The King's Beloved

Chapter 119 - Sixth Gate: Gale Of Ventus (Part 17)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Sparkle" by Radwimps (movie version or instrumental only) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter XD ~




The sound of a loud gong could be heard all throughout the kingdom right after the prayer. The crowd started whispering to each other.

"The sound of a gong," one of them said.

"An announcement from the watchers," said the other.

"Wonder what the announcement will be?"

"Did they arrive sooner?"

As the crowd speculated on their own, a group of men arrived from above and landed in front of the king and queen. Based on what they were wearing - a full body armor - they were either knights or generals. The captain bent his knee before the king, and his subordinates followed him.

"We bring good news, your majesty!" the captain reported enthusiastically. The joy in his voice could not be hidden.

The crowd fell silent so they may hear what he had to say. Rania, Elliot, Luna, and Ducis tuned in as well, to listen.

"Speak. What is this good news that you bear?" the king smiled at him.

The captain lifted his head and announced, "We no longer need to go to war! The Supreme has delivered us!"

Hearing his words, the crowd was amazed and started shouting praises and giving their thanks to the Most High. 

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"That is indeed, such great news!" the king exclaimed. "May we know what happened? How did the Most High deliver us that we no longer need to fight?"

"Of course, your majesty!" the captain quickly replied. Then, he stood up and told the story to everyone. "Today, we have sent a group of scouts to survey the enemy camp. When they arrived, they saw that the enemies were already preparing to go and attack us!"

While he told the story, one of his subordinates stood up and conjured magic in the air. He created a large mist that showed them what transpired while the captain told the story.

"But then, the scouts we sent felt another presence from the opposite side of the enemy camp. They went to survey that place, too, and found out that another group of enemies were coming! They boarded an enormous flying ship that contained a lot of high ranker. There were around 20 Mythics, hundreds of Legends, and a thousand Epics. If numbers alone, the original enemy had more, but if its quality, this new group had better ones".

"I see, that would be troublesome should we have to fight them both," the king rubbed his chin as he pondered on it.

"Indeed, your majesty," the captain continued. "But we have been saved!" he exclaimed, "The Supreme has protected us. You see, as we were singing our praises in here, the enemies riding in the flying ship heard it. We do not know why, but instead of continuing their course to us, they shifted to the west and landed on the camp of our other enemy. Then, they started fighting against each other and brought war to themselves!"

"Woah!" everyone marveled upon hearing his words.

The king and queen were overjoyed, and every citizen of the kingdom. 

"In that case, let us offer our songs and prayers to the Supreme once again!"

And so, everyone began singing and dancing in joy. They were so happy and they merrily celebrated the whole night. The beautiful music continued and the citizens offered blue irises once again.

Ventus went down from the roofs and joined Elliot and the rest of the team.

"Amazing, right?" he asked as his feet landed the ground without a sound.

Elliot turned to him and nodded. "Did all of this happen before, too? As part of the history of Gaia?"

"Yes, what you're witnessing happened in the past as well. This is one of my most favorite timelines to be honest. Aside from Elijah's timeline".

"I could see why. He's a great king, too" Elliot agreed. "This kingdom … is like a utopia. I never thought it could be possible but this king managed to do it. And their faith … it's amazing".

"I guess your work here is done," Ventus sighed and offered his hand to Elliot for a shake.

Elliot shook his hands, "Thank you for showing this to us".

"Nah, it's nothing. Now, let's go to the temple and receive your blessings!"

Then, Ventus transformed into a winged horse - a Pegasus - and told Elliot and Rania to hop on his back. The two were excited and they did as told. Ducis and Luna followed them as they flew high above the clouds, towards Ventus Castle, and onto the temple hiding at the very edge of the kingdom.

When they landed, they saw a white temple that had small whirlwinds at each corner. Luna deciphered the markings on the brick door of the temple and opened it. The words engraved on the door were:

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal".

Once opened, Ventus guided them inside, upto the innermost room. And just like the other temples, it had a large translucent curtain hanging from the ceiling and a large green crystal floating at the middle of the room. Elliot approached the crystal together with Ventus.

Ventus' body glowed and he gave his blessings to Elliot.

"My name is Ventus,

And I am the Sixth Gate.

As the Guardian of Wind,

In my heart, shines Joy.

Thou hast been tested,

And evil, I found nought.

Therefore, thou shalt receiveth mine blessings.

I shalt be with thou,

And thou shalt be with me".

After reciting this, he fused with the crystal, and the crystal, in turn, shrank itself and resided on Elliot's Zweihänder. Its beautiful green light added life into the rather dark-colored crystals that the sword had. Now, the sword had five crystals on its handle and another domineering aura added to its power.

Meanwhile, back to the world of humans, Zeid could be seen sitting on a swivel chair inside a presidential suite, located at the penthouse of a world class hotel. He turned his chair towards the clear window and stared at the city below. His chin rested on the back of his hand that leaned on the armrest of the chair. From up there, he saw a few parts of the city were still ruined but most of it were already repaired and people resumed their daily lives.

"The world is recovering," Zeid talked to himself as he continued to watch the people below. "It's good that they're recovering quickly all thanks to those aliens not attacking anymore - war has ended. How amazing," his tone was sarcastic. "If only they'd give back those women they stole, it would be perfect. I wouldn't even care about those weird obelisk crystals they scattered through the planet. But … they didn't. So I'm gonna get it back myself. I don't care if it causes another war. I want Rania back to me, and I won't settle until that happens".

Zeid's eyes grew colder and colder as time passed by … so did his heart.

"Young master," a butler came in and greeted Zeid. "I'm here to report".

"Go ahead," Zeid replied, gesturing his hands.

"The assassins are almost done with their advanced training. The scientists, analysts, engineers, and all the other experts you requested are polishing the plans they made in order to infiltrate the Floating Kingdom, including the new technology you ordered. All the materials needed, and weapons, and machinery have been prepared as well. However -" 

"- However," Zeid interrupted. "You still haven't found him?"

The butler trembled in terror of his cold voice. "Y-yes, we haven't. It was very hard to locate him. He was once and still the greatest assassin so he's very familiar with -"

"- excuses, excuses," Zeid interrupted him again. Then, he turned his chair to face him. His terrifying gaze sent shivers once more to the poor butler. "I hired the best hackers, tracers, and all the best men and paid them ten folds of what they're worth. I want to see results, not excuses. Tell them if I don't get answers before the advanced training finishes, they should know what will happen to them".

"Y-y-yes! I will tell them, young master," the butler bowed to him and quickly left the room.

When the butler left, Zeid breathed heavily, laid his back on the chair, and stared at the ceiling. 

"Seriously … this whole situation is just bringing the worst of me," he thought in his mind. "Just when I thought I abandoned my dark past all thanks to Rania. But now, I need to go back in order to save her. I can't just sit back and pray that she's alright. As if prayers do anything. As if the Lord really listens. Huh!" he scoffed, "If He did, He wouldn't let Rania get kidnapped by those aliens and suffer!"

Anger crept on Zeid's face …

Anger ... and hatred.

He clenched his fist tightly and gnashed his teeth.

"Rania has always believed in You!" Zeid stood up and shouted towards the sky.

"She was faithful and kind and merciful! But why?! 

Why did You not do anything to save her?! 

Why did You let her suffer?! 

Why did You abandon her when she needed you the most?!

Tell me, why?!"

He shouted with all his might that veins could be seen from his neck.

"But as for me … I will not abandon her.

I will save her! No matter what!"

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