The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 388 - Side Story- Luna The Explorer (II)...

A/N: For those who still don't know. Luna is in the world of Jurassic Park... The original trilogy and she is in the timeline of the second movie, Jurassic Park the Lost World.


[With Luna]

The leader of the pack kept watching Luna intently until it lunged towards Luna… if it was anyone other than Luna then they would have at least stepped back in fear but Luna didn't do that… she didn't need to… she had already seen the Future.

When the creature finally arrived in front of Luna, instead of taking a bite out of her, the creature started to lick her face. The other creatures surrounding Luna also started to approach her and all of them started to nuzzle their heads into Luna's body… rows of sharp teeth were clearly visible inside their mouths but Luna didn't mind.

Luna started to giggle cutely while rubbing their heads. All of them kept nuzzling their heads into Luna… Only after a few minutes all of them backed off a bit so that Luna could interact with them. "All of you are so cute!! I don't understand why everyone is so afraid of you" Luna said while patting the pack leader.

One or the creature from the side barked something. Luna looked thoughtful after hearing the creature. "Hmm… you might be right. It must be because you are hunters…" Luna said. The leader started to purr. "So, do you guys have names?" Luna asked curiously. Luna knew the truth but she didn't want to be rude… Luna also had priorities.

All the creatures tilted their heads in confusion… "Then, I will have to give all of you names…" Luna said and then pointed towards the leader. "From now on… you will be Wesker" Luna said and the leader barked in agreement. Wesker had red stripes on his back… a highly distinctive feature.

Then Luna pointed towards the female beside the leader. She tilted her head cutely and decided to patiently wait for the name. "You will be Dahlia from now on…" Luna said and the said creature softly hummed in appreciation. Luna giggled after seeing the display.

Then her eyes moved onto the next creature… another female. "You will be Lash from now on…" Luna said and Lash barked in appreciation. Then Luna pointed towards the 2nd male of the pack. "You will be Copper… because of the copper stripe on your back" Copper simply tilted his head but didn't look unhappy with the name.

"You will be known as Loch… by the way, I think you are the cutest…" Luna said while patting the 3rd female of the pack… the creature didn't know how to react so she simply decided to enjoy herself and started to purr.

"You will be named Lux… and you will be named Claws due to your big claws" Luna said while pointing towards the last two males of the pack. They seemed to be very satisfied with their names. With that, Luna finished naming the whole pack.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Now, someone might be wondering what kind of creatures Luna named? The answer would be Velociraptors… Yes, most people wet their pants if a Velociraptor decides to grace them with their presence and Luna simply walks into their nest and tames them.

(Image Here)

"You guys don't have any eggs at this moment, right?" Luna asked and Wesker snorted, confirming Luna's statement. Luna nodded her head in understanding. She had seen two possible futures from this point… if they had eggs then some of them would have to stay back to take care of the eggs.

Then in the second future, they didn't have any eggs and the whole group would follow her. This was important because now she needed to chat with Dr. Ian Malcolm. She needed to get him out of the way or they were going to die… she would try to pull aside her team but if they still stick their noses into her Dino business then may God bless them.

"Wesker, take your pack and surround Dr. Ia… oh, you won't know them. Just go in that direction and surround a group of 5 people… one of them will have a weapon… you need to be careful of that. There will be a kid too so don't attack and don't kill any of them" Luna said with a slightly worried look on her face. She had seen the Future but even a small change could lead to a very different future.

Wesker barked while looking towards his pack. His pack barked in agreement and after giving Luna another caring look. They rushed towards where Luna was pointing her finger. Luna approached Attila whose giant head was poking out of the grass field.

"Let's go Attila… we need to get there quickly…" Luna said and climbed up on Attila's head. Attila hissed and Luna giggled.

"Sorry… sorry… I will treat all of you with Ice Cream after returning to the camp" Luna said in between her giggles. Attila was complaining about overworking… She started to demand Ice Cream for her hard work.

[With the Gatherers]

(For those who don't know, Dr. Ian Malcomn's group was called the Gatherers)

"We need to save those animals Ian… how can you not see what they are doing is simply cruel?" Sarah said with a frustrated look on her face.

"...Don't patronize me Sarah… I know very well what they are doing out there but please try to be realistic… Did you see their equipment? Did you see their guns?" Ian asked while rubbing his temples.

"Dad… we need to help them!!" Kelly said with a pleading look on her face but Ian didn't budge. While this was happening, Nick was keeping an eye around so that they don't get ambushed by some animals.

"Kelly… Adults are having a conversation and saving them isn't that simple" Ian said and started to walk away. Sarah grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

"So, are we going to simply leave those poor animals to be treated like that?" Sarah screamed out in rage and Ian was about to retort but he paused when Eddie Carr decided to intervene.

"Guys… stop that!! Sarah, don't mind but I agree with Ian here. Wait!! Let me finish…" Eddie stopped Sarah when she was about to interrupt him after hearing his words. "But Ian, there shouldn't be a problem if we checked out their camping site, right?" Eddie asked while looking towards Ian who started to contemplate Eddie's words.

"I guess we can do that… but nothing more than that" Ian said in a serious tone… Sarah and Kelly weren't happy but they knew that they wouldn't get anything more from Ian at this moment. A smile appeared on Eddie's face when he saw that Ian finally changed his mind.

John Hammond has given their group a task… The group's primary goal was to study and photograph the cloned fauna on Isla Sorna in order to preserve it from human interference. Ian wanted to leave the island as soon as he saw that the 2nd team was here. According to him, their mission has already failed.

