The King's Beloved

Chapter 262 - Beyond Words

[Music Recommendation: "Eternal Memory of Lightwaves" - Final Fantasy X-2 OST - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Also, prepare some tissues... (ಥ﹏ಥ) ~

The moment Rania answered, the Spirit filled her body.

A warm, soothing, gentle, and caring presence embraced her.

Her skin glowed, and a light aura covered her.

"Preserve," she said, and time stood still for the whole planet except the team.

Even Vindicta, who was very much in rage at that time, was also put to a halt. And most importantly, the remaining life of Gaia that was at its last stretch was extended for a few moments.

She then flew upwards towards her friends, who were bewildered by the suddenness of what happened. Stopping beside Elliot, she reached out her hands, tapped his shoulders, and smiled at him.

Elliot looked back at her and smiled the same. However, that smile faded as soon as it came.

"Elliot… there is something I want to say."

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

He didn't know what came to him, but suddenly, his heart thumped loudly, and his lips went dry.

It was as if… something terrible was going to happen.

"W-What is it?" Elliot asked hesitantly.

The Guardians, Clavis, Illuminaire, and Selena looked at each other.

"I know now how to defeat Vindicta," Rania continued. 

She also turned to the Guardians and looked at them straight in their golden eyes.

The Guardians looked back, giving her a bitter-sweet smile.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Those kinds of gazes only confirmed Elliot's fears. After all, he wasn't stupid not to understand. In fact, he had a hunch though he always tried to ignore it, saying it wasn't true—that it wouldn't happen as long as he grew stronger. But then…

"Ducis, Luna, Fauna, Caligo, Terra, Saburra, Ventus, Aqua, Ignis, Bronte, Bruma, and Amare," she called their names one by one. "I need your help."

The Guardians weren't able to utter a single word. With wretched faces, they lowered their eyes and bowed their heads.

"Please, channel into me all the spiritual energies you have left. Only, make sure to keep enough for yourself."

Trying to hide their expressions using their hair, they bowed their heads even lower. The women bit their lips, and the men tightened their jaws, but either way, every one of them sobbed.

To the twins, Rania turned next and asked them the same.

"Clavis, Illuminaire, please channel to me all of your holy energy as well, keeping only enough for yourselves."

The Oracle and the Interpreter's hearts broke the moment she said that.

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"Selena, you too. Please give me all the remaining spiritual energy you have until only enough is left for you."

Selena nodded and tried to smile, but her tears betrayed her.

"Rania," Elliot interrupted. "Isn't that too much energy for your body? Why are you suddenly asking everyone to give their powers to you?" His voice shook, and his body trembled. His eyebrows furrowed, and his hands tightened into a ball, unable to accept what she was proposing.

"It's not too much," she replied gently. "I can contain it."

"How sure are you about that? You're still a human with a human body!" Elliot snapped. "And why is everyone suddenly crying as if you knew this would happen?! You knew all along, and no one even dared to tell me."

Elliot's heart broke from every word he spoke.

Streams of tears filled his eyes.

He could already read the situation, but still, a little positivity in him hoped that it wasn't the case or that he could convince her not to do whatever she was planning to do.

"Please," he begged desperately, "Can anyone explain this to me? This is not what I think it is, right?"

"To defeat Vindicta," Rania answered him, "we need three kinds of energy as much as we could possibly get."

"T-Three… kinds?"

"Yes," she replied bravely despite the tears that wanted to overflow. "Spiritual energy, holy energy, and… life energy."

Indeed, when the Spirit filled Rania's body, wisdom came forth, making her understand the hidden meaning of the prophecy from her dream.

"When night meets day when dusk meets dawn. In the beauty of the twilight, perfection will come. And out of the three, the greatest will rise."

"In that case, let me do it instead," Elliot insisted. "I'm a Magi. I have a stronger body—I can take it all!"

But Rania shook her head.

"No. The core from the Supreme is not inside you."

