The King's Beloved

Chapter 139 - Seventh Gate: Ocean Of Aqua (Part 9)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Bound By Fate" by Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Cross OST) - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

Three powers in one body …


Spiritual, Life, and now, Holy …

Like the breathtaking colors of the aurora lights, the three powers radiated from Elliot's body, lighting up the whole forest. 

Little by little, his body changed to his original age. 

"Such warm and fuzzy lights …," Elliot thought in his mind. "Somehow, I feel very comfortable". He closed his eyes wanting to engrave the warmth he was receiving that very moment. 

Tears continued to fall from Elliot's eyes. 

Somehow, he felt that he was receiving more than just Holy Energy.

He felt as if … along with it, he was receiving the love of the Supreme.

The love of his Father … and the Father of all creations.

Truly, there was no greater love than the love of the Most High.

A moment of silence passed by as Elliot basked himself in His warm love.

"My child," the Supreme spoke once again. "The world will give you many tribulations, but take heart! For I have overcome the world …

I will always be with you … I will never leave you, nor forsake you …

So be strong and take heart! And always remember who you are".

With these final words, the Supreme faded along with the light. The whole forest was no more and only the clear skies were left. The meadow where his feet rested became water, and from it, he stood up straight, with his head tilted up towards the sky.

Shedding his last tears, Elliot curved his lips into a beautiful smile.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

All the storm in his heart had calmed down ...

All the fire that burned him, puffed out ...

And all the scars in his heart, healed and renewed …

Somehow, Elliot felt so at peace with himself. 

He no longer blamed himself, or doubted, or feared.

Yes, all of them were no more, gone like the wind.

Inner peace … what a wonderful thing it is.

"Thank you," Elliot whispered his most heartfelt thanks to the Most High.

A few more moments of silence passed by. When Elliot opened his eyes once again, he found himself back at the mirror house. His knees were still on the ground so he stood up, and shook the dust off his knees and feet. The life in his eyes was back, and they glowed more than before. His devastated expression was completely gone and replaced with serenity.

"Oh? You're standing up?" his clone went back to mocking him. "I see you've failed to realize the gravity of your sins".

Elliot looked straight to his clone with his eyes burning … not in anger, but in resolution.

"I know who you are now," Elliot replied, with a faint smile on his lips.

The clone was taken aback. "W-what do you mean?"

"You're not the guardian of this realm … but instead,

You are my fear. My deepest, darkest fear".

The clone's eyes widened.

"But I have no need for you now," Elliot continued. "For I have found something far greater than fear … 

Perfect love, that is from the Supreme ...

Perfect love that casts out all fear".

At these words, the sinister look of the clone disappeared. His lips curved into a beautiful smile like Elliot's as his body slowly cracked like a mirror and scattered. Along with him, the whole mirror house slowly shattered and disappeared into thin air.

Before the clone completely disappeared, he asked Elliot for the last time.

"Do you know now? Who you are, where you came from, and where you're going?"

Smiling, Elliot nodded and answered, "Yes, I know now. 

I am the begotten son of the Supreme, chosen and anointed to be the king of the nations. 

I came from Him, as one of His creations. I am but mere dust and clay compared to Him, yet He loves me, cares for me, and calls me son. 

And so, with this little life I have, I offer it to Him. I will go and fulfill my purpose. 

I will save Gaia, and its people just as He saved me! 

I will free all the other planets just as He freed me! 

I will rule all the nations and love its people, just as He loves me!"


At last, the magic circles that revolved around Elliot's body shattered and disappeared like the mirror house.

Elliot woke up to Rania's face in front of him, and her lips locked on his.

"What a great way to wake up," Elliot chuckled and thought in his mind. Then, it suddenly struck him - Rania was giving her life energy to him! "This silly woman, seriously!" Getting up from his position, he grabbed the back of Rania's head, pulling it closer unto him. The light pressing of their lips deepened, and Elliot moved his lips for Rania to notice.

Indeed, she noticed him, and tears fell from her eyes.

"Elliot!" breathing heavily, Rania let go of Elliot's lips and cried out his name. "You're back!"

"Yes, I'm back," Elliot smiled endearingly towards her. "I'm back and here I am seeing a silly girl transfer her life energy to me. Look at you! You're almost drained of life!" he reprimanded her.

Rania chuckled while she sobbed. Suddenly, her body failed her and she passed out.

"Rania!" Elliot caught her in his arms.

Seeing Elliot finally awake, everyone was overjoyed, but then Rania suddenly collapsed and now they're worried again. Ducis quickly removed the barrier and everyone gathered near them.

"Truly silly," Elliot shook his head as he cupped Rania's face on his hands and kissed her. He returned Rania's life energy and gave her more, balancing their life energies together.

Rania slowly regained her consciousness, much to everyone's delight. Her body felt so light. Then, she noticed she had more life energy that she had before, Not fond of the idea, she kissed Elliot back and returned his life energy to him.

Elliot noticed what she was doing so he gave them back to her.

Rania didn't back down, she gave it back as soon as he gave it to her.

On and on, their futile attempts continued until Rania pushed Elliot's lips away from her.

"Elliot, stop this!" Rania pouted. "Why did you give me more of your life energy? If you're keen on returning, just give me back what I had originally".

"No," Elliot strongly refused. "It's better this way. Now, I don't have to worry about you, having a shorter life span than mine," he smiled cheekily.

"Rania … sniff … Elliot … sniff," Luna sobbed, seeing her two friends survive such a great ordeal. "You're both okay … sniff … you survived! Waaaaaaaaa! Hu hu hu hu!" She bawled her eyes and jumped between Rania and Elliot, hugging them both in her arms. "Rania you stupid! That was very dangerous! What if Elliot took longer? Your life almost drained out!" Turning to Elliot, she reprimanded him, "And you! What took you so long? You scared the heck out of all of us! Your spiritual energy drained so fast! If Rania missed on helping you out by 5 seconds, you would have been dead! Hu hu hu hu!"

Rania and Elliot chuckled together. They patted Luna's back and comforted her.

"Thank you, Luna," they chorused.

"Master … you're back," Ducis murmured but Elliot heard him. He, too, ended up crying, along with the other guardians.

"You had us worried," Terra wiped her tears and smiled at them.

"Master!" Caligo bawled his eyes as well and jumped towards Elliot and joined the hug.

One by one, the other guardians joined in, making a big group hug for all of them. With tearstained eyes, they laughed together. What a blissful moment it was. A couple of minutes passed by as they cried tears of joy and joked amongst each other. Luna was still a bit angry at the guardians for not helping. Elliot wasn't angry though. He understood why they couldn't, and besides, he got a far better help. In that, he was very thankful. Poor Rania though, she got flicked in the forehead two times, by Luna and Elliot, for being … "silly".

Their laughter only stopped when they heard an enchanting voice, singing from afar.


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