The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Volume 10 Character Summary Part 2

Volume 10 Character Summary Part 2

Legion - Eclipse Dark Legion, 2 years old, ?

Legion has avenged (some of) their own deaths in their previous lives. Legion’s members account for almost all of the deaths that the people of Morksi are aware of, other than the deaths of the bandits.

The only exception is a traveler (one of the people whose body had been possessed by one of Fitun’s heroic spirits) who was slain by a Skeleton (Bone Man). In reality, there were no casualties at all.

However, the people who were outside the city at the time are unaware of this, including the young adventurers whose lives were saved by a mysterious old woman (Valkyrie). Thanks to them and Earl Isaac Morksi’s speech, Legion have acquired the ‘Nameless Heroes’ Title.

Even though they had randomly picked the appearances of villagers they had acquired with the ‘Encroachment Fusion’ Skill to disguise themselves, it didn’t change the fact that these were still a part of Legion.

To use a human as an analogy, it is perhaps similar to the way that looking at someone from behind or from the side doesn’t change the fact that it is the same person. Acquiring a Title in this way is only possible for Legion, who is made up of multiple personalities.

Legion have heard that a statue of the ‘Nameless Heroes’ has been built in the plaza, and although they are fanatical worshippers themselves, they were unable to stay around any longer. At the end of Volume 10, they are sitting in Vandalieu’s house with a distant look in their eyes.

During the battle against Hajime Fitun, Legion absorbed the flesh and organs of a Mountain Giant corpse and used the remaining skeleton to fight in the form of a Giant… though the idea of doing this came from Kanako’s dance lessons, during which she told them: “If you can’t dance because you have no bones, can’t you just stick something inside that will act as bones?”

Legion have changed the way they think about dancing, and now believe that they need to get used to it.

Legion feel even less emotion than Kanako towards the fact that Hajime and the other reincarnated individuals were killed. They seem to think that it was simply a battle between people who knew each other’s faces, and that it was just an extension of what happened in Origin - them and Murakami’s group making use of each other and then trying to kill each other.

In addition to that battle, they contributed in other ways, such as using Jack’s teleportation to send monsters approaching the city and heroic spirits who had taken over the bodies of others as vessels into an underground Dungeon. The Experience Points they gained as a result caused their Rank to increase, turning them into a Rank 12 race called ‘Eclipse Dark Legion’… though there is no change to their appearance such as their flesh turning darker.

They have also changed Jobs to ‘Group Mass User.’

Simon - Human, 27 years old, male

Vandalieu’s second disciple. In the past, he had the appearance of a middle-aged man with disheveled hair, stubble on his face and tattered clothes. He shaves and dresses properly these days, and even though his slim build and the fact that he has an artificial right arm from the shoulder down, he now looks like the young man that he is.

He is from one of the numerous villages in the Alcrem Duchy, and since his older brother was set to take over the family business, Simon moved to the city of Morksi - the furthest city from the village - dreaming of success as he registered at the Adventurers’ Guild.

Blessed with considerable talent for the sword, Simon passed examinations and ascended to D-class, but lost his dominant arm from the shoulder down in a battle against monsters soon after. He struggled for a while, trying to somehow continue his life as an adventurer, but nothing could be done. But he was also unable to return to his home village or find other work, so he ended up living a miserable life as a resident of the slum quarters, doing day jobs for the Adventurers’ Guild.

A messenger of the ‘Starving Wolf’ Michael, the person who had newly taken over the red-light district near the slum quarters, called out to him. Bewildered, Simon responded and found himself meeting Vandalieu.

Simon heard Darcia’s speech and decided that it wasn’t too late for him to start over in life. But this did not go so well, and he was on the verge of being killed by a pack of wolves when Vandalieu saved him and took him in as a disciple.

He’s one of the people whose lives were changed for the better when Vandalieu came to the city of Morksi.

As he has spent a long time living in the slums, his tone of speech and behavior seem crude, but he’s a good person at his core. Although the fact that he could earn enough to feed himself through his day jobs was also a big factor, his good personality is the reason he didn’t stain his hands with crime despite being in the slums.

Due to Vandalieu’s special training, Simon has become able to do things that no other humans can do. He can manipulate and materialize his soul form, and he has acquired the ‘Long-distance Control’ Skill. The majority of humans who acquire these abilities while alive also develop problems with their minds, but… perhaps because Vandalieu has conducted the training appropriately, Simon has not acquired ‘Mental Corruption’ or anything of the sort.

By coincidence, Simon has become acquainted with the alchemist Jessie, who is the daughter of the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild. The curious Jessie questioned Vandalieu and his companions about the artificial limbs that he made, and while answering her questions, Simon became to Jessie something that is more than a friend but not quite a lover.

With Vandalieu’s special training, his guidance and his divine protection, Simon has both regained and developed to surpass the physical ability he had when he was an active adventurer.

In combination with the transforming artificial arm that he was given to celebrate his graduation, his skill in combat is equivalent to those of a C-class adventurer. Without it, he is somewhere between upper D-class and lower C-class.

During the battle at the front gate, he used the ‘Long-distance Control’ Skill to control his artificial arm, awakening the ability to send forth a rocket punch. Since he was seen doing so, he has acquired the ‘Flying Sword’ and ‘Iron Arm’ Titles.

Simon is aware that he does not have the skills that warrant gaining Titles, but he is determined to become worthy of them, looking towards the future with the same feeling that he did when he first became an adventurer.

Incidentally, during the last chapter of Volume 10, he is aware of the truth about Vandalieu and his companions. He was surprised to hear that Vandalieu killed the god of thunderclouds, but he does not intend to leave Vandalieu’s side because of this.

When he activates his artificial arm, which is a piece of transformation equipment, the black liquid metal spreads all over his body to supplement the armor he is wearing and support the movements of his body. These functions are very good, but… because of the color, it gives him the appearance of a high-ranking officer or leader of some evil organization.

Though it should be obvious, he has not received any dancing or singing lessons, as he has only learned the truth quite recently.

Name: Simon

Race: Human

Age: 27 years old

Titles: Flying Sword (NEW!), Iron Arm (NEW!)

Job: Transformation Equipment User

Level: 0

Job history: Apprentice Warrior, Warrior, Swordsman, Spirit Swordsman

Passive Skills:

Strengthened Muscular Strength: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Detect Presence: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Starvation, Disease and Poison Resistance: Level 2

Mental Resistance: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Attack Power when equipped with a sword: Small (NEW!)

Self-Strengthening: Transformation: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active Skills:

Swordsmanship: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Armor Technique: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Surpass Limits: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Coordination: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

Dismantling: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Housework: Level 1

Spirit Form: Level 3 (NEW!)

Materialization: Level 1 (NEW!)

Long-distance Control: Level 1 (NEW!)