"Core? But didn't you—"

"I am the Vessel, Elliot. I am not just the Chosen Maiden. I was chosen to be the Vessel that can contain all kinds of energy in an unlimited amount. Therefore, I'm the only one who can take it. Once I'm done, you need to control that power and use it to defeat Vindicta. Make sure to pierce her heart."

"N-No… I don't understand… I don't want to."

"Elliot, I believe in you. You can do it."

"At what cost?! What happens after you absorb them? What do you mean I need to control it? Why can't you control it and defeat Vindicta? Why me?!"

"Elliot, please. Don't make this any harder than it is."

Rania's composure crumbled. Tears escaped her eyes no matter how many times she told herself she wouldn't cry or that she would be strong. But Elliot's words and questions only broke her heart further.

Elliot smiled bitterly.

Along with it, his heart shattered into pieces.

Not just pieces, it was pulverized to the finest degree.

"You… Y-You're leaving me, aren't you?"

Alas, everyone broke into tears. Misery filled the whole place. Their hearts cried in great anguish and agony. There were so many words they wanted to say but were left unsaid. Only their tears spoke for them. And only their warm embrace expressed the grief they felt at that very moment.

Everyone gave Rania the warmest hug they could give. After that, they did as she asked—they channeled all their energies towards her. The warmth of their powers filled her up little by little.

Elliot watched her as she bathed into the beautiful light waves of power from everyone. Her body glowed brighter and brighter. Meanwhile, he was devastated to the highest degree. Lots of thoughts came to his mind, especially the thought that…

"I already lost my parents… 

I didn't know that I'd lose her, too…

And there's not even a single thing I could do about it."

Indeed, it was either the salvation of one or many.

The salvation of his beloved, or his planet and people.

What choice was he supposed to make?

Was there even a right or wrong answer?

Somewhere in his heart, he was tempted to be selfish.

But would that be something that Rania wanted?

It was clear as day.

Rania resolved herself to sacrifice.

And perhaps, this immeasurable pain… grief… heartache… was also his sacrifice.

With his spirit crushed beyond repair and tear-stained face, Elliot flew towards Rania and embraced her tightly.

An embrace that was also the last…

A kiss that was also the last…

Caressing her face and looking straight to her eyes, memorizing every part of her since it was also the last…

They didn't say anything to each other but only looked at each other with an extreme longing that was beyond words.

Their tears continued to flow… and flow… and flow…

With every drop was a shed of the love they shared for each other.

As they stared at each other's faces, streams of memories came to mind.

From the moment they first met at the pavilion during the banquet…

The moment where she almost lost her life in the Forbidden Chamber…

Meeting him again only to be threatened and argued with him about his beliefs of himself. Good thing they resolved it and quickly became friends. Elliot was such a rude and hot-headed baby back then.

Ducis and Luna didn't know they were lovers back then, too.

Then, the mystery of the prophecy and the trials…

They all went through so much together.

Each gate, they were taught a lot of things—trust, patience, self-control, kindness, mercy, joy, peace, sacrifice, righteousness, faith, hope, grace, and most especially, love.

After the trials, the truth was finally revealed to them about the past, which helped them understand everything and win the fight against the real villain who orchestrated everything.

Then, they went to Gaia, traveled through the shrines, defeated the monsters there, and lastly, a battle with Vindicta to save the planet.

It had been one heck of a journey…

There were so many ups and downs but still, they stormed through it all with the help of the Supreme.

It might not have been everything they wanted, but it had been everything they needed.

All in all, it was worth it.

And those memories, they would forever cherish in their hearts… especially the moments they were together…

From the first hug.

The first holding hands.

The first time they confessed their love.

The first kiss.

To the first date.

Every first thing they did.

And the second, the third, the fourth, and so on…

Until the very last.

"Rania… I love you so much."

"And I love you so much more."

Elliot chuckled despite the tears.

"I beg to disagree. I love you more."

Rania chuckled as well.

"In that case, let's just say we love each other equally."

"Alright.. Let's agree with that."

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