The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 285 - LeenaVirus

Since Francis didnot allow Leena to go alone, she annoyed him to the core until he brought her to the hospital. With high spirits, Leena entered into the hospital with a hope to see Devin's smiling face, but her mood dampened when she saw a nurse removing Devin's patient dress. In a shot, Leena dashed towards her and pushed the Nurse away. Securing Devin's body with a sheet, Leena gazed intently at the Nurse, her lips pressed together in vexation ''What the hell are you doing?'' 

The Nurse quivered at Leena's slaying eyes. If looks could kill, Leena would be a weapon of mass destruction, and that's what the nurse thought.

''Madam_ I _I am cleaing patient's body_.''

''Who allowed you to do so? You should have asked me first,'' Leena spoke up, cutting the Nurse's thoughts in the middle. If she were late by a second, this stupid Nurse would have removed her babylicious... no. Leena stopped imagining it.

''I _It's our hospital protocal to clean patients_.''

''You can leave, Miss Nurse. My sister will take care.'' It was Andrew's voice that refrained the Nurse from speaking this time. Coming closer towards Leena, Andrew reprimanded. ''Are you trying to start a world war III with every woman?''

''What is World War III?'' Innocently, Leena questioned.

Andrew: '' ''

Is she innocent or trying to fool me? Andrew wondered in his thoughts. ''Didn't you study history?''

''Sorry, brother. I am weak in history.'' Leena stated in a deadpanned expression. Andrew raised his hand to strangle her, but supressed the urge. Ignoring his icy stares, Leena called the Nurse, who was about to step out of the room.

''Y_es madam?'' The nurse asked.

 ''Bring a curtain.'' Leena's gaze shifted to the hospital door to examine the length. ''Get a long one.''

The Nurse had no choice except to nod her head.

''Why do you need curtains?'' Andrew asked with a perplex thought. 

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''Because I don't trust you.'' Having said that, Leena threw him out of the room to clean up Devin.

''You mad girl, what do you mean by it? Open the door, Leena.'' Andrew kicked the door, but with no end. Leena already locked it from inside, and closed the curitains also.


Adney, and Nick glued their faces to the door to catch a glimpse of the situation inside, but their efforts didnot bore any fruit. ''What is she doing inside?'' Nick asked.

''Giving bed bath to Devin,'' Andrew snapped. Since Leena threw him out of the room, Andrew was trying to understand Leena's earlier statement. Even now, Leena remained an unsolved mystery to him. Sometimes her action and talks seem offbeat to him which he can't follow.

''Then why did she have to put on the door curtains?'' Nick questioned back.

''Protecting her husband from some people.'' Kurt spoke up, appearing behind them. ''Some people act like enemies, but in actuality they are fooling us.'' Kurt's gaze first shifted to Andrew and then to Jasper's curious stares. Kurt badly wanted to confront these two about their relationship, but his tongue refrained from speaking. 

''What are you talking? What kind of enemies?'' Nick asked.

''Who is fooling us?'' Andrew was confused with Kurt's out of the league words.

 ''As if you don't know, Mr. Andrew Dawson! Go back to your seat.'' Kurt rebuked his friends and left the place in frustration.

''What's wrong with him?'' Scratching his forehead, Andrew asked Nick.

''Chill Andrew.'' Nick patted Andrew's shoulder. ''LeenaVirus must have spread to him.''

''You are right. It's worse than Cora.Nora.Vi. Rus.'' 

''What a comparsion, Andrew bro.'' Adney added.

''I know.'' Andrew produly gloated.


After a long stretch of bed bathing Devin, Leena stepped out of the room. ''When will my babylicious wake up?'' She asked to no one in particuar because she would get her answer either way.

''Stop asking the same question, Leena. Let him rest. Devin has undergone major surgery.'' Nick stated. ''By the way, go and bring a snack. I am hungry.''

''Don't you have legs?'' She questioned slumping on the chair exhausted from cleaing Devin. Even if she gets tired, she is not letting any nurse do the job.

''I didnot sleep for the entire night looking after Devin, and the after surgery_.''

''Stop with your rant and raves. I will bring it.'' Leena got up to go for the cafteria. ''Everybody discovered my weakness.''


Just before Leena entered into the hospital cafeteria, she heard someone calling her, and surprised to see it was Enger again.

 ''Hi Leena, how are you?'' Enger smiled up at her sweetly. He came here with the thought of catching a glimpse of Leena's face, but he didnot expect luck was exceptionally on his side.