Familiar Spirit Demonfall: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique Skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection (NEW!)

Natania - Mountain-cat-type Beast-kin, 17 years old, female

A Mountain-cat-type Beast-kin girl. She is a beautiful girl who looks strong-willed, with the ears of a cat, a leopard-spotted tail, short amber-colored hair, and thick eyebrows. Her limbs have been severed from about halfway down her upper arm and halfway down her thighs, but she is now equipped with metal artificial limbs.

Due to magic, the artificial limbs feel light to Natania, but heavy to everyone else.

She was a female adventurer with slightly-above-average qualities, and was able to work on her own after her registration.

But after becoming a D-class adventurer and starting to take on Rank 3 and 4 monsters, it became tough to be on her own, so she looked for companions and joined the Flame Blades, a group of D-class adventurers like her. While they were escaping from a horde of Minotaurs, they used Natania as bait, resulting in her capture and the severing of her limbs. She was on the verge of being sacrificed to an evil god.

Randolf saved her, and although he was supposed to dispose of her, he spared her. By pure coincidence, he left her in the care of Vandalieu and his companions.

Like Simon, who has lost an arm, she received training and has become able to move and fight better than she did with her original limbs.

She had a rougher personality in the past, causing her to be unable to get along with others, but being captured by the Minotaurs broke her pride countless times, and as she became dependent on Juliana to remain sane, the thorny parts of her personality fell away.

Now, she follows Juliana, who has been pseudo-reincarnated as a half-Minotaur. “I guess it’s okay? I mean, Juliana-san says it’s fine,” she tells herself.

She resents the Flame Blades who sacrificed her to save themselves, and was intending to never forgive them if they managed to use someone’s help to weasel themselves out of the heavy fine that was imposed on them by the Adventurers’ Guild. But upon learning that their bodies were stolen from them by heroic spirits, with their personalities erased in the process, she has started to feel that resenting them is meaningless.

She feels thankful to Randolf for saving her life, and to Vandalieu for doing the same as well as being a master to her. She considers Simon and the rats to be her friends.

She was about as capable as a D-class adventurer when she still had flesh limbs, but having grown under Vandalieu’s guidance and divine protection and having received transformation equipment, she is as capable as a C-class adventurer now.

Her transforming equipment is her four artificial limbs, which makes them more flexible than Simon’s. She can even change the shape of her joints to run like an agile four-legged animal… but since the waist that supports her limbs is still made of flesh and bone, she injured her back during the battle at the front gate and had to rest in bed after the battle.

Incidentally, her appearance when she has transformed is… that of a suspicious bad person or a high-ranking member of an evil organization.

Juliana Alcrem - Half-Minotaur, 0 years old (approximately 8 years old in appearance), female

As a human, she was around twenty years old, a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed woman who was both courageous and gentle. Due to her pseudo-reincarnation, although her hair and eyes remain the same color, she is now a girl with the horns and tail of a bull.

She is the youngest daughter of the previous Duke Alcrem, and younger sister of the current Duke, Tackard Alcrem. She has given up rights to succeed the house of dukes, but she was originally of such high class that she would be called princess and waited upon by servants.

But she was born as a result of the previous duke laying hands on a woman who was not his mistress and only recognized as his child some time after her birth, she was unaccustomed to the lifestyle of the upper class, and also of questionable value in an arranged marriage. Thus, it was decided that she would walk the road of a knight.

Fortunately, Juliana was talented and showed considerable skill as a knight, eventually coming to lead her own troops. However, she was captured alive when she encountered Minotaurs on a mission to exterminate monsters that were attacking a village.

Even after her four limbs were severed and the Minotaur King turned her into a machine to lay eggs from the Demon King’s oviduct, her sanity lasted for about a month, but reached its limit before she was rescued by Randolf.

After coming to be under Vandalieu’s care, her sanity returned with his ‘Mental Encroachment’ and guidance… or so it may appear, but she has turned into a lunatic.

She was always a fervently religious person, but now, Vandalieu is on the top of the list of beings that she worships. She has emotions and the ability to reason, but she also has an equally fierce fanatical devotion to him.

That devotion has become even more firm through her pseudo-reincarnation into one of the eggs implanted in her body - to the point that Gufadgarn and Legion acknowledge her as a like-minded comrade.

Perhaps because of the strong Minotaur part in her, or perhaps because an egg from the Demon King’s oviduct was used, Juliana has already grown to have the appearance of an eight-year-old despite only about a month having passed since her pseudo-reincarnation.

She is currently leader of the other half-Minotaurs - her former female knights and the village girls, who underwent pseudo-reincarnation like her. They were all born from the other eggs that Juliana’s previous body gave birth to, so they can all be considered sisters.

She considers magical girls to be disciples of Vandalieu, and she is receiving instruction from Kanako and Zadiris to become one herself. However, it seems that she is unable to understand why Zadiris detests being a princess, as she herself possessed the ‘Princess Knight of Alcrem’ Title before her rebirth.

She is uninterested in Tackard Alcrem, her older half-brother who ordered Randolf to dispose of her. She considers Randolf to have saved her life. She considers Natania to be another person she owes her life to, and an irreplaceable friend. If Natania didn’t persuade Randolf to spare them, Juliana’s life would have ended without her ever meeting Vandalieu, and she would have then become a dead spirit or returned to the circle of reincarnation.

Chipuras - Evil Flash Ghost, ? years old, male

Chipuras usually takes on the appearance of the Ghost of a faintly-glowing, happy, plump, middle-aged man, but before he died, he was ‘Ternecia’s Fine Dog’ - a Vampire who had lived for tens of thousands of years.

He is truly loyal to his master, but he was always sly when dealing with others in the past. His personality has become considerably more amicable now, as his current master Vandalieu dislikes internal conflicts and does not demand that his allies kick each other and their subordinates down in an eternal power struggle.

Heinz, who had summoned a familiar spirit upon himself, cut Chipuras down with a magic sword imbued with light-attribute magic, causing severe damage to Chipuras’s soul. It took time for Chipuras to start over as a Rank 1 Wisp and regain his personality and soul. But his hard work has paid off; he has recently become a light-attribute Ghost and financial advisor to Vandalieu.

‘In other words, my position as Vandalieu-sama’s close aid is immovable! I no longer need to concern myself with complicated struggles for success!’ he tells himself in delight.

To those deemed to be on Vandalieu’s side, Chipuras is as helpful as he acted when he infiltrated a Commerce Guild before he died, but to enemies, he is even more ferocious and brutal than he was when alive.

His Rank increased during the battle against Hajime Fitun and his followers, thus improving his strength in combat, but the uniqueness in light-attribute Ghosts like him is that they are unaffected by the light attribute despite being Undead. It is a great advantage to be immune to an attribute that is generally considered to be effective against Undead.

