The King's Beloved

Chapter 117 - Sixth Gate: Gale Of Ventus (Part 15)

~ [Music Recommendation: "The Heart's Tale" by BigRicePiano (instrumental only) - available in Youtube and Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter T_T ~

"What are you doing? Why did you stop time?" Ventus asked, as he jumped towards Ducis. "Will you really not listen?"


"Please, my friend. Believe me when I say it is not yet time," Ducis pleaded as his face furrowed. It was not because of anger or displeasure, but sorrow instead.

Ventus felt the desperation in his voice. His lips trembled when he replied, "D-Did the Supreme tell you something? Or showed you something?"

"Yes, he did," Ducis nodded. "A very dark omen".

Ventus shivered at his words. "May I know what the omen was?"

"Everything in its appointed time," Ducis replied. "If he regains the truth when the time is unripe, he will blame himself for everything".

"But I met him, and fought with him! I surveyed his heart, and I have found it blameless. I'm sure he can handle the truth now".

"Yes, he will be able to handle it. In fact, he will overcome it!" Ducis' emotion took over him that he yelled. But he clenched his fist tight afterwards. His voice got more serious and anxious by the minute. "He will overcome," Ducis continued, "but - we will lose time. And Gaia would perish while we wait for him to recover!" 

"W-what?!" Ventus' complexion grew pale.

"He's still lacking in something, hence, he is not yet complete. Until then, he cannot know yet or else the dark omen will happen and our planet will be destroyed! The Supreme clearly instructed me not to deviate from the path or a huge consequence will happen. That's why, I'm sorry but I cannot allow this just yet. When the time is right, I will tell him. Along with all the guardians and the witnesses. Along with the Oracle, her Interpreter, and the Favoured One, according to what is written in the prophecies".

Ventus' eyes widened. Sighing, he replied, "If that is so … then, the next gate," he lowered his eyes, "I guess we can only hope and pray that he surpasses it".

Ducis nodded. "I hope for the same thing. The trial might be his greatest weakness right now … but I believe in him. He will surpass it! Our King will prove himself worthy!"

"I understand now. I'm sorry for trying to take the matter with my own hands".

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"It's alright. I know you mean no harm".

"Thank you. In that case, I guess I'll leave it up to you to fix this".

"Yes," Ducis nodded again then, he raised his arms up high and whispered, "Time Reverse".

The halted surrounding suddenly started moving again - only this time, it was backwards. Like a video being played in reverse, everyone and everything moved fast. It only stopped when the whole setting was back to the end of the second act - the end of the dance between Flora and Ducis.

Ventus helped him out by adjusting the play script of everyone and manipulating the stage actors and actresses into skipping the third act, and revising the story to the original story of the fairy and the dragon alone. A lot of scenes were cut in the process, but it should be enough to satisfy the audience's curiosity.

Ducis and Ventus went back to their seats, and with the snap of Ducis' finger, everything resumed to normal as if nothing happened. There were no headaches for Elliot, and no worrying from Rania. Only Luna was left wondering, expecting to know more about Flora in the scenes to come.

The lights in the stage began to return as the orchestra resumed and played yet another song entitled "The Sorceress" by Howard Baer. It was another mysterious and foreboding music. Along with it, the narrator began to speak and her voice echoed once more in the whole coliseum. As she spoke, the scenery changed according to her words.

"At last, the Fairy and the Dragon discovered the warmth and beauty of falling in love. From then on, they spent many years of being together, never growing tired of each other. Time was of no matter - they just kept on falling deeper in love with each passing day. It was the most memorable time of their lives. Everything was perfect …

Well, that was until something unexpected happened …

Something that shook the whole planet of Gaia …

The king and queen of the planet died ...

And on the day of their death, an Evil Sorceress appeared and cursed the whole planet. She sealed the Twelve Crystal Pillars that supplied the planet with all its spiritual energy - energy that was the lifeblood of the planet. Without it, the planet would die.

