The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 284 - Wounded Lion's Breath

Evelyn embraced her friend into a bear hug. Her happiness surrounded her like morning spring. ''Thank you, Heather. You have put a smile on everybody's faces today.'' It was not only Evelyn. Fredrick and the rest others stepped forward to thank Heather. With all the praises, Heather felt awkward around, and she had the urge to run away.

Leena was in another world. She felt like she has conquered the great wall of China. Her babylicious is back, and she can talk, fight, argue with him. ''I can't say how much happy I am today. Thank you so much for saving his life, mom.''

''It's your love that transferred him the strength to live, baby.'' Replied Heather, patting her daughter's head. Too often, we underestimate the power of love, but it has the potential to turn a life around. The moment Heather started pumping Devin's heart with her hands, she lost all the hope. But on the final call, she wanted to trigger Devin's week spot. The urge to live with Leena has brought him back to life.

''Of course, it's my strength. I gave a big class to that idiot before the surgery.'' Happy tears were sliding down from Leena's face. ''He is not in danger anymore, right?'' Although her mom assured him, she wanted a crisp confirmation from her.

''He will have to be put in observation for 24 hours but fret not. I assure you, Devin will be fine.'' Heather poked Leena's nose lovingly. Finally, she saw the light in her daughter's face.

 ''Then can I go and see him,'' Leena asked in all excitement.

''Baby, we had closed him up a while ago_''

''I promise I will not step into the operating room until Devin gets up,'' Leena assured her mother. Even if she wants to go, those stupid nurses will pull her out.

''Fine.'' Just the word came out of Heather's mouth, Leena disappeared.

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''I am glad to see Leena back to usual self.'' Evelyn sighed. None have eaten and slept adequately for two days, putting physical and emotional strain on their health. Firstly, she has to drag her father-in-law home.

''That I am.'' Heather smiled, looking at her daughter sticking her head to the operating room to see Devin.

'You need to take rest, Heather.'' Evelyn suggested. Performing 7 to 8 hours of surgery is not an easy job, but that's what makes them the doctors. ''I will go home and bring dinner to everyone.''

''Alright, Eve.'' Heather didnot deny it. She needed rest. Her body is physically drained and mentally exhausted. Just when Heather walked out, Evelyn then turned to Arthur. 

''I am perfectly alright.'' Grandpa Arthur quickly retorted before his daughter-in-law takes charge. ''Until I see my grandson, I am not_.''

''Adney, and Harley. Let's drag your grandfather out of the hospital.'' The moment Evelyn's words came out of her mouth, Harley and Adney were already on the mission holding Grandpa Arthur's arms.

''You morons, leave my hand.'' Arthur's screams vanished into the air despite his opposition.


While Heather was going to the guest room allotted for her in the hospital, a familiar voice called her. She knew who it is. With a sigh, she turned back and forced a smile at him. ''What is it, Francis? Do you need anything_''

All of a sudden, Heather was tongue-tied. Her world stopped when a pair of hands embraced her body into a tight hug. 

''Thanks for saving Devin,'' Francis muttered, feeling thankful.

What the hell is he doing? Can't he understand what sort of things he is doing to my heart? Heather wanted to spank Francis's ass which she often does during their childhood when he annoys her. But at the same time, she reminded herself she is not a kid. Besides, misbehaving and touching a man is unladylike. Clearing her throat, Heather pushed him away and yelled at him. ''Francis, don't you know it's not good etiquette to hug a woman?''

''I_I am sorry.'' Francis apologized while maintaining a distance. Although his tone sounded remorseful outside, he was internally roasting Heather with his cursings. 

It's just a friendly hug. Did she have to go harsh on me? She didnot bother when Fredrick hugged her a while ago to thank her for saving Devin's life. She didnot reprimand Arnold either. When it comes to him, she remembers all etiquettes. Like daughter, like a mother. Both are weird creatures, and unfortunately, the most important people of his life. But Francis didnot voice his inner thoughts.

