The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 283 - Heart Beat Stopped

Heather's words jabbed into Leena's heart, terrorizing her. She was never scared of losing something in her life, but her worst fear of losing Devin felt like losing herself. 'The happiest moments she spent with him all surged back with force. Although she has been with Devin for a short time, she created memories to reminiscence for eternity with Devin. Without Devin, there is no Leena. Life or death, she wants to share with him together. She has decided it when she has given her heart to him.

But she doesn't want to lose faith, although her brain says there isn't any hope for Devin to live. All closed doors may not be locked. They may be waiting for a gentle push.

''Heather!'' Fredrick lamented in deep sorrow. ''Do I have to lose hopes in my son_.''

''Stop it, Father-in-law,'' Leena screamed, refraining Fredrick from speaking negative thoughts. Walking towards him, Leena whispered. ''When Devin was three years old, he fell into the water but still survived, right?''

Fredrick nodded his head. It was a terrible memory which he doesn't want to remember. Until yesterday, he had a belief that his son will, survive, but Heather's words today are causing him to lose all hope.

''Then the bullet is nothing for him.'' With determination, Leena turned to her mother. ''We still have thirty percent chance, right, mom?'' Holding Heather's hands, she squeezed them gently. The irony is, they are going to decide Devin's future today. ''He will survive. I trust in you, mom.'' Leena has heard a lot about her mom's exception surgical skills. She has a strong faith in her that her mom will bring Devin back.

Wiping her tears, Heather pulled her daughter into a tight hug. ''Your love will give him the Will to Survive, baby. I promise to bring Devin back.'' Heather made a vow to her daughter. Nothing is impossible. If it is impossible, that only meant she hadn't found the solution yet. If she could take out the bullet without any complications, Devin's survival rate can increase to80 percent. Just that she has to work on it.

Releasing herself from the hug, Heather declared to everyone present in the room. ''We are going to start the surgery in another one hour.''

''C_an I go and see him once?'' Leena softly pleaded with her mother. Since yesterday, nurses were not allowing her into the room, and she has been missing Devin like crazy.

''Leena baby,'' Heather softly called Leena to convince her. The hospital protocols don't allow anyone to see the patient before surgery. If it were any other person, Heather would have straight away denied it. But since it's her stubborn daughter, she has nothing but has to convince her. ''We are going to commence the surgery in another one hour, and disturbing a patient_.''

''Two minutes, mom.'' Lifting her two fingers, Leena pleaded in a piteous voice. ''I will maintain a distance. I will not disturb him.''

It was so pitiful to see Leena begging that Heather couldn't help but nod her head. ''Come back fast.'' She said and signaled nurses to stay behind Leena.

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''Thank you, ma.'' The moment Leena got her mom's permission, she hastened into the operating room. Her heart again broke to see Devin lying on the bed with all the tubes attached to his chest. Her heart was in pain as if it was poked with zillion knives. Every day leena would wake up to see her babylicious cheerful face, but he was lying on the bed like a lifeless doll since yesterday. His face looked pale due to the amount of blood loss he lost, but still, in her eyes, nothing will change. He will be her most handsome devil. 

Lingering her lips on his forehead, she gently whispered into his ears. ''Listen to me, idiot. I know you cannot hear, but you can still listen to my heart.'' Tenderly, Leena lifted Devin's hand and pressed it to her heart. ''I refuse to give up on us and our love. I never thought to fall in love, but you took my heart and gave me yours. Now, I can't think of my life without you. I want you, Devin. I want to have a happy family with you. Please, come back to me.'' Tears squeezed from her eyes without any control. ''If you want me, then fight for me because I am fighting like hell for you.''

Some hearts understand each other even in silence, and Leena's wretched feelings have touched his deepest soul. Unbeknownst to Leena, a teardrop squeezed out Devin's eyes as if he heard the whispers of Leena's heart,

Leena wanted to talk and spend time with Devin a little more time, but the nurses pulled her out of the room since the surgery would start soon. Her sole purpose of coming here was to tell Devin that he is not the only one fighting, but she is together with him.


The nurses pulled Devin into the operating room. The OR was intimidatingly busy with the surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses putting on the hospital gowns and gloves.

''Ready?'' Heather asked, glancing at her team. The moment she entered the OR, she is no longer Devin's mother-in-law. She is here as Doctor Heather, and Devin is her patient.

''Yes, Doctor, Heather.'' The team said in unison.

'Good.'' She said. ''Give me the oscillating saw.'' 

''Here.'' One of the surgeons handed the equipment to Heather.

Cutting down the sternum completely, straight down the middle, Heather spread apart the cut halves of Devin's breastbone and opened the pericardium allowing the heart to open fully. Except for the whooshing sound of Devin's heart, Heather's concentration didnot fade anywhere. The surgeons helped her in opening up the heart chambers allowing her to operate on the bullet.

