The King's Beloved

Chapter 138 - Seventh Gate: Ocean Of Aqua (Part 8)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Dreamy Shards" by Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Cross OST) - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~ T_T

The excruciating pain in Elliot's heart returned. 


His body curved as he fell down on his knees, clenching his chest, and sobbing. 

There was this … indescribable agony, and extreme guilt building up on his chest. 

But along with its torment, the woman's voice soothed his hurting heart.

Like water to flame, her words smothered the raging fire that burned his soul.

 "Don't stay in the dark, come here!" the voice encouraged him.

Elliot looked up again and saw that the light was getting bigger and nearer. From it, a pair of beautiful hands came out, reaching for him. Pushing and pulling back his hands, Elliot hesitated to hold her hand. 

But the hands didn't give up. Instead, she pulled him out of the darkness and into the light.

Elliot shut his eyes close as the light blinded him. It took him a few seconds before his sight adjusted to the bright surrounding. When he could see again, he saw that he was in a field full of Verus Amor flowers - the flower that looked like a rose but with crystal-like petals with golden glitters on it. It was an astonishing sight that left Elliot's mouth open as he marvelled on its beauty. Though nothing surpassed the beauty of the person holding his hands ...

Finally noticing, and remembering who it was, Elliot cried out her name.

"Rania!" his voice trembled, and he quickly lunged at her in an embrace, wrapping her around his arms tightly. "Rania … sniff … sniff …"

"Elliot …," Rania softly whispered his name. She embraced him back and patted his back. "There, there … go on, cry it all out. I'll be here".

"I'm very sorry".

"Hmmm, well yes, I guess you should be sorry," Rania reprimanded him. "Because you doubted!"

Then, Rania let go of Elliot and pulled his face in front of hers. She locked her eyes unto his' and smiled warmly.

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"Have the Supreme not chosen you? Why do you doubt His choice?"

"He chose me because I'm the one who made the mess".

"No," Rania shook her head in disapproval. "He chose you because He believes in you. And we, too, believe in you. Me, Luna, Ducis, and all the other guardians. Why don't you believe in yourself too?"

"But I …"

"- Don't you believe in us?"

"I do -"

"- Then, believe in us, who believe in you".

Rania gently pecked his lips afterwards, giving him a gentle kiss, and embraced him again.

She did her best to cheer him up … but seeing his still wretched face, she knew that her efforts were unable to penetrate the last and hardest wall he built in his heart. 

Even though she managed to put out the fire, the scars were still there ...

And so, she sighed and prayed in her heart …

"My Lord … sometimes, even the greatest words of encouragement are not enough to heal one's soul …

I can try to cheer him up a hundred times … but only Your words would heal the scars in his heart.

So my Lord, I beseech You … please, talk to Him …

Heal his wounded heart and strengthen him once more".

As tears fell from both of their eyes, Elliot fell into a deep sleep. When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in the flower field. He found himself floating adrift in the galaxy. He turned around and on his back was his home planet - Gaia, in its chaotic state. He took a moment to look at its ruined beauty and shut his eyes close when he couldn't bear to look at it any longer. 

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared in front of the planet. It looked like a man except He was so big that He was as big as the planet. His body shone brightly and only His aura could be seen. Elliot tried to see who He was but he couldn't make up his face, or even any of His features. The silhouette stood there hovering and looking at the planet as His white robes flittered with the wind. He stood tall, and was so magnificent and bright that Elliot couldn't even bear to look at Him. 

Then, He gently raised his arms and held the planet as if caressing it. With His thunderous yet warm and gentle voice, He started speaking. 

"WHOM shall I send, and WHO will go for us?"

Not recognizing who He was, since no Magi ever had such a close encounter with the Supreme, Elliot pondered on His question. In his mind, he wanted to ask a lot of things. But whenever he would look back at Gaia, his heart would wring in agony.

Without hesitation, Elliot answered Him, "Here I am, send me". His eyes were filled with compassion as he looked at the planet. He was still hurting, but he didn't care for himself. Instead, he cared more for the planet and how he could help it.

More than the pain, compassion and love for the planet and its people ... filled his heart.

Seeing this, the Supreme smiled endearingly at him and said:

"This, my child, is why I have chosen you ...

For I see not what a man sees. I look at the heart".

Elliot's eyes widened. Finally, he realized who He was! His whole being trembled and shivered. His heart shouted in joy and adoration! It was the Supreme! The Most High had blessed him with His audience! To someone like him who … who caused it all.

Large droplets of tears fell from Elliot's eyes once again.

As he cried, the scenery changed into a meadow - the same one in the Forbidden Forest. His body, too, changed into that of his child self - back to when he was merely three years old; back to after he burned the entire forest.

The Supreme, too, was there with him. His body was now the same size as that of a normal man, but He still shined brightly.

"My child, do you remember this place?" the Supreme asked.

Sniffing, the little Elliot answered, "Yes … sniff … sniff … This is the forest I burned".

"And do you remember why you decided to burn it?"

"Because … because …," he thought hard until he recalled the reason why. "Because I wanted to see the sky! The real sky!" the little Elliot cried harder. "Because the sky was fake! There was a barrier so I … I thought I could destroy it …," then, he bit his lips and continued, "I … I wanted to be free".

"That's right," the Supreme nodded. "Not because you just wanted to destroy the forest, but because you wanted to be free and see the real sky".

Elliot couldn't refute so he simply nodded.

"Why else do you cry?" the Supreme asked another question.

"Because I'm the reason the whole universe is suffering," Elliot confessed. "I don't think … I'm worthy of being your chosen".

"How can you be the reason? Did all evil root from you? And why do you belittle yourself? Have I not chosen you?"

Then, the Supreme knelt in one knee so He's on the same eye level as the little Elliot. He raised His arm, and gently patted Elliot's head. Though Elliot couldn't see it, He smiled warmly at him.

"My child, remember this …," the Supreme said, as He stroked his hair. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a king to the nations".

The little Elliot was lost for words. The Supreme's words echoed in his heart and soul.

"You are not a harbinger of destruction, you are the herald of salvation …

You are not the root of all evil, but instead, the root of all goodness …

When you helped a beast in pain …

When you were tempted but you endured …

When people needed you, you didn't turn them away …

When someone offended you, you chose to forgive …

When faced with the impossible, you chose to believe ...

In your heart shines patience, kindness, meekness, self control, mercy, joy and compassion …

Truly, you are my son, and today, I have begotten you".

Then, the Supreme pointed towards Elliot's heart. From the tip of His fingers, golden light came forth and entered Elliot's body. Suddenly, Elliot felt holy power rushing in him! A power so strong it rivaled the vast amount of spiritual energy he already had!


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