The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 94 - NINETY FOUR: Tea, Snacks And Death

"It's a misunderstanding!" Kel gasped, her arms stinging under the emperor's tight grip. "I fell asleep there, but I didn't sleep with him!"

Who knew that night would come back to haunt her like this? She still wasn't entirely sure herself what happened, and she definitely still wasn't convinced she fell asleep on her own. But right now, she wished she had a better explanation than the bits and pieces she remembered coupled with Soren's words.

"I was holding back because of a promise I once made to someone important," the emperor hissed, ignoring Kel's pleas. "But now I'm certain. Soren must die."

Abruptly, he jumped back to his feet, leaving Kel trembling on the bed.. In the candlelight, it was difficult to tell what sort of face he was making.

After straightening up his clothes a little, the emperor extended a hand toward her.

"Come here," he commanded.

Hesitantly, Kel took the offered hand, and the emperor pulled her to her feet beside him. With gentle fingers, he shifted the sleeves of her dress closer to her neck, covering her exposed collarbones.

Kel flinched under his touch.

Curse these stupid exposing dresses, she huffed to herself as she whished there was more fabric between her skin and the emperor's.

"Alright, then. Let's go," the emperor nodded as he admired his handiwork with a satisfactory smile.

"Wait a second!" Kel exclaimed, stiffening as she felt him tugging on her arm once again.

"What's the matter?" The emperor asked innocently, whirling back around to face her.

"Y-you.." Kel stood dazed momentarily as her eyes met his. What was he making such a cute face for?

Wait. This wasn't the time. That 'cute face' was the same one that admitted to being in love with Adriell only minutes ago and casually mentioned the idea of slaughtering Soren.

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Coming back to her senses, Kel quickly cleared her throat and continued. "You haven't even told me what we're doing. We can't just walk out of here!"

"I just told you, though." The emperor's innocent smile melted into a wicked grin. "We're going to make Soren die."

"Eh?" Kel started, ripping her hand away from the crazed man.

He didn't actually mean.. Kill him? Right now?

"What's wrong?" The emperor asked again, tilting his head.

Kel stared at him in disbelief. Instead of thinking of a plan to escape, was he really suggesting they simply go kill the leader of The Yellow Marguerite? Even if Kel was fine with that, which she wasn't, did the emperor really think they'd have a chance of escaping after causing such a commotion?!

"And you said my plans were terrible," she scoffed, shaking her head.

"Hmm? Are you not comfortable watching him die?" The emperor asked calmly.

From his tone of voice, it sounded like he was asking what kind of snacks Kel wanted with her tea, not whether she wanted to watch someone die or not.

But then again, that was all probably the same to this man.

Tea, snacks and death.

None of it was remarkable in the Dragon Emperor's mind.

Seeing Kel's hesitation, the emperor added, "If that's the case, you can just wait here while I-"

"Sire," Kel interrupted.

"... What is it?" The emperor questioned.

"Are you an idiot?!" Kel erupted, feelings of anger, and a few of bitterness at his confession for Adriell, shooting off her tongue. "Of course I'm not comfortable watching someone die! And how could you possibly think we'd be able to escape after something like that?!"

The emperor froze, seemingly caught off guard at Kel's sudden rage.

"You may be fine killing as you please, but normal people aren't like that!" Kel went on. "Killing won't solve all your problems!"

She finished scolding and stood breathing heavily. A tiny twinge of regret stung at the back of her mind. Her words, influenced by emotions known only to her, had been a little too harsh to say to anyone, let alone the emperor of Serin.

"If you don't want me to kill him, I won't," the emperor responded quietly, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Ah.. good," Kel replied, glancing away shamelessly before she could see his expression.

Was he angry with her? Or.. was he hurt?

"Some of us, however," the man went on in a low voice, "weren't blessed to be normal."

Kel suddenly felt his thumb and forefinger gripping her chin. Slowly but firmly, he forced her face back toward him.

"Some of us have to kill," he added softly.

"I-I'm sorry," Kel stammered, refusing to meet his gaze. She swallowed hard around the lump in her throat, the rims of her eyes burning.

She was the angry one, so why did the emperor seem so composed while she was on the verge of tears?

The emperor observed her quietly for a moment before shaking his head and suddenly pulling her into his arms.

"You don't have to apologize to me," he whispered, stroking her hair.

"But I.. hic.. I.." Kel trailed off, as hot tears streamed down her face.

What was she crying for? Because she felt sorry for speaking so harshly to the man she had feelings for?

Or was she crying because she couldn't bear the thought of his painful past?

Kel hadn't been born in the best circumstances, but still, her life had been undeniably good.

She had been raised with care by Itzae and others in the palace, grown up alongside two other children close enough to be her siblings, and was given some of the most prestigious positions a commoner could ever hope for. Her little family wasn't perfect nor free from tragedy, but she was more blessed than most.

Without needing to know the details, she already knew the Dragon Emperor's life hadn't been the same.

From the time he was born, he had been labelled as an outcast--both on the surface and in Subterra. Even his own kin had rejected him. Of course, his life had been anything but normal. Who was Kel to decide if such a man killed too easily?

"I'm sorry," she whimpered, burying her head in his shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" the emperor chuckled, rubbing his cheek against her head.

How could he be the one comforting her in this situation?

"I hurt you.. I .. didn't mean.." Kel explained between sobs.

"Shhhh," the emperor soothed, "it'll take a lot more than that to hurt me."

His words only made Kel cry harder. What had he been through that even harsh words, spoken by the woman he'd mistaken for the one he loved, had no effect on him?

After a few minutes, the emperor gently gripped Kel's shoulders and pushed her away.

"I won't kill him," he insisted, "so get rid of him."

"What? G-get rid-"

A knock at the door cut her off. She whipped her head toward the emperor, panic filling her chest, but he was no longer standing in front of her. Kel hadn't even seen him move, but suddenly, he was gone.

"It's me, Princess." She could hear the smirk in Soren's voice just outside the door.

"Aren't you going to let me in?"

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