The King's Beloved

Chapter 118 - Sixth Gate: Gale Of Ventus (Part 16)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Amazing Grace" by Judy Collins (piano version by David Nevue) - available in Youtube and Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter <3 ~

"Even if the world ends …" Luna chorused with the actors on stage, "My love for you will never fade". Large droplets of tears fell from her eyes as she watched Flora glow her last, leaving Ducis weeping to himself. Her heart shattered for reasons unknown to her. "I know those words. And that scene … 


Why does it feel like a déjà vu?

This … wringing in my chest …

Why does it hurt so much as if it happened to me?

Flora … who is she to me? 

All the things I've known, they all seemed like a big lie to me - or an illusion. Only these feelings seemed real.

Who exactly am I?"

Luna turned her head towards Ducis only to see him so miserable. Who wouldn't? When reminded of such painful memories that even almost 20 years of time didn't manage to heal, one can only but succumb to pain and misery. Luna wiped her tears and held his hand in an attempt to ease his suffering.

Ducis turned to her in return. In his mind he thought, "That's right … Flora is dead. And this fairy before me, even if she shares the same core as Flora's … she's a different person. The reason for her core's resemblance must be because she's going to be the next Guardian of Nature - not because she's her. I'm just being delusional, hoping for something impossible. Flora is gone now … and she will never be back".

Rania and Elliot grieved upon seeing what happened. Their hearts broke for the truth that was revealed before them. Rania couldn't help but cry. And Elliot tried to toughen himself but he, too, felt very sad that his eyes teared up.

"So this was what happened to Gaia," Elliot thought in his mind, "and to Ducis … Such tragedy. Now, I understand". Closing his eyes, he uttered a short prayer, "Thank you for your noble sacrifice, Flora".

Shortly after, the orchestra played an ending song while the whole cast went and bowed at the stage. The audience clapped with all their might. Some even stood up and cried as they applauded the marvelous performance. Though it was short, everyone respected and loved the story. It will be forever engraved in their hearts.

With gloomy faces and a heavy atmosphere, Rania, Elliot, Luna and Ducis exited the coliseum. Slowly, they walked back towards the hotel where they stayed. Their faces only lightened up when they saw a bunch of people gathered at the Town Square. There was a small stage set up in front of the museum, with a beautiful woman standing at the center. A choir consisting of around 20 people were at her left and the musicians at the right. 

In front of them, standing below the stage and facing it, was the king and queen - as the crowd kept on whispering "It's the king and queen! They're here!" 

The king and queen didn't sit on any special seat. They just stood there, unguarded, like any other normal citizen of the kingdom. They didn't wear crowns on their head or wore extravagant clothing. They giggled and laughed and talked with the people like they were close friends. They were so inspiring to look at.

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Curious of what's happening, Rania broke their silence.

"There's a show at this hour?" Rania asked, as she tiptoed to see more of her surroundings. The whole place was packed and there was no way they'd get past everyone unless they fly.

"Oh, it's not a show my dear," an old woman who was in front of her answered. "You must not be from here".

"I'm sorry for thinking so, madam," Rania replied. "Yes, we are not from here. We're travelers. May I ask what is going on?"

"Don't be sorry, it's fine," the old woman waved her hands. "You see, whenever we go to war, we always make sure to gather at least three nights before, so we may offer our prayer and thanks to the Supreme".

Hearing this, Rania, Elliot, and Luna were shocked.

"A … war?" Luna blurted.

"Yes, my dear. In three days time, they should be arriving".

"Then, shouldn't you be preparing for the war instead of having a festival?" Luna's face grew pale in her shock.

The old lady chuckled. So as the couple of people who heard their conversation.

"It is a bit of a concern," another lady joined in. "But everything will be alright". Her voice was filled with confidence.

"Yes, the Supreme is great and kind! He won't let us be defeated".

"He is our victory! He will protect us!" added another.

"Yeah! Those foolish conquerors, always trying to plunder. But they will be put to shame! Because the Supreme will deliver us".

"They can plan all the evils they want, but the Supreme will turn those evil into good. And turn the worst scenarios to something better!"

The three shivered upon hearing the words they were saying. Rania almost cried herself again. There was this … happiness and inspiration … and fire that she suddenly felt lifting up her heart.

The old lady nodded while the others continued saying words of praises to the Supreme. "Yes, all of those are true. We are not complacent nor arrogant that we will win. But we know, whatever happens, the Supreme is good. He will not forsake us. And so as our dear king and queen. Everything will be okay … In this, our heart rejoices. We put our confidence and trust in Him. May His will be done".

Then, everyone chorused as they nodded, "May His will be done".

Elliot's eyes widened and his mouth gaped in awe of their faith. He felt the same thing that Rania felt. The same warm shivers crawled up in his body. His heart beat loudly in his chest. 

There was this … excitement, or was it passion? 

Or was it their faith being passed on like fire to a torch?

Like a calm bonfire that was suddenly poured of gasoline, his heart lit up.

"That's right," Elliot mumbled. "The Supreme is good and He loves us … He will never forsake us … Not Gaia, not the Magi, nor the humans and everyone … including the guardians".

A shed of tears fell from his eyes as Elliot smiled.

For some reason, he felt immense joy cover his heart.

Joy that kept on shouting, "Everything will be fine" and that, "The Supreme is in control".

Rania and Luna cried in delight as well, along with the crowd and every citizen of Ventus Kingdom.

As they cried, a soothing music began to play. The lead singer on the stage began to sing in an 'a capella'. Her angelic voice reverberated in the whole place, as if opening up the heavens with her song.

"Amazing grace, How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I am found,

Was blind, but now I see."

The musicians and the choir joined her after the first verse, and continued the song. On the third verse, the whole crowd sang along with them. The melody was mellow and peaceful.

"Through many dangers, toils and snares

I have already come,

'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far

And grace will lead me home."

Now, everyone closed their eyes in a prayer and continued to sing. You could feel in their song that it was heartfelt, and every word bore the weight of faith and joy. Rania couldn't contain her heart and she sang along with the crowd. It was a song that was familiar to her. Elliot sang as well, and Luna, and Ducis. Warm smiles could be seen from their faces. 

"The Lord has promised good to me

His word my hope secures;

He will my shield and portion be,

As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

And mortal life shall cease

I shall possess within the veil,

A life of joy and peace."

And at the last verse of the song, everyone began casting magic. In their palms, they conjured glowing, blue irises and made them float up to the heavens like lanterns in the night sky. What a marvelous sight it was to look at. The team copied their actions and also conjured blue irises in their palms and sent them floating upwards.

While the beautiful flowers continued to lit up the sky, the people joined their hands together in a solemn prayer.

A moment of silence passed by.

From the rooftops of one of the shops in town, Ventus stood up and offered his own flowers and prayer. After his prayer, he looked at Elliot's direction, and communicated to him through telepathy.

"Do you understand now?" Ventus asked.

Elliot knew immediately whose voice it was. Nodding, he replied, "Yes, I understand".

"Good," Ventus smiled. "Ducis was right when he said that I am unlike other guardians," he added, turning his head to the sky, "For me, trials and tests are good … but sometimes, you don't need to experience it to learn it. Sometimes, you just need to be inspired by others, and let its wonder work on your heart. And maybe add some 'spectacularness' while I'm at it. He he he!"

"And it did," Elliot chuckled. "Thank you very much for the wonderful lesson, Ventus".



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