The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Volume 10 Character Summary Part 1

Volume 10 Character Summary Part 1

Vandalieu Zakkart - Dhampir (Mother: Goddess), 11 years old, male

Our main character, in his twelfth year of life since being born in Lambda. He has finally made a proper (?) debut in human society.

At first, his objective was to pick a suitable city to set up an ambush for Birkyne, the last surviving Pure-breed Vampire who worshipped Hihiryushukaka, and the group of reincarnated individuals led by Murakami. Things like registering at the Commerce Guild were secondary, and he would not have minded being unable to do those as long as he still achieved his main objective.

Since it was necessary to remain in the city until the Pure-breed Vampire and reincarnated individuals were defeated, he decided to simply run his food cart business without gathering attention so that he would not get arrested by the city guards or have his temporary membership at the Commerce Guild canceled.

But due to various unexpected circumstances - the battle against Heinz in the last volume, joining up with Darcia and the others, and the harassment from Joseph of the Commerce Guild - he was forced to change his plans.

With the city being dragged into Hajime Fitun’s clear attack on Vandalieu, Vandalieu’s plan to remain inconspicuous, which was already on the verge of death, finally came to an end.

But since he has acquired new friends, pets, disciples and companions, he does not seem particularly displeased about that. He seems to think that he is playing his role as the ‘Holy Son of Vida,’ as followers of Vida are on the rise as well.

In the battle against Birkyne in the previous volume, he forgot to use his Gyubarzo staff despite knowing how important it is, but he made full use of it in the battle against Hajime Fitun.

He has also become closer to being immortal, with the ability to control his body directly with his soul rather than with his brain and regrow severed limbs in the blink of an eye.

He has become a demigod through Jobs such as ‘Demon King’ and ‘Demiurge,’ and is now able to send his countless clones that were created during the reconstruction of his soul to his companions as familiar spirits.

Incidentally, ‘demigod’ refers to a god who possesses a physical body, and does not reflect the magnitude of the god’s divinity. The Sun Giant Talos is also a demigod, as is his father, the Colossus God Zerno, who was one of the great gods like Alda and Vida.

Vandalieu does not have any particularly strong feelings regarding the fact that he has become a demigod; his thoughts are along the lines of, “Now I can help everyone more” and “I’ve become the god of this century.”

But with Vandalieu’s transformation into a demigod, Nuaza’s plan to create an enormous statue of Vandalieu has finally begun. Vandalieu is unhappy with the fact that this national project is proceeding, overcoming his objections as the leader of the nation.

The voice of the emperor, who believes that the citizens’ hard-earned taxes and labor should be used on more important things, has been drowned out by the will of the people. Construction work is now taking place around the clock, with workers changing shifts three times a day.

The emperor has mobilized his Demon King Familiars to stubbornly protest (while taking care not to cause any trouble for anyone), but… he has been unable to gather a single supporter for his cause.

He is protesting, not impeding the workers.

In the city of Morksi, most people simply think of him as Darcia’s son; his mother is significantly more well-known. However, there are others who are more aware of him than his mother, such as the earl who governs the city, Guild Master Bachem of the Tamers’ Guild, and the residents of the red-light district and slum quarters.

In the case of the earl and Bachem, it is because they have been busy sending reports regarding Juliana and the undiscovered monster races of Vandalieu’s pets. In the case of the red-light district and slum quarters’ residents, it is because Vandalieu is no longer hiding who the ‘True Ruler of the Red-light District’ is anymore… since Miles refers to him as ‘Boss’ despite people being within earshot.

Although Vandalieu’s food cart initially just grilled meat purchased at wholesale stores, Vandalieu and Darcia now go out to the Devil’s Nest to hunt. The food cart has become a famous business that sells grilled monster meat skewers at cheap prices.

The owners of food carts that sold soups and sandwiches containing meatballs made with minced Goblin and Kobold ears in the back alleys have been taught how to make Gobu-gobu and steamed Kobold meat. They have signed a franchise contract with Vandalieu, so their livelihoods are secure.

Thus, the food carts in the back alleys now bear a pink heart-mark, making them more like a part of the red-light district in a way.

It seems that steamed Kobold meat is difficult to make widespread, as Kobolds are considerably dangerous and the leaves of Kobol trees are necessary in the cooking process. However, Gobu-gobu is likely to become more widespread in remote regions where food is scarce.

He has acquired the ‘Patron Saint of Transformation Equipment’ Title. As for why it is ‘Patron Saint’ rather than ‘Creator,’ all of the priests at the Communal Church recognize him as a patron saint due to Darcia being called ‘Holy Lady’ and ‘Holy Mother.’

… In the future, transformation equipment may come to be considered sacred tools.

Incidentally, in a twist of irony, the priests of the Communal Church who serve Alda and Fitun also recognize Vandalieu as a patron saint.

Vandalieu has become able to reconnect to Banda in his dreams, allowing him to gain information about events in Origin, but… he seems to get a distant look on his face every time he hears about the Amemiya couple’s everyday lives.

