The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 108

108 Silent Treatment I

Twenty minutes silently ticked by in Roshan’s head and weirdly, there was no sight of Anna yet. Roshan could barely concentrate when his mind kept diverting to the one woman who hadn’t returned like she said she would.

Noticing his meditation was going absolutely nowhere, a sigh left his lips and his eyes fluttered open. His gaze constantly drifted to the door, waiting to hear it creak open or hear the soft footsteps that’d notify him of her presence.

But as he waited, he got none of those options.

“What’s taking her so long?” He muttered to himself, already losing half of his patience and he clicked his tongue.

He honestly didn’t want to bother himself about this, but his mind wasn’t listening. Every inch of him was itching to go see what’s happening and why she’s taking so long to return from just applying mere ointment on someone.

She was in another man’s room for goodness sake and it ate him up.

Getting down from the bed to hold on to his restraint, Roshan strode to the table and served himself a glass of water from the jug.

He took a sip of the cool water to help calm his nerves. He gazed at the twinkling night sky and moved to the window. Leaning against the hinges, he stared at the stars that rested like blankets in the dark blue sky.

He remained there, getting lost in his own thoughts and that’s when the sight of two figures strolling in the front yard caught his attention.


He instantly looked down and the sight before him made his eyes darken. Anna walked by with Nicholas by her side, she seemed to laugh at something he said, making Roshan’s mood dissipate further as he watched them like a falcon in a nest.

Like that wasn’t enough, the daring being leaned closer to whisper something into her ear, leaving Anna to laugh again with a surprised look contorting her face and the glass in Roshan’s hand unexpectedly broke.

‘Stay away from my mate!’ his Demons were just as angry and that triggered his powers.

It startled Roshan himself as he hadn’t even realized his grasp on the glass had tightened to the extent it broke into unrepairable pieces.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He gazed at the blood that dropped from his hand with a feigned smile. The little pieces of glass were stuck in his palm after he had unknowingly crushed it. He wasn’t even holding it that tight!

His gaze returned to the two happy figures who were entering the building and he scoffed before moving away from the window.

And here he was getting all worked up because of her, but she was out there taking a fancy stroll with the Mayor’s son. He was pretty sure the mate mark would have faded if he hadn’t bit her again, and now he was facing the consequences by becoming possessive.

After a few dark minutes passed by, the door finally opened and Anna walked in. Her gaze landed on the glacier who was sitting on his bed and just by stepping into the room, she didn’t fail to notice the change of aura in the atmosphere.

From the glacier’s expression, he didn’t look anywhere cheerful, his face was as imperturbable as fate and she couldn’t possibly guess what went wrong this time.

She quietly closed the door behind her before taking slow steps towards the glacier, until she found herself standing at the edge of his bedside.

“What happened? Did it work?” She softly asked, but got no response from him. His darkened gaze just remained fixed at the wall in front of him, he didn’t even bat an eye at her direction.

‘What’s wrong with him?’ thought Annalise to herself. He wasn’t like this before she left, was he? She was actually in a hurry earlier to even notice if he was or not.

“How was your little stroll?” He suddenly asked out of the blue, leaving Anna to tilt her head in confusion.


“I’m pretty sure you enjoyed the nightwalk with Nicholas, right?” His tone was laced with sarcasm, except the lady he was talking to hardly noticed.

Anna finally realized what he was talking about and smiled instead, “ah yes! It was a nice walk. Did you see us?” She asked, leaving Roshan to stare in disbelief at how cheerful she suddenly got.

“He’s not actually that bad once you get to know him, I finished treating him but he wanted to take a walk and asked me to be his walking partner and I was also in the mood for a walk so I agreed.”

She cheerfully went on, completely unaware that her words were only adding fuel to the fire inside of Roshan.

“He’s very funny and interesting to talk to, he’s calm and_”

The loud glass shattering sound forced Annalise to stop speaking and when she looked at where the sound came from, the jug that rested on the table had broken into pieces. Her eyes went round at the sight, completely dumbfounded by how the jug broke and when she met Roshan’s stare, he was glaring at her with those death beams called eyes.

Did he do that????

“Do you have anything else to say?” His tone was gravely calm, sending chills running through her veins and Anna didn’t dare to continue.

A nervous laugh escaped her lips and she shook her head, “N_no, nothing at all.”

Roshan looked away, feeling frustratingly upset for no particular reason and Anna couldn’t understand why he’s currently mad at her. What did she do?

“Ahem!” She cleared her throat, gaining the glacier’s attention and her heart jumped when his eyes darkened, “I_I just wanted to ask if you spoke with Azazel or not.” She quickly said.

“I haven’t.” He responded before looking away.


“I lost interest,” he told her, “I’ll try again tomorrow, goodnight.” And that was it.

Anna stared at him in silence as he dismissed her just like that, she really couldn’t picture why he’d be mad at her all of a sudden, she doesn’t remember saying something offending to him before leaving, or did she?

“Are you...angry about something?” She dared to ask, “or is it with me?”

Sadly, he didn’t respond and just looked away. Anna had to give up since he had suddenly decided not to talk to her. As far as she knows, she did nothing wrong, so why was she bothered about it anyway?

“Since you won’t tell me, goodnight.”

She turned and headed for her own bed. He watched as she got on top of it. When she looked at him, he quickly averted his gaze, acting less bothered and showing his nonchalant attitude that only provoked her even more.

“Hmph!” She covered herself with the duvet and turned the other way on the bed. He can ignore her for all she cares, it doesn’t matter to her. He’s always so Moody and who knows what sort of expression to expect from him next.

Roshan’s gaze remained fixed on her back as she curled herself up with the duvet, looking like a ball. She really walked out just like that? She really doesn’t care now, does she?

It felt like something got smashed in his chest and he looked away from her.

She’s sleeping peacefully over there and here, he couldn’t get any sleep thanks to her.

But it turned out, none of them actually slept that night.

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