The whole world panicked. Even the leaders didn't know what to do for never before had their world been threatened to be non-existent. Days passed and Gaia continued to degrade and crumble. People began to die from spiritual energy exhaustion. The land refused to bear their yields. Calamities in the form of cyclones, volcanic eruption, earthquake, and many more came one after another. Everyone feared for their lives and the life of the planet.

The Guardians did their best to help but their powers were not enough. Yes, they managed to protect the people, but the bigger problem still existed. The problem unto which, they, too, had no solution".

After the narrator finished her words, the orchestra changed to the tune of "Zanarkand" by Nobuo Uematsu. All the lights turned off and only Flora could be seen at the very center of the stage, with the spotlight on her. With eyes closed, she held both of her hands together on her chest and prayed.

No words came out of her mouth … only tears came flowing from her eyes.

Little by little, her body began to glow and gentle pink lights scattered all around. Every place that the pink glow touched suddenly lit up. Little by little, the pitch black stage glowed bright and the dark surrounding regained its life. From her feet, grass began to grow, and flowers and trees came sprouting, spreading across the land. The trees bore fruits once more, and the fields yielded their crops. 

It was like an instant change from the fall season to spring. The once barren planet on the verge of destruction, regained back its life. Flora smiled endearingly as she saw the world turn back to its former glory. She felt happy. 

But that happiness had a cost ...

After breathing deeply, Flora looked at her hands and body …

She was fading …

With a contented smile on her face, she glanced over Gaia for the last time.

And her soft lips uttered but a single phrase …

"For Gaia … and for the people …"

"FLORA!" Ducis suddenly popped out from her back, huffing. His face was sweating and his eyes looked like it was about to cry. "Stop this! What are you doing?!" He yelled at her and quickly went to her side to embrace her.

Whoosh …

When Ducis tried to hold his lover … he just went through her.

Flora's physical body was no more and only her spirit remained.

And even that spirit, continued to fade.

For the very first time, the dragon cried.

Ducis slowly turned around to look at Flora for he understood that it would be the last time. His whole body trembled at the thought of it.

"W-w-why?" Ducis asked. "I know you love this planet but … we could have thought of something else - another solution. Not this!" he cried out. Tears flowed nonstop from his eyes. "W-we … we were supposed to live together forever. You promised you'd be with me all the time! But why? Why did you suddenly decide to do this? Do you want to leave me that badly?"

"N-no," Flora profusely shook her head. "The Supreme knows how I long to be with you!"

"Then why?! Why are you sacrificing yourself for this world? They could all die for all I care! They deserve it anyway! It's all their fault!"

Flora bit her lips and tried her best not to cry but her eyes failed her. She inched closer to Ducis and tried to wipe his tears away. But her hands just passed through his face.

"No, Ducis. Please don't hate Gaia and the Magi".

"We could have asked for help from the Supreme! Or we could have shared a portion of our spiritual energies! Or I could have done it instead! Y-You don't have to -"

"Ducis," Flora called him dearly. "It cannot be you. There is a reason why I'm doing this, and a reason why all this is happening. It may look unfavorable right now. But in time, you will understand. Trust in the Supreme always".

"No! I refuse this!"

"We are guardians, and our calling is to protect the planet and its people. This is but a small sacrifice I am willing to pay. Please, don't be sad. I may not be with you physically, but I will always be with you in spirit".

"Sniff … sniff … No! No! No!" Ducis' heart broke so much that they were beyond repair. "I love you. Please don't leave me. Please stop this".

"I love you too, Ducis," Flora whispered and gave her best to smile at him for the last time. "I pray that you find happiness, even without me".

"I won't," Ducis shook his head, "You are my happiness".

At these words, Flora burst out crying.

"And you are mine … sniff … sniff … I'm so sorry for leaving you like this. But if the Lord would show mercy on us, I pray that we meet again in the future. No matter who I am, or what I've become, I will always remember you. And I will always … always fall in love with you over and over again".

Ducis smiled endearingly at her, "I pray that, too. I'm all yours …"

"And so am I …"

"Even if the world ends …"

"Even if the world ends …"

And in unison they said, "My love for you will never fade".

Alas, Flora glowed her last ... until no spirit particle of her remained.


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