The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 485

Chapter 485

‘This isn’t China. I can’t order everyone to have faith in me.’

Even if he ordered the wealthier Americans to believe in the Undefeated Incarnation of Training, they would most certainly refuse, and there would be a severe backlash.

After all, the president wasn’t a king.

-I think he doesn’t know much more about Earth than I do.

Even the goddess of sloth was baffled.

-How are you going to respond?

-Respond? I’ll just ignore him.

Even though Huntsman was a believer, Choi Yeonseung didn’t intend to make him part of his household.


[Mitt Huntsman sends faith to the ‘Undefeated Incarnation of Training.’]

[He says that if you make him your household member, he will give you the United States!]

[Mitt Huntsman sends faith to the ‘Undefeated Incarnation of Training.’]

[He curses you for not answering!]

‘Ignore him. Ignore him...’

-A constellation is bound to receive faith from lunatics as well...


[The ‘Rider of Thirst and Famine’ gives congratulations and says it isn’t a bad achievement.]

[The ‘Beast of Swords and Spears’ says angrily that it is still far away.]

[The ‘Bubbling Mass of Plague’ says that this is enough.]

[The ‘Marauder Wielding a Scythe’ agrees that it seems like it.]

The evil god constellations who had invaded Earth were discussing the progress of the invasion, and their words made it clear that their opinions were divided.

Given that multiple countries on Earth had been invaded at the same time, the achievements of the constellations varied greatly. The most unfortunate constellations were the ones who had targeted South Korea and the United States.

Those had started their attacks by thinking, ‘South Korea would be enough’ or ‘There has to be a lot to aim for in such a large realm’, but they had suffered tremendous damage and had been forced to retreat.

Of course, the most unlucky one was the black magician constellation. He had targeted Japan, but the country’s proximity to South Korea had led to his defeat, losing his territory as well...

Nonetheless, many evil god constellations were doing well in this invasion.

[The ‘Warrior Risen from the Death’ says he doesn’t want any more fights. If the good god constellations want a truce, he will accept it.]

[The ‘Parrot with a Corrupted Tongue’ agrees.]

Thanks to their names constantly being mentioned in the news and on the internet, the evil god constellations had gained a tremendous amount of power of existence, and they didn’t want anything else.

It had been the same in the first invasion.

Now, the evil god constellations had no reason to refuse a ceasefire if the good god constellations proposed it.

Of course, the good god constellations had no intention of tolerating the arrogance and hostility of the evil god constellations, but in the end, humans would get tired of this invasion.

Wouldn’t it be better to have a truce than to continue a pointless worldwide war?

Moreover, in the eyes of the evil god constellations, the humans of Earth didn’t really care about anything other than their respective countries. As long as they felt that their country was safe, they wouldn’t care if the evil god constellations were rampaging elsewhere.

[The ‘Beast of Swords and Spears’ bellows that it is unacceptable!]

[The ‘Adviser to the Thieves’ agrees!]

[The ‘Beast that Makes the Sea Overflows’...]


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The evil god constellations argued with each other about what to do, but this was more like an argument with a predetermined conclusion.

Those who had gained something out of this invasion would withdraw, while those who had suffered losses would continue fighting and face fierce retaliation from the humans.

Knowing this, those who wanted to retreat would just calmly wait for the conclusion of the invasion.

...However, the evil god constellations were still unaware of Earth’s politics, which would move things in a direction they never would’ve predicted.


It was a mild start.

“I have no intention of surrendering to the evil god constellations who are running wild right now. At the moment, it might seem beneficial to give in. There are signs that we are recovering, but I won’t surrender for political gain! I’ll work with as many countries as possible in order to fight off the evil god constellations!”

“Oh... It’s a good idea.”

Normally, no candidate would be able to make a pledge like that, but an altruistic candidate like Mike Hwang, with the support of a selfless and righteous A-grade hunter, could make such promises and seem believable!

-Mike Hwang says there will be no truce with the evil god constellations... He declares war to the end!

-I will eradicate all the evil god constellations!

The staff members of Mike’s camp all expressed concern, but Choi Yeonseung gave the green light.

-Adaquaniel also said it’s okay.

-It’s such a dangerous ple... Ah, is that so?

-I see.

-Adaquaniel said it was okay?

-Oh. Really? Then I guess it really is okay.


There was an immediate reaction from Huntsman’s side.

-How dare you make such bold and provocative promises in front of me?! Do you know who I am?

-M-Mr. Huntsman, please calm down! I don’t think your supporters like his pledge. I’ll come up with something, but...

-What do you know? Are you saying I should just bend over?! Make a stronger announcement!

-I... I understand.

-Mitt Huntsman has declared that he will wipe out all the evil god constellations who came during the first invasion...

-Mitt Huntsman’s speech... ‘Earth belongs to us humans’... His supporters are thrilled.

[The ‘Greedy Owner of the Treasure House’ contacts you.]


Choi Yeonseung was taken aback when an evil god constellation contacted him out of the blue.

What was going on?

The Greedy Owner of the Treasure House—last time, he made a blunder in the corporate war and almost lost his fortune. It was as though his mind went blank whenever he faced Choi Yeonseung.

As for Choi Yeonseung, he considered the treasure house constellation to be the most greedy and insignificant evil god constellation out there.

Of course, there was a lot of money involved, but Choi Yeonseung still couldn’t believe that the treasure house constellation had stooped so low.

[The ‘Greedy Owner of the Treasure House’ says he is here to keep his promise.]

[He accuses the evil god constellations of planning an assassination.]

To avoid losing all of his money, the treasure house constellation had signed a contract to act as a spy among the evil god constellations.


