The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 86

86 His Help

“You know about my son?” His eyes narrowed in an interrogative manner but it failed at hiding the shock in them. He curiously wondered how a stranger from who knows where could know about his son’s illness.

Roshan secretly stole a glance at Anna, confused about what she herself was talking about.

“I’m not a physician,” she continued despite the many questionable gazes that were fixed on her, “but I know of ways your son could be cured from a demon bite.” She continued, secretly looking at the young warrior before returning her attention back to the Mayor.

“How dare you lie before Ark Ville’s greatest Mayor?!” The bald man angrily hollered at her, knowing what a great consequence her sudden discussion would put on him, but Anna wisely ignored him and looked at the Mayor instead.

“Demon bites could kill and it’s a process, it all depends on the specific type of Demons but if you can give us a chance, your son still has a chance of surviving.”

Anna dared to take the risk, the young warrior strangely, but surprisingly told her about the king’s son who was recently bitten by a demon that got into Ark Ville.

The Mayor stroked his chin lightly as he appeared lost in thoughts. Roshan casted Anna a glance that asked many questions but she closed her eyes reassuringly before opening them back up, signifying she’d explain everything to him later on.

“You’re nothing but a trespasser, how can you possibly treat a demon bite if you aren’t one yourself?” The bald man annoyingly questioned yet again and he really had no idea how his rude words were provoking Roshan, despite the fact those accusing questions weren’t directed at him.

“You question us as though you have an issue with getting his son treated,” Roshan spoke as politely as he could, but it made the color on the bald man’s face drain a bit, “surely you don’t have an issue with it, do you?”



“William.” The Mayor’s deep, powerful voice interrupted the bald man and he gently raised his index finger in the air, signifying it was enough.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The bald man had to hold his tongue, but he casted a glare of vengeance at Roshan who smirked in a way only the bald man took notice of.

“Who are you?” The Mayor of Ark Ville proceeded to ask, giving Anna the go ahead and she politely bowed to his presence.

“The name’s Annalise from Euphrasia and this is, Roshan.” She hesitantly mentioned Roshan as her brother and quickly moved on before they took notice.

“We were in a battle with a few demons before, somehow, we coincidentally found ourselves here in the enchanted Forest or Ark Ville as you mentioned it. We were wondering if we could find a way back to Euphrasia before your men caught us wandering about.”

“Euphrasia you say?”

She nodded, “On our way here, the news of your son’s illness had gone rampant, only to figure out he was actually bitten by a demon and it completely explains the tight security and your.... current anger for bloodshed.”

“No one made mention of the son’s illness!” The bald man interjected, only to be interrupted by Roshan again.

“I did,” he second Anna’s response, “you couldn’t possibly have heard since your ears are too tiny.”

He indirectly made jest of the funny looking man whose fists were angrily balled at his side, yet he couldn’t give a satisfying retort as he wouldn’t wish to anger the Mayor any further, considering the fact there’s someone who can heal his son’s illness.

“And you can heal my son?”

Anna nodded for the second time, “yes, but I need to know exactly when he was bitten and how long it has been since then.”

Her heart continuously pounded as she kept speaking with such a firm tone. She really wished the ground could open and swallow her in, but knowing she was already digging her grave, why not keep digging?

“And if you fail to treat him?” Came a question that held unexplainable consequences, but Anna stood her ground and gracefully tilted her head up to meet his Amber eyes.

“Then I hold no objection to what you plan on doing to us.”

“Why are you helping?”

“Cause I want to prove that we certainly mean no harm, they do say actions speak better than words, don’t they?”

Roshan who watched Anna speak had to force an impressed smile not to showcase on his lips. As much as he hated to admit to himself, she was good at this.

“Guards.” The Mayor’s deep voice amplified in the grand hall and they all bowed.

“Take him to Nicholas’s chamber.” He ordered.

“Before we proceed, can I have a word with my brother for a few seconds? I promise it won’t take much of your time.” Anna politely requested. She sensed a bit of hesitation in the Mayor’s look but he nodded regardless.

“Thank you.”

Anna quickly dragged Roshan to one of the empty corners. After confirming there was no one at sight and it’d be difficult for passersby to hear. She began;

“I’ll need your help with this.” She whispered.

“My help?”

She replied with a nod, “If I get the specific herbs, they’ll be effective but slow. I need your help in transferring some of your energy into his son, that way, it’d speed up the process.”

“What, no!”

The hopeful look on her face instantly crashed like a pricked balloon due to his refusal.

“What? Why?”

“I have my reasons, I can’t do it.”

“But...but I can’t do this alone.”

“Who cares if it’s a slow process, go with the herbs but I’m not transferring my energy to some Mayor’s son that holds no importance to me.”

Anna really couldn’t believe his cold response right now, she’s trying her very best to get them out of this situation but he’s refusing to lend a helping hand?? To be honest, she shouldn’t really be shocked but she was.

“You know? I still wonder why I even bother coming to you when you clearly have no interest in helping me. Fine then, I’ll do it myself if that’s what you want.”

Before he could speak, she walked out on him and he didn’t miss the disappointment that flashed in her irises. He saw she genuinely needed his help with this but how could he tell her it was impossible.

He gave her most of his energy last night so she’d recover quicker and the result he got from it was a warning to his own life. If he dares to do the same thing, he could be hurt, not just externally, but internally as well, hence, reducing his life span since he wasn’t a full Demon.

“Sigh... how do I handle this.” He thought to himself as his fingers ran through his hair, feeling stuck but before anyone got suspicious of his absence, he left.

Anna walked back to the Mayor. She quickly discarded the heavy feeling in her heart and politely bowed to his presence, “I’m ready to see your son.”

“What about the person with you?”

“Apparently, he’s not needed.” She tried not to let the sadness in her voice be noticed and masked it up with a faint smile.

The Mayor nodded and just a few second glance at his guards was enough to tell them what they needed to do.

“This way.”

The young warrior she was familiar with led her up the stairs, she smiled at him as he made way for her with right arm stretched to the side, silently indicating, ‘ladies first.’

Anna went up the stairs and he followed behind, along with two guards that brought them in.

“Go.” The Mayor strictly said to the bald Williams, “follow them and come back to share the results with me.”

William nodded before hurrying up the stairs.

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