The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 85

85 Great Use

“You really are a danger magnet.” Roshan quietly said to her as they were currently dragged down the earthly path.

“I’m not, this is all just an unfortunate misunderstanding.” She defended herself, “they think we’re spies and we both know we’re not.”

“So you went ahead with the siblings idea again, wow I must acknowledge the way you think.”

“What could I possibly have said? That we’re a couple?” She fired back in an angry whisper but the unbearable being only scoffed with a hint of sarcasm.

“Couple? I’d kill you before our wedding night.”

“You annoying perv..!!.”

“Stop the murmurings!” One of the men quickly snapped at them, silencing the two bickering people and they casted a quick glare at one another before looking away and swallowing their words.

It was silence all through the walk as none of them were ready to talk to one another.

“Who are you?” The young man with the coffee brown eyes suddenly asked, gaining Anna’s attention and she whipped her head to his direction.



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Who really are you? What brought you to Ark Ville?” Turns out he was the one gently dragging her forward, but surprisingly, he wasn’t harsh towards her.

Instead of wasting this opportunity, she’d rather use it to her advantage.

“We’re really not spies I can promise you that, we accidentally stumbled into this... enchanted Forest and we’re looking for a way out of it.” She truthfully explained but his brows questionably arched up.

“How’s it possible you just ‘stumbled’ into Ark Ville?”

“I’ve been asking myself that question ever since I got here.” As funny as it sounded, it was the truth.

Roshan, whose attention finally diverted to Annalise, caught her having a conversation with one of the men who basically dragged them ahead.

“You know about medicinal herbs?”

“Yeah why?”

“How partial of you to shush us up but you’re the ones free to talk.” Roshan hissed out, deliberately interrupting the man who was having a conversation with Annalise and Anna really felt like sealing his mouth before he ruined her plan.

He really has no idea when to talk.

She forced a smile regardless and ignored Roshan, “pay no attention to anything he says, he tends to act like this when blamed for something he never did.” She quickly explained.

Roshan’s frown only deepened after seeing her smile at the young man whose eyes were only visible against the clothed mask he wore, why was she smiling??

Arriving at a town surrounded by high mountains, Anna’s eyes stared in wonder as they stopped before a well fortified large stone wall around the perimeters.

The entrance of the town was guarded by two large towers each with a drawbridge that can be raised in order to keep the residents safe.

After walking past the bridge, the short bald man suddenly strode towards an empty hole in the building and he shoved a blue gem into it, forcing the two huge doors to open with a heavy creak sound, welcoming them to a new town.

The center of the town has a large courtyard with different buildings surrounding it. The buildings looked fortified and defensible Incase of any attacks from Invaders. The buildings are all connected via a series of underground tunnels, which are for the most part blocked by wooden doors.

The center of the courtyard has a large limestone statue that faces towards the entrance of the town.

The people of Ark Ville who looked no different from humans made Anna wonder if they were another human race the world was completely unaware of.

What caught her attention more was how beautiful the people of Ark Ville looked and not only that, their dressing style was equally fascinating.

The ladies were dressed in simple but refined gowns, most of them even wore comfortable fitting pants with their swords hanging in the holster fixed to their waist belt.

The men were dressed in jackets and comfortable fitting pants along with leather boots.

Their quizzical gazes were transfixed on them and the ladies interestingly murmured some words to themselves while casting shy glances towards Roshan’s direction.

Whenever he met their stares, their faces went red and he wasn’t surprised, he was used to it. But Anna strangely happened to have a problem with it as her face scrunched into a look of annoyance.

“Surely they’ve come across many handsome men before, what’s with the sudden excitement?”

“Oh Anna.” Roshan tsked, “Unlike you, these pretty women know a good-looking guy when they see one, you on the other hand tend to have eyes at the back of your head.”

“Hmph! That equally explains your unruly attitude. You might be handsome but your cold act is enough to scare them away from you, beauty isn’t the only thing that matters.”

“Preach to yourself, silly woman.” And he eyed her.

If Anna’s hand weren’t being held behind her back by these men, goodness knows she’d have pounced on the demon beside her.

Stepping into a different building that hid them from the eyes of the Ark Ville people, Anna and Roshan were led to the main hall, only to stand before an average looking man dressed in an exquisite golden colored clothing.

“We found them lurking around the spirits of the wild.” The short man boldly informed to the average man whose bored gaze remained settled on him, before shifting to the two trespassers.


“I assume so, mayor.”

“Then why waste your time bringing them to me when you can just kill them?” His lips curled a little to the side, revealing a smirk that made the man tremble before him.

“The young lady claims they’re from Euphrasia Kingdom so I_”

“If they aren’t of great use to my domain, kill them.” His words were final, not until Anna found the courage to intervene.

“Wait.... what if we’re actually of great use to you?” She asked, gaining the man’s attention and he raised a questioning brow at her.

“In what way exactly?”

“Your son.” She spoke up, “he’s... he’s currently ill isn’t he? What if we help you treat him? Then can we leave?”


We crossed a 100k views already ??

Many thanks to my readers for the sweet support!!

Hopefully I’ll be able to write a bonus chapter before the week ends as my appreciation ??

Keep voting and showering much love to our Anna and Roshan!!

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