Darcia - Chaos Elf, 0 years old (resurrected), female

As the Demon King’s mother, Darcia struck down the champions chosen by the gods in anger during the last volume. But in this volume, by taking a break from her religious activities (concerts) on the Dark Continent to spend some time with her son, she has become praised as a holy lady and holy mother.

Due to her beauty, she has been on the receiving end of sexual harassment from corrupt city guards, and due to her workplace being located in a back alley in the red-light district, she has had encounters that have gone beyond sexual harassment. However, she was an adventurer in the Amid Empire when she was a Dark Elf, where Vida’s races are heavily persecuted. She is already experienced and used to dealing with such troubles.

On top of that, she has become incomparably more powerful than when she was a Dark Elf, and the Demon King is at her side. Thus, she is unafraid of almost anyone.

Like Vandalieu, she intended to not draw any attention so that they could carry out the plan of staying in the city of Morksi. However, that intention grew weaker after the interference from Joseph that forced her and Vandalieu to acquire their ingredients on their own.

That was when Priestess Paula, priestess of Vida at the Communal Church, asked Darcia to give a sermon. This caused Darcia to completely forget about not drawing attention.

… From the very beginning, perhaps it was impossible for the Demon King and an incarnation of a goddess to not draw any attention.

However, Darcia’s gentle personality has not changed. As long as no actual harm is done, she overlooks any attempts to harass her. Edmond’s suggestion to set up brothels disguised as Churches falls into that category.

But the number of people trying to harass her has fallen drastically after the battle at the front gate… and they have been replaced by a drastic increase in fans and parents accompanied by their children asking for handshakes and autographs, as well as believers who put their hands together and pray to her.

However, as the incarnation of Vida, she considers herself to be a religious person (celebrity?) and doesn’t shy away from interacting with these people.

She was initially hesitant to transform outside of religious activities (concerts) and battles, but the parade was a public event for her - in other words, part of her work - so she seems to have considered that to be an exception.

Due to her body being made of materials collected by Vandalieu, her skeleton being made of Orichalcum, and her training in Vida’s Divine Realm, she is highly capable in combat.

With the ‘Chaos’ Skill that transforms her body, she fought head-to-head with Hihiryushukaka who had taken possession of Birkyne’s body and overwhelmed him. And during the battle at the front gate in the Hajime Fitun incident, she overcame the enemy without using ‘Chaos’ or ‘Infinitely-Changing Fighting Technique,’ and dealt the final blow to a heroic spirit who had taken possession of a physical body.

Her strength is equivalent to that of an S-class adventurer. However, her actual experience in battle is limited and she is not proficient in hiding her strength, so people like Rodriguez who have an eye for judging the strength of others have an idea of how powerful she is.

Saria and Rita - Tartarus Maid Chief Armors, ? years old, female

The living armor sisters who infiltrated the city by becoming a part of Darcia’s luggage while keeping their spirit-form parts invisible.

Inside the city, they never left the house that Vandalieu purchased and devoted themselves to their work as maids while keeping a lookout for intruders. They spared the spies sent by the earl, as they determined that the spies were not subordinates of Birkyne or the reincarnated individuals.

In that incident, they kept their spirit forms invisible and pretended to be ordinary suits of armor, so Darcia was a little anxious that the spies would likely assume that she was the owner of the bikini and high-leg leotard armors… though perhaps now, the spies would conclude that they were prototype transformation equipment or unfinished products created by Vandalieu.

During the battle against Birkyne, the two of them fought against his Noble-born Vampire vassal Magisa in order to turn her into a maid, and the experience of doing so awakened their superior Skills including ‘Underworld Halberd Technique’ and ‘Underworld Naginata Technique.’

The defeated Magisa was resurrected as a Vampire Zombie by Vandalieu and became a junior maid to the two sisters.

Magisa was a powerful Noble-born Vampire who had lived for tens of thousands of years, and yet she was turned into a Zombie maid. The Subordinate Vampires who had served Birkyne, witnessing this happening to their former boss, trembled in fear and swore absolute loyalty to Vandalieu in their minds.

Sam - Dimension Road Carriage, ? years old, male

Feeling that his role as a vehicle was threatened by the usefulness of the teleportation abilities of Legion’s Jack and the evil god of labyrinths Gufadgarn, Sam challenged himself to travel not only through the sky, but through space as well.

As a result, he did not quite manage to achieve the teleportation that he was aiming for, but he has become able to travel from one point in space to another through an alternate dimension.

The movement is performed manually by Sam himself; he has not become able to teleport instantly from one place to another. However, nobody in ordinary space is able to interfere with him while he exists in the alternate dimension.

In other words, while Sam exists in his alternate dimension, he is invisible and invulnerable… but he is also unable to attack enemies in ordinary space while he exists in his alternate dimension.

During the battle against Hajime Fitun, he used this ability to store heroic spirits’ souls in his carriage along with his daughters to deliver them to Vandalieu.