''Suction,'' Heather said, and one of the nurses put on the suction to cool the heart.

''Alright, let's ultrasound the heart directly and find the bullet,'' Heather stated.

''It's at the right ventricle,'' Lucas said, pointing to the monitor.

''That should be a little hard to deal.'' Heather glanced at Lucas. 'Hand over the scalpel.''

With the scalpel, Heather gently sliced into the Right Ventricle. Not before she asked for the forceps, the nurse handed them to her. A pin-drop silence prevailed, and the surgeons held their breaths, looking at Heather as she held the forceps.

Gently drawing the forceps into the chamber without losing her concentration, Heather stopped when a tickling sound diverted her attention. Without looking up, Heather called up Lucas. ''Doctor Lucas."

"Y_es Doctor Heather!" Nervously he replied.

"Pull your wristwatch crown for a moment." ordered Heather.

With an awkward smile, Doctor Lucas pulled out the crown and apologized. ''I am sorry.''

The words came out, Heather pulled out the bullet with one tug, and the moment she placed the bullet on the tray, one of the nurses screamed. 

''Doctor Heather, pulmonary artery pressure is dropping!''

''It's 50.''

''70. It's going down.''

''80. Doctor Heather, the heart rate is going abnormal. He is on V-fib.''

''Put him on the defibrillation.'' Heather shouted, ''Check to 50. Clear.'' Heather pulled Devin's heart in her hands as Lucas pressed the shock button. Devin's body shook with the Pressure, but it didnot work. The Pressure further declined.

''Still on V-fib,'' Lucas said with a sigh.

''It's not going to work from here. I will do the open cardiac massage. Someone bring the perfusionist.'' Heather ordered and started pumping Devin's heart with her hands.

''Doctor Heather, it's of no use. Devin's blood is circulating to the outside of the body.'' Lucas breathed in and out as he spoke. ''His heart has stopped beating. You cannot pump his heart for a long time. He is going to die_''

''He is not going to die. Bring the perfusionist now.'' Heather ordered, leaving no room for discussions.

Until the perfusionist arrived and connected the heart-lung machine to Devin's body, Heather manually squeezed Devin's heart with her hands giving life to the tiny organ.

Although the blood was flowing to his heart after connecting to the machine, Devin was still not responding. Heather gently patted Devin's cheek. ''You have to live, Devin. Don't_''

''Doctor Heather, he is under anesthesia. He can't hear us.'' Lucas said.

''He can hear me!'' Heather turned to Devin and whispered into his ear. ''Don't stop fighting, Devin. Think about your dad, your mom, your grandfather. Everybody is waiting for you to open your eyes."

"No response." Lucas said.

"Do you want to leave Leena alone? Think about her_"

''OMG! His pressure is picking up. 50!'' Lucas shouted. ''Keep going, Doctor Heather.''

Heather shockingly looked at Devin. She has kept her daughter as a last option since she was the last one to enter his life. Who would have thought her daughter is Devin's weakness. Smilingly, Heather glanced at Devin again. "Stay strong, Leena is dying to see you, talk to you_


Heather did not stop with it. She wanted to wake Devin's inner soul by triggering his weak spot Leena, until he finds his way back.

''35.'' Lucas shouted. ''It's beating normal now. You did it, Heather.''

''Thank you. Thanks for coming back.'' Happy tears overflowed from her eyes. Gently patting Devin's arm, Heather muttered. ''You did well, Devin. I am proud of you.''

''Let's close him up.'' Wiping her tears, Heather and the other surgeons started the closing procedures of Devin's heart. The surgery almost went on for 8 hours, and by the time Heather walked out of the OR, Leena and the others rushed towards her.

''Mom.'' Clenching her dress tightly, Leena glanced at her to make out her mom's expression but failed to do so. Her heart was beating like crazy since the surgery started.

Caressing Leena's cheek, Heather smiled. ''I kept my promise. I brought him back.''

Not a word came out of Leena's mouth. Her tears rolled out in happiness. Leena felt her feet barely touched her ground. Had she ever been this happy in her life? Maybe yes, but nothing can be compared to this moment ''Thank you, mom.'' Leena embraced her mom into a tight hug.


Finally! He is back!

I hope you are happy as much as Leena. Without Devin, this book is incomplete. It might be female protogonist story, but both will be given equal importance. Readers curious about Devin's memories, I will answer it here.

He has not regained his memories,. Regaining memories after accident is a false theory written in many doesn't work like that...I will bring them back when the time comes, and the reason will definitely surprise you...also Devin was was wounded in the heart, and it doesnt make sense if he recollects his memories now.. Secrets are to be revealed, mystery has to unfold before that...

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