The King's Beloved

Chapter 48 - Second Gate: Beasts Of Fauna (Part 4)

After Luna read out the words from the door, it suddenly started to move until it was finally open. From their position, all they could see was darkness. Then, torches of fire lit up along the walls of the temple to reveal another pathway in which they saw no end.

They carefully entered the temple and threaded lightly. The inside of the temple was very dusty and looked dilapidated so they had to be careful in every step they took. Every now and then they would hear squeaking sounds from the shadows. This frightened Luna so she stuck to Rania like a glue and hid behind her with tears on her eyes.


A few moments later, the squeaking sounds got louder and louder. It was too late when they found out that they got surrounded! A herd of rat-looking monsters appeared before them, with blazing red eyes and elongated sharp claws.

Rania and Luna were alerted and both prepared to cast magic on their hands. The rat monsters started to attack all at once and from all directions, swinging their sharp claws towards them.

But Elliot was faster than anyone. Unfazed by alarming numbers of monsters, he simply walked past them. Every monster he passed by, burned with blue flames, quickly incinerating their bodies, until only their ashes remained. He didn't gesture his hands, or even aimed at them but their bodies just suddenly began burning. Rania and Luna were amazed by what they saw. Relaxing their shoulders, they let Elliot handle the rest and followed him as he made a path between the herd of monsters.

"Hmf, Show off," Ducis smirked and followed Elliot, along with the Griffin.

"Wow! That's amazing Elliot! I didn't know you could cast magic without aiming," Luna praised him cheerfully. "I've only ever seen Magi use their hands and aim, then cast magic like boom!"

"Don't compare Elliot to just any Magi," Ducis said proudly. "When it comes to controlling his spiritual energy, it's as easy as breathing for him!"

"If that's so then why was he aiming before when he was trying to tame the Griffin over there?"

"Well, the foolish cannot possibly fathom his greatness, so there's no need to explain how".

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"Say what?! Who are you calling foolish?!" And Luna grabbed Ducis by his collar.

Rania chuckled while watching them. "But I'm curious though, how did you do it Elliot? That's really amazing!"

"Huh?" Elliot wore an expression of confusion. He clearly thought anyone would have easily done that kind of thing. "Ahm, I simply released my spiritual energy from my feet, then travelled it to the ground, upto the feet of the monsters and their whole body".

Rania and Luna nodded their heads as if learning from a great teacher.

"Hmm, wonder if I could do that, too".

"Why not? You can give it a try later".

"I'll try!" Luna shouted and stomped her feet on the ground. She concentrated hard but nothing was happening. "Eeh? This is harder than I thought".

"Quit fooling around. Let us proceed, Elliot. Do not mind this midget".


While bickering along the way, the team finally reached the innermost part of the temple. Its appearance was the same as the innermost courts in Abyss of Nox - an empty but extra large room with a curtain that dropped from the ceiling. And in the middle of the room, instead of a sword, was a large crystal - an orange one - with many irregular sides. It shined brightly and illuminated the whole room.

Once again, Ducis asked Elliot to take the crystal.

"I still don't understand," Luna butted in. "Why is it that Elliot always gets to have the items of the temples? What if somebody else took it? What will happen?"

"If you're so curious, go on, try and take it".

Luna was surprised with Ducis' answer.

"Really?" Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Okay, fine! I'll try it". Then she flew towards the crystal and tried touching it.


"Aaaahhh!" Luna screamed in agony as lightning struck from her hands and body. The impact threw her to the other side of the room. "Aww, that hurts! You meanie dragon!"

"As you can see, that's what happens when somebody else tries to take it".

Elliot was shocked to see the crystal reject Luna so badly. Confused once more, Elliot asked Ducis, "But ... Why me? Why am I allowed to touch it?"

At these words, Ducis looked at the Griffin.

And the Griffin looked back at him.

They both nodded their heads and bowed to each other.

"It has been a long time, my friend," Ducis greeted the Griffin.

Suddenly, the Griffin shined bright orange and filled the whole room with it's light. After the blinding light, a charming and young looking woman appeared in front of them. Her long, light brown hair fluttered in the air, and her golden eyes smiled warmly at them. She wore a golden dress that faded into an orange at its ends. And with a soft, warm voice, she replied to Ducis.

"It has been a long time, indeed".

Elliot, Rania and Luna were appalled by what they just witnessed. The Griffin was the Guardian all along!

The Griffin, now turned woman, faced Elliot afterwards and looked at him endearingly.

"My name is Fauna,

And I am the Second Gate.

I am the Guardian of Beasts,

In my heart, shines Patience.

Thou hast been tested,

And evil, I found nought.

Therefore, thou shalt receiveth mine blessings.

I shalt be with thou,

And thou shalt be with me".

After saying these words, the woman vanished and went inside the large orange crystal. With still widened eyes, Elliot approached the crystal and touched it. As soon as he touched it, the Zweihänder that he kept hidden in his core, came out of him, and materialized in front of him!

Then, the large crystal began fusing with the sword. A violent gust of wind circulated in the whole temple as the two fused their powers. After a few more seconds, the sword finally absorbed everything and the large orange crystal was no more.

After absorbing the crystal, nothing much changed from the sword's appearance except for an additional small, orange crystal engraved on its handle and a more powerful aura.

Looking at Elliot, Rania recalled the message on the door of the temple.

"But when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears," Rania repeatedly said unto herself. Then she turned to Ducis and took the chance to ask him while Elliot was fazed by the sword and the crystal. "Ducis, those words …the ones engraved on the doors of this temple … actually, I know them. I know those words".

Ducis' eyes widened and with a stern look he asked Rania, "How much do you know?"

Startled by the way he looked, Rania answered, "I know - that they are a part of a whole. There are thirteen verses and the one on the door covered three of them. Verses 8, 9, and 10. But there was something missing from verse 8, at the very beginning of it".

Ducis furrowed. Rania's answers were right - very right in fact. In his mind he thought, "Why? How does she know of these things? Is it because of the Supreme Being? Did He told her?" Then opening his mouth, he began to speak to Rania with a conflicted expression. "And what was the missing part on the 8th verse that you know?"

Rania lowered her eyes for a moment. Then she looked at Ducis and stared directly at his eyes. "The missing words were ...

Love never fails".

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