However, it may be possible for an expert in space-attribute magic to interfere with Sam, but… to begin with, there were fewer mages with an affinity for the space attribute compared to other attributes, so this is a small concern.

Incidentally, the ghost ship Cuatro, who competed against Sam in a race for self-improvement… may show the results of its efforts in the next volume.

Name: Sam

Rank: 9

Race: Dimension Lord Carriage

Level: 55

Passive skills:

Spirit Form: Level 10

Superhuman Strength: Level 10 (LEVEL UP!)

Rough Road Travel: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Impact Resistance: Level 10 (LEVEL UP!)

Precise Driving: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)

Comfort Maintenance: Level 10

Murder Healing: Level 3

Space Expansion: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)

Air-running: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthen Attribute Values: Transportation: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Alternate Dimension Travel: Level 3 (NEW!)

Mana Enlargement: Level 2 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Silent Steps: Level 2

High-Speed Travel: Level 6

Charge: Level 10 (LEVEL UP!)

Size Alteration: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Spear Technique: Level 3

Aura of Fear: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Space-Attribute Magic: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Time-Attribute Magic: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Surpass Limits: Level 3 (NEW!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique Skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Zuruwarn’s Divine Protection (NEW!)

Gufadgarn - Evil god of labyrinths, ? years old, female?

An evil god who has continued to play a great part in things from the last volume. The fact that the city of Morksi suffered no damage in the battles against Birkyne and Hajime Fitun was largely due to her existence and actions.

If Darcia is the holy mother and Vandalieu is the messiah, Gufadgarn is the equivalent to Morksi’s guardian deity.

Gufadgarn herself doesn’t think much of it, however. It is likely that she simply thinks of the city as a city that is of value to Vandalieu.

Although the people of the city don’t know of her deeds, as a proud servant of Vandalieu, she is satisfied as long as Vandalieu thinks highly of her.

However, she thinks that it is fortunate that Vandalieu’s stay in Morksi has resulted in him gaining more promising disciples such as Juliana.

… Although Gufadgarn is not concerned with the other people in the city of Morksi, the fear that they feel towards Dungeons due to recent events becomes energy for her, as she is the evil god of labyrinths, and her vessel currently resides in the city. One could say that in a way, the people have rewarded her as well.

Gufadgarn is a fanatical worshipper of Vandalieu, but the one thing that she opposes Vandalieu on is the matter of the giant statue of worship in Talosheim; she wholeheartedly supports the statue’s construction.

As both an evil god and as a follower of Vandalieu, she strongly believes that an idol is necessary for worshippers to praise their gods.

As Gufadgarn showed Aggar during this volume, her body is merely a vessel disguised as a beautiful Elf girl, and it is a god-created monster. The inside of her body is a labyrinth that gruesomely tortures its victims, tormenting their minds and driving them to insanity as they die.

As she intends for no one to conquer this labyrinth, it can be considered to be an even more difficult labyrinth than the Trial of Zakkart.

Eleanora - Abyssal Vampire Princess Knight, 14 years old (20 years old at time of Vampire transformation, 34 years old in total), female

The individual who infiltrated a criminal organization… or to be more precise, took over it, in order to support Vandalieu in his stay in the city of Morksi.

The head of the organization was killed and turned into a Live-dead, and Demon King Familiars were placed inside him as well. Eleanora disguised herself as a female swordsman who guards him.

But after the destruction of Hihiryushukaka, the god she once worshipped, and her Vampire parent Birkyne, there is no longer any need for her to remain hidden. Like Miles, she is now publicly visible enough to help out at Vandalieu’s food cart.

But after she learned that Vandalieu had acquired the ‘True Ruler of the Red-light District’ Title, her reaction was: “Since I’m the ‘Leader’s Mistress,’ I will be recognized as Vandalieu-sama’s mistress… What a wonderful city!” She now feels a deeper attachment towards the city of Morksi.

But she is concerned with the fact that the word ‘princess’ is now a part of her race title, perhaps due to the effect of Zadiris’s curse or perhaps because of the influence of the transformation equipment she received from Vandalieu.

“This is strange. I am not such a child, and my proportions… My costume isn’t child-like either. And unlike Zadiris, the superior Skill I awakened, ‘Time Combat Swordsmanship,’ doesn’t have the word ‘princess’ in it. Could it be that it will appear when I awaken the ‘Time Attribute Magic’ Skill?!”

These are some of the worries that she has.

Having heard about this from somewhere, Kanako comes to Eleanora trying to convince her to make her debut on-stage, but Eleanora ignores her, feeling like if this conversation actually takes place, she will end up persuaded to do it.

Incidentally, simply not using the transformation equipment is not an available option for Eleanora. It is functionally superb, and more importantly, it is something that Vandalieu made by hand just for her.

With the destruction of all three Pure-breed Vampires who worshipped Hihiryushukaka, the evil-god-worshipping organization of Vampires in the Bahn Gaia continent has collapsed, and the Subordinate Vampires who surrendered have joined the ranks of Vandalieu’s followers. Under ordinary circumstances, they would have become Eleanora’s subordinates, as she is the highest-ranking Vampire among those of Birkyne’s bloodline.

