The King's Beloved

Chapter 263 - The Vessel Broken

[Music Recommendation: "Eternal Memory of Lightwaves" - Final Fantasy X-2 OST - available in Spotify or Youtube] ~ Also, prepare some tissues... (ಥ﹏ಥ) ~

After that, the transfer of energy was completed. Rania's body shined like the brightest star. Her light was so apparent that even those from below could see the light.

Rania touched Elliot's hand, and the Zweihänder came out, floating in front of them.

A hole suddenly appeared at the center of its handle where the crystals from the Guardians circled like a clock. The hole formed amid the other crystals, bigger than them by twice or thrice the size.

Then, Rania drew both of her hands to her chest, facing each other. In the midst of it, a sphere came out, as big as a spiritual core and the perfect size for the hole in the sword. She poured out all of the energies she gathered in that spherical core—spiritual, holy, and her own life energy.

The three energies circled inside the core, changing its once pure white color into that of a rainbow.

Lastly, Rania put the sphere into the sword, and it merged with it, transforming the black sword into a pure white and most magnificent sword there ever was. Six wings adorned its handle, and the corners were embellished with iridescent colors.

Not only did the sword transform, but Elliot's body also started to glow so brightly like the sun, bringing light unto the whole world.

As the light engulfed the world…

So did it engulf Rania…

Until the very last speck of her life energy got absorbed into the sphere.

And that last speck… was also the last piece of her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Elliot closed his eyes the moment he saw Rania starting to fade away. 

He didn't want the last memory he had of her be her body fading into nothingness.

He wanted it to be her smile… her sweet, gentle smile that could wash away any depression he would surely have moving forward.

When the last piece of her was gone, he broke out into a wild cry.

A cry that echoed throughout the world…

A cry that reached the highest of heavens with how loud and heart-wrenching it was.


As if the heavens were crying with him, rain soon fell down from the skies.

Such violent and turbulent rain poured heavily, draping everyone in its warm waters.

Along with the rain, the time that once stood still in Rania's command resumed to its normal flow now that the one who commanded it… was gone.


The whole team wailed with Elliot. 

They couldn't control their emotions.

They were all too broken… especially Elliot, whose brokenness was beyond repair.

Like an unfortunate, lost soul, he held tight unto his sword—the sword that Rania poured all of her heart into. Lifting it up, he put his forehead onto the colorful crystal in the middle, which was his last attempt at being close to her.

Then, his aquamarine eyes burned as he saw Vindicta beyond the sword, looking around, bewildered by what just happened. What's more, she could probably sense it—the sudden burst of power all around her but not from her, for it was the power of light.

With so much power than ever, Elliot lunged towards Vindicta at a speed even the greatest enemy couldn't match.

Surprised by his attack, Vindicta immediately cast a thick barrier to protect her, now scared of the power that oozed out of Elliot's body and sword. Yes, his aura was leaking out so much it was impossible not to feel. Even the pressure alone was already weighing down on Vindicta's body.

"H-How did this happen? Just a moment ago, I—"

"Why, Vindicta? WHY?!" Elliot asked him in a desperate cry. "Why do you always take away everyone that I love? Why are you so fixated on bringing me pain that you took her away from me?! WHY?!!! What did I do to you for you to hate me so much? WHY?!"

His painful cry resonated with Vindicta.

The memory of the day when she lost her beloved royal family… King Eli, Queen Alice, and the prince.

Her whole being was shaken to the core.

She didn't know why but suddenly… looking at his eyes reminded her of so many things about her beloved king and queen.

"I… I-It's because the world is evil. Everyone is evil. There is no good thing in it," she replied in a trembling voice. "Especially now that they're gone."

"You know the pain of losing the people you love, and yet you chose to inflict that same pain in everyone so they would suffer as you do."

"Y-Yes! They should suffer! That's what they deserve! T-That's…"

"Amare… it hurts so much. So very much," Elliot cried once more.

He didn't make a mistake in calling her.

Indeed, he called Vindicta her real name—the name bestowed to her by the Supreme. For that was the real her, the original her.

Being called in her real name… it was the first for a very long time.

Vindicta's spirit began to tear apart.

One side was the part corrupted by Hatred, and the other was the real her, hiding underneath.

"I understand your pain now…

I understand the feeling of wanting to destroy the world. 

Even right now, I feel empty and miserable. 

What's the point of living if she's no longer here? 

Will I still be able to smile and continue living like this? 

Even something simple as breathing feels so hard to do."

Vindicta's body trembled.

"N-No… stop."

"I want to hate everything just like you… but I can't," Elliot continued. "How can I hate the world she loved so much? The people not even her own, but she sacrificed her life for? How can I hate every single thing she cherished?"

"Stop it! N-No more!"

Vindicta's sanity took a heavy blow. Her spirit ripped apart even greater.

"That's why," Elliot added. "That's why… I'll choose to love instead. Love the people, the planet, and everyone in it."

"AAAAAHH!!! STOP!!!" Vindicta screamed at the top of her lungs.

As she screamed in pain, Elliot took the chance and stabbed her heart.

Light shined through the sword and went down to Vindicta's core.


Once the light was absorbed in her body, it drove out the darkness until, alas, her conflicting spirit finally separated!

Amare's other half immediately met with her missing piece, completing herself into a whole. As soon as she got completed, she touched the sphere in Elliot's sword and transferred her spiritual energy to it. A sudden surge of great power was added into him again.

On the other hand, Hatred finally showed its real identity—its entirety that was a hideous, wretched spirit filled with malice and contempt!

"HOW DARE A MERE MORTAL!" Hatred's voice changed into that of an evil man.

His spirit barely had a form—just pure, evil darkness that grew its own red demonic eyes and fanged mouth. It was gigantic in form, filling up the distance from the ground below towards the sky in Amare's continent as its height. Anyone who would see it would surely tremble at their feet.

But not the same could be said of Elliot. He showed no ounce of fear towards the real enemy who caused the massive rift towards everyone. The real enemy that constantly plotted to kill, steal, and destroy—Hatred.

"Your hold in this world will have to stop now," Elliot said. "You have destroyed us and made us suffer long enough. Today is the last day you'll ever touch this planet and its people! HYAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Elliot slashed through Hatred's spirit over and over again.

Hatred laughed, for he was a spirit, formless, and simply a mist. How could he even land damage to him? A cocky smile could be seen from its mouth.

But then… the light from Elliot's slashes remained in Hatred's spirit, damaging his core and sending pain all over his being!

"W-what is this?! H-How can this be?! NOOOOO!!!"

Elliot lunged at him again, from its head to its end, from one side to the other—he cut him and diced him into thousand pieces!

A massive explosion soon followed, destroying the whole spirit of Hatred until he was no more.. And once he was gone, so did all the darkness fade away from Gaia.

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