The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 387 - Side Story- Luna The Explorer (I) ...

[POV Reo]

"So… you want to have your time in that world exploring?" I asked Luna and she happily nodded her head.

"Wait here let me get the camping kit" I said and Luna once again nodded her head and said that she was going to call Fenris and Attila. They were also going to join our trip… sometimes I feel really bad for Hela… Fenris is completely smitten with Luna.

So I quickly teleported into our storage room and used telekinesis to get everything prepared. Luna had always preferred the normal tent over the magical one… according to her, magical tents were too luxurious for camping. I didn't have a problem with that and I somewhat agreed with her.

When I was finally done I kept the tent and the utilities inside my storage space and appeared in front of Luna. Fenris and Attila were already here so with a snap of my finger a blue portal appeared in front of us.

I could see the excitement in Luna's eyes. I grabbed Luna's hand and walked inside the portal with her… Luna was skipping due to excitement. Fenris and Attila followed us… I could feel that they were also excited. The four of us arrived inside a forest…

We were surrounded by tall trees… the forest was quite calm and serene… birds could be heard chirping around. "This is beautiful!!" Luna exclaimed happily and started to skip… She was like a little kid. While Luna was playing around with Fenris and Attila… I decided to clear the place for our tent.

With a wave of my hand… I cleared the ground and took out the tent from my storage space… I could use my powers to set up a tent but doing it manually felt much better. "Reo… I am going to explore this place with Fenris and Attila…" Luna chirped from the side.

"Sure… I will set up our camping site" I said and Luna nodded her head and climbed up on Attila and the three of them left… I wasn't worried about Luna even though this place was really dangerous… even though it was unnecessary with Luna's seer abilities… I was still going to use my Omnipresence to keep an eye on Luna…

[With Luna]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A giant basilisk and a God-killing wolf were happily strolling through the forest while a young girl in her twenties was riding on top of the basilisk without a care in the world… The woman was happily humming some unknown song… The scene was quite surreal and unbelievable.

The trio continued strolling through the forest without getting interrupted… they didn't come across any kind of animal for a whole hour but none of them looked bored or anything… The three of them were simply having fun. Luna was now sitting over Fenris… but all of a sudden Fenris and Attila paused.

Fenris started to stare into the forest and growl dangerously, Fenris's god-killing fangs became visible… Attila's eyes also snapped in the same direction and she started to hiss dangerously. "Hush girls…!!" Luna chastised both of them and patted Fenris.

"Put me down, girl…" Luna said while patting Fenris and the God-killing wolf reluctantly put her down… "God girl…" Luna said and patted Fenris. Then Luna turned her head towards the forest when both Fenris and Attila were staring… a loud thump was heard followed by another from inside the forest.

Luna stood at the edge of the tree lines with a bright smile on her face… sounds of twigs and branches getting snapped could be heard from the forest… a massive figure came down from the tree line.

It was a giant head… the figure's sharp teeth were clearly visible from the side of its mouth… Its reptilian eyes were narrowed on the small and slim figure of Luna. The massive beast was intently watching Luna. The head was very similar to an alligator's except for the color and size. Instead of blackish-grey, this one was smoky-grey.

Luna approached the massive head and started to pat the beast's snout… the beast didn't react outwardly but it allowed Luna to continue patting… a small purr escaped from the beast's lips. The reptilian eyes of the beast became soft and it started to purr happily. The massive beast started to rub its giant head into Luna's arms.

"Aren't you a big boy?? You are so cute…!!!" Luna said while patting the beast. The beast snorted in disagreement.

"Fine… fine… you are big and scary" Luna said with a smile and rubbed its head. The beast snorted in agreement and after a few minutes Luna finally stopped petting him and backed away… the beast finally came out of the tree line.

The beast was massive and it had a massive fin protruding out of its back. The fin started from the back of its head and ended at the tail. The whole body of the beast sported the same color as its head. The beast was completely monstrous.

Luna watched her new pet with stars in her eyes. The beast snapped open its massive jaws and licked Luna's face. If it was anyone other than Luna then they would have died in fear. Those sharp teeth were bigger than human fingers and they tear through a human like a chainsaw.

"I am going to call you Finn from now on… Do you like the name?" Luna asked the beast with a cute look on her face while the beast was still licking her face lovingly.

The beast thought for a few moments until it let out a huge roar while looking towards the sky… the whole forest shook due to the roar, birds could be seen flying away from this area. "So, you like the name… Let's go Finn… we have a huge forest to explore" Luna said and Finn lowered his head so that Luna could climb up on his head.

Fenris and Attila were growling and hissing when they saw Luna climbing up Finn's head. "Fenris, Hela… be nice to your brother… he is young. Finn… this is your furry sister Fenris, and this is your scaly sister, Attila. They are your elder sisters…" Luna said and Finn snorted, showing that he understood.

Finn started to walk in the direction where Luna was pointing while both Fenris and Attila flanked the duo from both sides. Now, if anyone had seen this mind-boggling scene then they would have gouged out their own eyes… After all, Luna had just tamed the biggest carnivorous animal to ever walk on the surface of the Earth… The Spinosaurus.

