The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 109

109 Silent Treatment II

“61 days gone.” Anna circled the 31st date on a small notepad she found in one of the drawers.

She was stunned to see a whole two months had passed by as she ticked the days and she wondered how fast time in each world seemed to differ.

“I have 30 days left.” She uttered to herself and a sad smile formed on her lips. She really has no idea when she’ll die to be exact, but her heart told her it’d be on the 30th of this new month.

A day that’s really special to her.

Wow, her death day was actually.... really close.

Roshan’s sudden presence in the room as he stepped out of the bathroom made her shut her notepad and she instantly hid it under her pillow before he saw it.

He met her stare and they could both recall exactly what transpired between them last night the moment they locked their gaze. Anna wasn’t completely over it yet, so she was the first to break the gaze as she got out of bed.

He watched her pick a blue dress from her wardrobe without talking to him or even glancing his way. Okay so she has the right to be upset but not him? Two can always play the same game if that’s what she wants.

The glacier also carried on with his business as he deliberately ignored her, using the orange-colored towel to clean the water from his hair.


Anna stole a glance at him and couldn’t believe he was ignoring her when he ought to apologize to her!!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her lips pulled up in displeasure, ‘I need to stop thinking too loudly since he’s chosen to barge into my privacy without permission!’

She really wanted to throw a pillow at him, or something, anything at him but she just balled her fist at her side instead, pinching the skin in her palm in an attempt to calm herself down.

Letting out an exasperated breath, she headed for the bathroom as well, brushing past the glacier beside her and refusing to drop her guards in order to keep a good relation with him.

If he wasn’t going to speak to her, then why should she?

She reached for the bathroom door and when he looked in her direction, she banged the door loudly at his face, closing it shut and leaving the startled Roshan to blink in bafflement.

“What a troublemaker.” He quietly said to himself before shaking his head and getting himself dressed for the day, he still had Azazel to connect with and his situation right now with Anna wasn’t helping.

At the practice field, Anna stood before the big grayish-brown wolf that growled in a low tone at her and she smiled, “you seem prepared for the event which is a good thing, I can only wish you good luck, oh and try your best to avoid being hit in your left arm since it’s your weak point.”

The wolf still towered above her despite being in a sitting position. She had to admit that Nicholas had a beautiful beast animal, he looked adorable and fierce at the same time but the only thing that scared her was those extremely sharp teeth of his.

“Ah! I see you’re here.” Came the voice of Madame Alina who strode towards them. Anna bowed her head in greeting.

“A wonderful Morning to you Madame Alina, you’re looking lovely as always.” She complimented.

“Oh I know.” Madame Alina curtly responded and Anna wasn’t surprised to see her holding a hand fan that always matches the color of her dressing.

“It’s nice to see you two bonding, but Nicholas, your father wants to see you before the event starts, you know his usual words of ‘encouragement’ so off you go.”

Nicholas walked off in his wolf form and suddenly jumped from one fence to another, he continued until he was no longer in sight after dropping somewhere else.

“When his father was just like him, he always enjoyed dropping through fences all the time, he said it was a shortcut to reach the mansion on time.” She rolled her eyes, leaving Anna to snicker softly and with what she’s been hearing so far, Nicholas was really like his father.

They both appeared calm and friendly after getting to know someone, but pretty off-putting when met for the first time.

“Shall we go save ourselves a seat at the event?” Asked Madame Alina and Anna nodded.

She wondered if Roshan would attend the event today. She didn’t see him yesterday and it’s funny how she lets herself get bothered about someone who’s been avoiding and ignoring her all morning.

Together, they left the practice field.

At the library, Roshan once again was reading all the books Leasis had given to him. It all concerned different types of strange birthmarks that had a meaning.

Leasis relaxed her back on a wall, idly tossing a little ball in the air and catching it in her grasp.

“What exactly are you looking for?” She had to ask, he hadn’t said a word to her ever since she gave him these books and he barely noticed her presence after that.

“Will you help me out in finding it once I tell you?”

“As long as it catches my interest.” She shrugged. Another familiar assassin with the coffee-brown eyes, whose name was Neil silently watched as Roshan went through the scrolls and books.

“I thought humans aren’t able to read magical scrolls?” He popped a question at the glacier, but Leasis huffed.

“Human? I doubt it.”

“If you doubt me to such an extent, why haven’t you revealed my ‘true identity’ yet?” He neutrally asked like someone who was having a formal conversation with his people.

“You and your sister, who are you?” The guy with the coffee-brown eyes couldn’t hold back his question, “I knew she was different after seeing the mark on her forehead and you, your presence alone says enough.”

Leasis nodded in agreement, “I had my suspicions after seeing the sister looked familiar to the head of assassins, did you notice?”

Neil nodded, “that was my first suspicion and I need answers to it.”

Roshan let out an exasperated sigh as they continued to bug him with their words, “can you kindly take your suspicion with you and get out of the library.” He faked politeness, but Leasis shook her head before moving closer to his table.

“You’re searching for birthmarks, am I right? Your.... sister’s mark if I’m not mistaken?”


“We can help you.” Neil butted in as he moved his weight from the door, “but first, you have to tell us who you really are.”

“We won’t report, trust us.” Leasis assured the glacier who finally gave them a listening ear, “afterall you guys saved Nicholas’s life, the least we can do to show our appreciation is help you out.”

“And how do you intend to help me?”

“We’re assassin’s who share connections with a mage’s power.” Neil emphasized, “we know almost every scroll in this library, just tell us specifically what you’re looking for and we’ll tell you if we have it here.”

Roshan listened to them while stealing a sneak peek into their thoughts. As curious as they were in figuring out his real identity, they sounded grateful about the fact he saved Nicholas and genuinely want to repay by helping him.

And a few minutes before they came, he was already making plans on how to end that man’s life. Who knew his earlier act of kindness would bring him help.

“Fine.” He agreed, “I’m looking for a scroll that has any information regarding a meteor mark.”

“Meteor what?” Leasis lifted a brow, not sure if she had come across a scroll like that and when Roshan wanted to give up on finding a scroll due to Leasis reaction, Neil spoke up.

“I think we have something similar to what you’ve just asked.”

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