Name: Chipuras

Rank: 7

Race: Evil Flash Ghost

Level: 0

Title: The Eclipse Emperor’s Fine Dog

Passive skills:

Spirit Form: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Mental Corruption: Level 5

Light-Attribute Immunity

Light Form Manipulation: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Enlargement: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Super Self-Strengthening: Subordination: Level 1 (Awakened from Self-Strengthening: Subordination!)

Strengthened Attribute Values: Guidance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Attribute Values: Demon King’s Light: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Materialization: Level 3

Enhanced Attribute Values: Creator: Level 5

Active skills:

No-Attribute Magic: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Water-Attribute Magic: Level 10

Mana Control: Level 10

Unarmed Fighting Technique: Level 7

High-speed Flight: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Surpass Limits: Level 10

Projectile Fire: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Light-Attribute Magic: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Long-distance Control: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Daroak - Evil Flash Ghost, ? years old, male

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At first glance, Daroak appears to be a good-looking man with a well-featured face and a sturdy body. But before his death, he was one of the Five Dogs - the close aides of the Pure-breed Vampire Ternecia - and possessed the Title of ‘Ternecia’s Fighting Dog.’

As his name suggested, he was the most proficient in combat among Ternecia’s servants, even surpassing the ‘Hound’ Isla in strength.

He favors direct battle over trickery, and his words and the way he acts gives off the air of pride, similar to that of a knight. But in reality, he has no notion of chivalry, does not mind resorting to surprise or sneak attacks, and is a beast-like person who believes that the one left surviving in the end is the victor.

Despite having lost almost all of his memories from before his death, that personality hasn’t changed. However, he does not leave Vandalieu’s side unless ordered to, and doesn’t cause any problems.

He was a master swordsman in life. Even though he is now a Ghost, he prefers fighting with light-attribute magic and with a sword that he creates with his own spirit form.

As he does, he says things like ‘by the power of light’ and ‘by my radiance,’ making him sound like a champion of justice. But the truth is that he simply takes pride in the power of his light attribute, and any foes who misunderstand may find themselves tricked by an illusion and cut down from behind.

Name: Daroak

Rank: 7

Race: Evil Flash Ghost

Level: 0

Title: The Eclipse Emperor’s Fighting Dog (Transformed from Fighting Dog!)

Passive skills:

Spirit Form: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Mental Corruption: Level 8

Light-Attribute Immunity

Light Form Manipulation: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Enlargement: Level 1

Self-Strengthening: Subordination: Level 10

Strengthened Attribute Values: Guidance: Level 4

Strengthened Attribute Values: Demon King’s Light: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Materialization: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Enhanced Attribute Values: Creator: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Active skills:

Combat Slaughter Swordsmanship: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Unarmed Fighting Technique: Level 10

Archery: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Transcend Limits: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Fire-Attribute Magic: Level 7

No-Attribute Magic: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Control: Level 5

Projectile Fire: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)

Light-Attribute Magic: Level 3

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Berkert - Evil Flash Ghost, ? years old, male

Berkert has a handsome face with a thin, sickly-looking body. In life, he was a high-ranking Noble-born Vampire known as ‘Ternecia’s Mad Dog,’ one of Ternecia’s Five Dogs.

He was almost completely insane; he was not capable of reasonable action without instructions from Ternecia or one of the other Five Dogs. Thus, although he was one of Ternecia’s close aides, she intended to use him as a disposable pawn when the time called for it.

By becoming Undead, he has lost both his memories and personality, become even more insane and is incapable even of holding a conversation. However, most spirits of people who died a long time ago are in a similar state, so Vandalieu and the other Ghosts don’t see this as much of a problem.

Having lost his memories from when he was alive, Berkert thinks of himself as ‘light.’ Thus, he uses methods of attack that are strange even for a Ghost, such as shouting, “Me light beam!” and turning himself into a beam of light to strike the enemy with his own body. It seems that his insanity makes him proficient at changing the shape of his spirit form exactly as he wishes.

He appears to have an interest in the magical girl concerts. It seems that they are fun for him because of the flashing lights.

He feels perhaps uneasy in places that are completely dark; his insanity seems to turn inwards and whispers to himself in a voice that can only be heard by Vandalieu and other spirits.

Name: Berkert

Rank: 7

Race: Evil Flash Ghost

Level: 0

Title: The Eclipse Emperor’s Mad Dog (Transformed from Mad Dog!)

Passive skills:

Spirit Form: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Mental Corruption: Level 10

Light-Attribute Immunity

Light Form Manipulation: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Mana Enlargement: Level 2

Murder Healing: Level 10

Self-Strengthening: Subordination: Level 10

Strengthened Attribute Values: Guidance: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

Strengthened Attribute Values: Demon King’s Light: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

Materialization: Level 1

Enhanced Attribute Values: Creator: Level 5

Intuition: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

High-speed Flight: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Projectile Fire: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)

Transcend Limits: Level 1 (Awakened from Surpass Limits!)

Light-Attribute Magic: Level 1

Mana Control: Level 1

Long-distance Control: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

Dancing: Level 1 (NEW!)

Singing: Level 1 (NEW!)

Unique skills:

Vandalieu’s Divine Protection

Kest - Wolf-type Beast-kin, 15 years old, male

A Beast-kin boy with the ears and tail of a wolf. He works as a city guard in Morksi. He has a bright, serious and kind personality, but he is not very good at dealing with hierarchical relationships; he overlooked the corrupt deeds and the taking of bribes by some of the senior guards, including Aggar.

Of course, this wasn’t a problem for just Kest.

Up until just a few years ago, there was systematic discrimination against Beast-kin in the Alcrem Duchy, and they were not able to become civil servants such as city guards or government officials. But the duke, who learned of the deeds of the Five-colored Blades and the peaceful faction of Alda that were led by Heinz. Following this, he foresaw that these groups would become prominent forces in the Orbaume Kingdom and made the decision to do away with this discriminatory system.

Thanks to that, Kest was fortunately able to be employed as a city guard, and he is now able to support his mother and his young siblings on his own.

Thus, he is a believer of Vida, but he holds feelings of respect for the Five-colored Blades.

However, he also has friendly feelings towards Vandalieu, and does things like regularly visit his stall to check up on him.

Vandalieu is of similar age to Kest’s siblings, and Aggar was behaving dangerously towards him, and with people like the ‘Starving Wolf’ and the Deputy Guild Master of the Commerce Guild who had nothing but bad rumors about him, Kest was worried about all of the trouble that seemed to surround Vandalieu… but Vandalieu ended up succeeding before Kest’s very eyes.

But rather than becoming suspicious of Vandalieu, Kest thinks of him as being like someone from a legend. These feelings only became stronger once he learned that Vandalieu was acting behind the scenes during the battle to stop the monster rampage caused by Hajime Fitun.

