The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 356: Dead End!

Chapter 356: Dead End!

Dead End! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao, who had taken on the persona of Boundless Saint, found himself seething with anger. With a wicked smile curling on his lips, he swiftly sidestepped, and the ground beneath him shook. The earth seemed to cry out in sorrow, and a deep sense of horror engulfed the surroundings. An ominous, dense fog billowed forth from all directions, swiftly blanketing the once-clear sky.

This creeping fog expanded, its shadowy tendrils spreading like a sinister shroud. Within its murky embrace, the world took on a nightmarish visage. Cha Eun Xiao, the enigmatic figure now concealed within the mist, couldn't help but laugh malevolently, leaving no trace of his presence behind.

His voice echoed mysteriously, "You all seem eager to meet your end, don't you? Allow me to oblige. Come and find me..."

Ji Chengfeng, observing the unfolding situation, couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong.

As Boundless Saint vanished into the obscurity of the fog, Ji Chengfeng detected a distinct scent in the air— the unmistakable aroma of Maiden Red, an aged alcoholic beverage.

Puzzled, he recalled the time he had spent with a mysterious man in black, a time during which no such fragrance had filled the air. But the man before him now bore the unmistakable scent of Maiden Red.

A sudden realization washed over him, and he understood that this man's actions were consistent with the Boundless Saint he knew, especially the ominous fog.

[Could it be... a mistake?

Have we fallen into a trap?]

The thought crossed Ji Chengfeng's mind fleetingly, but he swiftly pieced together the true nature of the situation. At that very moment, his countenance darkened.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[If this is indeed a blunder, if we have made such a grave error, the consequences will be dire!

We are currently crossing paths with an immensely powerful individual. We are making an enemy of him, and he's not one to be trifled with. Even if we manage to defeat him, we will undoubtedly emerge severely wounded. It's an inexcusable loss!

What is all of this for? What a senseless blunder we have committed!]

With this sobering realization, Ji Chengfeng urgently implored, "Boundless Saint, I beseech you to cease your actions! The Sunlight Sect does not engage in treachery. We must clarify matters. There may be a misunderstanding between us. Engaging in conflict due to a misunderstanding will serve no one's interests!"

Cha Eun Xiao's voice echoed from the concealing fog, disdain dripping from his words. "Mistake? What kind of mistake are you talking about? Did I mistakenly perceive you as a bunch of foul-mouthed individuals? You publicly insulted me, and now you want to plead ignorance? Does it truly appear as a mere oversight to you?"

With a sinister chuckle, he continued, "Behold, if you lack the courage to confront me directly, I shall end your existence now. Why bother discussing a supposed 'mistake' when you're all reunited in the depths of hell?"

In an instant, an overwhelming surge of killing intent permeated the atmosphere.

Within the expanding shroud of fog, the enigmatic figure of Boundless Saint intermittently manifested, resembling a spectral apparition. The fog grew both in expanse and opacity, seemingly endless. Even the most accomplished cultivators observing the scene found themselves incapable of piercing its enigmatic depths.

Should they remain in place, the fog would inevitably engulf them.

A frigid glint flickered, and a rain of deadly needles cascaded. Boundless Saint had initiated his assault with unwavering determination to claim lives.

The sixteen Sunlight Sect cultivators united their voices and their defenses, resolutely retaliating. In close proximity, seven shadowy forms moved like specters within the fog, resembling lightning-quick swords concealed amidst the mist. They struck without a sound, emanating a razor-sharp, malevolent aura.

Among this group were one Saint Master, two Saint Vice-Masters, and five Golden Label Assassins, attacking in unison.

In the blink of an eye, the confrontation had escalated to a ferocious battle.

At that moment, no words were required.

Even if they suspected a misunderstanding, even if they suspected that someone had manipulated these events, it wouldn't halt the clash. Their determination to exact vengeance was unwavering.

The Sunlight Sect couldn't bear the ignominy, and neither could the Boundless Lake.

After all, it was the revered Head of the Boundless Lake, Boundless Saint himself, who had been disparaged.

A mere "mistake"?


Their roles were now clear, and all that remained was the relentless dance of battle.

Perhaps this turbulent conflict would only culminate when one side had been utterly decimated, Cha Eun Xiao mused inwardly. Despite the initial misunderstanding, it appeared that resolution would come solely through the grim toll of death and spilled blood.

In an abrupt shift, an expanse of cerulean brilliance illuminated the heavens. Sky Origin Stage cultivators from both factions harnessed their formidable powers, channeling them into a frenzied onslaught.

Ji Chengfeng, resigned to the futility of words, braced himself for battle. Speech had become irrelevant amidst the cacophony of clashing forces.

Meanwhile, concealed in the shadows far from the battlefield, Cha Eun Xiao observed the confrontation among the preeminent cultivators of the Land of Han-Yang. He couldn't help but sigh, captivated by the magnificent spectacle.

"These truly are the world's foremost cultivators... Astonishing... Their combat prowess is unrivaled. Superior cultivators indeed have their distinct ways; they eschew idle chatter. I appreciate these cultivators who abide by the rule of might. The one with the mightiest fist commands the loudest respect..."

He shook his head regretfully, his eyes still fixed on the unfolding battle. "Oh, how I yearn to continue witnessing this clash. I wonder who shall emerge victorious in this contest. Alas, I have pressing matters to attend to. Duty beckons... What a missed opportunity... I shall regret not witnessing this grand battle."

With that, he sighed and faded into the obscurity of the night.


As the skirmish ignited, events were also unfolding at the Qing-Yun Hostel.

Over six hundred individuals from the five noble clans had congregated, their faces etched with concern. The situation had taken a dire turn.

Though they had secured the coveted supreme dan beads, they found themselves trapped, unable to depart. The two formidable sects had their watchful eyes fixed upon them, dissuading any hasty actions.

Anyone who attempted to leave the city recklessly would undoubtedly become a target and pay the price, serving as a warning.

The day prior, several members of the noble clans had ventured outside the city's confines, only to meet a swift demise merely ten miles from its protective walls. The message was clear.

The two powerful sects harbored no intentions of permitting anyone to leave, not even those without the coveted dan beads. Their aim was to vent their frustration at the House of the Chaotic Storms, who had slighted them, and to obtain the supreme dan beads without incurring any expense, even if it meant the lives of others.

It was an unreasonable and ruthless stance.

In this world, might made right. The House of the Chaotic Storms wielded the mightiest fist, compelling the two great sects to yield. Similarly, the noble clans possessed a weaker hand and could only obey the two great sects..

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