However, Eleanora realized that she lacks the ability to lead others when Isla and the other Vampire Zombies were placed under her command, so she has declined taking these Subordinate Vampires in.

Consequently, it was decided that the Subordinate Vampires would be trained by the now-awake Pure-breed Vampires at Vida’s Resting Grounds.

Bellmond - Abyssal Vampire Empress Butler (forest-monkey-type Beast-kin), approximately 10,000 years old (18 years old at time of Vampire transformation), female

Like Eleanora, Bellmond infiltrated the criminal organization. Her false identity was that of the leader’s secretary, a very kunoichi-like role in a way.

But because Beast-kin were discriminated against in the Alcrem Duchy until somewhat recently, some of the upper-ranking members of the criminal organizations underestimated her. However, she felt pity rather than anger towards those who discriminated against her despite not even being aware that their leader had died and their organization had been taken over.

Although they were members of a criminal organization, all of them were such weaklings that she never gave them a second look. Thus, one of them once grabbed her tail when her guard was down.

Despite failures such as these, the takeover of the organization went as planned, and the only living members of it now are those who have joined Vandalieu.

There are still some remaining high-ranking members that force beggars to beg for them or run old stores, but the plan is to absorb those back into the organization as well.

There is no plan to continue running the organization as a criminal organization; its purpose will be to gather information.

With Chipuras and the others dying and joining Vandalieu as dead spirits, Ternecia’s Five Dogs have all been gathered in the city of Morksi, but Bellmond doesn’t think much of it. As almost the entirety of her time as Ternecia’s subordinate was devoted to the maintenance of the hideout at the underground lake, she is not familiar with any of them.

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However, she is conscious of the fact that she is the only one who became Vandalieu’s subordinate while still alive.

Like Eleanora, she received transformation equipment and increased her Rank during the battle against Birkyne. She is relieved that her race title didn’t become something related to princesses.

Her race title now contains ‘Imperial,’ but she interprets this to mean ‘the Emperor’s butler’ rather than ‘Emperor.’

Her equipment consists of long gloves and a collar, and when she transforms, her appearance becomes a combination of a kunoichi and a butler’s tailcoat… something that one might normally consider embarrassing despite not involving ribbons and frills, though Bellmond herself does not mind.

Isla - Vampire Chain Lord Zombie, approximately 30,000 years old, female

Isla infiltrated the criminal organization with Eleanora and Bellmond. Like Isla, her role was that of a female swordsman, but as she appears to be the oldest-looking and because she gave very precise orders, everyone around them assumed that she was the leader of the criminal organization head’s bodyguards, and Eleanora was her subordinate.

As the first person to use ‘Familiar Spirit Demonfall,’ she experienced the delight of summoning a clone of Vandalieu and becoming one with it in both body and mind. However, her behavior when she did so was so bizarre that many of the children who were captives of Hihiryushukaka’s organization of Vampires are now scared of her… though Isla isn’t aware of that yet.

As she is an Undead, she does not make public appearances even after the criminal organization stopped being of use. Her daily work now consists of monitoring and training (teaching obedience to) the criminal organization’s members who had surrendered.

She is assisted by the Undead who were once the high-ranking members of the criminal organization. They serve as an implicit reminder of what will happen to the former criminals now if they were to try and betray Vandalieu, so things are proceeding very quickly.

She declined a transformation staff, but the equipment given to her was not a staff but a collar and chain. As a self-proclaimed hound of Vandalieu, she accepted it with joy.

When she transforms, rather than becoming a magical girl, she takes on the appearance similar to the kind of female villain one would expect to see as an enemy of magical girls, but… she is in fact a woman in servitude of the Demon King, so she does not feel much discomfort about this.

Kanako Tsuchiya - Chaos Elf, 2 years old (Approximately 15 years old in appearance), female

As she was unable to use the ‘Chaos’ Skill to turn her skin white and disguise herself as an ordinary Elf, Kanako didn’t initially join in on the infiltration of Morksi. However, with Vandalieu and his companions defeating Birkyne, only Murakami’s group of reincarnated individuals were left to deal with. Thus, she entered the city boldly under the pretense that she was a Dark Elf from the same village as Darcia, and waited for these enemies that fate seemed to have connected her with.

Hajime Fitun and Murakami made their moves without Kanako, Melissa and Doug having to reveal their presence, however.

During the battle, she unleashed attacks on her enemies’ minds with Venus, burning images into their minds - images of Vandalieu’s paintings on the roofs of Talosheim’s buildings and the monoliths in the former Scylla territory.

Such attacks require the condition of using Venus to be fulfilled, but that condition is being able to communicate with the target, so it is fulfilled in most cases during battle.

This includes not just conversation; body language and eye contact even through mirrors conjured through magic is enough. However, she cannot activate things that she did not create of her own volition, such as recorded images and illusions that she does not directly control.