The Five-colored Blades are like heroes of a distant world to Kest, while Vandalieu is a superhero that he can meet anytime.

Kest hasn’t received Vandalieu’s divine protection, but he is under the influence of his guidance. He is a Beast-kin and has always been physically more capable than those who had become city guards at the same time as him, but he is now noticeably ahead of the rest.

However, since almost every city guard, knight, mercenary and adventurer gained many Levels and changed Jobs as a result of the battle at the front gate, he doesn’t stand out much.

Incidentally, signing up as a city guard offers a more stable lifestyle than registering as an adventurer at the Adventurers’ Guild.

New city guards aren’t paid much, but all equipment is paid for and the costs of maintaining them are written off as work expenses. They perform many different tasks, such as training, patrolling the city, guarding the gate and conducting crime investigations, and this is more dangerous than ordinary jobs. But it is an exaggeration to say that they are risking their lives every day, especially in Morksi, a relatively safe city.

In comparison, adventurers must purchase their own arms and equipment, and pay for their maintenance and repairs on their own as well. Their income is not stable. Things change once one becomes D-class, but those in E-class and F-class before that would have to worry about the possibility of not being able to support a large family like Kest’s, even in slums where goods are cheap.

And, of course, adventurers are more likely to lose their lives than city guards.

Of course, a large number of high-Rank monsters were defeated in the battle at the front gate, and even Kest received a sum of money that is equivalent to over a hundred years’ worth of his current salary. He is unlikely to go hungry if he maintains a modest lifestyle.

Rock - Human, 25 years old, male

The leader of the Iron Boulder Brigade, a D-class adventurer party based in the Adventurers’ Guild in the city of Morksi. He is a young man of average height, but has a tough-looking face that resembles a boulder that has been weathered away by the wind as well as a body with steel-like muscles.

But unlike what his appearance might suggest, he is a studious person and possesses an especially deep knowledge regarding monsters.

As an adventurer, he has an average amount of talent and is the hard-working type. He has a helpful personality and pays new adventurers a lot of attention despite his work not requiring him to, doing things like giving advice to them, accompanying them on their training and teaching them which monsters they need to watch out for on their first hunts in Devils’ Nests.

He is a passionate person; when he encountered Vandalieu by chance out in the field, he mistook him for a rookie adventurer who had been killed by a dangerous Demon Dog or Black Dog (Fang) and tried to avenge him.

And it is not only Rock, but all members of the Iron Boulder Brigade, who possess these qualities.

This makes them very popular among younger adventurers and they have the trust of the Guild’s employees. Guild Master Berard is thinking of recruiting all of them as instructors at the school for adventurers once they retire.

However, their actual ability is average and they encountered barriers to their growth. When drinking, they tell each other and their friends that they want to rise to C-class before they retire.

But since they were also fighting at the front gate to protect the city from the monster rampage caused by Hajime Fitun, all of them overcame their development barriers at once, and their rise to C-class feels within reach.

Incidentally, all of the men of the Iron Boulder Brigade, including Rock, often prayed to gods of Alda’s faction, but they have converted to Vida’s religion now.

Matthew - Human, 10 years old, male

The leader of the pack among the children of the orphanage in the city of Morksi’s slum quarters. When Vandalieu came to the city, he was the oldest among the orphans, and was attempting to run away from the orphanage in order to reduce the number of mouths that needed feeding.

But as a result of setting his sights on stealing from a food cart run by a child around the same age as himself, he was quickly caught by the guard dog Fang. He has the will to take action, but still lacks the discretion and the ability to make plans.

He often makes fun of the women running the orphanage with his words, calling them ‘gorilla’ or ‘ogre,’ but he thinks of them dearly. Director Holly is like a mother or grandmother to him, while Seris and Vestra are like older sisters. He thinks of Vandalieu as a close friend.

And in reality, he was under the influence of the brainwashing done by the Pure-breed Vampire Birkyne using the Demon King’s shadow. Him targeting the food cart run by Vandalieu was a part of that brainwashing. But he doesn’t fall into despair and panic that all of his emotions and thoughts were fake; he is merely a little surprised.

Because of Birkyne’s skillful brainwashing and Matthew himself being young, he has no recollection of being manipulated other than when he was luring Vandalieu into a trap.

Him and the other children of the orphanage have had their small animals turned into monsters by Vandalieu’s blood, and they are all registered as members of the Tamers’ Guild. Incidentally, Matthew’s familiar is Nightwing, a monster that was once a bat.

But they were left out of the battle against Hajime Fitun, so the children were evacuating with Seris and the others.

Recently, he has often been going to Vandalieu’s house to play with Juliana and the other half-Minotaur children.

Seris and Vestra - Subordinate Vampires, ? years old, female

These two are nuns at the orphanage in the slum quarters. Both of them have the appearances of beautiful young women in their later teenage years. Seris has gentle, feminine facial features while Vestra’s face is rather stern.

As one might guess from their appearances, Seris is calm while Vestra is strong-willed, but what they both have in common is their familial love for Matthew and the other orphans… They don’t get truly angry even when called ‘gorillas’ or ‘gorilla nuns.’

Both of them are orphans who grew up in a monastery, and the director of that monastery sent them to Morksi… or rather, these are the fabricated memories implanted in them by Birkyne’s brainwashing.

Envious of Gubamon, who had a Subordinate Vampire under his command who could be active during the day, Birkyne tried to create his own such convenient subordinates. He created and executed a plan to gather young orphans and slaves, have them acquire the ‘Sunlight Resistance’ Skill and then turn them into Subordinate Vampires, but almost all of them died within a month, unable to withstand the intense sunlight that they were exposed to.

Birkyne attempted to train the children who survived and acquired the ‘Sunlight Resistance’ Skill as spies and then turn them into Vampires, but… they were not particularly outstanding as spies to begin with.

That was when Birkyne lost interest in this endeavor, but he was still reluctant to simply dispose of the products of this experiment, so he put them to use in small tasks. These were Seris and Vestra.

The two of them are no longer brainwashed, but they have been tormented by the fact that they are actually several decades old, the flashbacks of the memories that were erased while they were being manipulated, and the scars from the burns they sustained when they were humans that they had not been conscious of up until now. They are overcoming this with periodic counselling with Vandalieu… Their ‘Mental Resistance’ Skill’s Levels have increased, but it is unclear as to why.

As they are Vampires and believers of Vida, they have been strongly enticed to Vandalieu’s guidance, and that is one of their worries. They are hesitant to become like Eleanora and Isla; every day, they are battling against the craving to drink Vandalieu’s blood.

They have consulted Miles regarding this matter, as he is the most normal-seeming among the Vampires they know, but… his reply was: “It’s not good to deny yourself. I don’t think it’s correct to lay all of your desires bare, but it won’t go away just because you’re averting your eyes from it. And starting off drinking it undiluted will be rough, so make sure to dilute it or go for Blood Potion when you do drink it.”

