The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 162 Ch 160: The Purpose [Pt2]

If Yohan was not more aware of what kind of female Liza was, he would have taken her to be jealous of him receiving the attention of another female romantically. But there was something about Liza that made it impossible to think of.

And her drunk character was something else. The usually calm and serene human had turned shit-faced as soon as a single drop of alcohol had touched her lips.

To say that Liza had low alcohol tolerance would be an insult to any other drinker. It was more appropriate to say that she had no alcohol tolerance and she became rather loose-lipped as soon as she had a sniff of the liquor.

"Give me one more. I know I can handle this."

Yohan marveled at the fact that Liza's speech was still coherent even after seeing his body swing due to all she had drunk. She was not even looking at Yohan when she asked for another drink.

It was a bad idea to hand such a drunk person more to drink but Yohan's moral compass was a little broken so he had no problem handing her another bottle.

This time, she did not even bother to go slow and pretend to pour herself a drink. She just took the bottle and chung it all at once.

It spilled everywhere, from her dress to her lap and even over her breasts. Not that she seemed to be aware of what had happened as she drank more and more of the hard liquor.

"E-Excuse me sir, but do you want more? It's against the house policies, but I am sure I can snuggle you more alcohol. It'll be on the house as well."

Yohan looked back at his server, a considerable elder man who looked like his hairline had seen days. He looked like a degenerate no matter how you looked at him, but Yohan still decided to not doubt his intentions.

After all, it was not like he was in any danger.

"Thanks, man, but I got it from here. Besides, my companion is not something the likes of you can handle right now. You should pay attention to yourself."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The waiter looked offended by Yohan's words but that was before he saw Liza crush the bott;e she was drinking from with her bare hands. It caused her to bleed but she did not even bait an eye to her hand.

Instead, she turned toward the waiter and caught him by his collar, and yanked him closer. Her eyes were swaying in and out of focus that whole time and she was mincing.

"You better give me…hic…my drink or ele…."

For the first time, the waiter looked like he was panicking. He had never handled such a strong opponent before in his life. His instincts of being in this line told him that he would die if he interfered right now.

This girl was way too above his pay grade, so the best thing he could do for himself was to withdraw. And that was exactly what he did.

"S-Sorry man, b-but can you help me out here?"

Yohan smiled at the waiter with a sadistic smile. He was having fun while watching his fellow man struggle, but it was also getting late now and they both needed to go back.



Message from Sid…

'I found the man you wanted me to. But I must warn you that he's a little weird. Anyway, his name is Khole and he's a scientist. I will tell you more about him once you meet me in person.'


'Tsk, spoilsport.'

Yohan was annoyed by SId's paranoia about not speaking about this topic right now. He was interested to know what kind of man would have applied for an underground task such as this.'

"Khole, huh?"

Yohan wondered out loud and somehow it triggered Liza even more. She had been passive until now when it came to Yohan but he found himself being shaken by her hands. And then suddenly, he was shoved back by Liza.

"Why do you say that name? Why, huh? Why would he continue to haunt me like this even after he left my life once? What did I do wrong to be haunted by you like this?"

There were tears in Liza's eyes as she looked at Yohan. She looked far more shaken than Yohan had expected her to be. He wanted to be sad for her but he was feeling joy for reasons unexplainable.

Liza had been a boring person to Yohan this far. Her reasons, her attempts, they had not seemed to mean anything more than her trying to achieve something.

But all of a sudden, her small outburst had pushed her from boring to interesting. It also seemed like she had a lot of resentment buried inside her heart.

"Is Khole someone you know well Liza? I will help you out if you tell me about him."

Yohan was just saying this for the sake of gaining information. He had no reason or intention of helping Liza out. But she did not need to know that.

As long as she believed that he was trying to help her out, Liza would end up blurting out everything to him. She had already dropped her guard in front of him anyway.

"K-Khole is a b-bastard. He is…was my brother before he…left home to do what he wanted to *hic*. He was a genius father acknowledges and I…"

Liza stopped talking but Yohan could pretty much guess what she was going to say from here on out. She would talk about how much she liked and admired her brother before his betrayal.

But then he went away and she was not able to fill the hole he left behind, falling short of everyone's expectations. It was such a predictable and cliche story that it was not even worth paying attention to.

Still, Yohan made it seem like he was hearing Liza out. He was going to encourage her a little bit more for now.

"I am good and powerful as well, right? Tell me that I am good as well."

Liza looked determined to gain Yohan's attention and he knew now was the time to strike the hammer. Liza would do anything if he paid a little attention to her now.

"You are right. You are a powerful individual. You are someone worthy enough for me to want you. So, won't you surrender yourself to me and let me have you, Liza? We can be so great together, right?"

Yohan's hand clasped into Liza's and her blush worsened every second. She was unable to look Yohan in the eyes any longer and she looked away.

His hand caressed Liza's knuckles in a rather intimate manner which made her look away from him. Her blush was covering the whole of her face now and her shyness was a little cute.

"I…let go of me. D-Don't try to be lewd with me b-because I am not easy."

If Yohan could have laughed out loud, now would have been the time to do so. How considered holding hands lewd in this day and age? He was sure that Liza would faint if she heard all the other things Yohan had done.

"Come on Liza. I can feel your desire and your will to do more. Don't you want to stand above your brother and show him what a powerful person you are? You know I can help you out if you become my subordinate, right?"

Liza's will was wavering. Yohan could feel her considering his words and weighing if she wanted his help or not. It would not be long now, just a little more push from him.

"Liza, you want the central chord, right? I can help you achieve your goal if you give in now."

"I-of course I want it. Fine, I will become your subordinate and help you out if you agree to help me out as well."

Yohan's magic clicked in place and Liza was his with that. It would not be long before she forgot all she had tried to preserve until now and she would be bound to him.

'I wonder if I will be able to use Liza to blackmail her brother. Or, would the genius not even care about his sister? I am curious to see what would happen next.'

Yohan felt a weight land on his lap and it was Liza's sleeping face he was in his lap. There were layers of magic around her now, interfering with each other. But there was no doubt in Yohan's mind that Liza was under his spell now.

She would not be betraying him in this life and Yohan now had a reliable helper on his side.

"Now then, should I take her to meet her brother? It would be a good way to test her mental bindings. I wonder how the brother would react after seeing his sister as my bitch."

Liza kept on sleeping in Yohan's lap, unaware of what he was planning on making her do. And it was better for everyone that she was asleep. After all, it was a good time to test out everything.

And he also had enough pieces to make a real gun for the central chord that controlled this world. He would get the realm key at last.

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