She is pretending to be an ordinary Dark Elf while she is in the city of Morksi, so she cannot use her ‘Chaos’ Skill. However, her overall strength in combat has increased dramatically as a result of creating this mental attack that is very effective on Vandalieu’s foes.

With ‘Venus,’ her transformation and ‘Familiar Spirit Demonfall,’ it is thought that she is as strong as an A-class adventurer, but… she also has a decisive flaw in the fact that she has not awakened a superior Skill.

Given the reactions of the people who saw Darcia and the others transform during the battle against Hajime Fitun and his subordinates, Kanako is sure that transformations will be popular in this world’s society as well.

She laughs to herself in delight over the fact that Vandalieu now has more companions who use transformation equipment and the addition of Juliana, Simon and Natania, who may not have potential as idols but will likely become promotion billboards for transformation equipment in the future.

Of course, Kanako herself is treated as something like an extra to Darcia and the others, as she was merely someone who fought alongside Vandalieu against the mysterious bandits, but she doesn’t mind… as she intends to restore her image on the stage.

During that battle, she was on the side that ended up killing her former companions, but she doesn’t think much of that either, as she had a rather distant relationship with Murakami and the others… or to be more precise, her thoughts regarding the matter are: “All of us betrayed the Bravers to begin with, right? So, none of us can really feel bad about being betrayed ourselves. And did they really have to call me ‘loose?’ I mean, I guess my butt did become a little smaller after I was reincarnated in a younger body.”

TLN: The Japanese expression for ‘loose/promiscuous’ is 尻軽/shirigaru which literally translates to ‘light ass.’

Of course, Kanako is aware that the words ‘traitor’ and ‘loose’ used by Murakami and the others were provocative and threatening words on the battlefield, not that he really felt resentful about having been betrayed.

Incidentally, unlike Kasim, Fester and Zeno, who have lost their qualifications as adventurers, Kanako, Doug and Melissa have not lost their status as Adventurers’ Guild members… though it would be troublesome if their cards were to be examined in detail by the Guild, as they were made back when Kanako was still an Elf. They are still on record as D-class adventurers.

Kanako’s transformation equipment produces a mini-skirt with frills and ribbons when activated.

Name: Kanako Tsuchiya

Race: Chaos Elf

Age: 2 years old (Approximately 15 years old in appearance)

Title: Reincarnated Individual, Magical Girl, Evangelist

Job: Magical Dancer

Level: 0

Job history: Apprentice Thief, Mage, Archer, Thief, Earth-Attribute Mage, Firework Technician, Magical Girl, Magical Idol

Passive skills:

Dark Vision

Mental Corruption: Level 2

Intuition: Level 6

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 5

Strengthened Agility: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Detect Presence: Level 5

Increased Attack Power when equipped with a bow: Small

Rapid Regeneration: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Superhuman Strength: Level 1

Magic Resistance: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Allure: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Ancestor: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Transformation: Level 3 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Earth-Attribute Magic: Level 8

Water-Attribute Magic: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Life-Attribute Magic: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 7

Singing: Level 7

Dancing: Level 7

Dagger Technique: Level 4

Unarmed Fighting Technique: Level 3

Archery: Level 5

Silent Steps: Level 5

Lockpicking: Level 3

Trap: Level 3

Throwing: Level 3

Compounding: Level 3

Artillery Technique: Level 1

Firework Manufacturing: Level 3

Surpass Limits: Level 1 (NEW!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique skills:

Venus: Level 10


Deanna’s Divine Protection

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Doug Atlas - Dark Human, 2 years old (17 years old in appearance), male

A reincarnated individual who has transformed from a human to a Dark Human.

He took the lives of his former companions during the battle against Hajime Fitun, but he doesn’t think much of it, believing that this is only the natural result of whose side he chose to join. He thinks it is because he had a distant relationship with everyone but Melissa during their previous lives, and also because of their personalities.

Incidentally, Vandalieu offered him the right arm that he used to deal the finishing blow to Murakami and the others, but he is planning to take only the Demon King fragment parts and turn them into a weapon.

He is the least well-known among the reincarnated individuals in the city of Morksi due to the fact that he does not transform. He is treated like an extra person in Kanako and Melissa’s group. But of course, he doesn’t care about this either.

What he does care about is that Kanako is trying to put Melissa onto the path of an idol, and… the possibility that the idol activities will begin in human society as well.

He also has a lukewarm opinion on Simon, who transformed despite being a man. He feels pity for Simon, thinking it likely that he will probably be trained to sing and dance in the near future.

In truth, even Kanako would not think of making Simon an idol. She intends to turn him into a male singer or part of a male singing unit.

Name: Doug Atlas

Race: Dark Human (Transformed from Human!)

Age: 2 years old (17 years old in appearance)

Title: Reincarnated Individual

Job: Demon Telekinesis User

Level: 0

Job history: Warrior, Mage, Berserker, Magic Warrior, Firework Technician, Telekinesis User

Passive Skills:

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 5

Detect Presence: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Intuition: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Muscular Strength: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Night Vision

Telekinesis Enhancement: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Status Effect Resistance: Level 1 (NEW!)

