The King's Beloved

Chapter 163 - The Oracle And The King (Part 1)

~ [Music Recommendation: "The Heart's Tale" by BigRicePiano (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

"Luna!" Rania cried her name. "Talk to us, please! Where are you? We can't feel your presence here anymore. Where did you go? Please let us know!" Her hands trembled in fear as her mind wondered on all sorts of possibilities of where she might be or what could have happened to her. She could only pray that nothing bad happened to her dear fairy friend.


Elliot and Ducis shared the same worry for Luna. 

"This is weird," Elliot said, while he touched his chin, trying to think where Luna might be. "It's very unlike her to just go off on her own. Did something else happen prior to her going out?"

Rania shook her head. "None that I know of. Aside from Ignis passing, I didn't notice much since everyone was crying …" Then, her eyes suddenly lit up as an idea popped in her head. "Do you think … that maybe, it has something to do with Flora's core inside her?"

Ducis sighed. "That's what I'm thinking, too … since the situation with Ignis and how he passed away was very similar to …," he was unable to say any more.

Elliot was reminded of the moment Ignis passed away once again. At the same time, he recalled the theater play they watched in Ventus Kingdom. It was indeed, very similar to it - Flora, fading away like beautiful pink glimmers of dusts in the air. Luna cried during that time as well … but she didn't leave without notice. She took her time, but she recovered and continued to be with them. Why was it that this time, she left? Or did she really want to leave at all?

"Let's try to look for her in other places, or maybe other realms," Rania suggested.

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However, Ducis could not agree. He firmly said, "No. We don't have much time. Elliot needs to finish the rest of the trials. I worry for her, too, and want to look for her but I can't. I need to continue guiding him on the next gates. And you -"

"- In that case, you both continue, and I'll look instead".

"Still no," Ducis shook his head. "I believe you understand why".

Rania gasped. Then, a painful expression showed in her face. She clenched her fist and closed her eyes. "Umrgh … I'm so sorry, Luna," were the only words her mind whispered.

On the other hand, while all this was happening to Rania, Elliot and Ducis, Azalea just woke up from her peaceful slumber. It was a fine morning that day, with the sun shining beautifully, and the skies clear of clouds. Noticing the king was no longer sleeping beside her, she got up, covering her naked body with a blanket, and looked around the chamber for any sign of him.

"Calum?" Azalea called out but there was no answer. 

Dropping the blanket, she got off from the bed, and reached out for her sleeping robe that was carelessly placed on the bedside table as if it was just thrown there. In fact, it was indeed, thrown there by Calum when they spent a rather fiery evening last night that lasted until past midnight. It could have gotten longer than that, if not for Azalea reminding the king that he had duties to attend in the morning.

Azalea walked around the chamber looking for the king until she found him in the dressing room, being assisted by servants in putting on his king's attire. Normally, he would dress himself however he pleased - simple, not much accessories, perfect fit clothes, and comfortable to move in. But today, for some reason, she was surprised to see him dress up. She only saw him do this when there's formal occasions or parties. However, there was no occasion that she knew of.

With a curious look, Azalea asked the king, "Calum, what's the occasion? Why are you dressing up?"

King Calum turned his head towards her, "Oh, you're awake. Good morning, my queen," he smiled dashingly at her.

"Ha ha! Good morning to you as well".

"I'm guessing your body is doing alright? Since we didn't do it that long last night?"

Azalea blushed and was taken aback. The servants who were in the room tried their best to stop their giggles, though they failed to do it.

"Umgh … cough," Azalea cleared her throat. "I -I'm good. Thank you for asking. But as I said, about my question … What's the occasion? Where are you going?"

"Hmm … apparently, I have to meet my former fiancée," King Calum nonchalantly said.

Azalea's eyes widened in surprise. "You have a former fiancée?"

"Yes," King Calum nodded, "The most eligible, respected, and well-accepted queen by the Magi. Wanna guess who?" he teased her.

"Hmm …," Azalea tried to think for a moment. "There's a lot I can think of. But if it's a well respected woman by all Magi … then, it should be … the Oracle? Illumináire Sortis?"

"Well done!" King Calum clapped his hands. With a smirking face, he asked her, "Are you jealous?"

Azalea chuckled and shook her head. "No, I'm not. Why should I be?" In a sing-song tone, she added, "Unless~ she's your unrequited love or something along those lines. Ha ha ha!"

"Hmmm … I wonder," King Calum teased. "Maybe? Or maybe not?"

"Hmmm …," Azalea copied him, and walked closer. "But if i remember correctly, the king had no idea about love when I first met him. Right?" She tilted her head, playing along with King Calum's teasing.

"Ugh, I guess I'm busted. My queen is too smart," King Calum shrugged. "And here I thought I could tease her more. Well, you're right. I don't have any particular feeling towards her. We grew up together though - she was a childhood friend. Because of that, I only see her as a little sister. Same goes for her. If there's anyone she liked, it's gonna be …," he rambled but stopped abruptly at the last word. His face suddenly turned serious as if he was reminded of something terrible. Shaking his head, he continued in a low voice, "Yes, she probably liked 'him' since she always followed him around when we were children. Too bad he's already gone".

 Azalea got curious again. "Gone? Who?"

But the only answer that the king gave her was his bitter smile. Azalea decided not to pry anymore than she already had.

"Anyway … you still haven't fully answered my question"

"Ha ha! You won't stop until you get your answer, huh?"

They both chuckled afterwards, leaving the servants to freely fangirl amongst themselves. Just a few more, and the servants were done fixing the king's formal clothes. Once done, they hesitantly left - yes, hesitantly, since they wanted to witness more of their flirting. But the king ordered them to go outside, something they couldn't really refuse. So with sulking faces, they left the king's chambers. Azalea chuckled at the sight of them.

King Calum sighed. "Well, it's simple. She's a well respected Oracle so I can't just go meeting her on my usual clothes. I can't believe even a king needs to show respect to her".

"Actually, you should be respecting everyone no matter who they are".

"Am I being reprimanded now?" the king smirked.

"It depends on how you take it," Azalea replied. "What is your meeting about? Did something happen?"

The king's face turned serious.

"We barely talk nowadays, only when truly needed, like when she tries to guide me with the things she sees from her visions or dreams. But we just did that last week. Also, she personally requested an audience today, saying it's something very urgent. With her personality, she'd only say something is urgent if it involves the lives of millions. To be honest, I'm a bit worried. What could possibly have happened that I did not know?"

"It is worrying," Azalea agreed. "Whatever it is, I know there would always be a solution! Goodluck!"

King Calum smiled afterwards and gave her a kiss on the lips before he teleported to the throne room. Though their kiss lasted a couple of minutes before the king finally let go.

Meanwhile, Illumináire was already in the throne room. She arrived earlier than the appointed time since she couldn't wait any longer. The Judges arrived one after the other after her and took their seats on either side of the throne - two on each side. Clavis, her twin brother, sat on the right hand side and greeted her with a bow.

While they waited for the king to arrive, Illumináire's thoughts wandered far away as she stared on the throne in front of her. An image of a little boy, no older than three, with white hair and beautiful bright aquamarine eyes appeared before her. It was a memory she had long ago. The little boy had the sweetest smile and happily ran towards the throne where the former king and queen awaited him. His laughter was very soothing to the ears. She closed her eyes as she remembered.

"Haaahhh …," Illumináire let out a deep sigh as she asked herself, "Why do I always let out a sigh whenever I see the throne?"

Then, she tilted her head towards the large window that was opened to reveal the clear skies outside. Staring blankly at the clouds, she solemnly prayed in her heart.

"My King, please be alright".

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