The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 355: Absolutely Irreconcilable!

Chapter 355: Absolutely Irreconcilable!

Absolutely Irreconcilable! . . .

As the golden nectar of the Maiden Red poured forth from its vessel, there was not an abundance of it, but what it lacked in quantity, it more than compensated for in sheer potency. The liquor, with a hue reminiscent of amber, possessed an enchanting allure. As it filled the bowls, its captivating aroma gracefully wafted through the air, like an irresistible siren's call.

It seemed that, on this particular night, the entire city was intoxicated, whether by proximity or pure anticipation.

For the five excluded assassins, perching just outside the door, it was a torment beyond measure. Their nostrils quivered and they emitted sounds of restrained yearning. The thirst they felt when simply inhaling the fragrance left them virtually powerless. The tantalizing scent emanating from the exquisite spirits was an exquisite torture, for they could not partake.

The Boundless Saint, for his part, reveled in a jubilant mood he had not experienced for quite some time. Having imbibed a substantial quantity, the lingering essence of the intoxicating spirits still played on his palate, bestowing upon him an ethereal sensation. He felt as if he had shed years from his age, and the world, in that fleeting moment, took on a brighter hue. It was a rare and cherished emotional release for an assassin.

In this delightful moment, he was chilled, content, and in a state of blissful comfort.

Though the leader of his compatriots, he was ever conscious of the example he set, especially when adhering to the decree that allowed only one occasion of revelry per year. He seized this solitary chance, indulging to the fullest and savored every sip.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He was at ease.

He was elated.

He was... comfortable...

And yet, as he relished in his leisure, a voice beyond the door shook the very foundation of their collective reverie. "Boundless Saint! Come out! Step forth!"

The Boundless Saint and his assassins were jolted from their intoxicated stupor by the thunderous summons.

Puzzled and disoriented, the Boundless Saint wondered, [What could possibly warrant such a disturbance?

What is the matter? I am merely enjoying my drink. I can't recall having crossed anyone. Why would someone call me out like this...?]

But before he could fathom the situation, the voice reverberated once more, "What's the matter, Boundless Saint? Have you grown faint-hearted? Refusing to take responsibility for your deeds?"

An unsettling feeling began to creep in.

However, the Boundless Saint was far from inclined to venture outside. He thought, [Who do they think they are? Why should I oblige just because they called for me? I am relishing a rare moment of leisure and don't wish to disrupt it...]

And so, he remained seated, unmoving.

It was an unconventional decision for the Boundless Saint to endure this unexpected quarrel rather than intervene. While he had no intention of revealing himself or engaging with these intruders, it became apparent that his uninvited guests held a different perspective.

The situation escalated further when one voice boomed, "Boundless Saint, you son of a b*stard!"

At that vulgar word, the Boundless Saint and his eight most formidable assassins, himself included, simultaneously emitted an aura of seething rage. The intensity of their collective murderous intent surged.

[What in the world! In all my years, this is the first time I've been addressed with such vile words!]

However, they were soon to discover that the worst was yet to come.

Subsequently, the verbal assault continued with escalating vulgarity. Several voices melded into a discordant chorus of profanity, the tumultuous words echoing through the night sky.

"Boundless Saint is the son of a b*stard!"

This declaration resounded throughout the capital, etching itself into the collective consciousness of the city's denizens.

The Boundless Saint seethed with indignation.

[What in the world!

Today was supposed to be a rare respite for me!

I sit here quietly, indulging in drinks, free from the responsibility of ending lives. Why, then, are these wretches targeting me with such foul language?

What have I done to deserve such relentless vitriol?]

His patience worn thin, the Boundless Saint violently kicked aside the table and bolted from his position, determined to confront his tormentors head-on. His decision was final.

Whomever dared to hurl such ungodly insults in his direction would face a swift and merciless reckoning.

[After this egregious affront, if I do not respond, will I not become the laughingstock of the world? How can I maintain our standing in the martial world if I do not eliminate these foulmouthed scoundrels?

How will the Boundless Lake retain its reverence in the martial world?]

With unparalleled speed, he surged into action. His robe billowed in the wind as he took flight, quickly covering several hundred meters. His eyes soon locked onto the source of the offensive verbiage.

Without hesitation, he descended upon the crowd, taking up a position just behind them, and unleashed a menacing voice.

His suppressed fury burst forth.

Ji Chengfeng swiveled to face the Boundless Saint, a sardonic grin spreading across his face. "What's this? Have you lost your wits? Is the weight of your own cowardice too much to bear? You were savoring this, weren't you? Are you ready to reveal your true, feeble nature now?"

The Boundless Saint drew in a deep breath, and in a thunderous bellow, he made his retort.

The earth trembled beneath the force of his shout.

In the ensuing moment, his visage grew even darker, and he enunciated his words with deliberate intensity, "The Sunlight Sect, undeniably, is a formidable sect. Behold the multitude of superior cultivators at your disposal. Your might is evident. Heh, heh... Perhaps, in the eyes of your esteemed sect, my Boundless Lake appears rather insignificant and unworthy of respect?"

With measured enunciation, he continued, "You hurl blatant invectives in the presence of the world. Sunlight Sect, what is the precise objective behind your actions? Is it a challenge? Or perhaps, a deliberate affront?"

Ji Chengfeng's reply was blunt and unapologetic. "Boundless Saint, spare us the verbal jousting. Whether you choose to reappear this night or forever remain ensconced in cowardice is of no concern to us. We are resolute in our determination never to release our grip on you."

The Boundless Saint's retort was laced with malice. "Oh? So the denizens of the Sunlight Sect are all eager to embrace their own demise?"

A Sunlight Sect member heckled, "Boundless Saint, you son of a b*stard! Yes, I cursed you. What of it? Why don't you persist in your customary cowardice? Does it receive encouragement from your dubious lineage? Hahahaha... I dare say, you've inherited the guts of a dog, which explains your newfound audacity. Isn't that so? Hahaha..."

His compatriots joined in the laughter, echoing his derisive sentiment. "He's got it right. Hahahaha..."

The Sunlight Sect, by nature, harbored disdain for clandestine assassination groups such as the Boundless Lake, believing that only sects of their stature held any semblance of dignity. The night's events had already driven them to a state of frenzy, and their discourse was punctuated solely by derogatory expressions.

Clarity had pervaded their minds, obviating the need for explanation. The exchange had reached a point of no return, where each utterance perpetuated a deepening enmity between the two parties..

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