi Yeonseung’s earnest words. Certainly, Mike Hwang was one of the youngest senators. Of course, he was a middle-aged person, but that was considered young for a senator.

‘Is he that kind of person? Certainly...’

Mike Hwang might be immature and childish, but no one could deny that he had a fire, a youthful ambition in him.

“But it’s a position of responsibility. He has to be able to deal with all sorts of problems, right? Is he capable of doing that?” asked Knoxville.

‘Why is he asking me?’

Choi Yeonseung was dumbfounded. He was just supporting someone, not running for president. If Knoxville really wanted to know about Mike Hwang’s abilities, he should ask Mike himself or his advisors...

‘I just have to tell him something plausible.’

“No one can do everything by themselves. Our brightest and most trusted experts are behind Mike Hwang.”

“Indeed... It’s Dragon Industry after all...”

Knoxville was convinced. Given that Mike Hwang had connections not just with Dragon Industry but also with Choi Yeonseung, he would easily get the best experts in every field.

Thus, Choi Yeonseung could confidently endorse Mike Hwang. In fact, he already seemed very confident about this young candidate.

Knoxville felt overwhelmed by Choi Yeonseung.

‘I feel intimidated by him...? Me?!’

He felt just like in his early days in the Senate, when all the big names in the party would overwhelm him. He had never thought he would feel that way again.

In fact, it was Choi Yeonseung’s presence as a constellation that overwhelmed Knoxville, but of course, it was impossible for normal humans to realize the difference.

“In any case, I don’t intend to lose either. I guess the supporters of our party will have to see who is the better man!”

“I see. Then I’m looking forward to a friendly competition.”

‘This guy seems very experienced... Do we even stand a chance against him?’ Choi Yeonseung wondered.

-Why are you already scared...? You’re a constellation.

-But look at him. He’s so confident.

Choi Yeonseung had his preconceptions.

Those in high positions of power were often lunatics, and that was the case even in developed countries like France and Japan. But nonetheless, hadn’t those people gotten where they were because of their experience and skills?

Mike Hwang wasn’t incompetent, but he was very young for a politician, a complete novice... Choi Yeonseung thought that it was best to contact Knoxville and join forces with him if Mike lost. He could still get what he wanted even without Mike.

“Hunter Choi Yeonseung! A monster has appeared near the debate venue!”

“What? What the hell are the clans in this area doing if they can’t even detect a single dungeon...? Give out an evacuation order and contact all the hunters in the vicinity! Illaphael and Lamart... Ugh, I need to let them rest. Can you tell Illeya to get over here?”

Choi Yeonseung figured that since Illeya was a constellation, she could fight more than the household members.

“Choi Yeonseung... If you order an evacuation right now, you might face some backlash.”

“What nonsense are you saying?”

“There will be a debate soon.”

People could get attacked for the most absurd reasons at a debate.

-Why does the candidate drive a Korean car and not an American one? Hey, do you not love America?!

-The fact that I’m driving a Korean car shows that I have a good relationship with Korean clans and that they’d agree to help in case of a raid...

Of course, most people would pay no attention to such crazy individuals, but candidates took them seriously. After all, one loud person could ruin the atmosphere and sway everyone against the candidate.

Naturally, people could also be criticized for giving an evacuation order.

-You’re scared of a monster that isn’t even that strong, so you ordered an evacuation and canceled the debate? Aren’t you unqualified to be a candidate?

-To think he’s scared by a raid situation!

“Just shut up and order an evacuation!”


At Choi Yeonseung’s firm words, the hunters nodded hesitantly. He seemed so adamant that no one dared to speak against him.

“I have to go. It was a pleasure talking to you. May we meet again!”

Choi Yeonseung politely said goodbye to Knoxville. He was being friendly to him in case he won.

[The power of existence has risen!]


‘Does he believe in me just because I said goodbye in a friendly tone?’

Choi Yeonseung was baffled. Knoxville wasn’t some teenager, so why was he acting like that just because of a good farewell statement?

‘Can I even trust him?’


-Mike Hwang wins the Republican Democratic Iowa primary, the New Hampshire primary...

-A high approval rating. Has the new president already been decided?

-A new explosion! Supporters are ecstatic...


-Mike Hwang will be the new president of the hunters.

-If you are a hunter, support Mike Hwang.

-Hunter Choi Yeonseung has helped us all. Those who don’t support Mike Hwang are traitors!

-We need to crush them in clan battles.

?Stop it already, you weirdo. Are you going to ruin the image of hunters?

?Someone like you is no help to Hunter Choi Yeonseung!

?Gavin Knoxville declares his withdrawal from the race... He supports Mike Hwang!

-‘He is a trustworthy man and outstanding people are helping him’...

-Mike Hwang wins the race! The Republican Democratic candidate is confirmed!

Despite the monumental event of a newly elected senator securing his position as a presidential candidate thanks to the support of a single hunter, the members of the opposing party didn’t care about it.

A greater tempest brewed within their party.

-As I was joining forces with the hunters to fight in the mine, those politicians were sitting at home on their couches, eating potato chips! Everyone!

-Kick them all out and support me!

Unexpectedly, Mitt Huntsman broke away from all the other candidates at the primary election.

Those who had judged that Huntsman’s popularity would soon fade and that there was no way for him to win were shocked by the various misconceptions and incidents.

How on earth was his approval rating still high despite his saying such nonsense?!

[The ‘Expert of Twisted Hallucinations’ says that this looks interesting!]

[The ‘Greedy Owner of the Treasure House’ is interested!]

[The ‘Giant with the First Flame’...]



The constellations outside Earth were starting to take an interest in this presidential election as it gradually became a competition between two candidates.

Many constellations weren’t interested in trivial human affairs, but there were some that kept an eye on Earth with mild interest.

After all, there was a competition to select the new king of the United States, one of the most powerful countries on Earth.

It was a deeply important position for the constellations that were knowledgeable enough about Earth. What if they could make one of the presidential candidates into their household member?

Of course, Mike Hwang was out of the question. Numerous good god constellations, including Choi Yeonseung, were already behind him.

As such, the evil god constellations had no choice but to tempt Huntsman.

-If you accept me, I will give you even more power!

-My subordinates will help you win!

-Don’t you want to shake the enemy?

Surprisingly, Huntsman was unfazed by the constellations’ temptation.

[Mitt Huntsman sends faith to the ‘Undefeated Incarnation of Training.’]

[He says that if you make him your household member, he will give you the United States!]


Choi Yeonseung was rendered speechless by Huntsman’s faith.

Was this bastard completely out of his mind?

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