Rapid Regeneration: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active Skills:

Unarmed Fighting Technique: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)

Dagger Technique: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Throwing: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Light-Attribute Magic: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Wind-Attribute Magic: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Mount: Level 5

Coachman: Level 2

Archery: Level 7

Parallel Thought Processing: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Trap: Level 2

Swordsmanship: Level 3

Armor Technique: Level 1

Magic Combat Technique: Level 1

Surpass Limits: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Dismantling: Level 1

Compounding: Level 3

Firework Manufacturing: Level 4

Artillery Technique: Level 1

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique Skills:

Omnidirectional Perception

Force Vision

Telekinesis: Level 10

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Melissa J. Saotome - Chaos Elf, 2 years old (15 years old in appearance), female

As Melissa is capable of turning her skin white with ‘Chaos,’ she split up from Kanako and Doug temporarily and infiltrated the criminal organization with Eleanora and the others.

She was one of the organization leader’s guards, but there was something different about her (she doesn’t wield weapons and doesn’t seem to be one of his lovers), so the organization’s members thought that she was the leader’s illegitimate child or something of the sort.

She takes pride in the high defensive capabilities she possesses in the ‘Aegis’ barrier, but since it is easily broken by enemies wielding Demon King equipment, the current task that she is focused on is coming up with anti-Demon King equipment measures.

As the enemy was strong in the battle against Hajime Fitun, she was left with no choice but to use the transformation equipment that Vandalieu had given her, and as a result, she became one of the members leading the parade in the city and had to transform in front of the crowd.

In a way, she is the biggest victim of the incident.

But she is unable to part with the transformation equipment, as she cannot deny the equipment’s usefulness as a Magic Item and the usefulness of Jobs such as ‘Magical Girl’ and ‘Magical Idol.’

She has changed Jobs to ‘Magical Girl’ following the battle against Hajime Fitun.

Incidentally, her outfit when transformed is a simple design with few decorations; at first glance, she appears to be a combat-type magical girl.

Name: Melissa J. Saotome

Race: Chaos Elf

Age: 2 years old (15 years old in appearance)

Title: Reincarnated Individual

Job: Magical Girl

Level: 0

Job history: Apprentice Mage, Mage, Guardian Warrior, Space-Attribute Mage, Barrier User

Passive Skills:

Dark Vision

Rapid Regeneration: Level 1

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 5

Superhuman Strength: Level 1

Magic Resistance: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Allure: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Ancestor: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Intuition: Level 2

Increased Magic Attack Power when equipped with a wand: Medium (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Cost Reduction: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Increased Mana Recovery Rate: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active Skills:

Space-Attribute Magic: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)

Fire-Attribute Magic: Level 4

No-Attribute Magic: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Alchemy: Level 2

Dagger Technique: Level 2

Unarmed Fighting Technique: Level 5

Archery: Level 5

Mount: Level 3

Staff Technique: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Housework: Level 2

Cooking: Level 3

Surpass Limits: Level 4

Shield Technique: Level 5

Surpass Limits: Barrier: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Artillery Technique: Level 1

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique Skills:

Aegis: Level 10


Vandalieu’s Divine Protection (NEW!)

Miles Rouge - Abyssal Vampire Duke, several hundred years old, male

Miles joined the infiltration of the criminal organization as the ‘Starving Wolf’ Michael. At first, he didn’t wear his lipstick and spoke in a more manly tone than he usually does, but returned to his ordinary self after the defeat of Birkyne and his subordinates.

The thugs working for him in the red-light district and slum quarters were quite bewildered, but nothing changed about him other than his tone of speech and the fact that his lips had become more brightly-colored, so they seem to understand that this is who he is.

Unlike Eleanora, Bellmond and Isla, Miles was active in the Orbaume Kingdom as one of Gubamon’s subordinates, so his name is somewhat well-known here. That is why he is using a false name and disguises himself as not being a Vampire by deliberately walking around outside during the day… If someone were to stop him and ask him if he is the ‘Kisser’ Miles, he would tell them that he is Michael and they have the wrong person.

He defeated Birkyne’s confidant Mortor in one-on-one combat during the battle against Birkyne, and did the same to the heroic spirit Kizelbyne in the battle against Hajime Fitun. The latter was a matter of perseverance as the enemy was under a time limit, but a victory is a victory.

Miles is already more powerful than the average A-class adventurer; his strength is comparable to that of S-class adventurers of the past.

His Rank increased, changing his race title to Abyssal Vampire Duke, and changed Jobs to a Job named ‘Dark Beast Fighter.’

As the criminal organization no longer exists in the city, he gathered his lackeys to establish a security company that operates mainly in the red-light district and slum quarters, where Miles has always been somewhat trusted.

This is a positive contribution to the city, as the red-light district and slum quarters are now safer. Incidentally, the idea of creating a security company was suggested by Melissa.