The day when Seris and Vestra drink Vandalieu’s blood and transform may not be far off.

Vandalieu is waiting for them to make their decisions while preparing Blood Potion and the materials that will be used in the surgeries to remove the scars from their burns.

Incidentally, the physical capabilities and Skills such as ‘Superhuman Strength’ and ‘Rapid Regeneration’ they have because they are Subordinate Vampires were intact even during the time that they were brainwashed. Thus, they recovered from injuries abnormally quickly and displayed a superhuman strength that nobody would expect from their appearances, doing things like carry heavy things with ease and pinning down thugs from the slums who picked fights with them despite supposedly having no experience in fighting.

But those around them didn’t pay much attention to this, simply assuming that nuns of an orphanage in the slums would be used to having to deal with these kinds of things. This is why the children tease them and call them gorillas.

Because they are completely unaffected by sunlight, it is likely that nobody in the city realized that they were Vampires.

Holly - Dhampir (Human), ? years old, female

The director of the orphanage in the slum quarters. She has the appearance of someone in her sixties. She is a one-eyed old lady without a hunched back who walks upright without using a walking stick… or at least, that was what those around her and she herself believed.

The reality is that she was a Dhampir who was brainwashed by Birkyne, and regularly injected painful chemicals into the skin of her face to create wrinkles and disguise herself as an old lady.

She is the third Dhampir in the Orbaume Kingdom. Of course, in terms of order of birth, she would be the first, and Vandalieu would be second. Selen would be the third.

Incidentally, although her exact age is unknown, it seems that she is younger than Seris and Vestra, whom she has treated as her daughters all this time.

Holly has been brainwashed for so long that she is unable to remember her original face. However, it would be unwise to suddenly undergo a reversal of age, so she is continuing to use the wrinkle-inducing chemicals.

Bachem - Human, 35 years old, male

The Guild Master of the Morksi branch of the Tamers’ Guild. His familiar is a Rank 6 Huge Wyvern, and he is known by his Title of ‘Flying Dragon User.’ He is a Wyvern Tamer who is trusted even by Duke Alcrem, and of such skill that he is even requested to work as an instructor for the Dragon Knights who serve the duke’s house.

Ordinarily, he might have been given a court rank by the duke and taken up a position as an instructor in the Dragon Knight Order, but the life of a Tamer suits him better, and he works as a Guild Master because he wants to train a successor.

Incidentally, he is married and has children.

One winter, a Dhampir boy registered at his Guild with a stray dog that he had tamed. Bachem thought that he had future promise… only for that Dhampir to turn that stray dog into a monster, then gain three rat monsters, then increase their Ranks one after another. After making several reports of the discovery of new monster races, the Dhampir then proceeded to bring two Ghouls into the city.

‘Future promise? No, he is exceptional in the present tense… No, hasn’t he already surpassed me? He has indeed,’ he thinks to himself.

In addition to Vandalieu, the children of the orphanage have registered with Rank 1 familiars of their own, significantly decreasing the average age of the members of the Tamers’ Guild branch in this city.

Incidentally, it is rare for the familiars of ordinary Tamers to increase their Ranks multiple times in a short period of time. Perhaps not so much for Rank 1 monsters, but Rank 3 and 4 monsters do not increase their Ranks so easily.

This is not because familiars are different from wild monsters, but simply because Tamers, like adventurers, often aim to hunt weaker enemies that they can defeat with certainty rather than risk their lives hunting enemies that are of equal or greater strength.

This is also partially because the higher a monster’s Rank, the harder it is for its Level to increase, and there are less monsters of equal strength for it to defeat, so Leveling up takes longer.

Berard - Human, 45 years old, male

The Guild Master of the Morksi branch of the Adventurers’ Guild. He was a free, unfettered adventurer in the past, but he retired from active work and began work as a Guild employee. He succeeded in this career and rose to becoming the head of a branch. He is married and has one daughter.

As the head of the Adventurers’ Guild in a city of commerce, he dealt with a considerable number of problems that occurred fairly frequently while worrying about his daughter’s future, but the scale of these problems grew immensely following Vandalieu’s arrival in the city.

In addition to Vandalieu not having any interest in registering as an adventurer, there is also the matter of Juliana Alcrem, and all of this has caused accumulating damage to his scalp and stomach.

Vandalieu, who has restructured the food carts in the slums that would purchase the monster parts that were used as proof of extermination, and has also drawn attention as a Tamer with greater fighting strength than a party of adventurers, has been a source of headaches for Bachem. But Vandalieu is also a welcome figure, as Goblin extermination is very active now thanks to him.

… Bachem is still unaware of the events that occurred at the Adventurers’ Guild of the city of Niarki in the Hartner Duchy.

Regarding the fact that his daughter Jessie is spending time with Simon, he does not feel anger towards Simon for approaching his daughter. Instead, he is in anticipation that love has perhaps finally come to his daughter, who has lived a frivolous life up until now.

Even without his bias as her father, Berard believes that Jessie is a beautiful woman, but was on the verge of missing her opportunity to get married because she was completely absorbed in alchemy, for which she had a halfway-decent talent. The development with Simon was very timely, as he was considering forcibly dragging her to marriage interviews.

Of course, he would have been against Simon being in her company if he remained a one-armed dropout living in the slums. But there is no reason for him to oppose it now - the current Simon has acquired an artificial arm, become even more powerful than before he lost his original arm, and is even a hero who gained a Title due to his actions during the battle at the front gate.

He watches the pair and hopes for their relationship to develop into one of love.

Isaac Morksi - Human, 40 years old, male

An earl who serves the Alcrem house of dukes. He is a nobleman with rather thin hair but a plentiful beard.

The spies in his employment are considerably proficient, but he is otherwise an ordinary nobleman. He has no ambition to become more than he currently is, nor does he have any burning ambitions; he does not plot any unnecessary conspiracies. He is not entirely pure and upright, but he is not crafty and scheming, either. He is the kind of person who would raise his sword, which does not offer him anything other than a little peace of mind, even in a battle where his own death would be certain - in order to protect family and his pride and duty as a nobleman.

The headquarters of a rather large-scale criminal organization existed in his city, but that was a problem that was too great for him and his advisors to overcome.

As a noble, he belongs to a faction that has sworn loyalty to their master - the current Duke Alcrem. His city is a city of commerce, so he rules it with care to ensure that there are no religious conflicts.

On the other hand, he controls little military force, but there are other nobles’ domains between the domain ruled by the Morksi house and the borders of other duchies, so this causes no particular inconvenience.

There are Devils’ Nests in the lands surrounding Morksi, the capital of his domain, as well as several D-class Dungeons and one C-class Dungeon. However, the adventurers of the Adventurers’ Guild regularly cull the monsters and the city profits from the products acquired from them.