Choi Yeonseung frowned. Who would the evil god constellations try to assassinate..?

‘Mike Hwang!’

Given that he was a normal human and a believer of Choi Yeonseung, it made sense for the evil god constellations to target him.

However, the vision Choi Yeonseung had seen with Future Sight was different...

-I will make America great! Even if it means putting a bomb necklace around the hunters’ necks, I will manage everything... Cough! H-how dare you... If... I fall, the United States... No...!

-Gah! An attack! An attack!

-Everybody, run away!

‘...It’s Huntsman.’

The vision showed the evil god constellations attacking the venue where Mike Hwang and Huntsman would have their important debate. Buildings would crumble, and people would fall. It was an utterly chaotic scene, but it was clear whom the evil god constellations were after.

In the vision, dozens of hunters rushed to the scene, but the attackers ignored them and persistently aimed for Huntsman.

‘I don’t understand. Why are they targeting Huntsman?’

Choi Yeonseung didn’t understand the evil god constellations. Neither Mike Hwang nor Huntsman believed in an evil god constellation, but wasn’t Mike Hwang the most threatening opponent, given that he wasn’t insane?

If Choi Yeonseung were an evil god constellation, he would probably want Huntsman to become president...

-Isn’t it because the evil god constellations are afraid? He said he would fight to the end, so the evil god constellations might be wary of him.

-They believe in that bluff?

In Choi Yeonseung’s view, Huntsman’s pledges were a mess. Countless people were already skeptical, asking, “Is that even possible?” but Huntsman pretended not to hear them.

But the evil god constellations bought into his bravado...?

-Just as humans are unfamiliar with constellations, constellations are also unfamiliar with humans.

-It’s ridiculous.

Thank you, Greedy Owner of the Treasure House. You’ve helped me a lot.

First of all, Choi Yeonseung expressed his gratitude to the treasure house constellation. Even though a contract was binding, treating his enemy well would yield extra benefits.

[The ‘Greedy Owner of the Treasure House’ says goodbye and leaves.]

[The ‘Marauder Wielding a Scythe’ has come.]

[He says he will give you good information, so please decrease the protection fee.]



Both Choi Yeonseung and the goddess of sloth could guess what the marauder constellation was about to tell them, so their expressions stiffened.


Gilbert Gerrity, an American A-grade hunter, had been using all sorts of excuses to hide in his mansion, and the reason for that was simple.

Once it was known that he was healthy, he would have to go out and fight.

Of course, Gerrity enjoyed killing monsters about which there was a lot of information available. But fighting the household members of the evil god constellations, whom he knew nothing about?

That would be risky even for an A-grade hunter. Those who gambled like that were crazy.

‘All the A-grade hunters are cursed at because of one crazy guy.’

Gerrity was unhappy with Choi Yeonseung’s meteoric rise. What was even worse was that he knew deep down that Choi Yeonseung was special, even though he didn’t want to admit it.

A-grade hunters were the tactical weapons of a country; they were just pieces of meat with some extra pride and dignity. They were those who never admitted that they were weaker than someone else, even if they lost a one-on-one fight.

But Choi Yeonseung was different. It wasn’t just because he was a martial artist, excelled in raids, and risked his life like a madman. Gerrity instinctively felt that Choi Yeonseung was special, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly made him like that.

People were even discussing his potential promotion to S-grade, and the prospect of that caused Gerrity to feel deeply uncomfortable.


“Ah. You came.”

There was only one reason Gerrity came out from hiding. It was to obey Chairman Parker’s orders to protect Huntsman! He couldn’t refuse the orders of a wealthy man like Chairman Parker.

Gerrity led his subordinates and built a tight defense around Huntsman.

“I think Huntsman is a real madman... Does Chairman Parker really have an idea?”

“Gerrity, that Huntsman guy is Chairman Parker’s puppet. He diligently does whatever Chairman Parker tells him.

“For now. Will it be the same when he’s president? I doubt that... Anyway, the old man can take care of it himself.”

Gerrity decided to stop worrying about useless things. He just had to do his job and collect his paycheck.

“...Hey. What are those guys doing?”

“They're martial artists. Their numbers have increased lately. Don’t you know this?”

A bunch of hunters approached Gerrity’s team with swords in their hands. There was a distinctive aura about them, completely different from magicians.

“I don’t mean that. I’m asking why they’re glaring at me like that,” said Gerrity as he frowned.

“Aren’t you too soft?”

His subordinate hunter cocked his head. The hunters didn’t seem to be glaring at Gerrity.

Just then, a chill ran down Gerrity’s spine.


Gerrity’s artifacts glowed as soon as he yelled. Four spells were activated at the same time. Only A-grade hunters could cast magic so quickly.

Gerrity managed to save the lives of his colleagues by blocking the sword energy with his magic, stopping it right before cutting them in half. His peers were terrified, and one of them even wet himself.

‘If it hadn’t been for Choi Yeonseung...’

Despite the surprise attack, Gerrity couldn’t help thinking of Choi Yeonseung, his face popping in his mind. If Gerrity hadn’t taken that beating from Choi Yeonseung, he wouldn’t have noticed that those hunters were acting strange.

That defeat had caused Gerrity to be on his toes whenever he saw other martial artists.

“A-amazing, Gerrity!”

“Shut up!”

Gerrity prepared for a counterattack.

Just then, Choi Yeonseung and his hunters rushed to the scene.

“Ch... Choi Yeonseung!” yelled Gerrity. “ It was you! It was you!!”

“What are you talking about, Gerrity? Hunter Choi Yeonseung is also here for security!”



“Is that human crazy?” asked Illaphael, puzzled.

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