Most of the remainders of the criminal organization who surrendered to Vandalieu are now engaged in office work such as accounting, and most of those who have been educated by Isla have been reemployed as office workers for the security company.

With Miles’s participation in the parade that took place two days after the battle against Hajime Fitun, Starving Wolf Security is finally beginning its journey as a respectable company.

Name: Miles Rouge

Age: Several hundred years old

Title: Kisser, Starving Wolf

Rank: 12

Race: Abyssal Vampire Duke

Level: 95

Job: Dark Beast Fighter

Job level: 0

Job history: Apprentice Thief, Thief, Mage, Fire-Attribute Mage, Unarmed Fighter, Magic Fighter, Clawed Fanged Warrior, Assassin, Dark Fighter, Dark Night Fighter, Beast Fighter

Passive skills:

Dark Vision

Monstrous Strength: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Rapid Regeneration: Level 10 (LEVEL UP!)

Status Effect Resistance: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Mental Corruption: Level 1

Super Strengthened Physical Ability (Claws, Fangs): Level 1 (Transformed from Strengthened Physical Ability (Claws, Fangs)!)

Augmented Attack Power while Unarmed: Medium (Transformed from Strengthened Attack Power while Unarmed!)

Detect Presence: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Enlargement: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Bloodwork: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

High-speed Flight: Level 9

Transcend Limits: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Trap: Level 4

Silent Steps: Level 6

Dagger Technique: Level 4

Dark Beast Claw Fighting Technique: Level 1 (Awakened from Unarmed Fighting Technique!)

No-Attribute Magic: Level 1

Fire-Attribute Magic: Level 6

Mana Control: Level 3

Magic Fighting Technique: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Chant Revocation: Level 2

Assassination Technique: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Armor Technique: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Beast Transformation: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 2 (NEW!)

Unique skills:


Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Zadiris - Ghoul Moon Wizard Princess, 300 years old, female

After Birkyne’s defeat, Zadiris entered the city of Morksi with the backstory of being one of Vandalieu’s tamed familiars.

The objective of this was to have more fighting forces in position within the city, and also to use this as an opportunity to have Zadiris interact with the city’s people and teach them that Ghouls are just another race of intelligent beings.

… As Hajime Fitun’s plan involved getting the entire city caught up in the battle, this plan was greatly successful. Zadiris has gained fans among the citizens and even among upper-class people such as knights.

It seems that the hearts of the knights, adventurers and mercenaries were moved by Zadiris and Basdia’s beauty and their kind actions during the battle at the front gate - they assisted and encouraged those around them despite there being no need as they were clearly more powerful. This is because they joined the battle at the front gate with the intention of supervising the others as they Level.

Her ‘Magic Staff Master’ Title is another reflection of her popularity… Ordinarily, she would likely have become the ‘Magic Staff Princess,’ but it seems that there were people who were considerate, thinking that it might cause trouble for her if they called her ‘princess’ when she was someone else’s familiar. Thus, her Title became ‘Master’ rather than ‘Princess.’

However, she has unfortunately also acquired the ‘Transformation Demon Princess.’ It seems that there is a considerable number of people who think that calling her ‘Princess’ is fine as long as she’s a demon princess who transforms.

In her despair, Zadiris now believes that the best thing for her would be for magical girls to spread throughout all human societies and the world to become one where all women are magical girls in a hundred years’ time.

Incidentally, the fact that Ghouls are one of the races created by Vida is being secretly leaked as a rumor.

Basdia - Ghoul Amazoness Midnight Queen, 35 years old (27 years old in appearance), female

Like her mother Zadiris, Basdia entered the city as one of Vandalieu’s familiars. Vandalieu registered the two of them at the Tamers’ Guild, telling Bachem that Basdia is a Ghoul Warrior and Zadiris is a Ghoul Mage.

They subsequently received familiars’ collars, causing Tarea to become jealous.

Since she was mainly raising the morale among the knights and city guards as she fought in the battle at the front gate, she has many fans among the knights and soldiers.

Her equipment is in the form of an axe, and when she transforms, her outfit becomes a mix between a leotard and a bodysuit with decorations attached to it. When she transforms while wearing armor, her appearance becomes more like a female character from an old transforming hero television show rather than a magical girl.

This is why Kanako is thinking of having her form a separate unit with Isla, Bellmond and Melissa when she makes her debut.

Tarea - Ghoul Elder Artisan, 274 years old (18 years old physically and in appearance), female

Tarea came to the city via Gufadgarn’s teleportation in order to help create the special artificial limbs that Vandalieu intended to give Simon and Natania.

But as she is in the peculiar position of being a capable craftsman with no rights as a person in human society, she is working in the basement of Vandalieu’s house, unable to go outside.

Tarea is one of the people that Juliana speaks to. She is frantic to correct Juliana’s misunderstood belief that all of Vandalieu’s disciples must become magical girls, but it seems that she has not managed to do so.

