The King's Beloved

Chapter 234 - Eleventh Gate: Spring Of Flora (Part 2)

[Music Recommendation: "Dewdrops at Dawn" by Yoko Shimura (Final Fantasy XV OST) - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

"Elliot," a gentle whisper called out to him. "The path is clear. You can come now."

Elliot, who was then in the middle of a sword clash with Ducis, leaped backwards to put a distance between them. Ducis, who didn't hear the message, followed his steps, ready to strike again.

"Hailstorm," Elliot whispered and waved his hand across. In a blink of an eye, a huge wall of icy storm sprung from nowhere, creating an obstacle between him and Ducis, and stopping the latter on his track.

"Well, well. It seems like you mastered it pretty quickly, genius," Bruma proudly complimented Elliot. She was standing on the side at that time, observing the battle. She just finished demonstrating her unique skills to Elliot but he already managed to execute it easily given the complexity of a wide-range skill. "Terra is right. You really are a prodigy."

"Hah! As expected of my master," Ducis said with a wide grin.

"All thanks to both of your help," Elliot complimented them back with a smile. "But we need to go now. Didn't you hear Rania? She said the path is clear and we can come."

Ducis and Bruma's eyes widened as they looked at each other, making their answers obvious.

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"I'm afraid not—"

"Nope. Maybe she only thought of you, that's why only you heard it," Bruma shrugged.

"But of course," Ducis added. "That is indeed very much like Rania—only thinking about my master. They're lovers, you see," he explained to Bruma, "Lovers think about each other all the time."

"Ewww, spare me the romance," Bruma grimaced. "Don't even dare bring up your love life with Flora, please."

At these words, Ducis scowled. "Tsk. Your domain suits you very well, you cold-hearted Guardian. You have faith and hope but no love. That's why you don't understand."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

And so the two Guardians bickered. But as for Elliot, a hint of sadness covered his smile. Ducis and Bruma weren't there that time when Rania and Zeid reunited so of course, they wouldn't know. From then on, Elliot had been uncertain of his place in Rania's heart. He merely tried to brush off the topic in his mind since there's something more important that they needed to do first. Though deep inside him, he already made a decision—that, whoever Rania chooses, he would respect it. He was even willing to return Zeid's memories to him, should she want him back. She already helped so much in saving their planet, and helped him, too, in so many ways. He at least wanted to make sure she would be happy… even if it wasn't with him.

"Ugh," Elliot grunted, dismissing the whole thought out of his mind. Turning to Ducis and Bruma, he called out to them, "Stop fighting. Let's go!"

And so, they immediately teleported from the Forbidden Forest to Anguis Solum, straight to the Eleventh Gate, and unto the black hole leading to Luna's domain—the Spring of Flora. Bruma returned to her crystal in Elliot's sword, while the two men went on their way towards the temple until they reached the innermost place where the two ladies awaited them.

"That was fast," Luna said as soon as she saw them. "Welcome to my temple, Anointed King," she said, acting formally, with all the curtsying and bowing.

"Ha-ha. Stop that, Luna. It doesn't suit you," Elliot chuckled. "And I'm still not used to seeing a… non-childlike appearance of you."

Luna raised her eyebrows. "Wait a minute. Did I look like a kid before? No way!"

"I'm quite sure you did," Elliot teased again.

Pouting, Luna turned to Ducis, obviously wanting him to say otherwise.

"Ughhh…" Ducis hesitated. "Maybe not a child but more like a… teenager?"

Luna scowled. "Oh, really? And you kissed a teenager-looking person? Are you a—"

"W-what?! No! It's not like that," Ducis tried to defend himself frantically.

While the two argued like an old married couple, Elliot approached Rania who was still surrounded by hundreds of wisps that time. Seeing her hold the white wisp on her hand when she turned around to greet him with a smile, he couldn't help but be fascinated with her. If he could, he would love to embrace her for a bit but… is that even still alright?

"Elliot, you're here," Rania greeted him. "We didn't encounter anything bad, thankfully. You can take the crystal now. Luna said there's no need for a trial as well."

"Huh? Now that you mention it," Elliot was surprised. He turned to Luna and asked, "Why is there no trial? Are you not breaking any Guardian laws or something? I know we're running out of time but the lessons during the trials are all important. Isn't it a tradition to do the Rite of Passage?"

Luna and Ducis stopped bickering and explained the reason to Elliot, much to his surprise. He had the same reaction as Rania—in the end, it all made sense to him.

Then, Luna went towards her pink crystal and gave her blessings to Elliot.

"My name is Flora,

And I am the Eleventh Gate.

As the Guardian of Nature,

In my heart, shines Grace.

Thou hast been tested,

And evil, I found nought.

Therefore, thou shalt receiveth mine blessings.

I shalt be with thou,

And thou shalt be with me."

A blinding light shone inside the temple until Luna communed with her crystal and transferred itself to Elliot's Zweihänder. A pinkish glow covered the whole sword and the eleventh slot was finally filled with Luna's crystal. Along with it, was a surge of power like never before. The other crystals in the sword resonated with the pink one. Not only that, they all glowed bright and increased their size, filling in the gaps between the crystals!

"What's happening? Why did they suddenly—"

"That's normal, Elliot," Luna said as she sprung out of her crystal. "It's my unique skill—Amplify. I double, or triple, or even up to ten times increase the power of other Guardians. I may not have an element of my own, and not much offensive powers, but I'm good at supporting others. It automatically activates, too. So no need to learn a complex skill or whatnot."

Elliot stared at his hands and arms, and surveyed his whole body. He could feel it—from head to foot, even inside his spiritual core. Indeed, his already massive power just doubled, or maybe even more!

"Wow. This is great! Doesn't this mean that all magic I cast now will have double the strength than before?"

"Uh-huh! You got that right! I'm so amazing, aren't I?" Luna asked smugly.

"Fine. I'll admit that one."

And so, Elliot gained more powers than before. Rania happily looked at him as she saw the Anointed King rise from glory to glory. When the time comes, surely, he would make the most wonderful king for all Magi.

"Seems like we're done here. Let's go to the next one!"


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