The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 93 - NINETY THREE: No Offense

"Should we figure out how to escape now, Your Majesty?"

Kel glanced around the room. Seeing as the emperor knew more about this place than she did and still didn't know how to get out, there was a good chance they wouldn't find a convenient secret passage or something.

Sneaking out wouldn't be hard for the emperor, seeing as he blended in with all the other Subterrans. For Kel, however, that wasn't the case. Even if they could hide her blonde hair, her skin was still several shades darker than everyone else.

To escape the people's notice, she'd need to find a disguise that covered her arms, legs and hair without looking suspicious.

Unfortunately, however, all she had were the flowy revealing dresses that everyone in the entire Serin empire was convinced she preferred.

"Haaaa," Kel sighed, staring absently toward the closet. If only Lucy were here and had left one of her maid uniforms in the wardrobe again. How convenient would that b-

Wait! Kel should have been wearing Lucy's uniform when they dragged her here. But when she woke up in this room, her hair was down and she was definitely wearing a different dress. That meant there was a chance the maid uniform was still here somewhere.

"I have an idea!" Kel exclaimed, jumping to her feet and barrelling toward the closet.

Before she took two steps, however, a sharp tug on her wrist stopped her in place.

"...What?" she asked, glancing back to see the emperor staring at her.

His lips were pressed into a frown, and one of his eyebrows was slightly raised.

"Let's think of something else," he insisted.

"But I haven't even told you my idea yet," Kel whined, trying to pull her wrist free from his grasp.

"You've been living in my palace for quite a while now," the emperor continued, refusing to let go.

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"And what of it?" Kel snapped. "Either get to the point or let me go, so I can show you what my plan is."

"Well… usually…" the emperor hesitated. He took a deep breath before finally admitting, "Your plans are usually terrible."

Kel's mouth dropped. "Excuse me? My plans are.. Terrible?!"

"You forget that I'm usually the one you're planning against," the man continued. "So I know first hand how ineffective your ideas are."


First this man had admitted to her face that he loved someone else, and now he was telling her that her plans were worthless?

Why didn't he just gather himself in all his royalness and leave her behind, then?!

"You seem angry," the emperor said softly, pulling on her arm. "I didn't mean to offend you. I just think we need a more practical plan."

Kel was definitely offended.

But she couldn't deny that the emperor had a point. A tiny, miniscule point, but still a point.

Her plans, no matter how meticulously thought through, did tend to end in failure--usually at the emperor's own hands.

"Fine," Kel huffed, settling back down on the bed. "What's your idea then?"

The emperor shook his head. "I don't know yet."

He put a finger to his lips before Kel could let out an exasperated sigh, motioning toward the door.

"For now, we have another problem," he whispered.

Several minutes later, Alaia knocked on the door.

"Princess? I'm coming in!" she announced.

"C-come in," Kel responded, nervously clearing her throat.

"Are you feeling well?" the freckled girl smiled as she stepped through the door.

"Uh.. yeah.." Kel answered absently.

"... Are you sure you're alright?" Alaia lowered her voice, eyes full of concern.

She followed Kel's gaze toward the wardrobe in the corner of the room.

"Do you perhaps want to change your clothes?" the girl continued. "Are you too cold?"

"Huh? Oh no, I'm fine," Kel replied, forcing a smile.

"You don't have to force yourself," the girl responded, grinning as she turned toward the closet. "Let's see what else we have for you to we-"

"No! That's ok!" Kel exclaimed, jumping up.

She stopped herself at the girl's shocked face and gingerly sat back down. "I mean, um, why don't you just tell me why you're here?"

"Ah.." Reluctantly, Alaia turned away from the closet. "Lord Soren has requested your presence again."

"O-oh, has he?" Kel tried to respond naturally. "I wonder why.."

"He said he wished to hear your answer to his offer," Alaia smiled, "but even if you aren't prepared with an answer, he'd still like to see you."

"Ok, I wi-EEK!" Kel screeched as a hand shot out from under the bed and gripped her ankle.

"I-I mean… I don't wish to see him," she corrected herself.

Alaia hesitated for a few moments, studying Kel's face.

"Alright," she conceded at last, heading back toward the door.

Kel breathed a sigh of relief. That was close.

"Then I'll just let Lord Soren know that you'd prefer to meet him here," the girl smiled as she opened the door. "That way, if you get tired, you can just sleep here this time."

Kel winced as the door thudded shut.

"What did she mean by that?" came a muffled voice from under the bed.

"What did she mean by what?" Kel asked awkwardly, slowly pulling her legs up next to her to prevent any more sudden ankle grabs.

"What did she mean by 'sleep here this time'?" the emperor growled, sliding out from underneath the bed frame.

Kel gasped as he loomed over her, his eyes flashing with fury.

"I don't know either," she responded with a mechanical laugh. "What did she mean by that?"

For the second time, the emperor tackled her to the bed, this time pinning both of her arms firmly out to the side.

"I-it's probably nothing to be concerned about," Kel whispered, scrunching her eyes shut.

"First you were talking about kissing with him and now I find out you slept with him?" The emperor hissed in her ear. "Tell me, what should I do with you?"

"It's a misunderstanding!" Kel gasped. "I fell asleep there, but I didn't sleep with him!"

"I was holding back because of a promise I once made to someone important," the emperor continued, ignoring Kel's pleas.

"But now I'm certain.. Soren must die."

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