The King's Beloved

Chapter 162 - Another Goodbye

~ [Music Recommendation: "Suteki Da Ne" by Nobuo Uematsu - John Oeth version (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~ T_T

After the red crystal of Ignis dwelled on the Zweihänder, Elliot stared at it for a moment. Now, eight crystals resided in his sword, all placed carefully in a circular arrangement like that of a clock. There were still four slots left to complete the twelve crystals. However, that was not the reason he stared at the sword. His eyes reflected sadness as he focused his gaze on the red crystal. The last words that Ignis told him … repeated on his mind.


"My King … in this life, you will be faced by the hardest choices. Choices … that may require sacrifices. I can see that your heart is very much willing to sacrifice your own self but sometimes, it is not ourself that needs to be sacrificed … instead, it will be something … or even someone we hold very dearly. And when that time comes, I hope you make the right decision".

"Anointed King," Eres caught his attention, "there is another thing I failed to tell you due to my inability to control my emotions. I apologize greatly for that".

"It's alright," Elliot smiled at him. "Also, no need to be so formal to me. You can speak freely".

"Ah - But …," Eres blushed slightly, "but you're the Anointed King! I - I cannot possibly be rude".

"I'm not used to having servants, nor do I wish for one. All the guardians are friends and family for me. Should friends and family be formal with each other? I didn't grow with a mother or a father, but at least, I know they don't behave like that with each other".

Eres was touched. In his mind, he thought, "Woah! Sniff … I can't believe I have such an amazing master!"

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"So, what was it that you forgot to tell?"

"Right! It's regarding the Oracle".

"The … Oracle?" Elliot asked. Somehow … he felt something in his heart - a familiarity he couldn't remember. He thought, "Why … do I feel like this? I know what Oracles are but … this generation's Oracle … why does it seem that - or rather, I feel like I know her? Hmm … but I never met her. How can I know someone I haven't met?"

"Yes! Before my master went back to his chambers, he visited the Oracle first. He informed her of what's happening to Gaia and sought the help of the Sortis family. Since they're the family blessed by the Supreme in whom priests and priestesses that holds holy powers resides, he asked them to send help to Gaia to try and heal those that have been corrupted".

"That's great! I was just thinking about how to help the rest that have been corrupted already. I figured that one man won't be able to support all the people left there".

"Yes, my master is really wise," Eres let out a bitter smile. "Oh! And also, those nobles that were left to govern the remaining people in Gaia, they're all so - arghhh!" his anger couldn't be hidden from his cute face.

"Huh? What happened to them?"

"They're supposed to rule and guide all the Magi left in Gaia, but all they do is care for themselves! Utterly disgraceful! They're not acting like nobles at all! Well … there are a few decent ones but still! Hmf! They're so bad! They had more spiritual energy than others and can help in a lot of things but all they did was neglect their duties. My master was dismayed with them!" Eres ranted on and on. He sighed to calm himself down. "Phew! Sorry about that. Anyway, good thing that the previous anointed kings are there. After helping my master fix the barrier, they scattered themselves and helped those in need. I … really thank you for that".

Elliot smiled warmly. "It's nothing. All I did was provide an opportunity. It was them who chose to help the people. Let the thanks be to them".

Meanwhile, as their conversation continued, Luna, who was left behind with the others inside Ignis' bed chamber, was not feeling so well after seeing Ignis pass away. Tears didn't stop falling from her eyes even after everyone already wiped theirs. Her heart was breaking so much she couldn't understand why.

"Luna, are you alright?" Rania asked her, with a worry stricken face.

"Y-yes! I'm good! I'm sorry, my tears just won't stop, he he he," Luna laughed awkwardly. "I think … I think I need some fresh air. I'll … go out for a bit".

Rania sighed but she understood her and gave her some time alone.

"Alright. Be careful. Let me know if there's something I can help you with".

"Uhm!" Luna nodded. Then, she spread her wings and flew outside the window. 

Luna kept on flying and fluttering her wings with no destination set on mind. Her mind was filled with different thoughts, as tears continued to flow from her eyes.

"Sniff … sniff … what's wrong with me?" Luna asked herself. "Ever since I saw that," she recalled Ignis, slowly fading away in red sparkles, "I've been crying nonstop. And this stupid heart can't stop hurting! … sniff … sniff … Just like that time when I watched the theatrical play about Flora ... And that stupid dragon, too!" She was then reminded of the face Ducis made when he cried in front of Ignis. "Why? … why does … seeing him cry like that … hurts so much? I want to know why … And Flora … who is she to me? I can't stand by not knowing answers anymore! I want to know! What is it that's hurting me so much?! … Who am I?" She shouted loudly in her mind, as if talking to it, while she clenched on her chest.

Suddenly, her head began to ache.

"Ack! Agghhh! Ouch! It hurts!" Luna held on both the sides of her head, trying to ease the pain but it just kept on coming. She felt as if her head was going to break. She writhed in agony. "UGHHH!! AHHHH!!! It hurts! What's happening?!"

As her head experienced excruciating pain, her wings lost balance in its flight. 

And thus, she fell from a great height - from the chamber of Ignis down to the dark temple below.

Carried by the wind, her body kept on falling …

With a half-conscious mind, she tried to feel her wings and fly again …

Or use magic to fly again … but they didn't work …

Until her mind completely went blank …

And her eyes shut close …

"Rania … Elliot … Ducis …," were the last words her mind uttered.


When her consciousness completely faded and just a couple of meters left before she hit the ground, Luna's body began to glow bright - like that day she gave the first prophecy to Rania, Elliot, and Ducis. Her body shined bright and her eyes shot open! But unlike the Luna we all knew, her expression became different …

With a serious and mysterious expression, Luna spread her wings back and broke her fall easily. Golden sparkles covered her whole body. Then, she lifted her hand and waved in the air. In the blink of an eye, a black hole appeared in front of her. She flew inside the hole and it disappeared as soon as she got in. As to where it led to … time could only tell.

A few moments later, Elliot and Eres went back to Ignis' chamber. Everyone welcomed them on their return. Elliot explained the situation to everyone and all the things Eres told him. They all felt the same way regarding the unreliable nobles. Truly, it was a good thing that the previous anointed kings were there. After discussing for a couple of minutes, all the guardians except for Ducis, went back to their respected crystals in Elliot's Zweihänder.

"It's time to go back," Elliot told Rania and Ducis. "Hm? Where's Luna?"

Rania clenched her chest. Her face was filled with worry.

"About that … she was crying non stop a few moments ago. Then, she said she's gonna go outside a bit for some fresh air but she hasn't come back yet".

"I see, let's try to communicate with her, then," Elliot suggested. He touched the bracelet he had from Luna - their communication device that they haven't been using so much. He tapped it with his fingers and spiritual energy flowed in it, activating it's crystals. "Luna? Can you hear us? Are you there?"

"..." there was no response from the other end of the bracelet.

"Luna? … It's us, Rania, Elliot, and Ducis," Rania added. "Where are you? We're worried for you".

Luna, who was in an unknown forest that time, was hearing everything … but not responding. Like a possessed fairy, she continued flying deep towards the heart of the forest she was at … until she faded into the depths of it.

Rania, Elliot, and Ducis got worried, hearing no response from her no matter how much they called. They knew she was in the other end of the line - that she could hear them - but still, why wasn't she responding? This, they did not know ... and once again, only time could tell. They tried looking for her all around the realm, but her presence was no longer there.

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