''I am good.'' Leena greeted him with a smile. ''Umm..Why are you here?''

''To see you.'' Enger suddenly slipped, lost in Leena's beauty.

''Sorry?'' Leena asked in muddle.

''I_I mean, I watched the news about your husband's surgery. So, I am here to check on you. After, all you are my friend.'' Enger quickly explained maintaing a stoic face but internally he was sweating buckets. If not for his fast reflexes, Leena would have got a doubt on him.

''Thank you.'' Leena was glad he had come all the way to check on her, and Devin.

''Where are you going?'' Enger asked out of the blue.


''Would you mind if I join? I haven't had dinner.'' He wanted to spend quality time with Leena. All the time, Devin would be clinging on to her, and now that an oppurtunity hit the door, he will gladly utilize it.

''Actually, I_I_''

''It seems you are not confortable around me. Sorry for troubling you. I will take my leave then,'' Enger turned around to walk away as if his face was laced with pain. He knew when to flip the tables. If his guess is correct, Leena would call him back in three seconds. One, Two

''Stop, Enger.''

That's it! She has slowly entering into his den.

''I didnot mean in that way. Please come and join.'' Leena suddenly found putting herself in an awkward spot. Enger has saved her life, and he has come all the way to check on her, and Devin. Accompanying him for dinner is not a big deal.

''Thank you.'' Enger's happiness knew no bounds. Finally, he has got a chance to spend time with his beloved.

Leena bought the snacks which Nick hates them. It was a sort of punishment for making her do the errands. She then settled in a chair to accopany Enger. When her eyes unconciously darted to his plate, Leena was shocked to see his plate filled with all her favorite foods, not to mention banana juice. She remebered talking about her likes and dislikes when they were chatting. Did he even remember them?

''Ah! I know you are curious.'' Enger chuckled with amusement. ''I tried the dishes you texted when we were friends. I honestly like the taste.''

''O_kay.'' Leena faintly smiled. Stupid Leena! Teenage little freak! Why did you talk about your likes and dislikes without knowing anything about him? It's all in the past which she can't turn back.

Guessing Leena was getting uncomfortable around him, Enger shifted the topic.


Meanwhile in the hospital room, a nurse screamed, as she stepped out. ''Patient is conscious now.''

With that everybody standing in the corridor dashed into the room to see Devin.

''Please don't disturb the patient, sir.'' The nurse said, to which Kurt, and the others nodded their heads.

Eyes half closed, Devin was looking at nothing in particual. They knew he is still semi-concious. In order not to disturb him, Kurt inclined his head and whispered. ''How are you feeling, Vincy?''

''Bro, how are you?'' Adney asked, gently grabbing Devin's arm without putting much strength on it.

''Vincy!'' Andrew screamed. ''Do you remember me?''

''Quiet, dirty fellow. Your voice can wake the dead even.'' Jasper kicked Andrew's calf and shot at him. ''For your infromation, Vincy didnot lose his memories, Mr. Dramatic donkey.'' Reprimanding his enemy, Jasper then turned to Devin. ''Ignore that monkey, Vincy. Do you feel any pain?''

''Stay out of his reach, Mexican Monkey.'' Andrew also kicked Jasper's leg, and before turning to Devin. ''Ignore that donkey, Vincy. Do you want anything?''

Jasper and Andrew's fights started. Already frustrated Kurt, without any mercy, he threw them out of the room.

Devin tilted his head, and looked at the door, but he didnot find the person he was dying to see. ''L_eena. W_here is she?'' Devin's words shattered everyone's hearts there. Years of friendship, he crushed calling Leena's name first.

Clenching their firsts, everybody threw a cold daggers at Devin before one of them made a call to Leena.


Not before Enger thought he was enjoying a good time with Leena, a phone call disturbed his sweet time.

Looking at Kurt's number, Leena excused herself and lifted the call. The moment she heard Kurt's message, her heart skipped a beat. ''I_I am coming.'' Her mind was in a mess. Leena forgot the snacks she purchased, and she even forgot to bid a goodbye to the person sitting infront of her. She got up, and fled away like a Usain bolt.

''Leena, wait!'' Enger shouted, but she was long gone. Fury roared through him like a molten lava. ''It seems my presence still doesn't affect you, my beloved Leena.'' With a malicious glint, Enger dig the fork into the plate forecefully.. ''Slowly, I will imprint my image into your heart.''

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