The King's Beloved

Chapter 235 - Twelfth Gate: Light Of Lux

[Music Recommendation: "Dewdrops at Dawn" by Yoko Shimura (Final Fantasy XV OST) - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

Rania, Elliot, Ducis and Luna set forth to the next Gate afterwards. They went back to Anguis Solum and walked towards the brightest Gate located at the far end of the place. Two white pillars served as its corners, adorned by iridescent crystals that shone like auroras. It had a door made of pure white marble but it opened as soon as they approached it. And from beyond was another black hole leading to a different dimension.

At that time, Amare was no longer with them for she went ahead of them to her realm. She said that she needed to check something and fix the place so they let her be. It was probably thanks to that fact that when they jumped inside the black hole towards her dimension, a blinding light welcomed them. And after the light, was the magnificent view of the sky. Yes, for some reason, they all stood afloat in the sky with the clouds as their solid ground—as if clouds were supposed to be solid.

Rania and Elliot were a bit startled to see nothing but a vast pinkish orange sky, and a bunch of clouds surrounding them which was kinda like how Rania imagined heaven to be. There was no darkness nor monsters that could be seen anywhere, thankfully, but also nothing else—nowhere to go to, and no one to see.

"Is this Amare's realm or are we supposed to go somewhere first?" Rania asked.

"Yup! This is her place," Luna answered. "It just doesn't look very visible but try walking towards that light," she said, pointing towards the northern part of the place where a wide pillar of white golden light could be seen.

Rania and Elliot looked at each other and nodded. Then, they followed Luna's advice and they all went towards the pillar of light. As they walked, Rania noticed an almost translucent structure from afar—like a mirror reflecting the sky. Or was it a mirror? And as they moved closer, she was all the more convinced it was not. The view got clearer, and the almost invisible structure became more visible. At last, they saw its full form which was nothing but a huge and majestic castle! From top to bottom, it was made of iridescent crystals that seemed to be reflecting everything from its surroundings, camouflaging itself! 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Woooah," Rania and Elliot marvelled. "What a beautiful castle."

Truly, it was a castle even more beautiful than the Grand Palace. Each tower, each building, up to the tiniest details, all were like the work of an unparalleled professional, or a legendary craftsman. Not only that, when they thought that it couldn't get any better than that, they went inside the castle, passed its humongous door, only to prove themselves wrong. 

The interior was even more jaw-dropping than the exterior. Almost everything was made of translucent iridescent crystals, and the elegant furniture was of the same hue. There were bushes and flowers everywhere, and a huge tree at the center emitting a golden light. White birds and butterflies flew randomly inside, and the people scattered around looked like Magi with their beautiful appearance except they had pointy ears like elves. They all wore white robes and the women had unique golden ornaments in their hair.

When they stepped inside the castle, all the people turned to them with a smile on their faces. Then, they all bowed their heads and the women curtseyed.

"We welcome the Anointed King, and the Chosen Maiden," they chorused. After that, they made way for them, forming a straight path in the midst of the crowd, leading to the shining tree at the center. "The Guardian of Love awaits your presence."

"Thank you," they replied.

Turning to each other, Rania asked, "We're going straight to Amare?"

"Yeah. Is there no trial again?" Elliot seconded, looking at Luna and Ducis, who both looked surprised themselves.

"That's unusual," Ducis replied. "She usually gives trials herself—or at least the former Guardians of Light."

"Uh-huh! That's what I remember, too," Luna added. "But then, we didn't even know she was a Guardian until all that chaos happened years ago."

"She probably doesn't know herself."

"But she's familiar with all the Guardian-stuffs. So I thought…" and so the two Guardians discussed amongst themselves.

"Hmm… Only one way to find out," Rania cut them off, tapping their backs and pushing them to continue walking. "Let's go to her."

And so, they continued on their way towards the almost golden tree from where, to their surprise, a door suddenly appeared when they approached it. On its wooden door that had an emblem of a Verus Amor flower, Luna read the words:

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

The door opened for them and they went inside. Turns out, the Golden Tree was actually Amare's temple. The inside of the huge tree was pretty much the same as the outside—less the furniture and people. They continued walking until they reached the innermost place where Amare was, together with a large white crystal at the center of the room. A translucent curtain fell from the ceiling, covering the crystal, and behind it was a big window that welcomed the beauty of the skies outside.

  "Amare," Elliot called her.

"Anointed King," she greeted him, curtsying and bowing her head. "You have arrived."

"Are you not holding a trial as well?"

"Would if I could give you a trial, my King, but I'm afraid I am incomplete. I am unable to fully transform this realm befitting for the last trial, nor can I give you my full blessing," Amare replied, knitting her eyebrows and clenching her chest.

"I see. In that case, it's alright. Half of your blessing is better than no blessing at all," Elliot smiled at her, trying to make light of the matter. "But, since you're incomplete, does that mean I will get my full blessing once we meet with your other half—Vindicta? I'm not sure if she'll give me a blessing though. Unless, we subdue her in some way."

"About that…" Amare's expression turned serious, "You will have your trial. Not right now, but in the near future, you will. You will not know when, or how, or what it is exactly, but it will pass. And I solemnly pray that you surpass it. If not… I am unsure if there will be a future for us." Glancing at Rania, she continued, "But I strongly believe you will."

  Rania glanced back at Amare and smiled.

"Yes," she said.. "He definitely will."

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