She is jealous of Basdia and Zadiris, who have received collars as Vandalieu’s familiars, but she feels better by telling herself: “I’m Van-sama’s caged bird.”

TLN: “Caged bird” is a Japanese expression that refers to a mistress/concubine whose freedom is restricted.

As Tarea’s transformation equipment is used for reducing the physical burden on her body associated with her daily work, it takes the form of a bodysuit with no decorations on it whatsoever.

As she has the task of crafting equipment every day, she intends to make her stage debut after her workload decreases a little. However, it seems that she is interested in the ‘core training’ that Kanako is teaching as a part of her dance lessons… as it can apparently prevent lower back pain.

Fang - Garm, ? years old, male

A stray dog in the slum quarters that lost territorial conflicts with other dogs and was suffering from starvation when he happened to be found by Vandalieu in the backyard of the house he purchased.

Fang was a medium-sized dog with gray fur. He had a ferocious personality and disliked humans. But he is loyal and obedient to Vandalieu, Darcia, Rita and Saria because they are not humans and are clearly more powerful, superior beings to himself.

But under the guidance of the rat sisters, he has come to entertain the children of the orphanage as well… although he has become a monster and his behavior appears aggressive, so he simply looks terrifying to people who don’t know anything about him.

Thanks to Vandalieu, he has gone from being a stray dog to a Demon Dog, a Black Dog, a Hellhound, a Huge Hellhound, and finally a Garm after defeating multiple monsters of the same Rank as himself during the battle at the front gate.

Garms are a newly discovered race of monsters in this world. They are larger than cows and have blood-crimson eyes. But Fang does not even compare to Vandalieu in strength and there are various senior members who are all more powerful than him, so he serves as a guard dog for the food cart without showing any arrogance.

Name: Fang

Rank: 6

Race: Garm

Level: 0

Passive skills:

Dark Vision

Superhuman Strength: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Detect Presence: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Intuition: Level 2

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Body Part (Fangs, Claws): Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Mental Resistance: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Fire Attribute Resistance: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Attribute Values: Guard Dog: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Silent Steps: Level 3

Aura of Darkness: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Scream: Level 3

Charge: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Coordination: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Flame Breath: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Surpass Limits: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Dance: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Maroru/Urumi/Suruga - Hellfire Rat/Death Snow Rat/Dark Copper Rat, 1 year old, female

These three rat sisters were born from Vandalieu and Luciliano’s mating experiments between living creatures and Undead creatures imbued with Life Gold. They became monsters after drinking Blood Potion.

They have cheerful, sociable, friendly personalities… or so it appears. They do indeed have friendly personalities, but they are rats who have been well-trained and take pride in their profession.

Kanako, the one responsible for their training, declared: “Rats have the qualities to become globally-famous characters!” She taught the three rats to dance, sing, perform and most importantly, she taught them how to be mascot characters.

Having gone through this training, the three rats visited Morksi. While acting as mascot characters for the food cart, they provided guidance for their junior (Fang). They transformed into new monster races - Flame Rat, Wet Rat and Iron Rat - and then increased their Rank even further during the battle at the front gate.

Maroru is now a Hellfire Rat with a fur coat of blackish flames. Urumi is a Death Snow Rat that radiates a life-absorbing aura of cold air. Suruga is a Dark Copper Rat with fur made of Dark Copper that she can harden or turn into a liquid form at will. The three of them are all Rank 6, and possess a level of strength that is unprecedented for rat-type monsters.

Name: Maroru

Rank: 6

Race: Hellfire Rat

Level: 0

Passive skills:

Night Vision

Status Effect Resistance: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Body Part (Front Fangs, Fur, Tail): Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Agility: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Rapid Healing: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Enhanced Attribute Values: Creator: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Murder Healing: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Heat Nullification

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Surpass Limits: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Whip Technique: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Armor Technique: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Charge: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Coordination: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Projectile Fire: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Singing: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Dancing: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Fur of Blazing Flames: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Name: Urumi

Rank: 6

Race: Death Snow Rat

Level: 0

Passive skills:

Night Vision

Status Effect Resistance: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Body Part (Front Fangs, Fur, Tail): Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Agility: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Rapid Healing: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Attribute Values: Creator: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Murder Healing: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Cold Nullification

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Surpass Limits: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Whip Technique: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Armor Technique: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Charge: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Coordination: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Projectile Fire: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Singing: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Dancing: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Fur of Frozen Water: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Name: Suruga

Rank: 6

Race: Dark Copper Rat

Level: 0

Passive skills:

Night Vision

Status Effect Resistance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Body Part (Front Fangs, Fur, Tail): Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Agility: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Rapid Healing: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Attribute Values: Creator: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Self-Strengthening: Guidance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Superhuman Strength: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Body Expansion (Tail): Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Death Attribute Resistance: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

Surpass Limits: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Whip Technique: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Armor Technique: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Coordination: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Projectile Fire: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Singing: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Dancing: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Body Fur Manipulation: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Fur of Dark Copper: Level 6 (Transformed from Fur of Armor!)

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