His only source of major headaches was his uncle Joseph, who used his connections to gain the position of Deputy Guild Master at the Commerce Guild.

The above is a description of the situation before Vandalieu’s arrival.

After Vandalieu came to the city, the safety of the slums improved, the poor gained jobs and an income, and a famous product known as Gobu-gobu was developed.

However, he is now troubled by problems such as the half-Minotaur with the same name as Juliana, a member of the Alcrem family of dukes, and the fact that the religion of Vida has grown rapidly in popularity among the citizens.

On top of that, although he does not know everything about the true identity of the bandits behind the monster rampage, he has a partial understanding regarding them.

He understands that Vandalieu and Darcia are unmistakably the ones who saved the city from destruction, and feels gratitude towards them. He weighed the risks of turning him into an enemy and the risks of forming a bond of friendship with him, and elected for the latter.

It is unclear whether this decision will lead to the destruction of the Morksi house or will later be praised by his descendants as a historically wise decision. However, it seems that his hairline is on its way to its gradual demise.

Tackard Alcrem - Human, 60 years old, male

The current head of the Alcrem house of dukes. At first glance, he appears to be a gentle old nobleman, but has a significant shady side to him as well.

He commands the Dragon Knight Order that uses Lesser Wyverns as mounts, and is fairly capable in managing domestic affairs, having succeeded in making the duchy quite wealthy.

He does not have a particularly cool-headed personality, but his relationship with his youngest sister Juliana was merely one that he was obliged to have due to their connection by blood; he was not close to her at all. As she had given up her right to succeed his position as head of the house, she would never have become a reason for internal conflict from a legal standpoint. However, he is well aware that the law is something that changes based on public opinion and the needs of those in power, and even if it does not, there is always some hidden flaw or loophole.

Thus, Tackard intended to have Juliana married to a suitable partner of his choosing and retire before her deeds as a knight became too magnificent and attention-drawing.

When he heard the report that she was abducted by Minotaurs, he requested Randolf ‘the True’ to put her to rest if she was still alive.

However, upon investigating the Dhampir that had appeared within his realm, he was horrified to learn that a female adventurer and a girl named ‘Julia,’ who were kidnapped by Minotaurs and had their limbs severed, were in his care. There was no doubt that the girl named ‘Julia’ was actually Juliana. Upon learning that the Dhampir later acquired a familiar named Juliana who resembled Juliana exactly, of a new, Minotaur-like race of monster, Tackard almost fainted in shock.

He doesn’t understand the situation… He doesn’t know what is truth and what is lies, especially regarding the Minotaur-like monster. Without making any hasty moves, he has sent spies to infiltrate the city and gather information.

Rodriguez - Human, 37 years old, male

A B-class adventurer known by the Title of ‘Strong Sword.’ He has stepped back from active work and now works as a personal bodyguard for Edmond, a merchant who saved his sickly son from the brink of death.

He has a fierce-looking appearance, but he is not a bad man; he has a very duty-driven personality. However, he will even disobey the orders of Edmond, the one who saved his son’s life, if it is for Edmond’s own sake.

He was able to realize that Darcia was more powerful than himself just from her ordinary, everyday actions, but… he hadn’t realized just how much more powerful she was, so he was absolutely astounded by what he saw during the battle at the front gate.

Edmond - Human, 32 years old, male

Edmond appears to be an honest man at first glance, but he is actually a malicious, immoral merchant who comes up with all kinds of schemes. He is immoral, but there are lines that he will not cross, and he does not have such greed that he is willing to take important things from others for his own profit. He doesn’t believe that money is everything in this world, and he knows that there are people like Rodriguez who won’t risk his life for money but is willing to throw his own life away to repay a debt.

However, when he approached Darcia with the suggestion to run a Ghoul brothel disguised as a Church of Vida, he was spellbound by his own idea and found himself on the verge of walking down a dangerous path.

Looking at it another way, he valued Zadiris and Basdia’s beauty as women very highly.

He trusted Rodriguez and abandoned this scheme, and as he was trying to come up with other get-rich-quick schemes while conducting his business, the Hajime Fitun incident occurred. In the aftermath, he succeeded in acquiring a presence in the city and gaining the trust of the people, which the other traveling merchants lost by fleeing the city.

He is now trying to become closer to Vandalieu and Darcia to earn even more profits.

Incidentally, there is no dark twist to the story of when he saved the life of Rodriguez’s son, such as that Edmond himself was secretly poisoning the boy.

He was simply aware of the ‘Strong Sword’ Rodriguez’s personality and was certain that Rodriguez would feel an obligation to serve him if he were to offer life-saving medicine for his child for free.

Joseph - Human, 65 years old, male

Formerly one of the Deputy Guild Masters at the Commerce Guild. Although he has given up his rights to succession, he is the younger brother of the previous Earl Morksi and uncle to the current one.

Having a greedy and terrible personality, he committed almost every crime he possibly could without losing his position as Deputy Guild Master. There were only bad rumors about him; he would interfere with the businesses of Guild members he disliked, repeatedly harass his subordinates and bribe thugs in the red-light district or slums as well as city guards to make them his pawns.

He attempted to take advantage of a Dhampir who appeared in the city, and as a result of harassing him just as he had done to every other person who had rejected him… he ended up causing his own downfall. Vandalieu being too different from all of Joseph’s other victims was one reason for this, and the other was that Aggar, whom Joseph had thought of as his pawn, was involved in far worse crimes than Joseph had imagined.

His assets have been confiscated and he has been exiled from the city and the Guild; his whereabouts are currently unknown. He has not been erased by one of Vandalieu’s subordinates… Vandalieu left him be, as it would be too much of a bother.

Aggar - Human, 31 years old, male

A corrupt city guard in Morksi. He was a minor villain who flattered the powerful, crushed the weak and took pleasure in discriminating against minorities.

He bullied Kest, a younger city guard who managed to join the city guards despite being a Beast-kin, as much as he could without causing problems. He also overlooked small crimes occurring around the city in exchange for bribes.

Unless new city guards were appointed in senior roles or of an equal rank as Aggar, or the upper brass cracked down on corruption among the city guards, Aggar would likely have continued causing small amounts of harm to the city.

However, he fell for Darcia when she visited the city, and as a result of being consumed by the desire to make her his, he crossed a line he shouldn’t have when he plotted to kidnap orphans from the orphanage with some of his colleagues.

His colleagues were killed as a result, and Aggar himself went insane from fear inside Gufadgarn’s labyrinth.

The earl’s spies were shadowing him when he headed for the orphanage to kidnap the children, so he was already doomed at that point.