Yes, Luna had asked Reo to bring her to Jurassic World for a camping trip. She was really excited to meet these extinct animals and might tame some of them on the way. "So, Finn. Tell me about your favorite food" Luna said and Finn started to snort and growl…

Luna kept nodding her head like a sage after hearing Finn's snorts and growls. The group of oddballs finally appeared in front of a massive clearing… there was a huge commotion going on down there… The whole place was crawling with humans and various kinds of dinosaurs.

Humans were using various kinds of weapons and vehicles to subdue and capture these magnificent dinosaurs… the innocent look on Luna's face was long gone. This is the reason why Luna hated humans… Luna didn't know that she was going to see such a scene and that is why she didn't connect with this World's Server to see the visions.

She had thought that she wouldn't encounter anything other than these lovely beasts. That is why she didn't use her seer abilities… She wanted to be surprised, watching the visions would have ruined her fun. She also knew that there was no way a beast would ever harm her.

Now that Luna had seen such a barbaric scene, she decided to connect to this World's Server so she could see the visions. Luna finally finished watching the visions and she wasn't happy. Yes, she saw that these lovely animals are going to be saved but that wasn't enough for her. These people needed to die in the jaws of the same animals they were trying to capture… that would be poetic justice.

"Finn, Fenris, Attila are you watching them… these humans are one of the worst kinds of humans…" Luna said and the three of them growled and hissed in agreement. "We would need more allies… Finn let's head in that direction" Luna said while pointing towards a random direction.

The group gave another look towards the field and left… This time the group wasn't strolling through the forest. It took the whole group half an hour to reach their destination… Luna climbed down from Finn's head and approached the tall grass field. The grasses were so tall that even the tallest humans would get lost in this field.

Luna waved her hand towards Attila and gestured to her to come forward. "Fenris, Finn, the two of you wait here…" Luna said and climbed on Attila's head. Luna patted Attila's head and the two of them entered the grass field… Fenris snorted with an annoyed look on her face and plopped down. She wanted to rip apart those humans.

Luna knew that several presences were approaching her but she didn't react outwardly… Attila hissed and started to swish her tail in a warning manner. Luna finally reached the edge of the grass field. The grass started to rustle and Luna signaled Attila to stop. Luna climbed down from Attila's head and walked out of the grass field… as soon as she came out she found herself surrounded by a group of dinosaurs.

All of them were carefully watching Luna with their reptilian eyes. The biggest one of them was standing right in the middle… it was the pack leader. Luna started to slowly approach the leader… the leader kept watching Luna intently until it lunged towards Luna…

(Cliff-Kun intervenes once again)


A/N: Sorry to disappoint the readers who were expecting Pokémon World, but I thought it was pretty obvious that Luna liked monster types of beasts and she finds them cute.



[The Titans Tower]

"This must be a joke, right?" Robin exclaimed loudly and plopped down on the sofa. The Titans just finished bringing all the surviving members of the Justice League to their Tower. Black Canary, Shazam, Superman, and Batman were in really bad shape.

Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl were injured but they were relatively fine compared to the others. Wonder Woman was laying on the table with ice packs on several parts of her body. Wonder Woman's sister, Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl was helping Wonder Woman.

Hawkgirl was also in a similar situation… She was being helped by Starfire. "No, this isn't a Robin… the whole League got their ass handed by someone random, and what's worse?? We lost Green Lantern, and Flash's legs can't be fixed" Beast Boy snarked in anger.

"We should have been there to help the League" Raven said in a monotone.

"...Then all of you would have been wiped out…" Wonder Woman said with some difficulty and got up from the table. "You weren't there so none of you know what kind of threat we fought today…" Wonder Woman and everyone remained silent to hear her words. Hawkgirl also heard Wonder Woman's words intently. After all, she was buried with Black Canary when Luna decided to make a hole on the surface of their planet.

The Teen Titans had the ability to use the Watchtower's system so that they could gain access to the satellites. But for whatever reason, even the Watchtower's system wasn't able to connect to the satellites. So the Titans weren't able to watch the fight… when they finally got back the connection… The fight was already over.

"The woman named Rumi was simply toying with us… she simply wanted to have fun. That crater was made by her with just one kick… She took out Flash, Black Canary, Green Lantern, and Batman because they were weak in her eyes… she wanted to fight the strongest" Wonder Woman said in a monotone.

"After that, she fought me, Superman, and Shazam on her own… she still wrecked us while holding back… the prison wasn't even their objective… they did everything to fight us" Wonder Woman spat out with a lot of venom in her voice. She really hated herself for losing like that… she was a warrior… was she really holding herself back???

"She said that I have earned her respect… I was the third strongest opponent she had ever fought" Wonder Woman said.

"Who was the strongest?? Superman?" Superboy asked in an excited tone and Wonder Woman simply shook her head.

"No… she defeated Superman before me so that she could fight me alone… Superman wasn't anyone special in her eyes… It was the man named Leviathan… he was the strongest opponent she had ever faced. He had six Divinities…" Wonder Woman said while looking down.

"We never had a chance against them…" Wonder Woman said and left the room while limping… she really needed to re-evaluate her whole life… was she really holding herself back?? Were morals really unnecessary?? There was only one person who could answer her questions… she needed to visit her mother…

(A/N: A lot of you guys have been asking about the DC aftermath... So here it is)...

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