The King's Beloved

Chapter 49 - Rania Asks

After getting the orange crystal from the Second Temple, the team went back to the Forbidden Chamber to rest. Elliot examined his Zweihänder to see what new abilities it had or what the stronger aura had in store. So he went to the Forbidden Forest again to practice. Ducis followed him. Luna was excited to see what it could do as well so she followed along. Rania … had a couple of things in her mind so she decided to stay in the chamber instead.

When everyone was gone, Rania went back to the library to search for a couple of books she had in mind. Books about history, about genealogy, and anything that told a story about the Magi's past … or anything that would tell her about Elliot.


Rania sighed as she let go of the last book from the pile she gathered.

"Nothing, nothing at all," she sighed again. In her desperation, she decided to pray to her God and ask the things she wanted to know.

"My Lord, those words in the door of the temple of Fauna, I know them … they were Your words. But they were incomplete. If my speculation is correct, then the remaining ten doors will have the rest. And if so, why? Why that message? I … I don't understand".

Rania joined her hands and closed her eyes.

"If it's not time yet for me to know, then let it be. But if You would be so kind to answer my questions, My Lord, and if You think it's alright for me to know, please answer me.

Who is Elliot? Why does he need to travel through the twelve doors? And why did Ducis say that I have to accompany him? What is my purpose in this journey? Elliot … I somehow … have a guess, a very wild guess why he needs to go through them. But as for me, I'm a human. What is it that I can help them with? What is it that You want me to do?"

Rania sighed again as she prayed.

"I'm sorry, here I am beginning to doubt myself again. Even after You gave me all the strength I needed. It's just that, after seeing what Elliot could do and accomplish by himself, I don't see a reason why I would be needed at all.

Please, my Lord. I'm confused. Tell me what I need to do …".

Then, as if Sleep visited her, Rania fell asleep on her chair, with her face laid on the table.

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Tik … Tok ... Tik … Tok …

Time passed by as Rania fell asleep …

Then suddenly …

"Agh!" Rania gasped and shot her eyes wide open.

She breathed heavily and her hands shook and trembled. In fact, her whole body trembled … but it wasn't in fear.

Large droplets of tears started falling from her eyes.

She laughed and cried at the same time.

She tried wiping her tears but they just won't stop.

It took awhile for her to calm down.

Once finally calm, she whispered to herself, "God, You're truly amazing!"

As to what the Lord has shown her, it is not time yet for us to know.

Meanwhile, Elliot, Ducis and Luna pondered over what new things the Zweihänder could do. Elliot tried swinging it and channeled his spiritual energy on it but it seemed that he was doing it wrong.

"Ahm, Elliot," seeing he was having trouble, Ducis decided to give him a tip. "Try talking to Fauna, she'll help you out".

"Huh? Talking to her? I thought she got absorbed in the crystal?"

"Technically, she did. But she's a Guardian. She simply resided there and created her own space so she could travel with you".

Elliot was surprised. "Oh, is that what receiving a Guardian's blessing means? Is that the reason why you're always with me too?"

"Hmm, something like that, yes".

"I see," Luna butted in. "So it's like you tamed them and you're their master now, right? That kind of thing?"

"For once, you're right, midget," Ducis snickered.

"I swear, if I hear that one more time, I'm gonna roast you!"

"Oooh, I'm scared. Maybe you mean, 'I' will roast you. I'm the one who breathes fire not you".

"Rggghhh, then I'll tie you up with the strongest plants and vines!"

On and on they started bickering again. Elliot didn't mind them and did as Ducis told him.

"Hey, Fauna, are you there?" Elliot asked the sword and tilted his head like a child. "Do you hear me?"

The orange crystal engraved in the sword started to light up.

"Yes, I hear you, master. What can I help you with?"

"Wow, you're really there," Elliot gawked in amazement. "Why master? Ducis kept on calling me like that before, too, it's irritating. Just call me Elliot".

"B-but, you are our master. We cannot possibly -"


A hint of chuckle could be heard from Fauna. "As you wish, Elliot".

"So … what's new with this sword? You combined your powers with it right?"

"Indeed, I have. Try commanding it to take its 'Second Form' and you shall see".

And so, Elliot raised the Zweihänder and commanded it.

"Zweihänder, Second Form!"

A strong gust of wind blew again and the sword shined bright and transformed!

From its original black appearance, the hilt and pommel changed into the skin of a lion, the black wings became white like that of the Griffin's, and the golden ribbon turned into the tail of a lion.

Elliot's eyes widened for a second. "Wow, it really changed".

"Yes, and not only its appearance. With this form, you can call forth any creature that you desire and they will aid you in battle".

"How do I do that?"

"Simply raise the sword and call upon them".

"Any creatures? Even other dragons?"


Elliot thought for a moment, then raised his sword to try it out.

"Sprites, gather!"

The sword emitted a brilliant light and in a matter of a few seconds, all the sprites in the forest gathered towards him.

"That's a lot. I didn't know there's too many sprites in the forest," Elliot commented. "You, you, you and you," he began pointing his fingers to the sprites he knew, the sprites who were once with them. "All of you, gather some flowers. As for the rest, you may go back. Thank you".

Fauna chuckled again. "For a moment there, I thought you were gonna call dragons".

"It would cause a commotion if I do that".

"Indeed, it will. But, why ask them to gather flowers?"

"It's for Rania. She seemed sad when we got back".

Fauna let out a sweet smile. "Wooow, that's very sweet of you, master".


"Oh, sorry. Yes, Elliot".

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