Gordon - Human, 25 years old, male

A C-class adventurer who possessed the Title of ‘Strong Arm.’ His behavior was extremely terrible, and he came to the city of Morksi because it was becoming difficult to stay in the city where he was originally based. He spotted Zadiris and Basdia, Vandalieu’s familiars whom he had left waiting outside while he entered the Adventurers’ Guild. Thinking of them as a lucky find, he ended up in an argument with Jessie when he tried to make them his.

Looking at it another way, he valued Zadiris and Basdia’s attractive qualities very highly.

He created a fuss and challenged those around to a duel, and as a result, he was beaten by Miles who isn’t even an adventurer, and was thrashed one-sidedly by Natania and Simon, D-class adventurers who had lost limbs and replaced them with artificial ones. After this shameful display, he lost his ‘Strong Arm’ Title.

He managed to escape the city of Morksi, but he was rendered disabled by Hajime Fitun. He then had his body taken over to be used as a vessel by the heroic spirit known as the ‘Mountain Breaking Strong Spear’ Bobby.

He tried to acquire Zadiris and Basdia, but as he was easily repelled, he wasn’t particularly hated by Vandalieu, his companions or even by Zadiris and Basdia themselves. To be more precise, he hadn’t left enough of an impression on them to be hated.

Incidentally, defeating hastily-created heroic spirit vessels such as Gordon yields less Experience Points than defeating enemies who are able to summon heroic spirits upon themselves on their own. This is because the hastily-created vessels are not suitable bodies for the heroic spirits; they are makeshift vessels that are only able to exert their full power for a limited period of time.

Fitun - The god of thunderclouds

A being who ascended to godhood after the battle between Alda and Vida, approximately fifty thousand years ago. In life, he was a mercenary who accomplished legendary feats and excelled in all kinds of physical combat.

Upon becoming a god of the wind attribute, he behaved like a god to be in line with the others. However, due to the appearance of Vandalieu who is able to kill (destroy) gods, his original personality reawakened and he devised a plan to create a battle to the death against Vandalieu.

As the title of ‘god of thunderclouds’ may suggest, he is one of the gods who controls the weather, and because he was a mercenary as a mortal, he is also a god of battle.

He possessed the greatest fighting strength among the subordinate gods serving the heroic god Nineroad, who succeeded the great god of the wind attribute, the god of wind and art Shizarion.

The mercenaries who were a part of Fitun’s mercenary band when he was alive served him as heroic spirits, and they were greater in number than most subordinate gods’ heroic spirits.

However, the doctrine that Fitun taught to his followers after he became a god was something that he had done to be in line with the gods of Alda’s forces. To him, it was nothing but a flimsy farce, and that is why he sent almost no familiar spirits or heroic spirits for his followers after his own generation ended.

His original personality was that of a battle-frenzied thrill junkie who lives in the moment, uninterested in good and evil. And although he was not aware of it, he was also a destructionist. It just so happened that he continued to be hired by the same country over the years and didn’t cause any messes between the end of the war and his own death, which is why he was widely supported as a hero. However, in ordinary circumstances, he was someone who never should have become a god.

He thought of his believers as livestock and considered them to be animals rather than people. He did grant divine protections to his believers and put them through trials, but the main objective of this is to kill time; he did not feel the responsibility that a god should have to guide their people.

He can be considered to have been a far more evil god in nature than the gods who left the Demon King’s army to join Vida’s faction, such as Fidirg, the dragon god of five sins, and Mububujenge, the evil god of degenerate corpulence.

Fitun took notice of Hajime due to their compatibility in terms of attributes and abilities, nurtured him to make use of him, then led his heroic spirits in battle against Vandalieu. However, Hajime took back control over his body in the end, causing Fitun to meet a pathetic demise.

In terms of his position as a god, he was a subordinate god of Nineroad who serves Alda, and had a considerable number of believers not only in the Amid Empire but also in the Orbaume Kingdom. There are also churches dedicated to him outside the Bahn Gaia continent.

Thus, his destruction was a significant global event.

Incidentally, a space-attribute mage who was one of Fitun’s heroic spirits, the one responsible for connecting the entrance of his Dungeon of Trials to a forested Devils’ Nest near the city of Morksi, still remains in Fitun’s Divine Realm.

Hajime Inui - Human, 2 years old (17 years old in appearance), male

The reincarnated individual who was granted the ‘Marionette’ ability by Rodcorte. He was originally introverted and had the kind of personality that preferred making moves behind the scenes rather than arming himself and fighting.

In Origin, he was consumed by his cheat-like ability, his talent for magic and the upbringing that was wealthier than the one he had on Earth. He misused his powers, but after Amemiya Hiroto formed the Bravers, Hajime Fitun felt discontent as he could no longer do as he liked.

He accepted the ‘Avalon’ Rikudou Hijiri, betrayed the Bravers with Murakami and the others and joined forces with the Eighth Guidance… and as a result, he was brought to the verge of death by an explosion caused by Isis and then finished off by Kanako.

The trauma of these events remained etched deeply in his mind even after his reincarnation in Lambda, to the point that Fitun, a god of war, trembled at the mere sight of Isis and Kanako.

Defeated in battle, he begged for his life to be spared. But Vandalieu knew that Hajime was conscious for the duration that Fitun controlled his body, and could have stopped Fitun if he had resisted strongly. Thus, Vandalieu devoured his soul along with Fitun’s, ending his existence.

Junpei Murakami - Human, 2 years old (17 years old in appearance), male

The person who was Vandalieu, Kanako and Asagi’s homeroom teacher on Earth. He was a reincarnated individual with the ‘Chronos’ ability.

He made a deal with Rodcorte, promising to kill Vandalieu in exchange for the same reward that was offered to Kaidou Kanata - the reward of being reincarnated under favorable circumstances in a world similar to Earth.

But as soon as he was reincarnated in Lambda, Kanako, Doug and Melissa left him, and the ‘Super Sense’ Kaoru Gotouda fled.

With the two other remaining members, the ‘Sylphid’ Misa Anderson and ‘Odin’ Akira Hazamada, he tried to kill Vandalieu while taking advantage of Hajime Fitun, but this failed miserably. Although he considered Hajime to be nothing but a disposable pawn in Origin, it was he and his companions who ended up being under Hajime’s control, and he was later killed by Vandalieu’s right fist that was under Doug’s control. His soul was devoured and his existence extinguished.

As he was passionate about killing Vandalieu, Rodcorte had high expectations of him and gave him many blessings, but… this resulted in Rodcorte himself being damaged when his soul was devoured.

Incidentally, he called Kanako a traitor and ‘loose,’ but they did not have any particularly deep relationship. They had a certain amount of trust in each other in Origin, but it was a rather distant one with work being their main goal in common.

Randolf - Elf, ? years old, male

The S-class adventurer of the Orbaume Kingdom who possesses the Title of ‘the True.’ He turned his back on the gods and decided to retire, fatigued by life, but he was unable to do that because he is such a capable individual.