''Sorry again! I_I will go and see Devin.'' Francis turned around and walked away without looking back at Heather.

Heather finally released her breath when Francis was out of her sight. ''He must have miserably failed in EQ test. Otherwise, he would have recognized my feelings long before.'' Cursing at him, Heather turned around and left.


''Leena, let's go home. You hadn't slept properly for two days.'' Francis said, standing next to her, and stared at Devin from the glass partition. The dreary atmosphere has turned into a sparkling as he looked at his friends chatting happily.

''No, Francy. Devin might get up anytime.''

''Your mom said it might take 24 hours. I will bring you here in the evening.''

''No! I have to watch over him.'' She stubbornly replied.

''You don't need to get worried, child. Your brother and his friends watching over him.'' Not leaving room for discussions, Francis grabbed Leena's hand and brought her out of the hospital.

''By the way, get your mom's EQ tested when you get free time,'' Francis said, stepping into the car.


''Just do it and tell me her score.''

''Then he should also get it done. Both are in the same boat.'' Leena grumbled internally. Both have feelings for each other, but their ego has ruined their life. Leena had written lots of plots to create opportunities for her mom and Francy to get together when she had free time in the office. By the time she wanted to implement it, a disaster had happened. When Devin fully recovers, Leena planned to continue her mission.

The happiness returned to everyone's face, but a place has turned into a battlefield on the other end.


A well-organized room has turned into a muck. Broken vase glass pieces scattered around, table flipped upside down, papers spread everywhere over the room. In the middle of the mess, a man was sitting on the floor, his eyes blazing hot in a fury. Blood was oozing from his hand when the broken glass piece pierced into it. It should have caused him pain, but the agony he was feeling was nothing in front of the anger he was holding.

''Enger,'' Choosing his words wisely, Nash spoke up, careful not to irritate his friend further. ''Please calm down. We can think of_''

''How do you want me to calm down?'' Enger shot at him with his bloodshot eyes. ''It was the plan we laid carefully, but still, that bastard survived.''

''He got lucky this time.'' Continued Nash with a sigh. ''If my guess is correct, Devin will be under observation for a day. We still have the chance.'' Nash suggested.

''The breath of a wounded lion is terrifying that its roar. Let's not touch it for a while.'' The hospital would be protected from all the corners. There is an uproar in the media already to find the culprit. He can't risk it by doing something in his haste mind, not after he has earned Leena's trust. 

''Don't do anything stupid.'' Getting up from the floor, Enger strolled into his room. Laying on the bed, Enger closed his eyes, remembering the first time he saw Leena. 

His family consists of only Winter and her dad. He can't describe them as his real family because Winter's father adopted Enger. Picking up fights in the streets, getting injured was his daily routine. His life had no color until a little girl entered into his life and changed his course of life.

One day, he went to pick Winter from school. But Enger had no idea, a boy he fought with on the earlier day was following him with a gang to get his revenge. The argument started with just a talk until it turned severe. 

He didnot care if the blood was dripping from his legs and his arms. Just when he was about to punch a boy's face, he heard a girl scream.

That's when he saw her for the first time. By watching the blood dripping from his legs and arms, the little girl assumed Enger is guilty and ordered her driver to take care of the gang. The little girl then arrived towards him and unzipped her bag. Pulling out a box, she said. ''My Francy always keeps first aid in my bag because he thinks I get into trouble. Finally, I got the chance to use it today.'' She smiled as he handed over the first aid kit box.

''Thank you,'' Enger was captivated by her genuine smile for the first time. ''What's your name?'' Enger found it surprising as he heard his voice. Never he thought he had such a soft side to him.

''Go to the library and do your research.'' The little said and fled away.

Enger: '' ''

Slowly Enger opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. His face softened up when the little girl's smiling face entered into his mind again. True to what she said, he searched for her like a librarian until he found her. ''Leena! Such a beautiful name.'' He had no color in his life but still lived.. But Leena fulfilled that part.

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