"Guys… I hear something…" Nick said with a fearful look on his face. Eddie immediately pulled out his special tranquilizer gun… the Lindstradt air rifle loaded with a fast-acting, deadly neurotoxin.

They started to hear rustles from the bushes from everywhere around them. "I don't like this…" Ian trailed off with an ugly look on his face. Eddie didn't hear Ian's words and started to approach the tree lines.

"Eddie, don't try to be a hero…" Ian called out and Eddie stopped. He agreed with Ian's words so he started to slowly back away towards the rest of the group… Suddenly they started to hear some small barks and Ian immediately recognized them.

"Raptors…" Ian muttered with a horrified look on his face. The others heard Ian's word and they also paled in fear. He had already experienced the Raptors once before and he didn't want to experience something like that for the second time. They were extremely fast, strong, intelligent, and vicious hunters.

"Run… we need to run. Don't stop, keep running" Ian said and grabbed his daughter's hand and started to run towards their trailer. The others didn't stay behind and started running too but unfortunately for Eddie, he wasn't fast…

A Raptor lunged towards him from the tree line and slammed on his back… Eddie crashed on the ground and the Raptor pressed his foot on the rifle. The Raptors were very intelligent and smart so they have already deduced that the rifle was the weapon Luna had mentioned.

The Raptor barked and three Raptors appeared in front of the rest of the group to stop them from running away… "Shit! shit! shit!" Ian cursed when he saw three Raptors decided to cut off their path. Ian turned around and found another Raptor standing over Eddie but for whatever reason, the Raptor didn't kill Eddie… Ian found that really odd.

Ian looked to his left and found two more Raptors coming out of the forest… on his right, there was another Raptor. Their group was basically surrounded by all the sides. The Raptors were barking and snapping their jaws at them.

Just when the whole group thought that things couldn't get any worse… they started to hear loud thumps coming out of the forest… all of them shuddered in fear when the animal finally came out of the tree line… the beast roared loudly shaking the whole forest but surprisingly the Raptors didn't even move or flinch.

That is when they noticed a woman in her twenties came out of the forest riding a massive snake… There was a giant wolf too… the wolf looked very terrifying as did the giant snake but the cherry on the top was the Spinosaurus. The snake slowly approached the group and stopped in front of them.

The group didn't know how to react to such a scene… they were completely gobsmacked. The woman climbed down off the giant snake's head and approached them… the woman stopped in front of them and extended her hand… "Hello, my name is Luna, nice to meet you…" the woman said and the group was still frozen in shock and fear…



[Royal Palace Asgard]

Frigga sat in front of the mirror with a complicated look on her face. There was only one thing going through her mind. She wanted to find out where she went wrong… it was clear that she had failed as a mother…

Frigga wasn't worried about the cowardly behavior of Odin. This wasn't something new for Odin, he always has been a coward. This gave her the time to think about how she had failed. The answer she found wasn't good at all.

She was wrong from the beginning. She failed the moment she allowed Odin to train their daughter as his executioner. That was the first time Frigga gave her wifely duties more importance than her motherly duties and she had done it for thousands of years.

Odin finally convinced her to seal Hela when he could no longer control her. She knew that as a mother she shouldn't agree with something like that but she did. She wondered what would have happened if she had decided to fight.

Then Frigga allowed the same thing to happen with Loki too… Frigga felt bad for her only son. It has been a couple of days since Hela had paid them a visit. Thor was back to health… Frigga was really thankful that Hela spared her last son.

All of a sudden Frigga stiffened when she felt two familiar presences approaching her room… one of them was Hela and the other one was, Loki, her son. The doors of her room flung opened and Hela walked in while dragging Loki like she owned the place…

"Hello mother… how are you?" Hela greeted Frigga and chills ran down her spine… no matter how much she prepares herself, she would never be able to get used to that. Frigga's eyes were fixed on her son who waved at her with a wry smile on her face.

"Mother, aren't you going to greet your daughter and son? I expected better for you" Hela said with a mock hurt look on her face. Frigga flinched at the jab but she didn't try to retort.

"I have been well Hela… where did you find him?" Frigga said with a calm look on her face but she had to gather all of her courage to say those words.

"I found him when I was massacring that foolish titan's army…" Hela said with a shrug and threw Loki in front of her feet… Frigga was immediately on her knees checking out Loki for any injuries…

"Son… are you alright?" Frigga asked with a worried look on her face.

"I am fine, mother… thank you for not killing me, sister" Loki said with a sneer and a sword appeared in Hela's hand… Loki yelped in fear, Frigga was immediately in front of her son trying to protect him from Hela.

"Brother, it isn't too late to change my decision… and our dear mother won't be able to save you" Hela said with a sadistic grin on her face.

"Why are you doing this Hela?? He is your brother…" Frigga asked in a pleading manner and Hela simply shrugged.

"Because it's fun… at first I wanted to kill him but then Reo stopped me from killing him… Then I thought that it would be much better if I kept tormenting all of you…" Hela said with a sadistic grin on her face. Frigga shuddered once again when she heard Hela's words…

"So… mother, I have decided for dinner… tell someone to prepare food for me" Hela said and plopped down on Frigga's bed. Frigga didn't know how to react but there was nothing she could do…

"Come on brother… don't be a wuss. We have a lot of catching up to do…" Hela said and Loki turned towards Hela while grumbling…

After that, Hela started to share with them about her torture escapades with a proud look on her face… both Frigga's and Loki's eyebrows starts to twitch but there was nothing they could do… so they simply resigned to their fates…

(A/N: This is how Loki reunited with his mother…)

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