Currently, in addition to hunting monsters to feed himself, he is accepting requests from those belonging to families to whom he was indebted in the past.

He is a master of spiritual magic and uses a dagger as well as a bow and arrows as his weapons. He is also capable of sealing fragments of the Demon King on his own.

He originally had an honest, virtuous personality, but his despair has caused him to become a reckless person who does not think about consequences. There is also no consistency to his actions. Although he agreed to Duke Alcrem’s request to dispose of Juliana, he thought it would be fine to spare her subordinates if they still lived. But at the last minute, he took pity on Juliana and Natania and let them live.

However, if by some event Duke Alcrem… or even the Orbaume Kingdom were to put a bounty on his head and send elite forces to kill him, he is confident that he will be able to come out alive. His wish for such destructive events is clear, as he would truly become free if they came to pass.

In his everyday life, he disguises himself as a middle-aged human man with a variety of false names such as ‘Ralph.’

Amemiya Hiroshi - Human, 6 years old, male

The oldest child of the ‘Braver’ Amemiya Hiroto and the ‘Angel’ Amemiya Narumi. His name originates from ‘Amamiya Hiroto.’

TLN: Hiroshi/博is the first kanji of Hiroto/博人, Vandalieu’s original given name.

He is a mischievous boy who has inherited from his parents a talent for magic and physical activities, but he does not possess a cheat-like ability. He has always been bothered by this, and it has caused a complex.

He knew about Banda, the mysterious shadow that frequently appeared in his younger sister Mei’s drawings, but his parents told him that it’s a friend that only Mei could see, and he believed this as well.

But after the kidnapping incident, Banda appeared to Hiroshi in a dream, and Hiroshi is now learning no-attribute magic from Banda.

He was fed a mysterious organ… something that was Murakami’s and also a part of Vandalieu’s soul. He has thus gained the ‘Super Mana Recovery’ cheat-like ability, though he does not know this yet.






Princess Levia





Valkyrie (Legion)






Isis (Legion)






Magisa (NEW!)






Seris (NEW!)

Ereshkigal (Legion)





Izanami (Legion)


Kanako Tsuchiya

Melissa J. Saotome


Natania (NEW!)

Minuma Hitomi (Legion)


Vestra (NEW!)




Pluto (Legion)


Baba Yaga (Legion)

Gufadgarn (Vessel)



Shade (Legion)


Juliana (NEW!)

As only two months have passed since the previous volume, there are no changes in position between already-listed individuals. However, new individuals, such as Juliana (post-reincarnation), Natania, Seris and Vestra, have been added to the ranking.

(Jessie and Holly are not in the ranking as Jessie is unaware that it exists, and Holly declined to be a part of it.)

The development of Talosheim

Total population including the Dark Continent: Approximately 73,000 (Approximately 23,000 in Talosheim, 50,000 on the Dark Continent)

Ghouls, Undead, Black Goblins, Anubises, Orcuses, Titans, humans, Beast-kin, Dwarves, Scylla, half-Elves, Elves, Lizardmen, Armans, Vampires, Skogsrå, Leshi, Gehenna Bees, Kiryujin, Maryujin, Lamia, Drakonids, Kijin, Harpies, Centaurs, Merfolk, Chaos Elves, Noble Orcs, Orcs, High Kobolds, Kobolds, High Goblins, Goblins, Majin, Arachne, Empusa, Dark Humans, Dark Beast-kin, Dvergr, half-Minotaurs

Golems and Cursed Weapons are not included in the population. The migration of the Dark Elves in the western region of the continent has not yet begun.

Facilities in Talosheim

Mercury mirror Golems

Explorers’ Guild (Trading post, distribution center, Job-changing room)

Church of Vida (with statues of Vida’s subordinate gods, the gods of her faction, Zuruwarn, Ricklent, Zantark and Farmaun)

Public bathhouses

Carts of all kinds

Publicly managed casino

Immortal Ent forest (Has had Gante Ents planted, Skogsrå and Leshi proliferating)

Golem factories of all kinds

Monster Plant fields

Training dummy grounds (inhabited by Undead heroes from Alda’s faction)


Artistic paintings that remain in the minds of those who view them (entire paintings cannot be viewed except from the sky)

The root of life

Group housing facilities for immigration applicants

Dormitory for immigrants from human societies

Talosheim Castle

Gehenna Bee Castle

Enormous statue of Vandalieu (Under construction) (NEW!)

B-class Dungeon x2 (+1), C-class Dungeon x2, D-class Dungeon x3, E-class Dungeon x1

Dungeon for cultivating pine trees for wine x1

Amusement beach Dungeon

Dungeon for fishing industry

Dungeon to temporarily house Demon army (attached to Vandalieu’s underground workshop)

Marshlands, Lizardmen district

Capricorn farm

Capricorn milking factory

Explorers’ Guild branch

Small shrine to Fidirg, the Dragon God of Five Sins

Mental Encroachment stone circle

D-class Dungeon x1, B-class Dungeon x1

Marshlands, Scylla district

Paddy fields (Demon Ducks being used for farming)

Mud bath hot springs

Small shrine to Merrebeveil, the heroic goddess of the Scylla

Explorers’ Guild branch

Huge Capybara farm

Duck farm

Mental Encroachment stone circle

Small Dungeon for teleportation

Sauron Liberation Front base (Former Scylla territory)

Mental Encroachment stone circle

Automatic Undead-creating magic circle (Used to recycle members of Duke Marme’s army)

D-class Dungeon

Small Dungeon for teleportation

Main station of the Dark Night Knights’ Order

Crude-quality Undead army

Dark Continent

Zantark’s temporary Divine Realm


Hot springs

Enormous statue of Vandalieu (Under construction) (NEW!)

Dungeons x Countless number

Temporary facilities

Knochen concert arena

Sam’s Job-changing room

Nations within the Boundary Mountain Range under the influence of the Dark Dream Demon Creation Path (Nations personally visited by Vandalieu):

Noble Orc kingdom (Population: Approximately 100,000)

Zanalpadna (Population: Approximately 100,000)

Ghoul nation (Population: Approximately 5,000)

High Kobold nation (Population: Approximately 16,000)

High Goblin nation (Population: Approximately 10,000)

Majin nation (Population: Approximately 100,000, of which approximately 1,000 are Majin)

Kijin nation (Population: Approximately 10,000)

Drakonid nation (Population: Approximately 5,000)

Centaur nation (Population: Approximately 15,000)

Harpy nation (Population: Approximately 27,000)

Lamia nation (Population: Approximately 20,000)

Dark Elf nation (Population: Approximately 10,000)

Vida’s Resting Grounds

Merfolk nation (Population: Approximately 40,000)

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